Fort McMurray: A new assembly was formed on June 8, with twenty-six believers meeting to remember the Lord. A number of these believers have been in fellowship for several years with the Conner’s Hill assembly in Edmonton. They have recently been joined by others and others are being interviewed for fellowship. The new assembly has arranged to meet in a community building, where they will be able to have Sunday school as well as regular gospel meetings. Gordon Williams visited with them the week before and had meetings on assembly principles.
British Columbia
Kamloops: We had a time of encouragement and help from God at the recent conference, and the Bible Reading on “The Gifts of the Spirit” was profitable. Ministering brethren included Hans Bouwman, Cap van de Wetering, Gordon Williams, Ross Smyth, and Bill Adams.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Grand Falls-Windsor: Two weeks of open-air meetings were conducted in outlying communities near here. George Whey and B. Joyce were involved, with help from other brethren. The response was very positive in the town of Botwood. Tent meetings started on the July 6 in Bishop’s Falls conducted by Bert Joyce and Bryan Joyce with Stephen Joyce being responsible for the children’s work. Four-thousand Seed Sowers were distributed on July 1.
Carbonear: Wallace Buckle expects to be in this area for the summer and will be holding open-air meetings.
Corner Brook: The annual conference in June was well attended. The preaching brethren in attendance were Wallace Buckle, Eric Fowler, Jim Jarvis, Bert Joyce, Bryan Joyce, Peter Mathews, and Carl Payne. There was some help given by local brethren as well. Lloyd Cain of Halifax took the Bible Study on Unique Features of a New Testament Church, which was helpful to the saints.
Gander: A week of open-air meetings was scheduled for the month of July to be conducted by local brethren.
Parsons Pond: Eric Fowler and Stephen Joyce, along with help from others, had open-air meetings the week of June 30.
South Coast: David Hunt, along with other brethren, will be using the boat during the summer months to spread the gospel to areas not accessible by road.
Nova Scotia
Barrington Passage: In mid-August, Albert Hull and James McClelland plan to have tent meetings here. Previous meetings in this area have been well-attended, but the brethren are burdened to see the Lord’s hand in visitation. Pray for this planned effort in the will of the Lord.
Digby: James McClelland and his son, Trevor, commenced in Digby on June 15 in the gospel. This is a follow-up from last year when they had made some interesting contacts. The area was covered with Seed Sower texts. Pray that the Lord will visit in salvation.
Halifax: The assembly was encouraged at the recent Bible Reading conference held on June 14-15. The subject of the Rapture and Future Events was of help to the saints. The harmony among the responsible brethren was evident. The gospel was preached faithfully both nights. The assembly plans one month of meetings including gospel and children’s meetings for the month of August, D.V. The saints would appreciate the prayers of the Lord’s people in this anticipated outreach.
Hubbard’s Point: The recent mini-conference on June 7 was a time of encouragement for the saints. Noel Burden, Ed Doherty, Albert Hull, and Ken Taylor ministered the Word, and the gospel was faithfully preached. Brethren Burden and Taylor remained for the Sunday afternoon ministry as well as for ministry on Monday and Tuesday evening. The Hubbard’s Point assembly is exercised to locate to a more suitable location. The saints have been meeting in the portable building for a number of years and now plan, as the Lord leads, to obtain a building that will soon be on the market for sale. Please pray that the Lord will direct in all matters pertaining to this anticipated venture.
Pugwash: Bill Bingham and Albert Hull commence July 6 in tent meetings in the Wallace Bay area, D.V. There is a burden for many related to the Lord’s people in the area. The prayers of the Lord’s people are much appreciated.
Weaver’s Settlement: In the month of May, the assembly was greatly encouraged when two young sisters were received into fellowship. In the month of June, Fred Bartlett was with the assembly for a couple nights of ministry speaking on Practical Christian Living.
Cambridge: A Seed Sowers effort, with almost 40,000 distributed, preceded tent meetings starting July 6, conducted by Marvin Derksen and Frank Sona. Last year there was good attendance and the four supporting assemblies of Clyde, Guelph, Kitchener, and Valens working together were encouraged by the community response. Please pray that the Lord will work in salvation using the seed being sown.
Clinton: L. Buote gave appreciated help in the gospel while passing through the area June 1.
Lake Shore: Dan Shutt had a week of children’s meetings in May. Recent visitors to the assembly were Fred Krauss, Wm. Metcalf, Marvin Derksen, James Jarvis, and Don Nicholson. On June 22, we rejoiced to witness five teenagers baptized. Frank Sona gave help for the day.
North Bay: The Nipissing Junction assembly enjoyed a visit from Shad Kember, Jr. for ministry and an account of the work of the Lord in Arizona. A profitable time at our conference was appreciated by the saints with 13 of the Lord’s servants present, a number of whom gave stirring ministry to edification. The believers expressed appreciation for the Bible Readings.
St. Mary’s: On June 8, Frank Sona visited for the day, and shared with Dave Henry (Grand Bend) in a solemn gospel meeting. Due to manifest interest, brethren Sona and Shad Kember had an impromptu series lasting two weeks, in which three professed faith, bringing thankfulness for answered prayer. On Lord’s Day, June 29, just after this effort, numerous unsaved heard the gospel and witnessed four take a public stand at an outdoor riverside baptism. Dave Patten (Straffordville) gave appreciated help for the day.
Sault Ste Marie: The assembly had appreciated visits in May and June from Jim Beattie and Don Wardell.
Taylorside: The annual conference was smaller than usual, but profitable. The speakers were Jack Gould, Robert Boyle, Jim Webb, Jim Hanna, Joel Portman, Claude Dudley, and Gary Sharp. Malcolm Stanley gave a report on gospel outreach in the Ukraine. Marion Ronald of Zambia also attended the conference. Joel Portman gave two nights of appreciated ministry after the conference. Recently, one sister was baptized and another sister added to the fellowship.
Los Angeles: The East Los Angeles Assembly had its 4th annual conference April 12-13, with ministry by the following full time brethren: Tom Baker, David Thomson (Columbia), Roberto Juarez (Guatemala), and Juan Sequel (Chile). One family was restored to the assembly and one professed to be saved during the series of meetings which continued one week afterwards. One of our satellite works appears to be maturing toward the formation of another Spanish speaking assembly in the North Hollywood/Pacoima area of Los Angeles County in which there are nearly 4 million Hispanics. Please pray for us as we seek the Lord’s guidance during this critical period of assembly growth.
Newington: The assembly enjoyed a week of ministry meetings with Jim Smith on truths regarding the Lord Jesus in the Gospel of John.
Terryville: Jim Smith visited June 13 with encouraging ministry for the saints.
Dunkerton: The saints appreciated a visit from Alex Dryburgh. Prayer is requested for an upcoming tent series in Littleton with Roy Weber and Jerry Jennings
Littleton: Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber planned to begin a series in a tent here on July 14.
Watertown: On June 3, the believers joined by those of the Cambridge assembly, were cheered by a visit from James Smith, who gave helpful and encouraging ministry. On June 22, Frank Tornaquindici was with us for the day. A special gospel meeting was held and seven unsaved relatives of the believers were present, including one for the first time. A young woman was obviously troubled as she listened attentively to the gospel being preached. During the dinner which followed she told of her profession of faith in Christ, bringing joy to all. This is the second Gospel/Dinner held this year and we were encouraged by the turn out and results. Lord willing, we plan to continue this special effort.
Minneapolis: Gospel meetings were to commence July 27 for four weeks with Art Ward and John Slabaugh. Prayer is also requested for possible purchase of a building to serve as a place for gathering. We believe we have found a suitable building, but affordability is still pending.
New Jersey
Midland Park: The last week in April, the assembly heard a report on the work among Korean-speaking people from Joseph Chung who labors in the borough of Queens. In mid-May, the assembly enjoyed a visit from Ken Taylor, reporting on the work in Haiti and Dominica. In June, the saints heard ministry on a week night from David Hunt and Stanley Wells.
Pennsauken: Four and one half weeks of well attended meetings concluded with a number of souls professing. A number of contacts were made and it is hoped that others will yet be reached. David Oliver and Gene Higgins preached the gospel.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: Dan Shutt and Matt Smith began a gospel series here June 22. There has been interest among believer’s children and relatives as well as a few from the local area. We are praying that some of these dear souls will soon be saved.
New York
East Aurora: The assembly appreciated a visit from Robert Surgenor in May. The believers have been encouraged by the good number of gospel texts that have been given out at craft shows in the area, and by a brother recently added to the fellowship.
Cleveland: A good number of children attended a week of meetings with Frank Sona. The assembly was also encouraged when a young brother obeyed the Lord in baptism.
Hatboro: Three weeks of tent meetings concluded with Peter Ramsay and Marvin Derksen. The weather caused interruptions, but there was encouragement at the end with a soul professing salvation.
South Dakota
Rapid City: Following a Via distribution in the city the week of July 6, gospel tent meetings were to continue for three weeks shared by John Slabaugh, Shad Sluiter, and Gary Sharp. Brethren Sluiter and Sharp were to share the children’s effort each weekday morning. In addition, a baptism was purposed on July 6.
Mauston: Jerry Jennings and Ron Doll (Ontario, WI) are presently having tent meetings. This is a new work where there has been some interest from the people living in the area.
Conferences. D.V.
San Antonio, TX
August 9-10 with prayer Friday 7 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m. (1 Corinthians 3), Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m.; Sunday: Breaking of Bread 11 a.m. Corr: Henry T. Plummer, 802 Sewanee St., San Antonio, TX 78210; Tel: 210-333-4363.
Omaha, NE
September 6-7 preceded by a prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. All meetings will be held in the Hartman Avenue Gospel Hall, 69th and Hartman; Tel: (402 571-5983). Meetings begin on Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. and 9 a.m. respectively. Bible Reading subject on Sunday is “The Lord’s Supper.” For further information or to pre-arrange accommodations please contact Corr: James Harvey, 3139 N 126 Street, Omaha, NE 68164; Tel: (402)498-9005; email:
Sault Ste. Marie, ON and MI
September 6-7 with prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. All meetings will be in the Gospel Hall, Cor. Wellington and Spring Streets, Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Order of meetings will be Saturday 10 a.m., 1:30, 3:30 and 7 p.m.; Sunday 10:15 a.m., 1:30, 3:30, and 7 p.m. Bible Reading both days will deal with “Spiritual Gifts”. Corr: R.A. Clark, 462 MacDonald Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1H9, Tel. (705)759-0968.
Hardwick, VT
September 13-14, with a prayer meeting on September 12 at the Gospel Hall at 7:30 p.m. Meetings on Saturday and Sunday will be held at the Hardwick Elementary School located at the village jct. of Routes 14 and 15. Saturday: Meetings begin at 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread is 9:30 a.m., followed by Sunday School, Ministry, and Gospel. Meals will be served between meetings. Advance notice is requested for overnight lodging arrangements. Please contact Bill Scott at (802) 472-6257.
Hitesville, IA
September 20 and 21 in the Aplington/Parkersburg Middle School , 215 10th Street , Aplington, IA 50604; Tel: 319-347-2394. Prayer meeting on Friday night at the Hitesville Gospel Hall at 7:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Matt. 27: 26-52), Lord’s Supper 10:30 a.m. Corr: Larry L. Brandt, 509 Lincoln Street, P O Box 683, Parkersburg, IA, 50665; Tel: 319-346-1084.
Clinton, ON
October 4-5 in Central Huron Secondary School, 165 Princess Street East. Prayer meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph Street. First meeting on Saturday for ministry 10:30 a.m.; Lord’s Day, Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. The subject of two Bible Readings will be Romans 8. Corr: Douglas McDonald, P.O. Box 329, Clinton, ON N0M 1L0, Tel. (519)565-2752, Hall: (519) 482-8687.
Maidstone, Mervin, SK and Paradise Valley, AB
October 11-12 in the Legion Hall, 111 Main Street, Maidstone. Meetings both days at 10:30 a.m., 2 and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. in Maidstone Gospel Hall, 4th Avenue and Main Street. Corr : Harry McLaren, for Maidstone, Tel: (306)893-4614; Lennard Heath for Mervin, Tel: (306)845-2627; or David Flint for Paradise Valley, Tel:(403)745-2560.
Vancouver, BC
October 11-13 in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer meeting Friday 8 p.m. in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Dr. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m. and Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m.(Gospel Hall), Ministry 2:30 p.m. and Gospel 7 p.m. Monday: Bible Reading 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m. Corr: Philip Broadhead, 115-678 Citadel Dr., Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6M7; Tel. (604)468-4979, email:
Blue River, WI
October 17-19 with Prayer meeting Friday at the Blue River Gospel Hall at 8 p.m. All other meetings at St. John’s Gym on Wisconsin Ave., Muscoda, WI. First meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (1 Cor. 11:23-26), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Following the conference there will be four Bible Readings in the Gospel Hall considering the Colossian Epistle, 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Corr. Jim Frazier, 15513 Richwood Estates Lane, Blue River, WI 53518; Tel: 608-537-2977; e-mail:
Conference Reminders:
Westbank, BC – August 1-3
Lorain, OH – August 23-24
Akron, OH – August 30-31
Arlington/Marysville, WA – August 29-September 1
Clementsvale, NS – August 30-31
Arnstein, ON – September 13-14
Midland Park, NJ – September 27-28
Correction to T&T Address List
James Currie: 3-29-5 Nishi Motomachi, Kokubunji Shi, Tokyo, 185-0023 Japan
Murray Pratt:
Jim Smith: Tel 716-754-2456
Additions to T & T Address List
Mark Bonnell, Private Bag 701, Port Shepstone, 4240 South Africa
Change of Address
Paul Trimble (U.K. Subscriptions): 15 Maryvale Road, Moira, Craigavon, Co.Armagh, N.Ireland, BT67 0PN; Tel: +44 (0)28 9261 2775.
Change of Correspondent
Guelph, ON: Stephen Bell, 27 Sandpiper Dr., Guelph. ON N1C 1C9; Tel/Fax: 519-837-9695; email:
Kamloops, BC: John Eggers, 3664 Westsyde Rd., Kamloops, BC V2B 7H6; Tel: 250-579-8814; email:
Change of Address of Correspondent
Hitesville, IA: Larry Brandt: email:
With Christ
Mrs. Isabella Earle of L’Anse au Loup, LB on May 19, age 79. Our dear sister was one of the early believers on the Labrador coast and was in the assembly fellowship since its commencement in 1958. She experienced illness over the past several years, but always kept up on the assembly affairs and the work of the Lord. Her husband Spoffard was an elder in the assembly, but predeceased her in 1996. She leaves to mourn four sons and two daughters, all in assembly fellowship. The funeral was well attended by many family and friends who heard the gospel from Eric Fowler and Bill Bingham, with Francis Barney speaking at the grave.
Mrs. Isobel (Tillie) Stark, Corrick, Co. Tyrone, N.I. on May 16, age 80. Our dear sister was saved in 1980 while attending gospel meetings in Co. Donegal conducted by the late S.W. Lewis. Shortly afterwards she was baptized and received into fellowship. Following her marriage she was commended to the assembly at Corrick, where she remained and was a very faithful attender at all the meetings until her health no longer permitted. She will be greatly missed by the little assembly. The large funeral services were shared by S. McBride, J. Martin, and T. McNeill. She is survived by one brother, and her only son Robin who is in happy fellowship. Prayer is valued for the family circle.
Mrs. Julia McCullough of Unionville, ON on May 24, age 95. Our beloved sister was born in Northern Ireland and was saved there as a girl of 13 while reading The Traveler’s Guide. Julia came to Canada and was in happy fellowship in Highfield Road for over fifty years, until going with her husband to Bethany Lodge in 1990. Mrs. McCullough was faithful in attendance at assembly meetings and loved to read the Word of God. Her husband predeceased her in 1991. She leaves two daughters and one son, all sheltered by the blood. The large funeral attested to the love and affection of many for this remarkable lady.
Norman D. McCurrie, Qualicum Beach, BC on June 7, 2003, aged 73. Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1930, and raised in Vancouver, BC, our brother was saved through the preaching of David Adams and Albert Joyce in 1945. First in fellowship in Vancouver, in 1971 he and his family moved to Vancouver Island and met with the assembly in Port Alberni. A faithful man, respected for his judgment and wisdom, he served as an overseer for many years. He is survived by his loving wife of almost 53 years, Eileen, three children and six grandchildren, and his 96-year old mother, Florence, of North Vancouver. The funeral was taken by John Fairfield and Matt Baxter, with Bill Pley at the graveside.
Larry Lindaman of Stout, IA on June 10, age 62. He was saved Sept.17, 1996 while attending meetings being held by Gaius Goff and Carl Payne in the Gospel Tent in Evansdale, IA. His wife, Bonnie, was saved one week later. Both were baptized the following year and received into fellowship in the Stout assembly where he continued happily until his sudden home-call. His wife, upon returning home from a gospel meeting found him lying on the floor, having suffered heart failure.”Absent from the body and present with the Lord.” He leaves his wife, two daughters, and four grandchildren. He was well-known in this rural area, and over 300 attended the service in the Stout Hall, which was taken by Roy Weber and Russ Nesbit. Richard Van Mill spoke words of comfort at the grave.
Harold Pike of Mason City, IA on June 10, age 93. Our dear brother was saved on January 6, 1938. He was in assembly fellowship, first in Mason City, then for 35 years with the saints in Aredale. Upon moving to Mason City he faithfully attended the assembly meetings until health problems hindered. His wife Pearl preceded him in death in July 1993. Harold is survived by five sons and three daughters, their spouses, 27 grandchildren and 58 great grandchildren. Prayer is requested for those who are not saved among the family. Robert Orr took the well-attended funeral service.
Kathleen Spence of Hickory, NC on June 13 after a long illness. Our beloved sister was born in Clyde, NC July 23, 1922, and saved August 10, 1944 reading Romans 10:9 after attending gospel meetings held in Asheville, NC by the late James Smith from Detroit, MI. She was a true saint of God who will be very much missed in the assembly in Hickory. She leaves behind her husband Walter, three children, eight grand children and one great grandson.
David J Coffey of Philadelphia, PA was called home on June 17, age 82. Our dear brother was saved at age 15 during gospel meetings conducted by Richard Richards in Olney Gospel Hall. He was baptized and received into fellowship later that year and has been a part of the assembly for 67 years. He was a quiet, consistent, and faithful brother and elder who loved the Lord and the gospel. The number at the funeral indicated the respect in which he was held and was an opportunity for many unsaved to hear the gospel. Pray for his wife of 55 years , Claire, and two sons and a daughter and their families, some of whom need to know the Savior. The funeral service was taken by William Oliver.
Rena (Christine) McGaughey of Surrey, BC on July 1, age 68. Our beloved sister was born in 1934 in Lurgan, N. I. to George and Elizabeth McKinley. When her father was commended to full time service, the family moved to Canada in 1946. She was saved at the age of 13 in 1948 under the preaching of Douglas Howard and Frank Pearcey in the Nanaimo Road Gospel Hall. She was in the Victoria Drive Assembly all her married life. Her was life devoted to the Lord and His people, and she touched many by her gentleness and kindly manner. She leaves to mourn her husband, Dave, daughters Barb (Jim) Frith and Lois (David) Alves of Mexico, and six grandchildren – a family circle complete in Christ. David Alves and Phil Broadhead shared the service with Jim Frith at the graveside.
Via Magazine – French Edition
Via Magazine has just printed the first French edition in fellowship with and help from Grard Roy, Leslie Wells, Robert Arsenault, and others from New Brunswick. The French magazine is similar in format to the English magazine, containing a collection of short stories and testimonies that illustrate the gospel. It has 24 pages, 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″, with full color throughout. They are packaged in boxes of 640 magazines. We will ship a full box, partial box or multiple boxes as required. They are sent out free of charge as the Lord provides. For those who ask, our cost for printing and shipping within Canada is about 16c per copy. To order, contact:
Via Magazine, Box 551, Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 3B9, Tel: (204)857-8435; Email: or Via Magazine, c/o Robert and Helen Arsenault, 801, Cour Julia, Shediac, NB E4P 1X6; Tel: (506)532-6149; Email: