Calgary: The conference was a little smaller than usual, but a warm spirit prevailed. Ministry and gospel were shared by David Booth, Hans Bouwman, Jim Hanna, Bryon Myers, and James Ronald. Dave Taylor (Taylorside) and Matt Entz (Lethbridge) also shared in the gospel. The subject of “The Christian and Depression” was handled ably by brother Booth and others.
British Columbia
Langley: Gospel meetings concluded on May 30 with John Fairfield and Aubrey Kelly. There were a few in from the community.
Port Alberni: Jim Webb and Bryan Funston held three weeks of well-attended gospel meetings in May, during which the gospel was presented faithfully and consistently. A good number from the district came in to the hall for the first time, some continuing on Sundays after the meetings finished. Before the effort began, a number of young people from the Carleton assembly (Vancouver) came over for a one day “blitz,” covering 90% of the city with invitations. This demonstration of practical love was warmly received by the assembly and a good day of fellowship was had by all.
Port Coquitlam: Prayer is requested for tent meetings to be held July 11-30 with Bryan Funston and Jim Jarvis. The meetings will be held on the same school site as last year. Children’s meetings are planned for two of the weeks with Colin Abernethy and Cam Thulien.
Vancouver: Some young brethren have an exercise for the Nanaimo Rd. area. Children’s meetings are planned for the first two weeks of August. Aubrey Kelly helped with the Spanish work at Victoria Drive while in the area during May. At the monthly Missionary Meeting in June at Victoria Drive, reports were given by Matt Scott on the most recent trip to Haiti and by Earl Ritchie on Korea and China.
Surrey: The Fleetwood assembly was greatly encouraged with the baptism, on May 30, of a sister saved in tent meetings in Langley in 1998. Bryan Funston was with them for the happy occasion.
Stonewall: Jack Gould and Jack Nesbitt plan to use the tent in August for gospel meetings here, 30 minutes north of Winnipeg. Three families who moved from their Hutterite Colony live in the immediate area. Some of these are in assembly fellowship in Winnipeg. Five colonies surround Stonewall with a limited number of contacts. Please pray that there will be freedom for some to attend.
New Brunswick
Moncton: Albert Hull had four nights from May 10-13 with the assembly, and the saints appreciated the ministry on basic church truths. The assembly is also planning a baptism on May 16, when a young married couple will obey the Lord in baptism. This is a great encouragement to the assembly.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander Bay: The annual conference was smaller than usual this year. Ministry was shared by Wallace Buckle, Lloyd Cain, Marvin Derksen, Peter Mathews, and David Oliver. The Bible study on Romans 8 was profitable.
Seal Cove: The annual conference, which has been changed from the Fall, was held on the weekend of May 22. It was a small conference, with ministry given by Bryan Joyce, Clyde Strickland, George Whey, and Gordon Williams. The Bible study on James 1, taken by G. Williams, was very practical. Brother Williams is visiting the province from May 21 to Aug. 1 (DV) and plans to help in open air meetings and give ministry in various assemblies.
St. John’s: Gospel meetings with Marvin Derksen and David Oliver concluded on May 25. The Lord graciously saved a number of souls, for which we are all praising Him. The two brethren gave encouraging ministry during the series, with a weekend devoted to ministry on Christian relationships. A large crowd gathered on May 31 for the funeral of our esteemed brother Charles Hiscock. Taking part in the funeral were Eric Gill, David Hunt, Russell Pelley, Ben Welshman, and Gordon Williams. Please pray for his wife Dorothy and family.
Nova Scotia
Baddeck: James McClelland and Holger Verlage of the Sydney assembly commenced in the gospel on May 26 with some encouragement.
River Hebert: Children’s meetings closed May 14. A good number of children and about 30 adults were present at the closing. Ken Taylor was present to give a good message.
Sydney Mines: Albert Hull, with another brother, plans gospel meetings with the assembly commencing July 11. Prayer will be valued.
Truro: Lloyd Cain conducted Bible Readings from May 14-18. This was a real cheer to the assembly. Some from nearby assemblies also attended.
Weymouth: Bruce Barkhouse and Eric Fowler commenced their fifth week here on May 16. The believers were encouraged with good numbers attending.
Clyde: Fred Krauss spent Lord’s Day, May 9, with the assembly in ministry and gospel. Shad Kember Sr. visited on Lord’s Day, June 6.
Brampton: Gospel tent meetings are scheduled to begin July 11 in Chinguacousy Park with Frank Sona and William Skates, preceded by one week of children’s tent meetings July 5-9. A large Seed Sower and invitation distribution is being planned for July 7-10. With the Lord’s help we purpose to deliver sixty thousand invitations at that time. Please pray the Lord will bless in the gospel. For further information please call Dwight Dyke 905-459-6983 or
Clinton: The saints were encouraged by the ministry and help in the gospel by Jack Nesbitt on Lord’s Day, May 16.
Hamilton: In April, the Kensington assembly appreciated five nights of ministry by E. Higgins. In addition, the assembly enjoyed recent visits by D. Gilliland, J. Baker, K. Taylor, H. Paisley, and U. Ussher.
Leamington: Since December 2003, 13 souls have obeyed the Lord in baptism, most of whom are now gathered out. The saints have been encouraged by the active interest of many of the Lord’s servants who came to see “the grace of God” here (Acts 11:23). Bruce and Elma Cottrill are a welcome addition, providing experience and vision for this young work. A tent outreach in the town of Kingsville with Larry Steers and Bruce Cottrill is purposed in August. Bert Snippe and Jim Bergsma, long exercised about friends and family in the Chatham area, purpose tent meetings in fellowship with Chatham and surrounding assemblies in July.
London: Recent visits in May from Daniel Ussher and Alex Dryburgh were appreciated. Spanish speaking believers from Ontario and United States expressed their gratitude for the Spanish Conference held at the end of the month. Speakers present were Shad Kember, William McBride, David Thomson and John Thropay
Parry Sound: The first weekend in June Harold Paisley spent the Lord’s Day with this growing assembly. A lady told him at the door after the meeting that she was saved while he was speaking.
Thunder Bay: Peter Simms visited the assembly for a week of appreciated ministry, not Peter Smith as reported last issue (news ed. error).
Toronto:The Victoria Park assembly had the joy in April of baptizing two Chinese men who were later received into fellowship.
Prince Edward Island
Freetown: Peter Orasuk and James McClelland concluded six and a half weeks in the gospel on May 12. God was gracious in blessing in salvation, which was a great encouragement to the saints.
Taylorside: The saints enjoyed short visits from Bryon Myers and David Booth.
Culver City: Meetings started June 13 with John Fitzpatrick and Tom Baker with a Seed Sowers distribution to coincide with the meetings. Please pray.
San Diego: Marcus Cain had two appreciated meetings with the assembly in May. A good number of unsaved were at the gospel meeting he had in Spanish.
Manchester: A teenaged girl from Newington professed following the gospel meetings in Manchester, and others are still showing concern. A weekend of meetings was to be held in Newington in June on Truths for Youth with Dr. A. J. Higgins.
New Lenox: The assembly appreciated a brief visit from James Baker (UK) in April. God gave help during the annual May conference, with profitable ministry given by W. Gustafson, W. Lavery, M. McCandless, E. McCullough, P. Orasuk, L. Perkins, C. Saword, D. Shutt, and W. Skates. Please remember in prayer a planned Seed Sowers effort in the area the third week in July.
Augusta: Ken Taylor spoke to the children and parents on Mother’s Day at the dinner the assembly held at the end of the children’s Bible Study for the year.
Methuen: The assembly appreciated a recent visit by David Hunt who gave encouraging ministry at the weekly ministry meeting, as well as being present for the Lord’s Day.
New Jersey
Livingston: The assembly was greatly encouraged with the annual conference held in May. It was one of the largest conferences to be held in the hall. Walter Gustafson, Eugene Higgins, David Oliver, David Petterson, Bill Seale, John Slabaugh, and Frank Tornaquindici gave help. A gospel series concluded in May with Eugene Higgins and David Petterson. The saints were thankful for the opportunity and were refreshed. Please pray for all aspects of the Seed Sower effort planned for the New Jersey area beginning on July 19th.
Akron: Dan Shutt gave excellent ministry using a chart, “Back from Babylon.” The assembly joined with Cleveland when three teenagers obeyed the Lord in baptism. Please pray for a gospel tent series with Gene Higgins and David Oliver purposed to begin early July.
Cleveland: Helpful ministry was given by Frank Sona and Dan Shutt during May. Brother Shutt was present for a joint baptism with Akron when two believers from Cleveland, granddaughters of Robert and Doreen Buck, obeyed the Lord in baptism. A nice number were present for the occasion.
Mansfield: The believers were encouraged to see God’s hand in salvation during recent gospel meetings with Frank Sona and Jonathan Procopio.
Klanath Falls: John Fitzpatrick and Dr. Brandt of Seattle plan to have tent meetings here during the second and third weeks of July. There are about 20,000 people living in this area, so help is needed to visit door to door with Seed Sowers texts and invitations during the meetings. If you are interested and able to help, please contact John Fitzpatrick at
Bryn Mawr: The assembly enjoyed the recent visit of Jack Nesbitt who gave help in both ministry and gospel. Gospel meetings commenced in mid-June in the town of Ardmore, where a number of the Sunday School children live.
Hatboro: The last afternoon meeting for the summer was taken by local brethren and the ministry was enjoyed. Please pray for tent meetings that commenced at the end of June with Tom Hoy and John Slabaugh.
Arlington: Gospel tent meetings with Gaius Goff and Peter Ramsay were scheduled to start June 20 for three weeks with young people’s meetings conducted during the morning for the first two weeks.
Pasco: There are now 12 in fellowship here. The believers continually try to reach out with the gospel and have opportunity to teach New Testament Assembly principles to visiting believers. They had a much appreciated visit from Gaius Goff who ministered on the groundwork of establishing a new assembly, and gave direction for continued future growth. Tom and Ruth Hoy came and assisted with the work while Bryon and Joni Myers visited Taylorside. They will value prayer for their summer gospel outreach during the last week of July.
Brodhead: The assembly was cheered as three professed to be saved in May during meetings with Robert Orr and Eric McCullough.
N. Ireland
The following conferences were held during the month of May 2004: Drumlough, Ballyma-cashon, and Mullafernaghan in Co. Down; Bellaghy, and Limavady in Co. Londonderry; Ballyduff, Belfast; Ballywatermoy, Co. Antrim. Good numbers attended and profitable ministry was given by various speakers. D. Gilliland had profitable ministry meetings with the assembly in Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim.
The assembly in Rathmines, Dublin, held their annual conference in May. During the month of May, A. J. Higgins (U.S.A.) visited the three small assemblies in Donegal and gave profitable and appreciated ministry.
Gospel meetings were reported in: Dromore, Co. Down: A Aiken and J. Rogers Tully, Co. Antrim: S. Wells and J. Fleck Altnamackin, Co. Armagh: W.J. Nesbitt and J. Shannon Drumquin, Co. Tyrone: B. Currie and A. Colgan Kingsmoss, Co. Antrim: L. Craig and R. Moore Rasharkin, Co. Antrim: A. Caldwell and D. McGarvey Clones, Co. Monaghan: S. McBride and S. Nelson Gortade, Co. Londonderry: J. Martin and W. Martin Limavady, Co. Londonderry: M. Radcliffe and W. Fenton Drummenagh, Co. Londonderry: T. Topley and C. Law.
Chihuahua: On May 9, there was the baptism of two men and one woman, the firstfruits of this new work. Since then, there has been much joy as one couple and another woman, that had been listening to the gospel for weeks, also trusted Christ.
Conferences D.V.
Sioux City, Iowa
July 17-18 in the Gospel Hall, 120 South Leonard Street, Sioux City, IA. 51103. Saturday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m.; Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:45 a.m., Bible Reading 11:15 a.m. (1 Thess 4), Children’s Meeting 1:15 p.m., Ministry 2:15 p.m., Gospel 6 p.m. Dinner and supper will be served. Corr: Sam Hayes, Tel: 712-255-6843, Hall: 712-277-3647.
Waukesha, WI
July 24-25 in Lions Club Hall in Genesee Depot, WI. Saturday: Bible Reading (1 Timothy 3) 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:15 a.m., Ministry 1:30-3:30 p.m., and Gospel 3:30-4 p.m. Corr: Cory Peppler, Tel: 262-549-2386, or email:
Blues Mills, NS
July 31-August 1. Fiftieth Anniversary Conference in the Gospel Hall, 34 Mountain Road, Blues Mills, Cape Breton. Saturday at 1 p.m. Meetings Lord’s Day start at 10 a.m., Gospel 7 p.m. both evenings. Corr: John Bain,(902)625-2409 or
Lorain, OH
August 21-22 in Grace Gospel Hall, 3006 Elyria Avenue. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. (2 Peter 1-2), Ministry 3:45 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m.; Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:15 a.m., Sunday School and Ministry 11:15 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m. and 3:45 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lunch and supper will be served. Corr: Randall H. Bradford, 1875 E 34th Street, Lorain, OH 44055, Tel: 400-277-5461.
Fort McMurray, AB
August 28-29, hosted by the Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall assembly. Prayer meeting Friday, August 27 at 8 p.m. in the Waterways Community Centre, 7302 Bulyea Ave. Sat. And Sun. meeting location to be announced. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m., Bible Reading 2 p.m., Ministry 3:45 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:45 a.m., Bible Reading 2:30 p.m., Ministry 4:15 p.m., Gospel 7:30 p.m. Contact Sam Payne 780-715-0468, or Terry Lush 780-715-0298.
Clementsvale, NS
September 4-5 in the Champlain Hall, Cornwallis Park. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30 a.m. (Col 1:15-22), Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: Lionel Cress; Tel. (902)467-3115. Accom: please call in advance Jonathan McClelland, Tel. (902)638-3260; email:
Grande Prairie, AB
September 4-5 in the Grande Prairie Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m., Bible Study (Romans 8) 1:30 p.m., Ministry 3:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Open Sunday School 12:45 p.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. For information contact Robert Eyers, Tel: 780-513-8916.
Kansas City, MO
September 5-6 in the Gospel Hall, 4603 E. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, MO; Tel: 816-924-6346. Prayer Meeting on Saturday, September 4 at 7 p.m. Sunday: Bible Reading (2 Peter 1) 9:30 a.m., Breaking of Bread 11 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Monday: Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6 p.m. Corr: William L. Jackson, 1613 Ashland Pl, Blue Springs, MO 64015; Tel: 816-228-3591.
Conference Reminders:
Pugwash Junction, NS – July 3-4
Kamloops, BC – July 2-4
Westbank, BC – July 30-August 1
Change of Correspondent
Turlock, CA: (correction) Narenda Singh, 808 Carter Ave., Modesto, CA 95351; Tel: (209) 526-0910, or Robert McKeighan, 3070 Redford Way, Turlock, CA 95383: Tel: (209) 268-4563.
Change of Address of Correspondent
Augusta, ME: Jim Thompson, 262 Quaker Road, Sidney, ME 04330; email:
Change of Meeting Time
Seattle, WA: West Woodland Gospel Hall – Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Gospel 12:30 p.m.
With Christ
Mr. Ron Berry of Clementsvale, NS on December 18, 2003, age 72. Ron was saved at 14 under the preaching of the late Mr. J. McCracken and Mr. Cudmore. He was a kind brother, faithful in attendance and contribution to the assembly in which he served as an elder and correspondent for many years. In 1998, Ron had a serious car accident from which he never fully recovered. His home call was a happy release after many discouraging days, during which his wife and family faithfully cared for him. He leaves to sorrow his dear wife Margaret, two daughters and one son, also seven grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, six sisters and one brother. Lionel Cress, Tim Berry (son) and Robert McIlwaine shared the large funeral service, with James McClelland speaking at the graveside.
Ada Pickering of Thunder Bay, ON on February 29, age 82. Our dear sister was born into a Christian home, and saved when she was 20 years of age. She was in assembly fellowship since June 1942, and taught Sunday School for a number of years. She will be missed by the assembly, her husband Kenneth, four children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, some of whom are not saved and for whom prayer is requested. The funeral was taken by Timothy Kember, who was visiting in Thunder Bay at the time.
Frank Straughan of Victoria Road, ON on March 18, in his 87th year. He was saved in a Baptist church in 1959. He and his wife gathered with the assembly at Goodwood for a short time, and for 25 years at the Victoria Road Gospel Hall. A faithful man to the Lord and the assembly, he is survived by his wife of almost 65 years who is confined to a nursing home. He will be missed by his two sons and one daughter. The large funeral was held in Uxbridge, and the gospel was faithfully presented by David Rea.
Lela Orr of Aplington, IA on April 3, age 73. Lela was saved in 1952 through the reading of 1 Peter 2:24 while attending meetings at Hitesville by the late Oliver Smith and Paul Elliott. She married Robert in 1955 and was a faithful helpmate to him in his service for the Lord, capably managing the home while Robert was away in gospel efforts. As her health deteriorated in recent years, her outreach to others was through calls and cards. She is missed dearly by her husband, three daughters, one son, eight grandchildren, the Hitesville assembly, and many friends. The large funeral service at Hitesville was shared by Eric McCullough and Russ Nesbit. Roy Weber spoke at the graveside. Since her passing to be with Christ, two of her grandsons have been saved by the grace of God.
James Larsen of Abbotsford, BC on April 28, age 87, passed peacefully into the presence of his Lord. He was saved in 1938, and was first associated with the Portage assembly in 1941 before coming to B.C. He became a respected shepherd of the Lord’s people, a guardian of assembly principles, and an encourager of gospel work. He had colon cancer for twelve years, but remained faithful to the assembly meetings until eight months prior to his homecall when he was hospitalized. He leaves one son, Grant, three daughters, and their families. Prayer is requested for Grant’s salvation. The large funeral was shared by his son-in-law, Dick Vantol, and David Jones, with Dave McGaughey at the graveside.
Kenneth E. Prince of Ottawa ON on May 7, age 85. Our dear brother was saved in 1936 when the truth of the gospel was brought home to his heart through Jeremiah 13:27. He moved to Ottawa in 1941, and in 1942 married Orma Clark of Orillia, who predeceased him in 1994. He loved God’s assembly, and devoted his time and interest in the truth of Scripture. He was steadfast, even when the assembly was very small, and was often alone in ministry and gospel outreach. Brother Prince was a highly esteemed elder and teacher of God’s Word. M. McLeod and T. Kember shared the funeral, with two local brethren reading some Scriptures at the opening and at the graveside. A good number of relatives and fellow-workers paid their respects at his funeral. He leaves two sons; please pray for Peter.
Carol Jene Johnson of Black Earth, WI on May 17, age 79. Our dear sister, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Yost, was saved in 1971, and in assembly fellowship for over 30 years. She had a glowing testimony to her large family and many others in the community and area. Her faithful attendance, godly influence, and generosity will be greatly missed in the assembly. She leaves three sisters, a brother, seven children, 21 grandchildren, and 21 great-grandchildren. The funeral was taken by Allan Christopherson, with Arthur Ward at the graveside.
Ernest Gribbon of Newtownbreda, N. Ireland on May 22. Our brother was saved on May 17, 1949 when Harold Paisley was preaching in a portable hall in County Monaghan. John Thompson was the police sargent in Rosslea, and through his influence, a number of ploicemen came to the gospel meetings. Two of them, Ernest Gribbon and W. J. Nesbitt were saved by the grace of God. They were baptized and later received into the assembly at Clones. As brother Gribben moved up through the ranks of the RUC until he became Superintendent, he proved to be a valuable asset to the assembly in each location where he was stationed. He was a keen Bible student and an acceptable gospel preacher as well as being highly respected in his secular occupation.
His last 42 years were spent in Newtownbreda assembly, on the outskirts of Belfast where he was a godly overseer and served as assembly correspondent. He leaves behind his sorrowing wife, three sons, a daughter and ten grandchildren who are all saved.
The large funeral service was conducted by W. J. Nesbitt in the home and Andrew Nesbitt at the graveside, assisted by local brethren from the Newtownbreda assembly. All who knew brother Gribben esteemed him very highly (NWC).
Mary Deppen of Clyde, OH on May 25, age 80. Our dear sister was the first fruit of the gospel work in Bellevue and Clyde. She was saved in tent meetings by Jim Lipke and Norman Crawford in 1956, and was soon baptized and brought into fellowship in the new assembly at Clyde. She taught Sunday School for many years, and she loved to entertain God’s people in her home. Her husband preceded her in death. Among her five children, one daughter, Carol Boies is in assembly fellowship with her husband, Dan. Robert Surgenor presented the clear gospel to the unsaved at her large funeral.