


Edmonton: The saints enjoyed a week of ministry from Jim Webb who gave helpful and appreciated ministry on I Thessalonians.

British Columbia

Squamish: The saints appreciated the visit of Andrew Bergsma for a weekend in late October. Ken Taylor visited November 20 for ministry.

Vancouver: Ken Taylor was with saints in Victoria Drive in early November. Our brother’s brief stay on the West Coast, while attending to the affairs of his aged mother, enabled him to visit a number of assemblies in the area. John Fitzpatrick made appreciated visits to the saints of the Woodland Drive and Fairview assemblies in late November.

New Brunswick

Moncton: Albert Hull and Peter Ramsay concluded a gospel series November 3. Attendance was excellent and there was blessing in salvation. All felt the meetings were most timely.

Shdiac: Noel Burden gave an appreciated visit to the assembly in mid-November. The assembly had their first monthly all-day meeting November 24. Leslie Wells, Grard Roy, and a local brother ministered to a full hall. A brother was added to the fellowship, which gave joy to the saints.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: The assembly appreciated visits from G. Goff, E. Fowler, and M. Poidevin.

Gander: G. Goff had a week of ministry on the book of Ephesians, which was a great encouragement to the believers. Brother Goff, with his wife, was on the Island for most of October and November helping the assemblies. A. Dryburgh had three nights of good ministry, November 4-6.

Gander Bay: The assembly enjoyed the report and ministry of M. Poidevin on the work in Zambia.

McIvers: J. Jarvis and S. Joyce continue after two weeks of gospel meetings. Some unsaved are coming with one man showing a real concern for his soul.

Red Bay: Gospel meetings concluded after two weeks with W. Buckle and D. Swan.

Rocky Harbour: M. Poidevin gave a report on the work in Zambia.

Sandringham: The assembly, joined by saints from other assemblies, celebrated 25 years of testimony on Nov.16-17. Bert Joyce and Bryan Funston set up the original tent for two summers 1976 and 1977. They and local brethren spoke of God’s goodness over 25 years. Many, including Bryan and his wife, “endured a great fight of affliction” at the start, but the testimony is bright today. Gaius Goff gave help in ministry. A highlight of the weekend occurred on Saturday night when seven local brethren gave their testimonies. Most were saved through the work on the Eastport Peninsula. Bert Joyce and David Hunt hope to have meetings here in January.

Seal Cove: The annual conference was small with good ministry given by J. Jarvis, P. Mathews, G. Goff, C. Hiscock, and G. Whey. J. Jarvis and G. Whey stayed in the area for several gospel meetings after the conference.

St. John’s: The annual conference was very profitable with the general theme of restoration running throughout. Ministry was given by P. Mathews, R. McIlwaine, A. Dryburgh, G. Goff, and B. Funston. Gary Sharp had children’s meetings November 6-15 with good attendance from parents and children. These were followed by a two-week gospel series commending November 17 with David Hunt and Bryan Funston. Unsaved were in each night and we look to the Lord to bring some of these souls to Christ.

Nova Scotia

Blues Mills: Noel Burden was with the saints for two ministry meetings in October. The conference on November 9-10 had good attendance with profitable ministry given by a good number of the Lord’s servants. On November 16, the saints were cheered when three young men were baptized, and Alan La Blanc had a word of ministry.

Inverness: Fred Bartlett, helped by local brethren, had 3 weeks of gospel meetings in a home. A number from the community attended. The effort continues with a gospel meeting each Lord’s Day.

Nineveh: The assembly had visits from Peter Orasuk, when a young man was baptized, and Stan Wells for ministry.

Halifax: On November 23-24 the assembly sponsored ministry meetings held in the Bedford High School. Brethren Albert Hull, Peter Ramsay, and Stanley Wells were responsible for the nine sessions on “Coping with the Crises of Christian Living” which proved most profitable to the saints. There were over 400 in attendance and it is an encouragement to the assembly to see such a response to the Word of God. While in the area, brother Wells also visited the Avonport, Nineveh, and Clementsvale assemblies.


Barrie: Eugene Badgley attended the first monthly ministry meeting along with two extra nights with the Parkside Dr. assembly. Alvin Cook paid an unexpected visit for ministry while visiting some contacts in the area. Gary Sharp had two weeks of excellent youth meetings with a nice number of adults attending as well. The very small assembly here acknowledges the help given by a couple from the Bolton assembly. All the visits were very much appreciated and helpful.

Clinton: Ben Prins was with the assembly November 29 and gave an interesting account of the work in St. Lucia where he has been giving help over the past two years.

Clyde: Fred Krauss spent a weekend in November with the saints.

Grand Bend: Four weeks of gospel meetings which concluded November 3 were most encouraging to the saints. The voice of God was heard in the faithful presentation of the gospel by Marvin Derksen and Mark Bachert. Attendance was good and the Lord’s hand was seen in salvation. Please pray that many who listened to the gospel will yet be saved.

Newbury: We enjoyed two nights of encouraging and instructive ministry from James Smith in November.

North Bay: The Nipissing Junction assembly enjoyed two nights of ministry and a gospel meeting with Wm. Metcalf and one night of ministry with Bruce Rodgers. David Booth and Brian Crawford held four weeks of gospel meetings with very apparent help from God. The Christians spoke of their hearts being warmed, but there was not a lot of interest from the city. We rejoiced greatly when three brethren were baptized with Ken Moore, David Booth and Brian Crawford sharing that meeting. The young people’s meetings carried on during the winter months by brethren from the assembly are being held in Sturgeon Falls, Circle Lake area in North Bay, and in Mattawa.

London: Five young people have been baptized recently and a young man received into fellowship, bringing joy to the saints. Jim Smith was here two weeks in November with the “Egypt to Canaan” chart for the benefit of new converts.

Oshawa: The saints were encouraged as the one-day conference was larger than usual with six of the Lord’s servants to help in timely ministry. We have also enjoyed ministry recently by James Beattie, Larry Telesford, Larry Buote, and Alex Dryburgh.

St. Thomas: We purpose to have gospel meetings commencing January 8, 2003. William Metcalf and Jack Nesbitt are expected to be with us for this effort. Please pray that souls will be saved for His honor and glory.

Toronto: The Langstaff assembly was going into the fifth week of gospel meetings in early December. Murray McCandless and Andrew Ussher were seeing excellent numbers attending with over 20 unsaved present some nights. A young girl had professed faith in Christ.

Thunder Bay: Peter Simms visited for a week of ministry commencing November 20.

Windsor: Gospel meetings commenced November 10 with Frank Sona and Stephen Vance, and have now entered their fourth week. Two souls have professed faith in Christ. The saints also enjoyed four nights of ministry with David Oliver earlier in November.


Longueuil: The assembly held a two-day conference the second weekend in November. Leslie Wells, Larry Buote, Grard Roy, and a visiting brother from New Brunswick gave help in the ministry of the Word and the preaching of the gospel. God gave help during the two Bible Readings on Hebrews 11.


Glen Ewen: Peter Simms was expected here for ministry December 1-8.

Taylorside: The saints enjoyed recent visits from Jim Webb, Peter Simms, and Andrew Bergsma.



Phoenix: The annual conference was well attended. The Lord’s servants, Jim McColl, Philip Harding, Bill Lavery, and Ed Doherty, gave timely ministry to the encouragement of the saints present. Bill Lavery stayed on for a week of ministry. David Morgan had three nights of ministry in early November; Jim McColl had two nights prior to the conference.


Newington: The assembly enjoyed a series of ministry meetings with David Oliver. Gene Higgins visited for a day and gave appreciated help in both ministry and gospel. Five young people were baptized November 23 prior to the one-day conference. Harold Paisley expected to remain for a few nights of ministry following the conference.

Terryville: The assembly was encouraged by its 80th annual conference in October. Practical and instructive ministry was given, reminding believers of the privileges and responsibilities of fellowship in a New Testament assembly of God.


Cedar Falls: Some of the young brethren from the assembly conducted one week of children’s meetings in Hudson, a town about ten miles from Cedar Falls. Interest was good with a few mothers attending. The assembly appreciated one night of ministry from Jim McColl.

Garnavillo: Eugene Higgins had gospel meetings from November 6-20, using his chart on Future Events. A nice number from the community attended the meetings. The Christians enjoyed the meetings and were encouraged by the blessing in salvation that was seen.

Stout: Recent gospel meetings at Dike, Iowa, have concluded with some interest. We have also enjoyed recent visits by Robert Surgenor, James McColl, and Hans Bouwman. Our Thanksgiving Day meeting was profitable with seven of the Lord’s servants present.


Cumberland: Bill Lavery ministered for four nights on the book of Romans.


Byfield: James McColl had an excellent ministry meeting while visiting with the believers on October 30.

Methuen: The saints appreciated the ministry of James McColl of Australia on October 31. The timely ministry of Mr. Harold Paisley on November 29 and for the afternoon ministry meeting on Lord’s Day, December 1, was very encouraging to the saints and those visiting from surrounding assemblies.


Battle Creek: The assembly planned an all-day meeting December 8 with Norman Crawford and several other brethren.

Jackson: Dan Shutt had a week of children’s meetings in the hall when as many as 100 children came, a number of them for the first time, and many of their parents. The clear gospel held the children’s interest, and parents returned a number of nights. Andrew Bergsma is expected to be with the assembly for a Lord’s Day in December.

Livonia: We had the happy privilege of baptizing four young men during the gospel series with Brian Crawford and Marvin Derksen. Over a dozen teenagers from the outreach and Sunday school work were out each night, and listened with deep interest as the gospel was faithfully preached

Saginaw: The saints in Saginaw and surrounding assemblies enjoyed the ministry of William Metcalf and Brian Owen at the monthly ministry meeting, December 1. Brian Owen continued in ministry for the balance of the week taking up foundational truths for believers.


Willmar: The assembly enjoyed the all-day meeting, December 1, with searching ministry from Roy Weber, William Skates, and Lyle Dempster.


Kansas City: Joel Portman was with the saints in October for two nights of ministry which were very profitable and encouraging to all. Robert Orr was also the saints in October for one night in the gospel. It was much appreciated.

New Jersey

Barrington: James McColl ministered here, as well as in Pennsauken, and Midland Park.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: The assembly appreciated a week of ministry meetings with Jim Webb in September and a week of ministry with Philip Harding in November. Please pray for gospel meetings to start January 12 with John Slabaugh and Gary Sharp following the Seed Sowers distribution which took place late December.


Akron: Bill Seale was with the assembly for the Sunday School treat; a number of parents were also present. Our brother gave excellent help in ministry and the gospel.

Cleveland: John Slabaugh was with us for a Lord’s Day; his visit was much appreciated.

Mansfield: The assembly was cheered when three believers were baptized recently: two teenagers and a 75 year-old man.


Bryn Mawr: The conference was smaller than usual but was an encouragement to the believers. Those present for ministry were W. Gustafson, A. J. Higgins, W. Lavery, J. McColl, D. Oliver, D. Peterson, J. Slabaugh, and G. Stewart. Before the conference, brother McColl had two nights in Hatboro.

Hatboro: W. Lavery remained for a couple of nights of ministry after the Bryn Mawr conference.


Black Earth: G. Clift, J. Frazier, K. Hendrickson, and A. Ward ministered on assembly truths, relationship of God with individuals, spiritual housekeeping, and the golden lampstands at the all-day meeting November 17.

Black River Falls: Peter Simms ministered here in the October, as well as in Blue River, and a week in Mt. Sterling.


Bicester, Oxfordshire: The assembly has just concluded a week of ministry (November 7) with Malcolm Radcliffe on the garments of Christ, and a week of gospel meetings with Harold Paisley. Good numbers of saints and sinners attended; quite a number came for the first time. The assembly expects a visit from A. J. Higgins, in February, 2003, for a week of ministry on family issues.


Please pray for the visit in late January or early February of Ken and Doris Taylor and a number of brethren and sisters from Canada who purpose to visit with more literature and to follow up some contacts from a previous visit to the Port-Au-Prince area.


St. Catherine: Recent gospel meetings in the Treadways Gospel Hall with David Morgan (Wales) were most encouraging. Many visitors heard the gospel and the saints were refreshed.


David Richards and his wife hope to return to Ekaterinburg in February. Louis Smith of Jackson, MI returned from Russia late in November. He was greatly encouraged by the response in as many as ten new locations. These are villages where he was allowed to use the public hall to preach the gospel. As many as 70 people came in some of these places. One woman professed to be saved.

Conferences, D.V.

San Diego, CA

February 15-16 with Prayer meeting February 14 at 7:30 p.m. Meetings each day will be 10 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 4646 Twain Ave. There will be Bible readings Saturday and Monday mornings. The Bible readings will be 1 Cor. 11. Corr: William Smith, Tel: (619)582-2109, Hall: (619)280-7021.

Conference Reminders:

Seattle, WA: January 18-19
Deland, FL: February 1-2

Changes to T&T Address List

Ed Miller: 20 Dorman Drive, Stouffville, ON, Canada L4A 8A6; ed.miller@sympatico.ca

Alex Dryburgh: email address is alexdryburgh@sympatico.ca

Change of Correspondent

Livonia, MI (Stark Road Assembly): David Vallance, M.D., 21600 Currie Road, Northville, MI 48167; Tel: (248) 446-9346; davidvallance@sbcglobal.net

Cleveland, OH (Monticello Gospel Hall): Kevin Buck, 10170 Timothy Lane, Twinsburg, Ohio 44087; Tel: 330-963-4104

Change of Meeting Times

Lake Shore, ON: Gospel meeting Sunday at 7 p.m.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Stout, IA: Gary DeGroote – new E-mail address is gdegroote2@msn.com

With Christ

Mrs. Della Wright of Clementsvale, NS on May 16, age 87. Our beloved sister was saved in 1942 under the preaching of a Baptist preacher, Mr. George Bryson. In 1944, when Robert McIlwaine came to Clementsvale to preach the gospel, joined later by his father, the assembly was planted. Della, with her husband George, were two of the original twelve in fellowship. Both continued faithfully for many years, until George’s sickness in 1987, when they had to move to their daughter’s home in Berwick, N.S. In 1991 George went home to be with the Lord, and during the last 13 years, Della was in the Berwick assembly. The funeral was shared by Robert McIlwaine and James McClelland.

Mr. Joe Little of Kelowna, BC on September 5, 2001, age 98. He was born in England in 1903, and while young came to Canada with his family. He was saved among the Baptists in Toronto where he met Jean Irwin whom he married in 1926. They moved to St. Catherines where they learned the truth of gathering in the Lord’s Name. He gained the respect of his employers as he travelled in Ontario and the U.S.A. In the mid-1950s they moved to Kelowna where they were in fellowship with the believers at the Highway Gospel Hall in Westbank. For many years he was an overseer and took an interest in all the assembly activities. His wife predeceased him in 1991. He is survived by only daughter, with her children and grand children.

Marjorie Foreshew of Arnstein, ON on July 22, in her 98th year. After she was saved in 1931 and received into fellowship, she seldom missed gathering with the Lord’s people over 70 years. Her large family and many friends and neighbors echoed the tributes given at the funeral by her eldest son, Albert, and grandson, Byrne Foreshew, to her generosity, hospitality, confidence in God, and contentment in life. With her strong commitment to evangelical work, she would have been pleased as Don Nicholson spoke of the need of salvation, and Ernie Dellandrea reminded all at the graveside of the Lord’s imminent return. Our sister leaves a legacy of testimony to the grace and power of God.

John McDonald of Hamilton, Scotland on August 25, age 70. Our brother was saved and baptized in early life. Having learned the truth of gathering to the Lord’s Name, he was in uninterrupted loyal fellowship for 55 years. For most of the last 41 years he was a faithful shepherd in the assembly at Low Waters Gospel Hall. Under our brother’s influence and guidance, a number of younger men made progress and are now exercising a helpful ministry. Our brother had a public ministry in Scotland and other parts of the UK. He was also well known in Tampa, FL where he gave help from time to time. The large funeral was shared by J. Paterson and local brethren. Please pray for his wife, Nessie, and family circle.

George Hutchison of Vancouver, BC on October 8, age 85. Our dear brother passed away after 70 years in Christ. George was raised in Regina, SK, and was saved at a Glen Ewen conference, which in those days was held in the barn on the banks of the Souris River. Our brother served as an elder in the Carleton assembly from its beginning in 1966. He is survived by his wife, Agnes, and at present, two generations of his family are in fellowship here. The funeral in the hall was shared by Harold Hanna and Sam Logue, with Lawrence Hanna at the grave.

Henry Trueg of Cedar Falls, IA on November 6, age 89. Our brother was saved on February 12, 1947 during gospel meetings in Stout conducted by brethren Dobson and Lipke. He and his wife, Rosalyn, were received into the Western Avenue assembly in Waterloo a few months later. He was faithful in attendance these many years until health problems began to hinder. He is survived by his wife, two sons, and a daughter. The funeral, which was well attended, was taken by Robert Orr.

Albert Taylor of Sault Ste. Marie, ON on November 14, in his 74th year. Our beloved brother was saved in London, England in 1954. He was received into assembly fellowship here in 1962, where he has continued until recent sickness and suffering prevented him from attending the assembly meetings. Albert was a quiet, godly brother who will be sadly missed by the assembly and his family. His wife, Eva, and sons Garry and Daren, await the glad reunion. Peter Steedman and Ron Millette spoke faithful words at the funeral.

Mr. Thomas Meredith Kerton of Northern Ireland on November 22, age 70. He was saved in February 1988, about four weeks after his wife and two daughters, the complete family, had been saved during a gospel series by W.J. Nesbitt, extending from November 11, 1987 to April 1, 1988 in the old Burnside Gospel Hall. He was a gracious, godly man who was devoted to the Lord and the assembly. His presence and help will be greatly missed. W.J. Nesbitt spoke words of comfort and a clear gospel message at the funeral service and T. Meekin spoke from Psalm 2 at the graveside service.

Thelma Burbine of River Hebert, NS on November 25, age 91, after many years of illness. She was saved in 1936 through the words of the hymn,”Just As I Am.” She was in happy fellowship for over 60 years. Cecil Morton took the funeral service with faithful words in the gospel and words of comfort. Please pray for unsaved family members.

Mrs. Hilda Maude Lievers of Paradise Valley, AB on November 25, age 75 years. Maude was saved at the age of nine through the witness of family members. Our sister was in happy assembly fellowship for over 60 years. The last three years were spent in a nursing home. She was the mother of six children, with sixteen grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren. She is survived by husband Ben, brother Cyril, and sister Barbara Lock. Prayer is requested for those not saved. James Ronald preached the gospel at the large funeral.

Mrs. Margaret (Pearl) Crawford of Longport, NJ on November 28, aged 93. Pearl was saved at home in 1925 during gospel meetings conducted by John Blair in the Bishop Avenue Gospel Hall, Bridgeport, CT. She and her husband Jim spent the most of their lives in active service in the assembly in Bridgeport. In 1993 they moved to the Home in Longport and Jim predeceased her in 1995. Although suffering much in recent years, she bore a consistent testimony that impressed many that sought to serve her. Fitting words were spoken at a grave side service in CT by William J. Oliver.

Joan Canning of Orillia, ON and Collingwood, ON on November 29. She was saved as a young girl of 14, and all her family and her employer bore witness to her love for the souls of others and the faithfulness of her testimony. She taught Sunday School for 27 years, but it was her voice lifted in song that we will all remember. Murray McLeod and Larry Steers spoke faithful words at the funeral. Pray for several family members not yet saved.