

British Columbia

Vancouver: P. Orasuk ministered the Word in Carleton, Fleetwood, and Victoria Drive in mid-March. He also had the privilege of telling of his conversion to Christ to a full hall in Victoria Drive with many unsaved from the community present. G. Williams ministered in the Fairview and Fleetwood assemblies in early April.


Winnipeg: We just finished a week of children’s meetings (March 10-16), called Treasure Seekers, with Peter Smith. The meetings were well-attended with an average of 60 children or more each night.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Charlottetown: Gospel meetings with E. Fowler and B. Barkhouse were well attended. The annual conference was a blessing with ministry given by W. Buckle, B. Funston, D. Hunt, J.A. Joyce, and D. Swan. Forty believers traveled by snowmobile to be there, including most of the preachers.

English Point: The annual conference March 14-16 was very profitable with good support from the three assemblies on Labrador’s south coast. Ministry was given by W. Buckle, D. Flynn, B. Funston, D. Hunt, J.A. Joyce, B. Joyce, and D. Swan. Following the conference, D. Hunt and D. Swan visited on the Quebec north shore distributing gospel calendars. B. Funston gave appreciated ministry at L’Anse au Loup and Red Bay.

Flower’s Cove: B. Funston was with the assembly March 27-30 for an appreciated visit.

Gander: Gospel meetings were expected to start with G. Goff and another brother on April 20.

McIvers: Prayer is requested for the health and salvation of Anita Loder’s son who has recently been on life support in Toronto.

Parsons Pond: A week of prayer meetings and a week of ministry by G. Roy preceded a gospel series he is sharing with E. Fowler. The meetings started March 16 with a good number of unsaved coming, and evidence of God at work.

Rocky Harbour: Prayer is requested for a young man who has cancer. He is the son of Clifford Nicolle, one of the elders in this assembly.

St. John’s: Gospel meetings are planned to start in the Mt. Pearl Gospel Hall with G. Goff and B. Joyce on April 6.

Nova Scotia

Sydney Mines: The assembly was encouraged by a weekend visit by Wm. Bingham on March 1, and by M. Bonnell from March 3-6. The assembly benefited from ministry given by J. McClelland from March 23-28 on The Offerings.


Clinton: The saints were encouraged and refreshed by the visit of M. McCandless on March 23.

Clyde: B. Rodgers and M. McCandless visited during February. Lorne Langfeld worked with the assembly during the March break with a week of children’s meetings that were well attended, followed by a visit from Frank Sona for a Lord’s Day.

North Bay: The assembly enjoyed a meeting at which Shawn St. Clair told of their call to the work of the Lord in El Salvador. We also appreciated very much ministry given by P. Simms.

Oshawa: The saints enjoyed three weeks of gospel meetings with M. Pratt and J. Jarvis. Although there were no visible results, some outsiders continue to come to the regular gospel meeting.

Peterborough: The two-week gospel series in March with B. Owen and A. LaBlanc was well attended by Christians, but only by two strangers visited. Over 3000 Seed Sower texts were distributed.

Sudbury: The assembly appreciated two nights of ministry by L. Langfeld in late February, and ministry by F. Krauss in March. B. Poidevin gave an interesting report on the work in Zambia. The saints were encouraged when a young lady was saved at a recent Sunday night gospel meeting.

Thunder Bay: On March 20, B. Poidevin gave an interesting report on Zambia. J. Webb was with us March 23-30, giving five nights of much appreciated ministry from Ephesians.

Unionville: Two weeks of gospel meetings have just concluded with G. Higgins using his chart on Future Events. Attendance was excellent and the Lord was pleased to bless in salvation.

Victoria Road: Over the past several months the believers have been blessed with visits from M. Poidevin, E. Dellandrea, E. Miller, F. Krauss, B. Poidevin, and D. Booth. Two weeks of children’s meetings are planned with L. Langfeld in April, D.V.


Taylorside: R. Weber and Wm. Skates preached the gospel faithfully for three weeks ending March 16. We continue in prayer for evidence of salvation. Three young people were baptized on the last night of the series, bringing joy to the hearts of the saints.

Arborfield: R. Weber and Wm. Skates were with the assembly on March 15 for a night of appreciated ministry.



Phoenix: The four weeks of gospel meetings with J. Fitzpatrick and J. Slabaugh brought much joy to the Sunnyslope assembly when a young man and a young woman professed faith in Christ. A. Kelly gave a report on the work in Mexico.


Fresno: The assembly had an appreciated visit from J. Beattie the first week of March for the Lord’s Day and for several nights following, giving timely ministry.

San Diego: J. Beattie had an appreciated week of ministry meetings in April.


Cedar Falls: Children’s meetings with G. Sharp the last week of March were well attended.

Dunkerton: The saints appreciated recent ministry from H. Bowman, E. Fowler, J. Portman, and J. Jennings. A nice number of children and parents came to the children’s meetings with D. Shutt.

Marion: During March, M. Derksen and S. Wells had a gospel series here, with blessing in the salvation of some who were contacted by the believers.

Waterloo: E. McCullough, R. Orr, S. Wells, M. Derksen and J. Jennings were with the assembly for the all day meeting on March 9. Four weeks of gospel meetings concluded March 21 with E. McCullough and R. Orr. Quite a number of unsaved were in every night with two professing salvation, giving joy to the believers.


Hinckley: The assembly here was cheered with the baptism of four girls on March 16. R. Orr was present to speak in the gospel and ministry.

Minneapolis: There has been cause for rejoicing as two family members connected with the saints (an older man and a teenage boy) have recently professed salvation. To God be the glory!

Wilmar: Wm. Skates and R. Weber commenced in the gospel April 13. Prayer is requested.


Kansas City: J. Portman and A. Ward commenced gospel meetings March 16. The Lord encouraged with the professions of a young married man, whose wife was saved at the last conference, and a young married couple. Others were interested.

New Jersey

Livingston: The assembly appreciated the ministry and gospel given during visits in January and February from W. Gustafson, and K. Taylor who updated the believers on the on-going work in Dominica and Haiti. Prayer is requested for continuing Sunday children’s meetings that began March 2. Several unsaved families contacted during the summer vacation Bible School have been attending. Gospel meetings will begin March 30 with our brethren G. Higgins and D. Draper, D.V.

Long Branch: Believers from at least seven surrounding assemblies joined the Christians here for their one-day conference where fellowship was enjoyed and help given through the ministry and in the gospel.

New York

East Aurora: The assembly was encouraged with a week of children’s meetings with G. Sharp in February. A good number of mothers brought their children each night. They also had a much appreciated week of ministry in late March with L. Langfeld.


Clyde: The assembly appreciated visits from brethren R. Surgenor and B. Seale.

Cleveland: N. Crawford and D. Shutt were present for the area Bible Reading when excellent teaching was given to the large number gathered.

Mansfield: The gospel meetings with D. Shutt and A. Vallance were a time of sowing with good numbers attending. The assembly also was helped by visits from L. Perkins and R. Surgenor.

Steubenville/Toronto: A combined effort in the gospel is planned to begin in early May, D.V., in the Steubenville Hall, with an exercise to reach out to the immediate neighborhood. A. Ward and J. Frazier are planning to be with us. Please pray for us.


Matoaca: The conference was smaller than normal in March, but the ministry was excellent and the fellowship was refreshing. W. Gustafson, D. McDonald (Hickory), S. Mignogna (Matoaca), D. Oliver, and D. Petterson ministered the Word.


Boscobel: J. Frazier and A. Ward had two weeks of meetings ending March 14 in a rented town hall near here. The meetings were small, but a 24-year-old man, son of Christians from Blue River assembly professed and is exhibiting great joy.

Mt. Sterling: The annual Bible Reading conference on Hebrews 11-13 was held the last weekend in March. Those who opened the readings were Wm. Skates, D. Oliver, F. Tournaquindici, S. Wells, and L. Cain. Six other commended men were with us on Saturday with good participation. Saints from over 19 assemblies were represented with over 300 present.

Ontario: Gospel meetings are continuing with G. Patterson and E. Miller. Six have professed thus far.

N. Ireland

Balleyhay: J. Meekin (Burnside) and R. Fairley (Lisburn) have commenced here in the Gospel Hall.

Ballykeel (Lough Road): L. Wells and M. Turkington have had six weeks well-attended gospel meetings. God was pleased to bless in the salvation of souls.

Balleykeel (Mourne): D. Gilliland and J. Fleck have concluded after eight weeks gospel preaching with excellent attendance and a number of souls professing salvation.

Bessbrook: J.Rodgers and A. Aiken have been preaching in this border town with good numbers attending.

Bushmills: B. Glendinning and a local brother, S. Brown, are now in their fifth week of meetings with a fairly good response.

Dungannon: J. Fleck from Buckna was with the assembly for a week’s ministry which was very profitable.

Limavady: R. McKeown and a local brother, David Donaghy, have had well attended gospel meetings in a portable hall on the outskirts of the town and have seen God’s hand in blessing. The assembly here is presently erecting a new hall.

Lisburn (Plantation)H. Wilson and S. Ussher from Brazil are in their seventh week of gospel meetings. One young man has professed salvation.

Monaghan: The annual conference was held in the local school and the following brethren ministered the Word of God: W.J. Nesbitt, E. Russell, D. Ussher, B. Glendinning, N. Turkington, and J. Martin.

Newtownhamilton: W.J. Nesbitt has had two weeks of ministry in the assembly here.

Conferences. D.V.

Livingston NJ

May 3-4. Prayer meeting will be on May 2 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:45 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 5 p.m. Meals and accommodations provided. All meetings in the Livingston Gospel Hall, 405 E. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Livingston, NJ; Tel (973)535-1485. See web site www.livingstongospelhall.org or the phone system for directions. Corr: Allan Valvano, Tel (973)377-7839 or (201)404-5611, or at allanvalvano@livingstongospelhall.org if you need assistance or accommodations.

Halifax, NS

June 14-15 in the Bedford Junior High School, 132 Rocky Lake Road, Bedford, NS; Tel: 902-832-8952. Bible Readings (Topic: Things to Come) on Saturday at 9:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and Sunday 1:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Please give advance notice for accommodation to John Wells, Tel: 902-832-3220; Email: j.john.wells@ns.sympatico.ca. Corr: Arthur Hubbards, R.R. 1, Hubbards, Lun. Co., NS B0J 1T0; Tel: 902-857-9265; Fax: 902-857-1441.

Portage la Prairie, MB

June 13-15 with prayer Thursday, June 12, 7:30 p.m. in the Portage Gospel Hall. All other meetings will be in the William Glesbe Centre, 11 – 2nd Street NE. The conference will continue with three full days of ministry, Bible readings, gospel and the Breaking of Bread. John 20 and 21 are the passages for consideration in the Bible readings. General inquiries: David Vanstone, Tel (204)857-8435; email: v@mts.net. Accomm: Dennis Walker, Tel (204)857-7794; email: dswalker@mts.net .

Victoria Road, ON

June 14-15 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m. (How/Why is the Assembly relevant to me?), Ministry 10:30 a.m., 2 and 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m. (Topic: How/Why is the Assembly relevant to God?), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Supper served at 6:30 p.m. Friday. Corr: Ken Stone, RR 3, 187 Sandhills Rd., Woodville, ON, K0M 2T0, Tel (705)374-4688, email: kenstone@sympatico.ca.

Glen Ewen, SK

June 20-22 in the Gospel Hall located 8 miles south of Glen Ewen. Prayer meeting June 19 at 7:30 p.m. Two Bible Readings on Friday (I Peter 2-3). Meals and accommodation provided. Contact: Sid Griffin, Tel: 306-925-2248; Email: sgriffin@sasktel.net, or Bruce Smith, Tel: 306-925-4932; Email: b.smith@sk.sympatico.ca. Hall (306)925-4805.

Augusta, ME

June 21-22 with prayer meeting at 7 p.m. June 20 in the Gospel Hall, 421 Old Belgrade Road; Tel (207)626-2786. Corr: Jim Thompson, Rte. 1, Box 2971, Belgrade, ME 04917, Tel: (207)495-3590; Email: jptbooks@powerlink.net.

Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON

June 28-29 in the Englehart High School, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Meetings both days at 10 a.m., 2, and 7 p.m. Supper served at 5:30 p.m. Friday in the school. Corr: Philip Potter, Earlton, ON P0J 1E0, Tel (705)563-2942 or Harvey Pratt, R.R.#1, Charlton, ON P0J 1B0, Tel (705)544-7758.

Pugwash Junction, NS

June 28-29 preceded by a Prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Order of meetings as usual. Subject of Bible Readings – Saturday: “How to Seek, Know and Remain in the Lord’s Will.” Sunday: “Oh ! How It Pleases the Lord for Christians to Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth” (John 4:24). Corr: Harold Elliott, R.R.#1, Wallace, N.S. B0K 1YO. Tel:(902)257-2236, Hall: (902)243-2205.

Taylorside, SK

June 27-29 in the Taylorside Gospel Hall, located 3 miles south and 4 miles west of Beatty, SK. Prayer meeting on Thursday, June 26 at 7:30 p.m. Corr: John Parker, Box 2666, Melfort SK, S0E 1A0, Tel. (306)752-4079, Fax (306)752-5574.

Conference Reminders:

Frostburg, MD – May 10-11
New Lenox, IL – May 10-11
Midland/Waubaushene, ON – May 17-18
Ottawa. ON – May 17-18
Prince Edward Island – May 17-18
London, ON – May 24-25
Sarnia, ON – May 23-25
Bancroft, ON – May 31
Eden Grove, ON – June 1
Garnavillo, IA – June 7-8
North Bay, ON – June 7-8
Saugus, MA – June 7-8

Change of Address

Eugene Badgley: new email address is e.r.badgley@sympatico.ca

H.S. Paisley: 2 Santorina Garden, Alliston, ON, L9R 2C3; Tel: 705-434-2118 (Effective: May 26, 2003)

Change of Address of Correspondent

St. John’s NF: Charles Hiscock, 153 Farrell Drive, Mount Pearl, NL, A1N 4Z1, Tel: 709-368-4154

With Christ

Vera Martinmaki of LaCrosse, WI on January 25, age 92. She was saved in Michigan in 1940 when hearing the gospel preached. She was in the Laurium, MI assembly for many years before moving to LaCrosse about 1995. She was a great warrior and, after going to the nursing home here, was a great help there telling out the gospel. She is survived by five daughters, some of whom profess, and one son who is in the LaCrosse assembly. The funeral was at Hancock, MI where the gospel was preached by Paul Aspenson. A memorial service in LaCrosse at the nursing home was taken by Dick Bruley. Please pray for the family.

Mrs. Nellie MacLeod of Pugwash Jct., NS on December 14, 2002, just a few days before her 93rd birthday. Our beloved sister was the wife of the late MacIntosh (Mac) MacLeod, correspondent for the Pugwash Jct Assembly for many years. The last couple of years, she was in a nursing home and unable to attend assembly meetings. The gospel was faithfully preached at her funeral to unsaved friends and relatives by Robert McIlwaine; Ken Taylor spoke at the graveside.

Norma McGinnis of LaCrosse, WI on February 10, age 76. She was saved in meetings in 1962 held by the late Paul Elliott. She was in the Ontario assembly before moving to LaCrosse. She was a faithful with the gospel and saw souls saved in the apartment building where she lived. She is already much, and leaves six children behind, some of whom profess, and many grandchildren. She left a great impression of the Christian life on many. The wake service in LaCrosse was taken by Dick Bruley, where the hall was full of relatives, saints, and friends. The funeral at Ontario was taken by Kent Hendrickson and Dave Osborne, with Paul Aspenson at the graveside. Pray for the family.

Mrs. Katherine (Katie) Elliott of the Pugwash Jct., NSpassed away on February 14, 2003 at the age of 93 years. She was the wife of the late Charles Elliott. Our dear sister was saved as a young girl and later received into fellowship at Port Howe, Nova Scotia. After moving to Wallace with her husband and family, she and her husband were in fellowship at Pugwash Jct. She was a steadfast sister, faithful to all assembly meetings until ill health prevented her. The gospel was faithfully preached by William Bingham at the funeral. Fred Bartlett spoke at the committal service.

Albert MacKenzie, of Springfield West, PEI, on February 17, age 71 years. Our beloved brother was born again in 1964 under the preaching of A. Hull and J. McCracken. “Uncle Albert,” as he was known to many, was a man of few words and strong convictions. As a farmer, then carpenter, he was well-known and had a good testimony as evidenced by a large funeral. A faithful overseer in the Springfield West assembly for many years, his hearty singing and quiet manner are missed. While uncomplaining to the end, his last months on earth were difficult ones due to a lung disease. His true help-meet, Lila, survives him, along with his four saved sons: Craig, Ivan, Paul, and Hazen, their spouses, nine grandchildren, and one great grandchild.

Ruth Paul of Huntsville, ON on February 19 in her 69th year. She was saved through David Miller in her father’s home in Kincardine. About 10 years ago Ruth was restored to the Lord, and two years later her husband was saved. They both were received into the assembly in Chapman Valley. Six months ago they moved to Huntsville and the Deer Lake assembly. Shortly after, Ruth was diagnosed with cancer. Ruth’s love for the Lord, His Word, and the assembly were very evident. A large number of relatives and friends gathered for the funeral service which was taken by Herb West and Keith Bailey.

Mrs. Marjorie “Doreen” Dale of Strongville, ON on February 21, in her 83rd year. Our dear sister was saved in her late teens after the death of both her parents which caused her true concern about her own eternal destiny. She and her husband were in fellowship for many years in the Toronto area and in Strongville of late. Two of her sons gave a fitting tribute to her character and care raising a family. The funeral was attended by many family members and friends. Don Jennings and Fred Krauss shared the service.

Leslie Howard of Bethany Lodge, Unionville, ON on February 22, age 88. Our beloved brother was born again on July 13, 1930, and was in happy fellowship in the Pape Ave. assembly for many years. Following his marriage, he was in fellowship in Highfield Road for several years before returning to Pape. Les was a cheerful Christian who was very actively involved in Sunday School work and children’s meetings while his family was growing up. He was faithful in attendance at all assembly meetings. In 1992, he went to Bethany, where he was part of the Unionville assembly. He leaves one daughter and two sons, all sheltered by the blood. His wife Doris predeceased him in 1975. The gospel was faithfully proclaimed at his large funeral.

Ivy Brandt of Garnavillo, IA on February 28, age 83. Our dear sister was saved when a young mother in 1942 during gospel meetings held by L. McBain and H. Dobson. She was faithful to the assembly for many years, where she displayed a love and care for others. Since suffering a stroke in April 2000, she has been a resident in the Linn Manor Care Center in Marion, IA. The gospel was faithfully presented to a large company at her funeral service by Robert Orr. Her homecall is a great loss to her husband, Val, and her four children, who have that blessed hope. She also leaves seven grandchildren, some in assembly fellowship, and seven great grandchildren, who will miss her dearly.

Mrs. Irene Nicholson of Victoria Road, ON on March 3, age 80. Our dear sister was saved at 18 under the preaching of Gordon Johnston and Henry Fletcher. A year later she was baptized and received into assembly fellowship in which she was faithful until her home call. In 1967, she married her husband Perrin, to whom she was a faithful companion until his home call 18 years ago. Irene was a quiet sister but will be remembered by her many years of Sunday School teaching and her testimony among neighbors and local children. Out of a family of seven, two sisters remain. The large funeral was taken by her stepson, Ken Nicholson, and nephew, Ed Miller.

Mr. Thomas A. Liggett of N. Ireland on March 4, age 87. He was saved in 1940 while attending gospel meetings conducted by the late Mr. Edward Hill in Lungs, Co. Tyrone. Shortly afterward he was baptized and received into the assembly there, where he remained until the end. He was a quiet, consistent, faithful brother who loved the Lord and the gospel. The very large funeral gave opportunity for hundreds of people to hear the gospel and words of comfort spoken in the home by James Martin, and at the hall and graveside by Thomas McNeill. Norris Stewart and local brethren assisted. Prayer is valued for his dear widow who is not well, his large family some of whom are not saved, and for his youngest daughter who is in fellowship, but presently very ill.

Arlene Axiotis of Hampton, IA on March 5, age 77. Our dear sister was saved as a girl of ten in June of 1936. She was in the Hampton assembly for many years and manifested a happy spirit. She was faithful in attendance of the meetings until her illness. Her husband Paul went to be with the Lord in 1971. A daughter-in-law Christine Axiotis, a son Timothy, and a daughter Ruth Shoup, and their families survive. The funeral was taken by Robert Orr.

Robert Howatson of Sydney Mines, NS on March 11, age 88. He was born August 16, 1914 and saved in 1926. He served in the Armed Forces, and then was in a serious mine accident in 1951 which curtailed his quality of life to some extent. He had a zeal for the gospel, and loved to sing gospel hymns and speak to others about his Savior. He spent the last eight years in the D.V.A. Hospital. He is survived by his wife Theresa, five sons and five daughters, some of whom profess to be saved, and by a sister Ruth who is in fellowship in the assembly. Norman MacQueen officiated at the funeral service.

Chesterman St. Clair of Callander, ON on March 20, age 90. Our dear brother was saved at 19 and in happy fellowship in Galt, Clyde, and, for the last 35 years, Nipissing Jct. Chester was a true Christian gentleman, a kind and loving husband of over 61 years, and an exemplary family man who saw all his children saved. He was a living reality of the “fruit of the Spirit.” He loved the gospel and strongly supported all aspects of the assembly. He is survived by his wife Shirley, three sons, two daughters, their spouses, 13 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren. Tributes and words of comfort were given at the large funeral by Paul Fletcher, Clarence Black, Byron St.Clair, and Shawn St.Clair. Brian Crawford preached the gospel clearly and David Booth gave fitting words at the committal.

Clarence Werden of Hamilton, ON on March 26, in his 95th year. He was saved in 1923 at the age of 15, through the truth of John 3:16, on his way home from a gospel meeting being conducted in Sarnia by the late Mr. Robert McCrory. For a period of time, he and his wife were in fellowship in the Brock Avenue assembly before moving to the Hamilton area. From 1943 until 2000, our dear brother was in happy fellowship in the Kensington Avenue assembly until moving to Bethany Lodge. Our brother leaves four children and their families to mourn his loss. The funeral was taken by Fred Krauss and Paul Glenney.

Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust

The Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust was established in 1949 to provide an efficient and reliable service of forwarding funds to missionaries, servants of the Lord, and their widows. Fellowship can be sent to any worker who has been commended to full time service in the work of the Lord by an assembly in Canada, the United States or any other country.

If you wish to use the Gospel Trust, you should prepare a list of the commended workers with whom you desire to have fellowship, showing the amount of fellowship you wish to send to each worker. Simply mail your list along with a check payable to Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust to either the Canadian or U.S. Gospel Trusts. The addresses for both Trusts are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover.

Since both Gospel Trusts are Registered Charitable Organizations, receipts which are valid for income tax purposes are issued for all gifts received.