Paradise Valley: The meetings held by L. Mitchell and A. Ward ended with a middle-aged couple and a man in his thirties professing salvation.
British Columbia
Kamloops: A rented building has been acquired for gospel meetings to be held September 18-30 with J. Fitzpatrick and C. Van de Wetering.
Port Coquitlam: Gospel tent meetings concluded on August 5 with B. Funston and D. Oliver, with E. Ritchie filling in for brother Oliver the two final nights. Matt Scott and Cam Thulien shared the children’s meetings. There was good interest from the community in both the mornings and evenings, and good support from believers. The brethren were happy with what God was pleased to accomplish, and encouraged to see the hand of God in salvation.
Brandon: The assembly enjoyed ministry from Philip Kay, visiting with his family from Yorkshire, England.
Winnipeg: The West End assembly was blessed by recent ministry in June from Wm. Skates, W. Ferguson (Ulster), and H. Bouwman with his chart, “From Eternity to Eternity.” In July, Paul Thiessen (Mexico) was here for a ministry, a report meeting, and a gospel meeting.
New Brunswick
Tracadie: The saints gathered at the conference on the last weekend of July enjoyed refreshing ministry. L. Buote, L. Wells, G. Roy, and local brethren took part in ministry and the gospel. A young man professed salvation on Lord’s Day. L. Wells and L. Buote are planning tent meetings in the area during August.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Charlottetown: Sandy Feltham and David Mullett, along with other brethren, have been preaching the gospel using the open-air trailer. Also, David Mullett, Bramwell Lewis, Kevin March, and Ron Mills helped in a week of open-air meetings in Hare Bay.
Lance Au Loup: The saints were thankful for a visit from Bert Joyce and his wife for a funeral service of a sister from the area. On July 24, there was a combined ministry meeting between the English Point and Lance Au Loup assemblies, when brother Joyce gave encouraging ministry.
Seal Cove: The saints enjoyed the help of George and Vincent Whey along with Bramwell Lewis for five nights of open air meetings. The response was very encouraging. Please pray that this work will produce lasting results for eternity. David Hunt has been using the boat to spread the gospel on the south coast. Helping are Chuck Hurley, Roland Ladan, David Mullett, and Mac Babstock.
Nova Scotia
Clementsvale: Matthew Cain had children’s meetings in a tent here. In the past, the assembly has been encouraged by the good response.
New Glasgow: N. Burden and E. Fowler commenced tent meetings on July 17. Before this effort, they had a Seed Sower distribution.
Spryfield: J. Fleck (N. Ireland) and A. Hull commenced July 17 in a rented room in a community centre. The Halifax assembly requests the prayers of the saints for this new outreach, and for the many unsaved children attending. They had a good number join in a Seed Sower distribution, and also had a store front in a mall where Bibles, tracts, hymns on CDs, and framed texts were given out freely.
Yarmouth: J. McClelland, helped by brother Hoager from Sydney, NS, commenced tent meetings with encouraging numbers; some are attending who have been long prayed for.
Arntein: The saints were encouraged on July 31 when three brethren and a sister obeyed the Lord in baptism. D. Nicholson was with us for this happy occasion, having just completed a week of children’s meetings in a tent in Port Loring. The assembly plans a day of ministry and fellowship on October 8 to mark 100 years since the planting of the testimony.
Lambton Shores: B. Owen and A. Ward are in the fourth week of tent meetings as of August 3. A few souls have professed to be saved, cheering the Lakeshore assembly.
Picton: G. Sharp and B. Crawford had two weeks of gospel and children’s meetings in the Crystal Palace in July. We were encouraged with the number of children that attended each morning, and some from the community who attended the gospel meetings in the evening.
Scarborough: The work among the Chinese has been encouraging. Bible studies in the house of Stephen and Cynthia Vance have been well-attended. There was a profitable eleven-day series of gospel meetings with help from Glen Todd, April 21-May 1 in the Stephen Leacock Collegiate, with good attendance and blessing in salvation. The regular Sunday gospel meeting continues in the school. Gospel tent meetings (July 21-August 21, 26-28) have had good numbers coming, some very consistently. Gaius Goff, Stephen Vance, Chad Griffin, and Bryan Joyce preached the gospel. Steph Parent was responsible forthe children’s meetings conducted each night in another tent during the gospel meeting. Prayer is valued for continued blessing in salvation and wisdom for the furtherance of this work.
Sudbury: During July, the assembly enjoyed a visit by B. Rodgers for a Lord’s Day and one night of appreciated ministry.
Saint-Alexandre: In fellowship with the Lougueuil assembly, L. Wells had three weeks of gospel meetings in July. Lvi Okinga (Toronto) gave help during the first week, and Ernest Green during the last two weeks.
Saint-Donat: Local brethren from Sainte-Flavie and Shdiac assisted G. Roy during a short series of gospel meetings during July. L. Wells gave help for the closing two meetings.
Taylorside: The saints enjoyed a happy time at the conference. E. McGrath gave a report of the Lord’s work in South Africa. Others speakers were P. Ramsay, J. Ronald, P. Simms, Wm. Skates, P. Thiessen, R. Weber, and J. Webb. One young brother was recently baptized, bringing joy to the saints.
Bridgeport: J. Jennings and R. Weber are preaching the gospel here.
Dunkerton: J. Portman gave two nights of appreciated ministry.
Saugus: E. McCullough visited the saints one evening and gave an encouraging word in ministry. The Monday evening Children’s Meetings are well attended, and there is interest for which we are thankful. G. Higgins commenced a three week series with his chart on WHAT THE BIBLE HAS TO SAY ABOUT FUTURE EVENTS. Unsaved have attended, some with interest, for whom the assembly is burdened.
Battle Creek: The Seed Sower effort in late June was well supported by saints from both within and outside the state. The children’s meetings the following week, with brother L. Langfeld, were encouraging, with a number of new contacts. Gospel meetings commenced later in July with B. Lavery and M. Smith.
Saginaw: E. Badgely and L. Mitchell finished three weeks of gospel tent meetings at the Birch Run Expo Center, twenty miles south of Saginaw. New contacts attended every night as the gospel was faithfully preached. S. Thompson and L. Mitchell gave able ministry at our August monthly meeting.
Sherman: Quite a few younger believers helped in the distribution of Seed Sowers and invitations for gospel meetings which started July 24 with B. Crawford and Stu Thompson.
Fridley: E. McCullough and W. Skates started gospel meetings here July 17, with a good number of unsaved in most nights. By the third week, there was joy over two teenaged boys professing faith in Christ.
Omaha: A conference will not be convened this September due to limitations of present facilities and planning for a new hall.
New Jersey
Barrington-Pennsauken: A veritable army of over 100, including young people and young married couples, distributed over 100,000 Seed Sowers in the South Jersey area. This was followed up with two weeks of gospel meetings with Don Draper and Paul Barnhardt. The Barrington assembly also expects to have Albert Hull for two weeks of gospel meetings, planned to begin September 11.
North Carolina
Hickory: The assembly held a week of children’s meetings in July with the help of Russ Coleman (Hatboro). The saints were encouraged by the excellent attendance and the warm unity of the workers.
Akron: We enjoyed visits recently from F. Bartlett, J. Slabaugh, and R. Surgenor.
Mansfield: Encouraging ministry was given by T. Baker, F. Bartlett, J. Slabaugh, and D. Shutt.
Bryn Mawr: Those responsible for the Sunday School, with the help of others in the assembly, had a week of special Children’s meetings nightly. The interest and attendance were good, with as many as 45 attending. Some parents were out for the last meeting.
Hermosillo: John and Michelle Dennison, and their four children, expect to move in August to this large metropolitan city on the west side of Mexico. It is three hours south of the U. S. border. Please pray for an open door in this new work.
Pachuca: A. Kelly, H. Rodriguez and P. Thiessen took part in a well-attended and very encouraging conference in late July. One sister was baptized and two souls professed after the last gospel meeting.
Puerto Vallarta: During July, the assembly was blessed by the ministry of David Oliver on the role of the Holy Spirit, collectively and individually. The assembly also rejoiced as five teenagers obeyed the Lord in baptism. At the annual Sunday School program, Romer Mosquera (Venezuela) spoke to over two hundred children and adults. A city bus driver professed faith in Christ at the close.
Sault Ste. Marie, ON and MI
September 10-11 with prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. All meetings will be in the Gospel Hall, Cor. Wellington and Spring Streets, Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Order of meetings will be Saturday 10 a.m., 1:30, 3:30 and 7 p.m.; Sunday: 10:15 a.m., 1:30, 3:30, 7 p.m. Bible Readings at 1:30 p.m. both days will deal with “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galations 5:22. Corr: R.A. Clark, 462 MacDonald Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1H9, Tel: 705-759-0968.
Sussex, NB
October 1-2 in the Sussex High School, with Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m. on Friday, September 31 in the Sussex Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 1 p.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. For information, contact Jim MacIntosh: 506-847-5863, E-mail: Accom: contact Trevor McClelland at 506-433-1234; E-mail:
Brandon, MB
October 10 in the Gospel Hall. Bible Reading (John 17) at 10 a.m., with Ministry at 1:30 p.m. Corr: Alan Ritchie, Tel: 204-727-4971; E-mail:
Vancouver, BC
October 8-10 in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer meeting Friday 8 p.m. in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Dr. Meetings on Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m. (I Cor. 15), Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m.(Gospel Hall), Ministry 2:30 and Gospel 7 p.m. Monday: Bible Reading 10 a..m.(1 Cor. 15), Ministry 2 p.m. Corr: P. Broadhead, 115-678 Citadel Dr., Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6M7; Tel: 604-468-4979, E-mail:
Blue River, WI
October 15-16 at St. John’s Gym on Wisconsin Ave. in Muscoda, WI. Prayer meeting Friday at 8 p.m. in the Blue River Gospel Hall with supper served at 6 p.m. Saturday: first meeting for ministry at 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Luke 4:1-22), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Bible Readings on Ruth will follow Monday through Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Gospel Hall. Corr: James C. Frazier, 15513 Richwood Estates Lane, Blue River, WI 53518; E-mail:
Edmonton, AB
October 14-16 in the Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall, 9302 – 95 Street. with a Prayer/Ministry on Friday at 8 p.m. Meetings on Saturday and Lord’s Day will commence at 10 a.m., ministry to follow, and Gospel at 7 p.m. Meals and accommodations provided. Corr: Joseph Bowman, 1325 Knottwood Road East, Edmonton, AB T6K 2K5; Tel: 780-405-0818; Fax: 780-461-9835, E-mail:
L’Anse au Loup, LB
October 14-16 with Prayer Meeting on the Thursday, October 13 at 7:30 p.m. Friday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 10:30 a.m. (1 Thess. 4 ), Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m., Young People’s 9:30 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 1:30 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m. Gospel Meeting at Red Bay, October 17 at 7:30 p.m. All meals served in the homes of the Christians. Accom: Francis Barney, Tel: 709-927-5696, or Eddie Barney, Tel: 709-927-5535.
Picton, ON
October 22 in the Picton Gospel Hall, 3 McFarland Drive, Picton, ON. Ministry at 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Contact Art Knight at E-mail:, Tel: 613-476-6718, or Vernon Miller at 613-476-2040. For accommodations: Reg Maxwell, 613-969-2899.
Alpena, AR
October 29-30 in the Gospel Hall , 401 Lane St. Saturday: Bible Reading at 2 p.m. with ministry following.Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Ministry 1:30 p.m. For info/accom: Will Trowbridge, Tel: 479-665-4189, E-mail:
Wallaceburg, ON
October 29-30 at the Gospel Hall, 121 Gillard Street. Saturday: Prayer, Praise, Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 1:15 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lunch and supper will be served. Contact Charles Workman, 1027 James Street, Wallaceburg, ON N8A 2P9; Tel: 519-627-8743; Hall: 519-627-7637.
Conference Reminders:
Akron, OH – September 3-4
Arlington/Marysville, WA – September 2-5
Clementsvale, NS – September 3-4
Grande Prairie, AB – September 3-4
Huntsville, ON – September 3-4
Kansas City, MO – September 4-5
Hardwick, VT – September 10-11
Arnstein, ON – September 17-18
Hitesville, IA – September 17-18
Mansfield, OH – September 17-18
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON – September 24-25
Midland Park, NJ – September 24-25
Clinton, ON – October 1-2
Manchester, IA – October 1-2
Maidstone/Mervin, SK/Paradise Valley, AB – October 8-9
St. Thomas, ON – October 8-9
Terryville, CT – October 15-16
Livonia, MI – October 22-23
Changes to T&T Address List
Matthew and Esther Cain, 33 Needle St., Sussex Corner, NB E4E 2Z2 (until further notice); E-mail:
Alvin Cook, General Delivery, 415 Lakeshore Dr., New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0
Joel Portman: Tel: 319-363-5485; Cell: 319-210-1865
Change of Correspondent
Springfield, MA: David Hanley, 304 Brainard Road, #14, Enfield, CT 06082; Tel: 860-763-0218; E-mail:
Eileen A. Kenny(Roney) of Salem, OR on December 22, 2004, age 93. She was born in Victoria, B.C. and moved with her family to Chicago in 1927 where she married James Kenny in 1931. She was saved in 1937, and was in fellowship in the Avendale Gospel Hall in Chicago. In 1968 she moved to Fresno, CA, where she was in fellowship in the White Avenue Gospel Hall. Her husband, Jimmy, was saved a few months before his death in 1987. Eileen moved to Salem in 1988 to be near family, where she was in happy fellowship until her death. She is survived by her sister Joyce Turner of Saginaw, MI, sister-in-law Charlotte Roney, nephew Howard Roney, niece Patricia Kaestner and family.
James Norman Davison of N. Ireland on May 15, having just prepared the table for the Lord’s Supper. He was saved as a boy of 14 after H. Paisley preached the gospel in Carnlough in 1944. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life” brought assurance to his soul. As a foundation member of the Craigyhill assembly, Larne, for 42 years he untiringly and uncomplainingly sought to be a help. He was a devoted husband and father, a faithful elder, a brother beloved, highly esteemed and greatly missed by all. He was ” a servant of the church” and “a succourer of many.” The large funeral was conducted by D. Gilliland and W. Fenton, with local brethren sharing.
Emily Paul of Taylorside, SK on June 4, age 88. Our dear sister was born December 22, 1916 and was saved July 31, 1928 while reading John 3:16. Her relationship with the Lord was important to her. She prayed daily for the salvation of her family. She was predeceased by her husband, Clifford, in 2003. She is survived by one son and two daughters, and their families. Prayer is requested for any not saved among them. The funeral service was taken by Murray Meyers, with John Parker at the graveside.
David McPhee of Winnipeg, MB on June 5, age 59. David was born in Glasgow Scotland, saved at 16, and emigrated to Canada at 19. The West End Gospel Hall was his spiritual home where David became a trusted elder and a beloved friend to many. He and his wife were given to hospitality and opened their home to the Lord’s people. The Lord’s work among the Hutterites was close to David’s heart, and he gave of his time and exercise to teach new believers. David will be greatly missed by his wife, Verna, two daughters and their husbands, and seven grandsons. The large funeral was taken by his son-in-law, Norman Thiessen, and Jack Gould. The very large gathering was a tribute to the respect David carried in the home, the assembly, and in the business world.
Mr. James (Jim) Savage of N. Ireland on June 5, age 95. He was saved at 15, and soon discovered and bowed to the truth of believer’s baptism and assembly principles. The assembly at James Street, Newtownards, will miss him. He was a founding member, overseer, and, for many years, correspondent. An able gospel preacher and much loved Sunday school teacher, he sowed earnestly and experienced the soul-winner’s joy. His wife Etta (Thompson) predeceased him in 1989. He was lovingly cared for in Faith House in his final 3 years. His son, Jim(wife, Margaret), daughter, Jean (husband, William Johnston), their families, and his sister, Jean all cared for him faithfully and deserve our prayers.
George D. Harris of Vancouver, BC on June 6, in his 99th year. George was saved as a lad of 16 in Gonor, MB. He will be remembered as a brother with godly convictions based on his understanding of the Word of God which he loved and studied throughout his life. He and his late wife, Daisy, were pillars in the Ashfield, MB assembly. In later years, he was in the West Richmond assembly. He is survived by his wife, Ellen (Steele), who lovingly cared for him the last 15 years of his long life. He leaves three married daughters, their husbands, and 12 grandchildren.
Elsie Kerr of Wallaceburg, ON on June 6, age 83. Our beloved sister was born in Michigan and was saved as a girl. In 1945, she married Clarence Kerr and moved to Ontario. They were a valuable help and faithful support from the beginning of the work in Wallaceburg. They were “given to hospitality,” and faithfully served in the assembly. Our sister will be greatly missed by the assembly, as well as by her two daughters and one son-in-law who are in assembly fellowship; also three sons and their wives, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her husband predeceased her in 2002, The large funeral was taken by Wm. Metcalf and J. Nesbitt.
Mary Frith of Burnaby, BC on June 8, age 86. Our beloved sister was saved in 1929 as a girl of ten; then as a teenager, was baptized and received into the fellowship of the Cedar Cottage assembly (now Victoria Drive). She bore a godly and consistent testimony, and was marked by a meek and quiet spirit. She suffered patiently with kidney disease and was on dialysis treatment for 13 years. She was predeceased by her brothers, David, and John of Venezuela. She leaves one brother, four sisters, three sisters-in-law, two brothers-in-law, and extended family. The funeral was shared by P. Broadhead and B. Funston, with S. Simonyi-Gindele at the graveside.
Clayton A. Caldwell of Midland, ON on June 10, age 66. Our dear brother was saved as a teenager through the assembly Sunday School. He was baptized and later received into the fellowship of the Midland assembly where he continued steadfastly for over forty years. Our brother appreciated his salvation and the Lord’s people. He valued the Word of God, and was marked by a quiet spirit. The funeral service was taken by local brethren. He leaves to mourn a sister, Irma Leonard, and many nieces and nephews who are not yet saved, for whom prayer would be valued.
Ken Tousignant of Toronto, ON on June 12, age 55. He was saved at Windsor in 1972 and was in assembly fellowship at Partington Ave.; then, for the past 25 years at Victoria Park (Pape Ave.), Toronto. Ken loved the assembly. He was a faithful brother, worshiper, worker, and tract distributor. Our dear brother patiently endured the ravages of cancer for the past three years, and seldom missed remembering the Lord. He leaves his wife Anna, daughters Elizabeth (Jason), Priscilla (Jeff), and four grandchildren. The funeral was shared by N. Lorimer, R. Reilly, and R. Fairley (Windsor).
Vance E. Williams of Moncton, NB, on June 20, age 83. He was saved in December 13, 1950 during the first gospel series held at the Mountain Rd. Gospel Hall by David Leathem and Reg Jordan. He was a man greatly respected, inside and outside the assembly. The simple way in which his Savior was lived out in his life was striking. He was a man of few words, but a man whose words meant something and could be relied upon. The funeral was taken by Mark MacPherson, Stephen Budd, and Murray McCandless with Bill Swan speaking at the grave. He is survived by his wife Adelaide (Addie), four daughters, one sister, eight grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
Margaret McLean of Niagara Falls, ON on June 23, age 85, after a long time in a home for the aged. Our sister was a single school teacher, and bore a good testimony for our Lord Jesus Christ. She was in the assembly here for over 50 years. The funeral was taken by W. Smith.
Austin Morton of Vancouver, BC on June 29, age 78. He was born again in Moncton, NB in 1947 during gospel meetings held by Albert Ramsay and Douglas Howard. He moved to Vancouver in 1971, and was with the Woodland Drive assembly for many years, which now meets in the South Burnaby Gospel Hall. He is survived by his wife, Shirley, two sons and their wives, and three grandchildren. He will be missed by all. The funeral service was taken by Stan Wells and Ralph Morton.
Mrs. Amy Gray of London, ON on July 2, 2005, age 93. Our dear sister was born, saved, and received into fellowship in Newtownards, N.I. She and her beloved husband, John (1994), were commended to do pioneer work, and sailed for Canada in 1946 where they resided in Portage la Prairie, Port Arthur, and finally in London from 1958. Kindness was the essence of Auntie, as she was known affectionately by her nephew David Gray and others. She had a great love for the assembly of God and has left a rich legacy of happy memories. She was noted for her faithfulness, cheerfulness, and frequent references to the goodness of God. The funeral was taken by Wm. Metcalf in the Hall and G. Brodie at the grave. D. Warden, J. Porter, E. Bell, D. Derksen, and H. Garnham also shared in the service.
William Batterton of Terryville, CT on July 4, age 90. He was born in Waterbury, CT, and born again at age 37. He served as an overseer in the Waterbury/Terryville assembly for many years, and was a faithful and consistent brother. He and his wife Betty were known for their hospitality and care for the Christians. His funeral service in the Gospel Hall was taken by Steven Morin and Walter Gustafson. David Hanley, a nephew, spoke at the grave.
Wilma Kember of Chatham, ON on July 4, age 85. She was saved at age 16 in Waverley, ON. After her marriage to Walter Kember in 1942, she moved to Sarnia and was in happy fellowship there for 56 years until she moved to Chatham in 1999 due to failing health. She loved the assembly and her family, and she was a steady help to her husband through the many years of his making “Kember texts.” The large funeral was taken by T. Kember and M. McLean. Her son-in-law, Raymond Fairley, spoke words of comfort at the graveside.
Eric Taylor of Taylorside, SK on July 11, age 65. Our dear brother was saved September 4, 1967 and was gathered with the assembly at Taylorside. During his illness, he was lovingly cared for at home by his wife, Gwen, by whom he will dearly missed; also two daughters, three sons, and their families for whom prayer is requested. The funeral service was taken by Herb Wright, with Dave Taylor at the graveside.
Bessie Patton of Peterborough, ON on July 13. Bessie was predeceased in 1994 by her husband Samuel, a faithful servant of the Lord, and also by a son, Joseph. She is survived by her son, George (Lorna) Patton of Portage la Prairie. Bessie was a godly sister, steadfast in the things of the Lord, and much given to hospitality. Her large funeral was taken by K. Nicholson and E. Miller. L. Steers spoke at the graveside.
Ermadel Williamson, of Marion, IA on July 13, age 75, eight days after suffering a stroke. She was saved on April 4, 1948 through Luke 19:10. Along with her husband , Louis, she was in the Manchester assembly. After their move to Iowa City, they were in fellowship in Marion for a number of years. She was kind and humble, and with her husband, was steadfast and faithful to the assembly. Besides her husband, she leaves a daughter, Iris Duff, a son Keith, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. R. Orr spoke at the service with A. Christopherson at the grave.
Ruby M. Clark of Sault Ste. Marie, ON on July 17, age 83, after triple bypass surgery. Ruby was born in Port Arthur (Thunder Bay) in 1921, and born again in 1935. In 1944, she married Sandy Clark, and together they have continued in happy fellowship in the assembly. Their home was always open to the Lord’s people. She had a keen interest in discussing the Scriptures. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss six children and spouses, 17 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, most in assembly fellowship. Her son-in-law, Gary Sharp, spoke comforting words at the funeral and grandson, Jeffrey Sharp, at the graveside. Donald Clark (Detroit) closed in prayer.
Alma (Kampman) Studnicka, of Blue River, WI on July 17, age 85. She was saved in 1933 and was first in fellowship at Hitesville, IA. Since her marriage to Ott, in 1940, they had been in fellowship in Blue River for many years. She was known for cheerfulness, steadfastness, and, along with her husband, was much given to hospitality. She was predeceased by her husband and leaves two daughters, Charleen, and Sandra (Ronald Anderson), and two grandsons. Also surviving are sisters, Margaret Asche and Anne Orr, and brother Bert Kampman. R. Orr and J. Frazier shared the service.
Hannah Josephine Yandt of London, ON on July 21, in her 96th year. She was born in Grey County, ON. At the age of 16 she was stricken with paralysis and advised that she would never walk again; but with determined effort she did. Hannah moved to London for employment. Through a boarder she came in contact with Christians and the gospel when she was over 60 years of age. She was saved through the truth of John 1:29 and was received into fellowship in London in 1978. She faithfully attended assembly meetings until in later years her health would not permit. Ross Parker and Gordon Brodie took the funeral.
New Books Available
” Dieu Seul la Gloire!”
(To God Alone be the Glory!)
by Robert Arsenault
This book, recently published in French, records the early years of assembly gospel work among the francophones of New Brunswick. The author, Robert Arsenault, is from the Shediac assembly. The book relates how over eighty francophones were saved by the grace of God. The book also recounts the establishment of the four French-speaking assemblies of New Brunswick, the first being Green River in 1979.
The preface was written by Leslie Wells.
The book has 234 pages, including 16 pages of photos. It is soft bound and sells for $25.00.
You may order this publication in one of four ways:
ditions de la Vrit
801 Julia Court
Shediac NB, E4P 1X6
Marie-France Cormier at 506-532-1155
Seaside Scripture (Gordon Swan) at 902-383-2986.
The Seven Churches of Revelation 1 to 3
by Sydney Maxwell
Sydney Maxwell was a former associate editor of the Truth and Tidings and editor of the Question & Answers for many years. The saints in North America and beyond received much helpful ministry from your brother. His valuable ministry on this important section of the New Testament is a sample of that. His messages were recorded and have been carefully written to preserve as much as possible the unique style of our dear brother.
This 150 page book has been attractively bound and contains a chart that illustrates the teaching.
In the US, please order from:
Mr. Norman Crawford
2148 Creglow Drive
Jackson, Michigan 49203
In Canada please order from:
Mr. Robert Reilly
610 Bullock Drive, Suite 209
Markham, ON Canada L3R 0G1
In the UK, please order from:
Mr. Kevin Cox
33 Cotswold Dr.
Wellingborough, Northhamptonshire
England NN8 2JB
The cost is $8.00 US or 6.00 Sterling, including the cost of postage.