A Tribute to Ken Moore (2)

Remembering an Encourager

I count it a privilege and an honor to forward a brief word of tribute concerning our departed brother Ken Moore. He was indeed “a beloved brother, faithful minister, and fellow servant in the Lord” (Colossians 4:7). He was unique in ways that endeared him to the Lord’s people. Who can forget Ken’s winsome smile, his positive outlook on life with Christ, his cheerful countenance, and yes, his hearty laugh? Ken lived in the joy of his salvation and Savior.

He was saved at 33 years of age and soon took a deep interest in the gospel. He not only enjoyed preaching it, but also enjoyed being with those who preached with him. He had a way of giving words of encouragement and timely advice. He loved children and young people, and many whose lives he touched have honored the Lord in their spiritual progress.

Sometime after 1970, I met Ken, and from that time a bond of friendship and fellowship was formed. In 1976, when he learned that I had been commended to the Lord’s work, he corresponded to encourage us in the gospel work; this carried on through the years.

I had the joy of laboring with him in several gospel series. Our first series together was in 1986 at the Lakeview Gospel Hall. It was a small assembly, but whether 10 or 50 were in fellowship made no difference to him. In 1992 he came to Picton to join me in tent meetings. I remember his being so excited when an amazing number of unsaved young people attended those meetings.

Through the years together we had cause to thank God for some precious souls that came to Christ and were added to the assembly. Never once did I hear a complaining word from him or hear him speak ill of others. He was marked by humility, never seeking glory from man, but seeking, rather, to glorify the Man Who died for him.

He loved to speak on Revelation 3:20, the verse that God used in his salvation. On February 28, 1960, he received the Savior, and what a wonderful change took place!

On June 1st, his Savior received him into His presence and Ken could well have heard the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant … enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matt 25:21). We all will miss him, but no one will miss him so much as Doris, his beloved wife and help-meet in the gospel.