Fort McMurray: Bryan Funston had a Lord’s day and two nights of ministry the first week of June. This was the first anniversary of the new assembly meeting in the Waterways Community Centre. There are about 40 in fellowship who seek to maintain a clear testimony for Christ.
British Columbia
Port Coquitlam: Three weeks of tent meetings with Bryan Funston and Jim Jarvis concluded on July 30. This is the second year at the same site, and several new and old contacts from the community attended. The children’s meetings were particularly well-attended, with Colin Abernethy and Can Thulien each taking a week with appreciated help from many brethren and sisters. There is no assembly testimony in this populous area.
Vancouver: Two weeks of children’s meetings in the Nanaimo Road Gospel Hall were held the last week of July and the first week of August. The effort was preceded by a renovation of the building exterior and a visitation of the neighbourhood. A number of brethren and sisters from various assemblies shared in the work, and a good number of children attended.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Parsons Pond: Eric Fowler and Stephen Joyce had two weeks of profitable open-air meetings in the area, two meetings each night in different locations. They were held from a trailer, much like a regular gospel meeting.The response was encouraging and the time with the assembly was a blessing to the believers.
Seal Cove: Gordon Williams and George Whey had a week of open-air meetings from the Gospel Hall parking lot the last week of July. G. Williams held a ministry meeting before each open air service.
St. John’s: Local brethren have been holding open-air meetings in the town of Manuels on Sunday evenings.
Templeman: In the mid-July, George Whey and Gordon Williams had a week of open-air meetings in the area, and brother Williams gave appreciated ministry through the week.
Nova Scotia
Clementsvale: Following the conference in early September, Albert Hull and Peter Ramsay will continue in gospel meetings with the assembly. There has been encouragement in the children’s work and a number of the parents in the area have attended. Please pray that the seed sown will be followed by a time of reaping.
Halifax: Dale Robbins of the Halifax assembly expresses appreciation for all the prayers of the Lord’s people. He has been on “trial medicine,” which has helped, but is of a temporary nature. Please continue to pray.
Malbou: Fred Bartlett, helped by local brethren, commenced in the gospel on July 14. This effort is a follow-up from previous contacts.
New Annan: Bill Bingham and Eddie Wong (Vancouver) are in the tent in this needy area. God has blessed in the past and continued prayer would be appreciated.
New Glasgow: There was a Seed Sower distribution in this area in view of tent meetings which commenced at the beginning of August with Bruce Barkhouse and Eric Fowler.
Port Bickerton: The small assembly here is having a few gospel meetings with a desire to see some saved and added to the little assembly.
Sydney Mines: Matthew Cain and Albert Hull commenced on July 11 in the gospel. The first week was encouraging and there were a few troubled souls. The support of the assembly in these meetings is deeply appreciated.
Weaver Settlement: Gospel meetings ended after eight weeks with a few professing faith in Christ. Also, the first weekend in June, a middle-aged couple was baptized; Fred Bartlett spoke a word at the baptism.
Bothwell: Jim Beattie and William Metcalf were encouraged in gospel tent meetings in Cairo commencing in July. Several strangers from the area came, and one man attended nightly.
Clinton: Bill Metcalf visited the saints July 7 with helpful ministry and appreciated help in the gospel.
Guelph: Prayer is requested for a gospel series by Gene Higgins from October 3-15, D.V., using his chart on Future Events.
London: David Booth had six meetings, June 24-30, of timely and profitable ministry on Discipleship.
North Bay: The conference at Nipissing Junction was enjoyed by the assembly with sixteen of the Lord’s servants present to help. The evident exercise of those who ministered and all who came was greatly appreciated.
Ottawa: In the will of the Lord, Brian Crawford and William Metcalf are to commence gospel meetings here in mid-September.
Parry Sound: It was a happy day on July 18 as a sister saved last fall, two young men, and a young sister were baptized in the Georgian Bay. Harold Paisley was with the saints for the day and spoke to about 100 who came to witness the occasion, some hearing the gospel for the first time. He returned to minister the Word a few nights later to the encouragement of the saints.
St. Mary’s: The assembly held an afternoon farewell meeting July 11 for Shadrack and Debbie Kember as they were moving to Phoenix, AZ to work among Spanish speaking people. Brethren who spoke were Brian Crawford, Frank Sona, and George Patterson. Previous visits by J. Grant (Scotland), E. Miller, and A. Cook, were appreciated by the saints.
Thunder Bay: The assembly received appreciated ministry from Jim Webb, Peter Smith, Larry Steers, and Alex Dryburgh in July. The assembly had the joy of seeing two teenage girls brought into the fellowship.
Phoenix: The Garfield assembly received a very welcome visit from Brian Currie in July. He was able to be with us for two Lord’s days, and gave helpful ministry on basic teaching of the local assembly. Both young and old were encouraged and helped.
Newington: Dr. A. J. Higgins visited with some very timely, searching, and helpful ministry on “Truth for Youth.” Many from surrounding assemblies attended.
Dunkerton: A baptism was held July 24, bringing joy to the believers.
Hampton: There was blessing in the recent gospel tent series with James Smith and Aubrey Kelly. The work among the Hispanic continues. Craig Saword, who was with us since late last summer, recently returned to El Salvador. Aubrey Kelly has recently moved to this area to continue the work. During the last year, several have professed; among these are two who have been received into fellowship, and three who had been saved in other parts and gathered out.
Waterloo: Jerry Jennings had a week of ministry here, and a week each at Hitesville and Antioch.
Byfield: Walter Gustafson and Dan Shutt each visited during July with appreciated and encouraging ministry for God’s people.
Methuen: Walter Gustafson was with us for a night, giving helpful ministry. Dan Shutt was with us for a Lord’s Day, with encouraging ministry and a solemn gospel message.
Laurium: The assembly enjoyed the recent visit of Stu Thompson who had a two-week series of gospel meetings in an auditorium at a nearby motel and the Gospel Hall beginning on June 16. Ministry on the Lord’s Day mornings was also encouraging.
New Jersey
Barrington: During the week of July 19-23, about 70 Seed Sowers congregated for a week of distribution in the South Jersey area, reaching many new areas with texts and invitations.
Pennsauken: One young woman was baptized and later added to the assembly in July. Dr. Higgins and Gene Higgins preached at the gospel meeting that night.
North Carolina
Raleigh: Over the July 4th weekend, Tom Baker and Philip Moore attended a Spanish conference where there were 330 to 350 in attendance. Along with two full-time native workers from Guatemala, they ministered the Word of God. Believers came from Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. In all these States there are either Spanish assemblies planted or outreach works that are presently going on.
Akron: Tent meetings with Gene Higgins and David Oliver were held in the area where the assembly had children’s meetings. The believers were encouraged with a number of visitors attending.
Clyde: William Lavery was with the assembly for gospel meetings when the Lord blessed in salvation. Tom Baker gave help in ministry, recently.
Cincinnati: Tom Baker visited Spanish-speaking believers living in this area.
Bryn Mawr: The Christians enjoyed a visit for a Lord’s Day from Wallace Buckle.
Hatboro: Four weeks of gospel tent meetings concluded in July with Tom Hoy and John Slabaugh. Some younger children of the believers, as well as a young man new to the gospel, professed, giving cheer to the saints. There were a good number in regularly and we trust that the seed will yet bring forth fruit.
Vandergrift: A week of Vacation Bible School in Vandergrift during July yielded a good response with an expressed interest by children in attending the Sunday School. As in the last three years, a large booth is planned over the Labor Day weekend at the two-day Labor Union Fair at Northmoreland Park. A new outreach is planned in Blairsville to the south , where it is hoped to have a limited Seed Sower distribution during August 5-7, followed by two weeks of meetings in a rented building. Your prayers would be greatly valued for this work.
Blue River: A baptism was held July 18 and the assembly was encouraged when four obeyed the Lord. Ministry recently given by James Smith and William Seale was appreciated.
LaCrosse: Jerry Jennings had three nights of ministry here.
N. Ireland
Co. Antrim
Bushmills: Two weeks of Bible readings were conducted at the usual venue on the epistle of James by David Kane. The brethren also had open-air gospel meetings every morning in Portrush and distributed thousands of tracts. Open- air meetings have been conducted each Lord’s Day evening between Portrush and Portstewart where there is ample parking for 200 cars. Good numbers attended each Lord’s Day evening and the gospel was faithfully preached.
Tully: J. Fleck and S. Wells have concluded nine weeks of gospel meetings in a portable hall. There was excellent attendance and many from the locality where brother Fleck was raised came in to hear the gospel. God blessed in the salvation of quite a number of souls.
Co. Armagh
Altnamackin: W.J. Nesbitt and R. Shannon have preached the gospel in a portable hall here for a number of weeks. Many linked with the Christians and others from the locality attended the meetings.
Portadown: J. Martin and W. Martin are preaching the gospel in a portable hall on the outskirts of the town.
Co. Derry
Limavady: W. Fenton and M. Radcliffe have concluded a series of gospel meetings in the new gospel hall here. There was a good response from the locality and blessing in salvation.
Coleraine: A. Aiken and J. Rogers commenced here in the gospel at the beginning of August. Brother A. Aiken has had open-air meetings during July in the towns and villages on the Antrim coast.
Co. Down
Saintfield: B. Currie and J. Palmer have commenced here in a tent where they had meetings last year and found a good response from the district.
St. James, Hillsborough: S. Maze and B. Eadie have commenced here in a tent. It has been many years since there was a gospel series in this part.
Co. Fermanagh
Lisrace: S. McBride and S. Nelson have concluded six weeks of meetings here. The response from the district was good and many from the neighbourhood were in to hear the gospel preached.
Co. Tyrone
Castlecaufield: A. Redpath and B. Glendinning have been encouraged during meetings here in a portable hall. The person who granted the ground professed to be saved and a number were in to hear the gospel in this difficult place.
Newtownstewart: D. Gilliland and J. Fleck have commenced gospel meetings here in a tent.
The following conferences were held during July with good numbers attending and profitable ministry given: Bleary, Ballymagarrick, Ballybollen, Kingsmills, Dunmullan, Stonewall and Kilmore.
Mexico City: The assembly in Nezahualcoyotl appreciated very much a week of Bible Readings led by Paul Thiessen on the subject of Church Truth.
Puerto Vallarta: Prayer is requested for a gospel series to be held during September.
Talpa: Both here and in La Cuesta, brethren from Puerto Vallarta have begun weekly gospel meetings. Very rugged mountainous terrain make these places difficult to get to (it takes three and a half hours to travel 70 miles), and people are deeply fanatical in their religious worship. Nevertheless, the gospel is making inroads.
Conferences D.V.
Clinton. ON
October 2-3. Further to the notice last issue, the subject of the Bible Readings will be “Communion with God – Personal and Collective.”
Roseisle, MB
October 1-3 with Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 10:30 a.m. (The Believers Walk in Ephesians: 4:1 – Walk with Consistency; 5:2 – Walk in Love, 5:15 – Walk with Caution). Saturday: Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m. Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m. For information / accommodation call Peter Dyck 204-828-3509.
Manchester, IA
October 2-3, with prayer meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 1308 N. Third St. All other meetings are in the Middle School, 1001 Doctor St. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Gospel in the evening (Gospel Hall). Corr: C.F. Foster, 130 Clare Ave., Manchester, IA 52057-1306, Tel: 319-927-2963.
Brandon, MB
October 11 in the Gospel Hall. Bible Reading at 10 a.m. on Ephesians 6, with ministry at 1:30 p.m. Corr: Alan Ritchie, Tel: (204)727-4971; email:
Cape Breton, NS
October 9-11 in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines, (902) 736-6233. Saturday: Prayer Meeting 2:30 p.m., Ministry 3:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:30 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Monday: Bible Reading 9 a.m., Ministry 10:15 a.m. Corrs: Junior MacDonald, I Cambridge Ave., Sydney Mines, NS, BIV 2G4, Tel: 902-736-3133, and Melvin Bonnell, 853 Leitche’s Creek Rd, NS, B2A 4A2, Tel: 902-794-3888 for information. Accom: Norman Brown, Tel: 902-736-3069. Please phone in advance.
Maidstone, Mervin, SK and Paradise Valley, AB
October 9-10 in the Legion Hall, 111 Main St., Maidstone. Meetings both days at 10:30 a.m., 2 and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting on Friday October 8, 7:30 p.m. in the Maidstone Gospel Hall, 4th Ave. and Main St. Corr: R. Robertson for Maidstone, Tel: 306-893-2674; Lennard Heath for Mervin, Tel: 306-845-2627; David Flint for Paradise Valley Tel: 780-745-2560.
Blue River, WI
October 16-17 at St. John’s Gym on Wisconsin Ave. in Muscoda, WI. Prayer meeting Friday at 8 p.m. in the Blue River Gospel Hall with supper served at 6 p.m. Saturday: first meeting for ministry at 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Phil. 2:5-11) followed by the Lord’s Supper at 10:30 a.m. Corr: James C. Frazier, 15513 Richwood Estates Lane, Blue River, WI 53518; e-mail:
Niagara Falls, ON
October 16-17 in the Oakwood Gospel Hall, Cor. Adams and Hawkins Street. Prayer meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2:45 p.m., Bible Study 1:30 p.m., Gospel 6:45 p.m., Young People’s 8:15 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Bible Study 1:30 p.m., Ministry 2:45 p.m., Gospel 6:45 p.m.. Corr: Wm. Smith, 7467 Merritt Avenue L2G 5C3, Niagara Falls, ON; Tel: 905-354-8272.
Terryville, CT
October 16-17 with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 36 N. Main St. All other meetings in the Harry S. Fisher School, N. Main St., 1/8 mile north of the Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 6 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 4:30 p.m. For accommodations contact William Batterton, Tel: 203-755-7621.
La Crosse, WI
October 30-31 with Prayer Meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m., and Gospel meeting on Sunday 7 p.m. at the Gospel Hall, 1928 George Street. All other meetings in Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon Street. Meetings on Saturday at 10 a.m., 2 and 6:30 p.m. Meetings on Lord’s Day at 9 a.m., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., 1:45 and 7 p.m. Corr: David L. Hardie, 708 – 11 Avenue S., Onalaska, WI 54650; Tel: 608-783-4067.
Livonia, MI
October 23-24 with Prayer Meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. All meetings held in the Stark Road Gospel Hall, 9280 Stark Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. Saturday: Prayer, Praise, and Ministry 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Prayer, Praise, and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr: David Vallance, 21600 Currie Road, Northville, MI 48167; Tel: 248-446-9346; e-mail: Hall: 734-425-4910; For accommodations: Tim Fouts, Tel: 248-476-5013 or
Picton, ON
October 23 in the Picton Gospel Hall, 3 McFarland Drive, Picton, ON. Ministry at 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Contact Art Knight at email:; Tel: 613-476-2040; 613-969-2899; 613-476-6718.
Alpena, AR
November 6-7 in the Gospel Hall , 401 Lane St. Saturday: Bible Reading at 2 p.m. with ministry and gospel in the evening.Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Ministry 1:30 p.m. For info/accom: Will Trowbridge, Tel: 479-665-4189, E-mail:
London, ON
November 6-7 in the Highbury Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Avenue, London. Prayer Meeting Friday 8 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m., 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m. Corr: Hugh R. Garnham, 843 Dalkeith Crescent, London, ON, N5X 1S5, Tel: 519-433-1825; Email: Hall Tel: 519-451-8233.
Saskatoon, SK
November 6-7 in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, with prayer and ministry on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Ministry 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Inquiries 306-242-1506, 306-249-5044.
Bryn Mawr, PA
November 13-14 with Prayer Meeting in the hall on Friday, November 12, 7:30 p.m. All other meetings will be held in the Colonial Elementary School on Germantown Pike in Plymouth Meeting, PA (one mile south/east of the intersection of Route 476 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike – Norristown exit). Saturday meeting times are 10:30 a.m., 2:30 and 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 12 noon, 2:15 p.m., Gospel 4:30 p.m. Corr: Harold Stewart, Tel: 610-825-0384. Accom: Alan Oliver, Tel: 610-431-9713.
McKeesport, PA
November 20-21. Fall Bible Studies will be held at Wilson Christian Academy with two speakers handling the subject of “Personal Godliness” (Colossians 3). Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. with Question & Answer session to follow. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. and Ministry 1:30 p.m. Accom: Rob Oliver, Tel: 412-664-1004. Inquiries: Tom Clark, Tel: 412-751-5283, or All are welcome.
Conference Reminders:
Akron, OH – September 4-5
Arlington/Marysville, WA – September 3-6
Clementsvale, NS – September 4-5
Grande Prairie, AB – September 4-5
Huntsville, ON – September 4-5
Kansas City, MO – September 5-6
Hardwick, VT – September 11-12
Sault Ste. Marie, ON – September 11-12
Hitesville, IA – September 18-19
Arnstein, ON – September 18-19
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON – September 25-26
Midland Park, NJ – September 24-26
Sussex, NB – October 2-3
St. Thomas, ON – October 9-10
Vancouver, BC – October 9-11
Change of Address
Aubrey and Heather Kelly, 10556 Riverside Rd., Apt. #2, Greene, IA 50636; Tel: 640-816-3087; email: .
With Christ
Dorothea Hall of Portage la Prairie, MB on April 15, age 95. Our dear sister was saved when six years old. She and her husband Jim (who predeceased her) were in fellowship in the Minetonas assembly for many years. She moved to Portage la Prairie 1991 and was in fellowship in Portage assembly until the time of her passing. Untila year before she went to be with the Lord she was able to attend all the assembly meetings and spent much of her time in making quilts for the missionary parcels. She is survived by a number of children and grandchildren.
Curtis Wilson of Burnaby, BC on June 25, age 23, passed suddenly into the presence of his Lord as a result of a motorcycle accident. He was raised in the Carleton assembly and saved in meetings at Carleton in 1996 under the preaching of Gaius Goff and Bryan Funston. The very large funeral was shared by his father Stewart Wilson, Peter Ramsay, and Gaius Goff. He was predeceased by his mother Engelina in 1997, and is survived by his father, stepmother, three brothers, all in the Carleton assembly, and two little sisters. His sudden death has shaken many. Prayer for the family would be greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Elsie Tozer of London, ON on July 3, age 100. She was saved as a young married woman in Flint, MI. Soon afterward she and her husband, Leonard, returned to reside in London where she was in happy fellowship in the same assembly for over 70 years. Although a widow for 59 years, she was a happy Christian living a life devoted to serving the Lord and others. Some in assembly fellowship today owe their introduction to Sunday School and the gospel to our sister. She is survived by one daughter and predeceased by a son and daughter. The funeral was taken by Gordon Brodie and Hugh Garnham with James Porter at the grave.
Gordon Taylor of Taylorside, SK on July 6, age 93. Gordon was saved in 1940 during meetings held by Alex McGaughey and was gathered with the assembly for the past 64 years. He will be dearly missed by Edith , his wife of 73 years, two daughters, three sons, ten grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren. Prayer is requested for the family. The funeral was taken by Murray Myers.
Philomne LeBouthillier of Tracadie, NB on July 19, age 58. Our dear sister was saved at the age of 40, on November 19, 1986, after being visited several times with the gospel by our brother Lon Comeau, accompanied the first time by Bert Grainger and later by Leslie Wells. Philomne enjoyed the fellowship of the saints and was given to hospitality. She leaves her husband Normand, her daughter Nadine, both in the Tracadie assembly, and several other children most of whom are not saved. The funeral service, very well attended by relatives, community residents, and Christians, was conducted by Lon Comeau and Larry Buote, with Zol Gautreau and Grard Roy at the graveside.
Bertha Rey of Portage la Prairie, MB on July 23, age 95. Our dear sister, widow of the late Samuel Rey, passedinto the presence of her Lord and Savior. Saved as a girl of eighteen, she had been in fellowship in the Portageassembly since the 1920s. She is survived by her daughter, Yvonne Copp, who faithfully cared for her mother for the past four years, Arlene (Dale) Taylor, eight grandchildren, and her sister, Susie Halvorsen of Glen Ewen, SK. Jim Solomon and David Vanstone spoke at the funeral, where the gospel was clearly presented, and Bill Chiponski spoke at the graveside.