



Paradise Valley: The assembly enjoyed visits after our annual conference by L. Mitchell, B. Funston, J. McClelland, and J. Webb. The saints were encouraged by the much-needed ministry.

British Columbia

Beaverdell: Meetings are continuing here on Friday nights by Westbank brethren, with good interest.

Castlegar: There was very good interest in meetings John Fitzpatrick held here on assembly truths, with 11-18 adults out nightly.

Vancouver: The monthly ministry meeting at Fleetwood in November was shared by Bryan Funston and David Chesney. Two young men have been baptized recently at West Richmond. Ken Taylor reported on Haiti at the December missionary meeting held in the South Main Gospel Hall. Pray for the gospel series in South Burnaby commencing in mid-January with Marvin Derksen and David Oliver.


Steinbach: The assembly formed within the last two years has approximately 20 in fellowship and is seeking to hold forth the word of life in this Mennonite community. Blair Seale has been of great help, having moved recently with his family from Winnipeg to be near his employment here. Previously, the assembly met in a rented building, but recently bought a building which they are renovating. Albert Hull was a help to the assembly during the month of November.

New Brunswick

Cornnors: In November, Leslie Wells and Grard Roy visited from door to door in this new area with gospel texts and French Via magazines.

Green River: The assembly had its monthly ministry meeting December 4. Leslie Wells, Larry Buote, Grard Roy, and two local brethren gave help in the ministry of the Word.

Kingston: Murray McCandless and local brethren from the Sussex assembly commenced gospel meetings the first of November in a rented school library. Some are attending with interest at this time.

Tracadie: Two sisters were received into the fellowship of the assembly the first weekend of December, giving joy to the saints.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Flowers Cove: Three weeks of gospel meetings with Eric Fowler and Bryan Joyce concluded November 21. There was little response from the community, but there were teenaged children of the Lord’s people out each night. The Christians prayed and labored fervently, and were encouraged by the message of the cross. They also continue faithfully to visit two seniors homes to sing and preach once a month.

L’Ance-au-Loup: Exercised brethren and sisters of the L’Ance-au-Loup and English Point assemblies have started a youth night for the teenagers in the area every third Friday. This includes activities, singing, a message from the Word, and lunch. They have had two sessions already with a good response, and hope to continue through the winter.

Parsons Pond: David Hunt and James McClelland began gospel meetings November 21. Please pray that the Lord will bless His Word in salvation.

Red Bay: The assembly had a week of gospel meetings starting December 5.

Seal Cove: David Hunt and George Whey shared several weeks of gospel meetings in November with a very encouraging response from the area. God is to be praised for His goodness, as the work progresses among the faithful believers in this region.

St. John’s: The saints of God enjoyed having Bert Joyce and his wife for several weeks after the conference. He was in the area for additional testing on his heart. While here, he gave helpful ministry and shared in the regular meetings of the assembly.


Clinton: A week of children’s meetings in November proved encouraging with the prospect of several new children being added to the Sunday School. Larry Buote visited November 3, giving appreciated ministry.

Clyde: Lorne Langfeld spent the Lord’s Day, November 7, with the assembly and had an open Sunday School for the children. Fred Krauss was with the saints for Lord’s Day, November 14 and two nights following, giving practical ministry. Jim Webb encouraged the saints on Lord’s Day, November 28.

Collingwood: Lorne Langfeld visited the assembly for five nights, giving ministry from 1 Timothy 1-3. The meetings were well attended and saints encouraged. The saints enjoyed a spiritual uplift on November 21 when Bernie Forshew took open Sunday Schoolthen spoke in ministry and gospel. Please pray for gospel meetings in January 2005 with Gary Sharp.

Grimsby: Gospel meetings are continuing here with Jim Beattie and William Metcalf. There is a good exercise for these meetings.

Lambton Shores: The Lake Shore assembly recently had visits from Paul Poidevin of Zambia and Elton Fairfield of Japan. These brethren, with their families, have returned to their mission fields. Bert Snippe ministered and told of the work in Leamington. Larry Buote, Brian Owen, and Wm. Metcalf also visited with ministry.

London: The annual fall conference, November 6-7, deemed one of the best, was a real blessing and profit to the saints. Attendance was good and ministry was given by quite a number of able brethren.

North Bay: The Nipissing Junction assembly enjoyed a Lord’s Day with Bruce and David Rodgers on October 17, and also Allan LeBlanc for the monthly ministry meeting October 24. Gospel meetings commenced November 14 with Jim Jarvis and David Booth. We look to the Lord for blessing in the salvation of precious souls.

Oshawa: The conference in November was well attended with six of the Lord’s servants, as well as local brethren from various assemblies, giving timely and practical ministry. We also enjoyed visits from Stephen Vance and Larry Steers.

Sudbury: Ministry given by Alvin Cook at the monthly ministry in November was encouraging. He also visited the assembly for a mid-week meeting.

Wallaceburg: Prayer is requested for gospel meetings to begin here the latter part of January 2005, D.V. William Metcalf and Bert Snippe will be here for these meetings.

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: Please pray for Peter Orasuk, facing surgery in early December.

Springfield West: On November 21st the assembly had an all-day meeting to commemorate 65 years of assembly testimony. Lewis McKenzie gave a report to a full hall of visitors on the commencement of the testimony. He and his wife are the only members still living that were in the assembly at its commencement. Ministry followed by Murray McCandless, Scott McLeod, Robert McIlwaine, Peter Orasuk, and Noel Burden. It was a real joy to all to have brother McIlwaine with us for the occasion considering his recent sickness, and to hear him take part again.


Taylorside: Recently we enjoyed visits from Jim Webb, Gordon Williams, Jack Gould, and Steve Kember. One young brother was received into assembly fellowship, bringing joy to the saints.

U. S. A.


Phoenix: The conference this year was enjoyed by the assembly. Servants of the Lord present were Philip Harding, Bill Lavery, Jim McColl, Ed Doherty, Alan Davidson, G.P.Taylor, and Colin Raggett. Jim McColl and Bill Lavery stayed for a week of ministry following the conference.


Brookfield: The assembly recently concluded another encouraging series of weekly children’s meetings. Several brethren from nearby local assemblies helped out with these efforts. We also enjoyed help from David Oliver. Please pray that the seed sown in these meetings will result in the salvation of these children and their families.


Dunkerton: Gospel meetings in November with E. McCullough and R. Nesbit finished with some blessing in salvation.

Monticello: Meetings with Al Christopherson and William Skates have closed. The interest from the community was not as good as had been hoped.


Byfield: The saints enjoyed three nights of ministry by Alan Davidson (NI) on the Lord’s Return. Gospel meetings with Robert Surgenor were scheduled to begin on December 12.

Methuen: On October 28th, Alan Davidson gave encouraging ministry. Harold Paisley visited on Lord’s Day, November 28, and gave helpful ministry in the afternoon meeting, with a number attending from surrounding assemblies.


Jackson: The assembly had an appreciated visit from Brian Owen in early December. Norman Crawford took up Romans 6, 7 and 8 in ministry the second week in December.

Saginaw: Dan Shutt and Stuart Thompson ministered the Word at our monthly meeting November 7. The saints enjoyed a visit in ministry from Brian Owen at the close of November. At the all-day meeting December 5, William Metcalf and Norman Crawford were present for ministry and gospel. Surrounding assemblies supported by their attendance.


Twin Cities: A young woman, recently saved through John 3:16 during a Lacrosse conference gospel meeting, obeyed the Lord in baptism in November and was received into assembly fellowship in mid-December.

New Jersey

Midland Park: Three weeks of gospel meetings with Eugene Higgins ended November 14 with good attendance. One family contacted has sent some children to the Sunday School, and prayer is requested for them and the other family members. Distribution of Seed Sowers texts in nearby towns is continuing, and the assembly requests the prayers of God’s people for this effort.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: The saints appreciated two weeks gospel meetings from a chart on prophecy with William Lavery, as well as a week’s ministry with Philip Harding on Church Truth. A Seedsowers distribution is planned for late December, to be followed by gospel meetings in January. Please pray for these efforts as well as those just past.


Akron: James Smith visited for a Lord’s Day, giving Christ-exalting ministry.

Mansfield: Elton Fairfield of Japan gave helpful ministry and a report of the Lord’s work.


Bryn Mawr:The assembly was helped by three nights of ministry and also reports of the work in Mexico. The annual conference was a time of encouragement and cheer, with good attendance. Those that ministered were J. Chung, M. Derksen. W. Gustafson, A. Higgins, G. Higgins, H. Paisley, and J. Procopio.

Hatboro: The assembly enjoyed two nights of ministry and a report on Mexico. Also, the believers appreciated four nights of ministry with H. Paisley prior to the Bryn Mawr conference.


Matoaca: A women who had been concerned for some time professed faith in Christ.


Blue River: Alex Dryburgh was here for the conference, and then had ministry meetings in Ontario, Beetown, Mount Sterling, and Black River Falls, WI, before going on to the LaCrosse conference. Afterward, he visited with the saints in Waukesha for a few ministry meetings.

Hayward: Jim Frazier and Art Ward are having gospel meetings here. They have been encouraged by the attendance and the Lord has blessed in salvation.

Other Fields

N. Ireland

Co. Antrim

Kells: The assembly has been very much encouraged with a baptism on the eve of the return of S. Wells to North America. Seven were baptized who had been saved during his meetings here, and on his previous visit to Glengormley with W. Fenton.

Sandringham (Carrickfergus): R. McKeown and W. Fenton have concluded a gospel series here with blessing in salvation.

Tully: Stanley Wells has been in the province since May, having had a fruitful series of gospel meetings with John Fleck (Buckna) here (near Ballymena). Brother Wells also had several short series of ministry meetings over the province in a number of assemblies.

Co. Armagh

Bleary: B. Currie and J. Palmer are in their fifth week of gospel meetings in the Gospel Hall.

Lurgan: The annual conference was well attended with profitable ministry given by a number of the Lord’s servants. The Bible readings were conducted by J. Flanigan, D. West, J. Stubbs, and D. Gilliland. Missionary reports were given by R. Neill (S. Africa), W. Halliday (Zambia). Brother Houston gave details of the Lord’s Work Trust Fund in Kilmarnock.

Co. Down

Belfast (Cregagh Street): D. Gilliland and J. Fleck are preaching the gospel here in the city.

Belfast (Glengormley): Frank Sona (N. America) had a well attended series of gospel meetings in the Gospel Hall here. The area was well visited and many heard the gospel. Brother Sona also gave appreciated ministry in a number of assemblies during his short stay in N. Ireland.

Holywood: S. Maze and R. Eadie have commenced here in the gospel.

Killyleagh: A. Colgan and L. Craig have commenced gospel meetings in the small assembly here.

Mullafernaghan: R. Pickering and T. Wallace have concluded seven weeks in a portable hall with blessing in salvation.

Shanaghan: F. McCauley and Mark Campbell are continuing to preach the gospel in a portable hall near to Shanaghan Gospel Hall.

Co. Tyrone

Omagh: M. McKillen and W. Fenton have commenced here in the gospel.

Martry: N.Coulter and N.Tinsley have concluded six weeks of gospel meetings with good attendance.

The following conferences were held: at Lungs, Co. Tyrone, at Omagh, Co. Tyrone, at Donemana, Co. Londonderry, and at Clough, Co. Antrim.

Republic of Ireland

Co. Donegal

Letterkenny: G. Stewart and S. Patterson have commenced in the Gospel Hall here. The population has increased in recent years, but this is still a very difficult area.

Co. Dublin

Dublin (Rathmines): R. McKeown has commenced to preach the gospel in this large city and was encouraged with one soul to date having professed salvation.


Puerto Vallarta: We were greatly blessed by a group of believers that came from Arizona, Wisconsin, Oregon, Michigan, and Ontario to help with carpentry work in the hall and automotive repairs on the vehicles used in the work. Some of them hoped to return again on December 8 to finish up some jobs in time for our upcoming conference.

Tepic: A good conference was held November 20. About 50 believers came on a rented bus from Puerto Vallarta. As well as the full time workers, Randy Polley and Phil Howard gave profitable ministry. Following the conference, there were gospel meetings which were an encouragmentd with about 80 people attending nightly. The Cain’s oldest boy (11) indicated that he had trusted Christ as his Savior. Your prayers would be valued very much at this time.


David and Elizabeth Richards moved from Yekaterinburg to St. Petersburg at the beginning of November and were well received by the little assembly. Brother Richards hopes there will be opportunity to give both assemblies teaching on New Testament Church truth. The Richards will be returning home December 12 with plans to return to St. Petersburg February 17, and are looking to the Lord to open the door for legal recognition to work among homeless children.

St. Lucia

Jack Nesbitt held meetings at La Gare, Forestiere, and Ciceron. The rainy season continued with lots of heavy showers causing mudslides and very poor road conditions. The effects of an earthquake northwest of Dominica that measured over six on the Richter scale were felt over the entire region. It caused no damage in St. Lucia, but a number of buildings were affected on other islands, and several people died on the French island of Guadeloupe.The assembly at Forestiere enjoyed four nights of ministry by William and David Oliver, considering the Book of Ruth and New Testament Letters for Leaders, respectively. The attendance was good, including support from the surrounding assemblies. Having the support of like-minded brethren is very much appreciated.


Timothy Sloan reports (November 25) that thousands of people have gathered now for the fourth day in sub-zero temperatures to voice their opposition to the outcome of the November 21st presidential election. Many people are viewing this as their first real chance for change over the last 13 years since independence. The protestors feel that they have had to endure a lot of hardship. Corruption is rife and poverty is widespread with the national average monthly wage standing at $60. The dream of independence has turned sour and so they are grasping this opportunity as a time for a new beginning.So far everything is peaceful though calls are being made for a national strike and civil conflict. We would appreciate the prayers of the Lord’s people that peace will prevail and that whatever the outcome, religious liberty will continue, allowing us to continue to preach the gospel. Please pray also for the believers in Lutsk and L’viv. It seems to be hard for some of them not to be nationalistic in their outlook. Pray that they will be willing to accept the Lord’s will and that they will seek to promote unity in this very politically divided country.The change from Norway to Ukraine is proving to be difficult for family life, language, and just about everything to do with daily living. As yet I have not been able to find anywhere suitable to live and this leaves things unsettling!! Correspondence has been a difficulty. Some weeks ago I posted a lot of letters from Ukraine to different parts of the world. As far as I know none of these reached their destination. Should any who have corresponded with me not yet received a letter, please contact me at sloanukraine@hotmail.com, or by letter to Timothy and Rhoda Sloan, c/o Mr Thomas Sloan, 7 Oaklands Drive, Newtownabbey, BT37 0XE, N. Ireland.I am in Kiev today to collect Jonathan Booth (our N. Ireland architect) who is making a short visit as we try to finalize plans for the assembly building in Lutsk. I have tried, with the help of the assembly, to find a place for gospel meetings in Lutsk, but the prices are prohibitive – $1000 per month or $100,000 US to buy. The answer is to build, and we are working towards this goal. We are not sure when, but God willing we need to make a start by the fall of 2005. As far as I know we will be using Ukrainians for the foundation work, wall, flooring and roof. When we are at this stage we would really appreciate the help of believers (who can afford time off in Ukraine) to help with interior work.


Seattle, WA

January 15-16, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Gospel Meeting at 7 p.m. in the West Woodland Gospel Hall, 516, NW 56th St. All other meetings will be held in the West Woodland Elementary School adjacent to the Gospel Hall. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m. Ministry 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m. and Gospel 7 p.m. Bible Reading topics: Saturday (Assembly Life, Privilege), Sunday (Assembly Life, Responsibility). Corr: Andrew Hale, 23810 – 75th Ave S.E., Woodinville, WA 98072; Tel: 425-402-8278; email:haleco@integrity.com; Hall: 206-783-1368.

San Diego, CA

February 19-20 in the Gospel Hall, 4646 Twain Ave. with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m. (Philippians 2), Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7p.m. Corr: William Smith; Tel: 619-582-2109; Hall 619-280-7021.

Conference Reminders:

Pennsauken, NJ – January 8-9

Deland, FL – February 5-6

Tylertown, MS – February 20



Al Christopherson, email: alrchris@msn.com

Joe and Penny Clark, Box 284, Coalhurst, AB, T0L 0V0; e-mail: joeandpen@myexcel.ca

Eric McCullough, 4934 Bluebell Road, Cedar Falls, IA 50613; Tel: 319-266-0333.

Mrs. James (Anne) Ronald, c/o 45 Sandalwood Cres. London, ON, N6G 2Z6.

Stephen Vance, 162 Bonis Avenue, Scarborough, ON, M1T 3V7; Tel: 416-293-2575; Fax 416-293-3115; email: sjvance@gospeloutreach.ca


Susie Halverson of Glen Ewen, SK on October 13, 2004, age 93 years. Saved as a teenager, she was baptized and received into fellowship at Portage la Prairie, MB. Most of her life was spent in the Glen Ewen area, consistently supporting the assembly and teaching Sunday School for about 40 years. She showed hospitality cheerfully and was a “mother in Israel.” Our sister was predeceased by her husband Merrit in 1989 and son Eddie in 1990. She is survived by daughter Ruth Muir, son Allan, and several grandchildren. Jim Hanna, Randy Logue, and David Muir took the funeral service from the Gospel Hall. Please pray for grandchildren not saved. We will miss her prayers.

Dewayne N. Smith of Manchester, IA on October 29, 2004, age 85. Our dear brother was born April 22, 1919 and saved March 21, 1932 at the age of 12. On January 21, 1942 he was married to Bernice Groothuis in Kelsey, IA. Five years later they moved to Manchester where they have been in fellowship in the assembly since that time. He is survived by his wife, a daughter Carla M. Jasperson of Barrie, ON; a daughter-in-law, Dana (Adrian) Brudos of Waunakee, WI; three grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, a son Lowell Smith in 1995, and an infant brother, Beauford Smith. The funeral service November 2 was held in the Gospel Hall, with Eric McCullough and Robert Orr speaking.

Mr. Stanley Ryland of L’Anse au Loup, Labrador on November 6, 2004, age 92. Mr. Ryland was saved in June of 1964. He was a very quiet man, but was always there for the meetings over the years. The past several years he was confined to a chronic care facility. His wife Minnie predeceased him in 2000. He leaves behind four sons and two daughters. Please pray for most of these family members who are not saved. The funeral was from the L’Anse au Loup Gospel Hall and was taken by Francis Barney and Edward Barney.

Robert John McKeighan of Turlock, CA on November 9, 2004 age 89. He gathered in fellowship with the believers at Turlock Gospel Hall. He is survived by his wife, Lillian McKeighan, of Turlock, daughter, Janice Ewing of Twain Hart, Donna Hawkins of Twain Hart, four grandchildren, and five great grandchildren.

Bena (Elliott) Harvey of Aplington, IA on November 19, 2004 age 95. Our beloved sister was saved in 1928, pointed to Christ by the late Oliver Smith. For over 75 years she was in the fellowship of the Hitesville assembly. Along with her first husband, the late Paul Elliott, she served the Lord faithfully with a love for souls. Paul preceded her in death in 1998. She was married to Fred Harvey who survives her; also her son Paul J. Elliott, two stepsons, two stepdaughters and their spouses, three grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren, besides other relatives. Bena was a resident of a care center in recent months. The funeral was shared by Allan Christopherson and Robert Orr, with Steve Walvatnee taking some part.

Janetta Watson Dautle of Bryn Mawr, PA on November 24, age 94, was quietly called home after many months of declining health and difficulty. At age 14, Janetta was awakened and saved during gospel meetings conducted by John Blair in the Bishop Ave. Gospel Hall in Bridgeport, CT. In 1928 she came to the Bryn Mawr area to work and has been associated with the assembly here for 76 years. In 1950 she married John Dautle, who mourns her passing. Nephews and their families, a number of whom are not saved, showed loving care and interest and heard the gospel at the funeral. William Oliver spoke at the funeral home with David Oliver at the grave.

Elizabeth Jane Hoey of Bethany Lodge, Unionville, ON on November 26, 2004 age 96. Our beloved sister was born in Crosshill, Glenwherry, N. Ireland in 1908 and born again in 1921 during meetings by W.P. Nicholson in Ballymena, N.I. She spent over 50 years in assemblies in Toronto. Her husband predeceased her in 1993. She is survived by an only daughter, Lilian (Mrs. Jack Yocum). The funeral was conducted by George Telfer. Fitting words of tribute and comfort, along with a gracious invitation to receive the Savior, spoke to many hearts. If some present make this occasion the day of salvation, our prayers will be answered.

International Bible House

We would like the Lord’s people to be made aware of the following resources that are freely available for immediate distribution for Gospel and assembly outreach work. This is sponsored by assembly believers in the Vancouver, BC area and elsewhere.

We have a large quantity of 5×7 and 8×10 texts: Matthew 6:33, Matthew 11:28, John 17:3, Revelation 3:20, Romans 5:1, II Corinthians 5:21, and John 3:16 in many languages, including Spanish, Punjabi, and Chinese. Bibles and NT’s are available in Chinese, Korean, Russian, Urdu, and others; tracts/booklets in many different languages.

Please let us know if you can use any of these excellent resources in the spread of the gospel in your area.

Stock is available at two locations:

International Bible House
7630 Berg Rd.
Delta, BC V4G 1G4, Canada
Email: ibhpublications@primesignal.com
Phone: 604-649-7759 (Mon-Wed 10-3 pm PST)

International Bible House
c/o 6 Beech St.
Brampton, ON L6V 1V1, Canada
Email: ibibleht@hotmail.com
Phone: 416-908-6787