British Columbia
Kamloops: Gospel meetings with David Richards and David Hunt concluded October 6 after three weeks with a good number of unsaved in each night. A woman whose husband has been saved for over 40 years professed salvation.
Vancouver: Three weeks of gospel meetings which commenced September 15 with the South Main assembly, concluded. Two elderly ladies and a teenage boy professed salvation. These meetings conducted by Bryan Funston and Earl Ritchie saw unsaved in attendance each night.
Squamish: The one-day conference October 5 was encouraging to the saints. A number of young people attended. Six brethren shared in the ministry.
Terrace: Gospel meetings with Cap Van de Wetering and John Fitzpatrick concluded September 29 with a girl confessing Christ.
Steinbach: Ross Vanstone and Jack Gould followed up an earlier fruitful summer tent series with teaching meetings. Over 100 from the surrounding communities attended. Please pray for further development in this area of Manitoba.
New Brunswick
Moncton: The Moncton assembly planned a series of gospel meetings with Albert Hull and Peter Ramsay, commencing October 13. Please remember these meetings in prayer.
Shediac: Gerard Roy was with the assembly for an afternoon of ministry on Lord’s Day, September 22. After the gospel meeting, two believers obeyed the Lord in baptism. Several unsaved were present for this happy occasion.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills: On September 22, the saints were cheered by the reception of three sisters into assembly fellowship.
New Annan: Bill Bingham and Ken Taylor had seven weeks of gospel tent meetings. A number professed to be saved. They were also encouraged by the interest during the two weeks of morning children’s meetings.
Nineveh: John Meekin and Peter Orasuk commenced September 15 in the gospel. Prayer is especially requested for some of the Christian’s children attending.
River Hebert: Fred Bartlett and James McClellend commenced September 15 in the gospel. There is a deep exercise to see the Lord’s hand in salvation.
Clinton: The saints have been encouraged by the reception into fellowship recently of a young woman. Prayer would be appreciated for her unsaved husband. Alex Dryburgh gave timely and searching ministry in September.
Kapuskasing: The believers have been encouraged by the desire of some of our young people to be baptized through the course of this summer. Four more were baptized on August 25, bringing the total to eight. Included is a sister who started coming out to the meetings last fall. Bruce Rodgers was with us for a week of ministry at the beginning of September on the High Priestly Ministry of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Orillia: Dave Richards is expected here for meetings in October.
Picton: During the month of August we enjoyed three weeks of gospel meetings with Peter Ramsey and Albert Hull. Peter Ramsey joined enthusiastic brethren and sisters for an excellent week of children’s meetings. Some new contacts were made and everyone rejoiced to see a young couple obey the Lord in baptism.
Sault Ste. Marie: The recent Labor Day conference was a time of real blessing with ten of the Lord’s servants present.
Sudbury: The assembly enjoyed two nights of ministry given by Fred Kraus in late August, a visit by Alex Dryburgh for three nights of ministry in early September, and also a visit from Al Cook for ministry. The saints were encouraged when a young brother was recently received into assembly fellowship.
Timmins: The saints enjoyed a short visit from Arnold Adams in late August. Craig Saword from EI Salvador gave a missionary report in early October. Saints from the surrounding assemblies gathered on September 28 to help distribute invitations for well attended childrens meetings which Murray Pratt conducted from Oct 3-8.
Prince Edward Island
Springfield West and Rosebank: These assemblies had cause for rejoicing on September 8 when thirteen, some of them saved for some time, obeyed the Lord in baptism at the seashore. This was the conclusion of 81/2 weeks of fruitful tent meetings in Unionvale with Murray McCandless and Robert McIlwaine. The attendance was excellent. There was a week of children’s meetings in August.
Summerside: The Freetown assembly, with Albert Hull and Peter Ramsay, held gospel meetings in a community center which concluded after five weeks on October 11. A Monday Bible school was also held each week for the young people. Nice numbers attended with some blessing in salvation.
Longueuil: Leslie Wells was with the assembly from September 4-22. He gave help visiting the many contacts made through the distribution of gospel texts and had two weeks of gospel meetings.
St. Alexander: During tent meetings with Larry Boute and Andre Drouin, a 16-year-old girl was baptized. She was saved a few years before in meetings by Shad Kember & Larry Boute in same area. Over 400 reply cards have been received from the Seed Sower efforts in Montreal.
Phoenix: See New Assemblies. The Sunnyslope assembly whole-heartedly supports the establishment of the new Spanish speaking assembly on the west side. it has been our joy to prayerfully and practically support this outreach work from the very beginning. The labors of John Dennison, Shad Kember, Jr., and others have been manifestly blessed of God. A few from the Sunnyslope assembly along with other visitors, were present at the first meeting on September 15 to remember the Lord. Please pray with us for the preservation and growth of this new assembly.
Alpena: Joel Portman and Harrys Rodriguez from Mexico had five days here working among the Spanish speaking population and ministering to the saints in the assembly. They also had gospel meetings in several homes in Springdale.
San Diego: In September, Jim Webb had ministry meetings on 2 Thessalonians. The assembly was refreshed and encouraged.
Cedar Falls: On September 19, the Christians assembled 119 parcels to be sent via container to missionaries in Zambia. During the first two weeks of October the assembly purposed to conduct nightly children’s meetings. Robert Surgenor was expected for a few nights of ministry later in the month.
Marion: Prayer is valued for gospel Meetings which commenced October 9 with brethren Eric McCullough and William Skates.
Postville: Tom Baker is having meetings here in both Spanish and English. He had planned to be about one week, but because of good interest, the meetings have been extended.
Waterloo: Gospel tent meetings in the suburb of Evansdale with Roy Weber and Jerry Jennings closed September 18 after three and one half weeks of faithful preaching. The meetings were well attended with a good number of unsaved in every night. One soul professed and others showed interest in salvation.
Augusta: We appreciated a visit from John Slabaugh September 16 and 17. In August, we had a visit from Walter Gustafson. Bryan Joyce and Paul Barnhardt also had a few children’s meetings.
Cumberland and Frostburg: Peter Orasuk and John Meekin visited on August 26 with profitable ministry in Frostburg and soul searching gospel messages at Cumberland.
Methuen: James McClelland encouraged the saints with a visit August 18, and Aubrey Kelly gave appreciated ministry and an interesting report on the work in Mexico on September 19.
Watertown: A visit on September 18 by John Slabaugh and Aubrey Kelly resulted in much spiritual help and encouragement to the believers.
Deckerville: The recent gospel tent meetings in August, with William Lavery and William Metcalf, were an encouragement to the assembly. There were no professions but a few strangers came in from the area.
Jackson: A visit by Alex Dryburgh for a Lord’s Day at the end of September was appreciated. Dan Shutt is expected for children’s meetings in October.
Ferndale: On October 13, gospel meetings with Frank Sona and Larry Perkins were planned. The assembly is small, but continues to reach out with the gospel to the neighborhood.
Roseville: Robert Orr and Art Ward finished four weeks of gospel meetings on August 16. An 18 year old girl professed and two college students were baptized during the meetings. Some 7,000 invitations were given out with the help of some of the young believers from Garnavillo.
New Jersey
Somers Point: Don Draper and Gene Higgins had gospel meetings in a home here in connection with the former Longport assembly. The attendance was encouraging and a few souls professed to be saved.
North Carolina
Hickory: Three weeks of meetings with Art Ward and David Petterson closed at the end of September. We thank the Lord for blessing in the salvation of two young women. Ernie Moore and his wife, from Chile, were here for a one month visit in October.
Akron: The assembly appreciated a visit from Jack Nesbitt. The brethren began children’s meetings in a local school.
Cleveland: The assembly was encouraged by visits from James Smith and Gary Sharp.
Clyde: Gary Sharp had children’s meetings in the Gospel Hall with good attention and interest. Also each afternoon there was a children’s meeting in the Bellevue After-School Center with about 20 children attending.
Mansfield: John Slabaugh gave help in a recent visit. The conference on October 5-6 was well attended with ten brethren ministering the Word and preaching the gospel. There was much appreciation for the Word of God.
Bryn Mawr: John Slabaugh paid an appreciated visit, as well as to Barrington and Pennsauken. On September 28, the assembly set up a literature table again at the annual street market where literature was distributed. Also crafts were conducted in the yard of the Hall that engaged over 85 children, all with a view to furthering the Sunday School work and the regular gospel meeting.
Hatboro: John Slabaugh visited with the assembly for two evenings and shared in a ministry meeting with Wm. Lavery on the Lord’s day. Brother Lavery continued for three nights.
Hardwick: The assembly held its annual conference over the weekend of September 14-15 with seven full-time servants of the Lord present. The theme of the ministry was the preeminence of the Word of God as the source, derivation, and strength of our faith. Three local brethren from other assemblies also gave help.
Tri-Cities: The summer outreach with the gospel tent and the Kid’s day camp went well resulting in a good number of new families to follow-up with visitation. With the need for more room and with much prayer, we have purchased a church building. On October 6 we had our first “Breaking of Bread” (see New Assemblies).
West Virginia
New Creek: Jim Smith completed two weeks of gospel meetings with a good number of unsaved young people in to hear the gospel.
Black Earth: Tom Cooper, Jim Frazier, Jerry Jennings, and Robert Surgenor gave excellent, searching ministry at the September 22 all-day meeting.
Janesville: Prayer is requested for a gospel series which began in early October with brethren Jerry Jennings and Art Ward.
Mt. Sterling: William Skates was with the assembly in September for five nights of ministry on, “A Prophetic Panorama,” using a large chart.
N. Ireland
Armagh: H. Wilson (Brazil) and J. Rogers (Newry) have commenced gospel meetings at Battleford Bridge, five miles from Armagh city where brother Wilson was born and raised.
Banbridge: D. Gilliland and J. Fleck have commenced in the Gospel Hall with good numbers attending.
Belfast: Albert Aiken has had a series of gospel meetings in the Fortwilliam Hall, a difficult area of the city.
Crossgar: J. Martin and W. Martin have commenced in the Gospel Hall in this village.
Ermyroe: S. McBride has had a few weeks ministry meetings in this small assembly near to Newtownhamilton on the Feasts of Jehovah.
Fintona: W.J. Nesbitt has had two weeks of ministry meetings in the assembly here on the Tabernacle, with illustrated chart.
Killycurragh: The annual conference was smaller in numbers but six brethren ministered the Word to profit.
Lame: The annual four-day conference and Bible Readings were large and considered profitable. Bible readings in John 18-21 were conducted by R. McKeown, D. Gilliland, J. McColl and H.S. Paisley.
Magherafelt: Alex Wilson and T. Topley purpose commencing in the gospel here shortly.
Portstewart: H. Paisley and W. Fenton have had large numbers attending gospel meetings in a double portable hall erected on a very suitable site on the coast. There has been blessing in salvation.
Ballymagarrick, Armagh, and Ballymena: These assemblies are conducting Saturday night ministry meetings during the winter.
A visit by J. McColl, Australia, Brother McColl visited the province during the month of September and ministered the Word of God in many assemblies.
Joel Portman is planning three weeks of meetings, Bible readings, and visitation with the assemblies in Zamora, and the work in Guadalajara. The Bible readings in the assembly at Zamora will be on truths having to do with the local assembly.
Conferences. D.V.
Bolton/Brampton, ON
November 16 in the Albion Bolton Community Centre, Bolton Fair Grounds, Hwy 50. Meetings on Saturday will be at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Young People’s outing and ministry meeting Friday night at 6:30 p.m. at Humberview Secondary School, Kingsview Dr., Bolton. Tel: (905)-857-0753, (905)-459-6983;
Conference Reminders:
Blues Mills, NS – November 9-10
Brvn Mawr, PA – November 8-10
Oil Springs, ON – November 9-10
Oshawa, ON – November 9
Maberly, ON – November 23
McKeesport, PA – November 29-Dec.1
Phoenix, AZ – November 28-Dec. 1
Stout, IA – November 28
New Assemblies
Pasco, WA: Tri-Cities Gospel Hall, 316 N. 11″ Ave., Pasco WA 99301
Phoenix, AZ: The labors of John Dennison, Shad Kember, Jr., and others have been used of God in the planting of a new assembly. A few from the Sunnyslope assembly along with other visitors were present at the first meeting on September 15 to remember the Lord. Please pray with us for the preservation and growth of this new assembly.
These two new assemblies have begun with the full fellowship of the surrounding assemblies.
Change of Address of Correspondent
Newbury, ON: David Cooper, email: (correction)
With Christ
Edith Sara Ives of Blues Mills, NS on August 9, age 86, after a courageous battle with cancer. Our dear sister was born here and later lived in Ontario for many years. She was saved in 1973 in Oshawa, ON and was in fellowship there. She retired in 1979 and moved to Blues Mills. She added a fragrant cheerfulness which told of a great peace and confidence in her Lord. The gospel was preached at her funeral by Fred Bartlett and David Swan. A large number of unsaved attended as evidence of the effective testimony she had. Burial was in Oshawa with Timothy Kember speaking at the graveside.
Margaret Gaff of Forest Grove, OR on August 10, age 95. She was born in Pugwash, NS, the fourth daughter of David and Annie Scott, and was saved at 17 in Vancouver, BC. She married Ralph Goff and was part of this assembly for over 70 years. She and her husband were faithful in every way to this assembly and were active in the gospel. Her three sons Richard, Gaius, and Scott shared the funeral, preaching the gospel and ministering to the large company. She leaves three sons, two daughters, one sister, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, most of whom are saved.
Mrs. Tina Courviosier of Arnsteln, ON on August 22, age 86. Our dear sister was saved in 1932 and was in happy fellowship in Arnstein until her move to Elim a few years ago. Her husband Frank, who predeceased her in 1999, was a faithful and devoted elder for many years. She will be sadly missed by her five children, 17 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by Gerry Croteau and Ernie Dellandrea.
Mrs. Mary Ripley of River Hebert, NS on August 26, age 96. Our beloved sister was saved in 1940 through meetings held by Albert Ramsay and Doug Howard. Her husband predeceased her in 1967. She was a faithful, godly sister, never missing an assembly meeting for sixty years unless sick. She loved the Lord’s people and the place of His Name. She is survived by two daughters, Eva (John) Elliott, Margaret (Cecil) Morton and family who are in happy assembly fellowship. Please pray for two sons, one daughter, and their families, not saved yet. The funeral was taken by Ken Taylor and David Hunt, with Noel Burden at the graveside.
Miss Jeannie Ussher of Killykergan, Co. Derry, N.I. on August 28, aged 69. Jeannie was saved in 1952 at gospel meetings conducted by the late Mr. Richard Hull, and afterwards received into the Killykergan assembly where her love and work for the Lord was evident to all. Unstinted in her contributions to the Lord’s work at home and abroad, her hospitality was also shared and enjoyed by many saints. At her large funeral, people of different persuasions heard the gospel preached by W. J. Nesbitt and J. Lennox, with others taking part. She is mourned by all who knew her worth in the assembly, especially her sister May, brother Uel (serving the Lord in Venezuela), and family circle.
Dora Sarlo of Sault Ste. Marie, ON on September 3, age 74, having suffered for the last year with cancer. Dora was saved in June 1955, and shortly after was baptized and received into assembly fellowship. She continued steadfastly, faithful to the assembly and with a godly demeanour, showed a keen interest in extending hospitality to the people of God. Left to mourn her loss and await the glad day of reunion is her husband, Hugo, and four daughters. Ernie Sarlo and son, Andrew, spoke faithful words to the large number at the funeral, including many unsaved relatives and friends.
Ukraine Bible Fund
Funds from Canadian donors earmarked “Ukraine Bible Fund” can be sent to Seed Sowers, Box 775, Portage la Prairie, MB, RIN 3C2. U.S. funds can be sent to Seed Sowers USA, c / o Tim McCauley, PO Box 10834, Cedar Rapids, IA 524100834. Seed Sowers can issue receipts for income tax purposes. Alternatively, if funds are sent to either of the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trusts for this purpose (addresses on inside back cover), they will forward them to Seed Sowers in Canada. Bibles are available for the work in the Ukraine. The workers in that land from N. Ireland have been buying them. See the article by Timothy Sloan in this months issue. We are thankful that we can have some part in this very worthy work. It is even more important in the light of the fact that Russia has shut the door on free Bible distribution.
Bound Volumes
As we have for many years, the twelve issues of, the 2001 magazines have been attractively bound and are available for ten dollars postpaid from Truth and Tidings 2148 Creglow Drive Jackson, MI 49203-3814