The importance for believers in assemblies today to understand millennial headship. The use of the word “head” is very important. When Zion is seen as the head of the mountains, “headship” shall be seen on earth in its fullness. Israel will then be the head of the nations on earth and no longer the tail (Deut 28:13). This state of affairs was one of the blessings of Mount Gerizim but was unattainable through the law and human endeavor. But then, who is like God! His program will be brought to fruition despite the failures of men. Man has nothing to glory of in God’s divine program. All the glory accrues to Christ, and consequently we depend on Him and are in subjection to Him in all things. This is the underlying truth of headship.
As we read this ancient passage against the background of New Testament revelation, we recognize that there was much about the lovely principle of headship which was hidden from Micah. But then, who is like God! It is His glory to hide a matter and then to reveal it, as He has now done in the New Testament. In Ephesians 1:10 we discover that in the dispensation of the fullness of times (the millennium), “He will HEAD up together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and in earth even in Him.” How will this operate? Christ will be seen as the Head of the church in the heavens. Israel will be seen as the head of the nations on the earth. In that day, Israel and the world will completely depend on Christ for teaching and judgment. Heaven and earth for the first time since the fall of our first parents shall be seen in complete harmony (headed up in one). Then shall be fulfilled the words of the angels to the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and good will to man” (Luke 2:14). Then shall be fulfilled the words in the Lord’s prayer, “Thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven.” Israel would know how to teach the rest of the nations because it will learn from the church in the heavens the will of the church’s Head (Eph 1) – the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Believers of this church age shall instruct the Angels in that coming day (1 Cor 6:3) and pass on the will of our Head to them. This is why in each of the 12 gates (place of administration) of the heavenly millennial city we find an angel. John tells us that all 12 angels are concerned with the 12 tribes of Israel on earth (Rev 21:12). This is simply a further illumination on what the Lord Himself revealed to Nathaniel, “Hereafter ye shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man” (John 1:51). There are important practical lessons here. If the church in the heavens in a coming day will be instructing angels as to the will of our risen Head regarding the administration of His earthly kingdom by the 12 tribes on earth, it is no surprise that angels are especially interested in the symbolic display of headship in an assembly gathering (1 Cor 11:10). Head-coverings for sisters and the respective roles of brethren and sisters in assemblies constitute just one of the ways in which God uses the church to teach angels today. As the angels look on at assemblies obeying the divinely given order, they marvel at God’s wisdom. “To the intent that now unto angels and principalities and powers in heavenly places might be made known by the church the manifold wisdom of God” (Eph 3:10). But why should angels be tasked with teaching millennial Israel the will of the heavens? It is worth remembering that the law was given by angels. God has always used angels to teach Israel. However, in contrast today and in the millennium, He uses and will use the church to teach angels. This final order of headship will be seen in millennial glory, but until then, God, with angels looking on, expects the Headship of Christ to be acknowledged in the assembly gatherings of His people today. Hence the sisters’ heads are covered and they remain silent, whereas the brethren’s heads are uncovered. In other words, that which symbolically speaks of man’s glory is veiled (the sister’s head), whereas that which speaks of the glory of Christ (the man’s head) is unveiled. The significance is simple but very precious. We do not glory in anything of man in the Lord’s presence. That is why that which speaks of man’s glory is veiled. If we believe that He is in the midst then surely we long that only His glory should be manifest. This is very scriptural, for when the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle, the priests left. Similarly when the glory of the Lord filled the temple, the priests left. Does this mean we as believers leave the public gathering of His people because we are so aware of His august presence? No! We publicly show our recognition of His presence and glory by veiling that which speaks symbolically of man’s glory; hence our sisters’ heads are covered. Only His glory is seen. This is glorifying to the Lord and educational to angels. Furthermore it silently, yet eloquently, indicates to that very world over which we will one day administer, that all brethren and sisters gathered have complete dependence on Christ and are in subjection to Him in everything. God loves His children to follow the truth of headship. Imagine the blessings on millennial earth when headship will be seen in its fullness! Universal peace and prosperity will prevail and creation, animate and inanimate, will be healed.
Now spare a moment to think of the blessings for believers today who personally and collectively seek to live according to the truth of headship – acting in submission to our risen Head in all things and concerned only with His glory and not glorying in ourselves! O that we may not just outwardly and formally follow the doctrine of headship but in addition, deeply in our hearts long to glorify Him and live our lives in complete subjection to His holy will!