A Tribute to Mr. James Ronald (2)

I first met brother Jim Ronald when in company with the late Mr. John Gray. I attended the annual New Year’s day meetings at Portage la Prairie in 1954. He and his wife showed us very kind hospitality in their home. He talked with me in a personal way about the need of the gospel work and workers on the prairies. I was quite impressed and later joined him on several occasions in meetings. Some blessing was seen, and I finally moved with my wife and family from Thunder Bay, ON, to Brandon, MB.

One thing that especially impressed me about brother Ronald, was his faithfulness in visitation work. We would never have a series in the gospel anywhere, using a tent or hall, without the whole surrounding area being covered in personal house to house visitation. Every home was called upon with invitations, and where it was opportune, a personal conversation took place. Here and there a little blessing was seen in the salvation of souls. Togo, SK. and Roblin, MB. were places in which the hand of God was clearly seen. An assembly was formed at Togo and this continued for a number of years. A number of the older believers passed away and others who were in fellowship moved out of the area and in 1994 the assembly was dissolved. Mr. And Mrs. Ronald moved to Brandon, MB where his spiritual help was much appreciated by the assembly. After a lengthy period of weakness, brother Ronald passed into the presence of his Lord at almost 92 years of age. The large number which attended the funeral showed d the high regard and esteem in which he was held.