British Columbia
Terrace: John Fitzpatrick had three nights of ministry and one week of childrens meetings here recently. Two contacts were made. The assembly has also been encouraged during the last three years by three elderly women being saved.
Vancouver: Elton Fairfield visited some assemblies prior to departure for Japan. The Woodland Dr. assembly hosted the December Missionary meeting where a farewell was held for Elton and Ruth.
Squamish: The assembly was encouraged by an addition to the fellowship of a young man saved in recent months.
Lethbridge: Marvin Derksen had a week of ministry on Spiritual Values with a warm response to the Word on the part of the believers. Please pray for gospel meetings to follow the conference during the month of January with Gaius Goff and Mark Bachert .
Brandon: Marvin Derksen had a week of children’s meetings here in early December. A Newfoundland couple attended; the husband though not saved, was seemingly interested.
Roseisle: An all-day meeting on December 8 was arranged for ministry on the Upper Room Discourse to be shared by Jack Gould, Jim Hanna, and Marvin Derksen, with gospel to follow.
London: Eleven brethren gave appreciated ministry to a large audience during the November conference. On November 15, Aubrey Kelly gave an interesting report on the work in Mexico.
North Bay: Bruce Cottrill ministered to profit from the book of Nehemiah, and gave a brief account of the work in Finland. David Booth spoke on prayer at the monthly ministry meeting in October. A week of childrens meetings was held November 18-23 with Mark Bachert of the Clinton assembly. There was evidence of the help of God. Ministry on November 25 was taken by Andy Fletcher of Waubashene on the Day of God from Revelation 21.
Oshawa: The saints were encouraged at their recent conference by a full hall and eight of the Lords servants present with excellent and timely ministry. The assembly also enjoyed Bruce Rodgers for two nights of ministry, and Wade Steers of St. Thomas for a Saturday evening meeting.
Unionville: The saints were particularly encouraged by the baptism on November 18 of three young people who were brought up in the Sunday School, and whose parents are in fellowship. Fifty visitors, most related to the family, swelled the attendance. The baptism was also seen and heard by the many in Bethany Lodge who receive a live broadcast of our gospel meeting each week via video-audio connection.
Thunder Bay: Peter Simms had eight nights of appreciated ministry in November on the “Christian Soldier.” Also in November, Gary Sharp visited one night while passing through.
Sainte-Flavie: Leslie Wells visited the assembly from November 25 to December 2 giving ministry on the book of Nehemiah.
New Brunswick
Green River: The assembly had its monthly afternoon meeting on December 1. Leslie Wells and three local brethren ministered the Word, with blessing to the saints.
Shdiac: Grard Roy and two local brethren gave help at the monthly ministry meeting on November 25. Brother Roy stayed with the assembly for a week of ministry to help those who recently professed salvation.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills: On November 4, we had the happy occasion of a sister being received into assembly fellowship. Our annual conference was held November 10-11. It was well attended and eight brethren gave profitable ministry. Fred Krauss was here November 21-22 for ministry which was very interesting and helpful.
Sydney Mines: The assembly appreciated a visit by Fred Bartlett, November 4. Alex Dryburgh ministered the Word from November 12-16 on I Corinthians, with benefit to the saints. Paul Poidevin was with us November 2 with an very informative and interesting account on Zambia, his field of labor.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: Friday night childrens meetings commenced in September with over 40 children present. Christians were encouraged with the reception of a young man into the assembly and also for the refreshing ministry on October 9 from Robin McKeown of N. Ireland. During September and October, the assembly appreciated help in the gospel and weekly Bible Readings by Noel Burden, R. McIlwaine, Peter Orasuk, and Peter Ramsay.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook: The assembly enjoyed having brother A. Dryburgh for a Lord’s Day and three nights of ministry. He also spent several nights in Gander Bay, Flowers Cove, and Lance Au Loup, and expects to give ministry in English Point on the Seven Churches.
Gander: Gospel meetings with P. Ramsay and B. Joyce have continued for four weeks. The Lord graciously gave blessing in salvation.
LaPoile: D. Hunt and G. Whey spent four days in this small isolated community. They had gospel meetings each night with a good response from the town.
Parsons Pond: P. Poidevin and S. Joyce concluded three weeks of encouraging gospel meetings on November 25 with a good number of unsaved out.
Red Bay: The assembly enjoyed three weeks of gospel meetings with brethren B. Bingham and J.A. Joyce. There were encouraging numbers, both from the town and from assemblies farther west.
St. John’s: The assembly appreciated several nights of ministry on the book of Revelation from brother G. Williams. He plans to be on the island for several weeks visiting various assemblies.
Waianae: Bryan Funston was here with the saints in November for a week of very encouraging and uplifting ministry on assembly truths.
Phoenix: The Thanksgiving Conference was larger than the past few years, with good interest shown in the Bible readings and ministry. Servants of the Lord participating in the ministry were Tom Baker, Ed Doherty, Philip Harding, Bill Lavery, Jim McColl, and John Slabaugh. Mr. McColl and Mr. Lavery remained for a week of ministry in the Phoenix and Sunnyslope halls.
Garnavillo: Jim Smith gave helpful ministry that was very much appreciated.
Hampton: Fruit in the gospel was seen as a result of three weeks of gospel meetings in October and November by Jerry Jennings and Arthur Ward. Two souls professed during the meetings, and a third, a couple of weeks later.
Hitesville: Jim Smith had four nights of Bible readings on 2 Timothy. He also had four nights of ministry in Stout on assembly principles.
West Union: Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber have been preaching the gospel here.
Ontario: George Patterson and Ed Miller have seen blessing in the gospel here.
New Lenox: The saints appreciated five nights of ministry with David Oliver considering God as “like a father.” A one night visit from Aubrey Kelly was very encouraging.
Saginaw: The saints enjoyed a visit for three nights in October from Bruce Rodgers with challenging ministry for our hearts. Norman Crawford and Lorne Mitchell gave appreciated ministry at our December monthly ministry meeting. The assembly anticipates children’s meetings with Stuart Thompson in late January.
Cleveland: Larry Perkins gave helpful ministry at the mid-week meeting recently.
Mansfield: Max McLain gave an interesting report of the work of the Lord in Russia.
Bryn Mawr: The conference was well attended, and very helpful ministry was given. The saints were encouraged when a boy professed salvation after the gospel meeting on Saturday evening.
Hatboro: Following the Bryn Mawr conference, brother John Stubbs came here for a week of enjoyable ministry on Ezekiel’s Millennial Temple.
New Jersey
Barrington: John Stubbs spent three nights here giving practical and helpful ministry.
Livingston: The saints were greatly encouraged with visits from Marvin Derkson, Walter Gustafson, Howard Barnes, and Eugene Higgins in both ministry and gospel.
Midland Park: The assembly enjoyed the visit of Frank Tornaquindici in November, and also Marvin Derksen for three evenings of ministry before the Bryn Mawr Conference. Later, there were visits from John Stubbs and Howard Barnes for ministry.
Matoaca: David Oliver and Jonathan Procopio were here November 3-4 on the subject of “Marriage and the Family.” The ministry was practical and a real encouragement to the Christians.
Augusta: John Stubbs from Scotland was here on November 25, and spent the following week here and in neighboring assemblies.
Hardwick: Dan Shutt paid a visit here for three nights at the end of November, giving very practical ministry directed to the young, but refreshing for all. The meetings were well-attended and appreciated.
Watertown: On October 27-28, John Slabaugh was here with his model of the Tabernacle to give an interesting introduction and overview on the subject, bringing out profitable and practical teaching appreciated by all. A good number from neighboring assemblies were present. We will have temporary use of the model for our own assembly Bible study.
Brookfield: The assembly recently concluded a series of weekly children’s meetings. Dave Zuidema from Midland Park was with the assembly for the final meeting of this series. The assembly was very encouraged by the attendance of children and parents throughout the series.
Newington: The one-day conference was well attended and helpful ministry was given. Those who shared in the ministry were W. Gustafson, E. Higgins, D. Oliver, D. Petterson, and R. Surgenor. A series of Friday night children’s meetings, aimed at reaching the neighborhood children, recently ended.
Terryville: The October conference was a real encouragement to the assembly. Also encouraging has been blessing in the November gospel meetings held by Robert Surgenor and David Peterson.
N. Ireland
Ballymena: In Cambridge Ave, M. McCandless and P. Orasuk are in their eighth week with good attendance and blessing in salvation.
Belfast: W.J. Nesbitt, with son Andrew, have been preaching in Windsor with some strangers in from the area to hear the gospel.
Bellaghy: S. Ferguson and W. Boyd are preaching in this country area, and are now in their seventh week.
Castlewellan: A. Davidson and J. Rodgers have been encouraged in seeing Gods hand in blessing in this difficult area.
Denaghcloney: B. Glendenning and A. Redpath are preaching the gospel in the hall in this village. The assembly is small but a number have been in from the village.
Dromore: J. Baker has had a weeks very profitable ministry meetings from major prophetic chapters of the Bible.
Dunmurry: J. Lennox and B. Currie continue here in the gospel.
Kells: S. Wells and W. Fenton have concluded after eight weeks with excellent attendance with quite a number professing faith in Christ. Brother Wells has given helpful ministry in various assemblies in the province.
Mullafernaghan: J. Allen has had two weeks of ministry meetings here on prophetic events. The meetings were very well attended.
Omagh: T. Bentley and D. Gilliland are in their eight week with fairly good numbers on most nights.
Portstewart: H. Paisley has had an encouraging time in the gospel in this seaside town and has also given helpful ministry in a number of assemblies during his stay.
Conferences. D.V.
San Diego, CA
February 16 and 17 with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Meetings will be at 10a.m., 2 and 7 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 4646 Twain Ave. There will be a Bible Readings on Saturday and Monday at 10 a.m. on Matt. 13. Corr: William Smith; Tel (619)582-2109; Hall (619)280-7021.
Conference Reminders:
Seattle, WA – January 19-20
Tampa, FL – February 9-10
Change of Address of Correspondent
Cass City, MI (Hillside Gospel Hall): Paul Battel, 4748 Koepfgen Road, Cass City, Michigan 48726-9403; Tel:
Waukesha, WI: Cory Peppler, 121 Rivera Dr., Waukesha, WI 53189.
With Christ
Claude Reginald Hatt of Westbank, B.C. on August 8, age 92, formerly of Forest Glade, NS. Our brother was saved in 1950 at meetings conducted by the late L.K. McIlwaine. He was in the assembly at Brickton for many years and had the joy of seeing all his family saved and in assembly fellowship. Latterly he was with the assembly in Westbank until his home call. He was predeceased by his former wife Eileen Parker, and daughter Ann Marie. Surviving are his wife Margaret, his three daughters, three sons, their spouses, eighteen grandchildren and twenty eight great grandchildren. The funeral was conducted by A. Hull, W. Bingham, and J. McClellend, with his son Wayne giving the eulogy.
Margaret H. Howatt of Charlottetown, P.E.I on October 28, age 97. Margaret was born again in Boston in 1931 and later moved back to P.E.I. She was highly esteemed and an inspiration to the saints. Her quality of life was restricted and she spent her last few years in a nursing home. Services was conducted by Robert McIlwaine, Douglas MacLeod, and Peter Ramsay.
Ernest Ronald Stapleton of Burlington, ON on October 28, age 86. Our beloved brother was born in Wales in 1915. After marrying in 1938, the family resided in England for a number of years, relocating to Ballyclare, N. Ireland where he heard the gospel and was saved at the age of 40. They immigrated to Canada in 1976, returning to N. Ireland in1978 to care for his wife’s aging parents. In 1989 they returned to Canada, settling in Kelowna, BC to be close to their son. In 1991 they moved to Burlington to live with their daughter, and became part of the Milton assembly. Our brother was a gracious, sincere and godly gentleman, who was faithful in attendance, loved to preach the gospel, and was an encourager of the saints. William Martin and Ross Clark shared the funeral service. Pray for Lily, his wife of 63 years, and for the extended family.
Robert Steffensen of Akron, OH, on November 4, age 82. Our beloved brother was born to Lutheran parents in Chicago. As a teen, he was invited to young people’s meetings in a small Baptist church in Grand Rapids, MI, where he heard the gospel and trusted the Savior. When brought in contact with the assembly, he immediately had a genuine love for the truth of God, and continued in happy fellowship until the Lord called him home. David Oliver, John Slabaugh, and Kenneth Webb preached the gospel, and spoke words of appreciation and comfort. He is survived by his wife Margaret, two sons Ronald and Thom, and daughter Karen, all saved by God’s grace, and four grandchildren.
Austin Rawlings of Lake Shore, ON on November 4, age 98. In Christ for 85 years, he was saved during gospel meetings in the old Lake Shore Hall with Hugh Walker and Harold Crone preaching. He and his late wife, Verna 1994, farmed next to the old hall where they took an interest in the assembly’s welfare. He helped much in constructing the new hall in 1979. He was confined to the North Lambton Rest Home for the past 18 years. He leaves one son, Robert of Akron, and grandson, Paul. The funeral service was shared by his nephew Robert Fuller and Wm. Metcalf.
Mrs. Elizabeth Martin of Ballymena, N. Ireland on November 7, age 77. She was saved in 1939 when T. McKelvey and W. McCracken conducted meetings in Limavady. Our sister was received into fellowship in Colraine. Some time after her marriage to Mr. Jim Martin (evangelist), she was in the Harryville assembly until her home call. She had a deep interest in the assembly and was most faithful to the gatherings of the Lords people. She was a real help-meet to her husband in the work of the gospel, and was greatly encouraged during her illness, when her only son Wesley was commended to full time work. The very large funeral was conducted by A. McShane and A. Aiken, W. Halliday taking part in prayer, and other local brethren. Prayer is valued for her husband, son, and his family.
George C. Ritchie of London, ON, on November 18, age 95. Our dear brother was saved as a boy of sixteen in Scotland, and shortly afterward emigrated to the U.S. After brief periods in Boston and New York, he came to Detroit, and was present at the first meeting of the West Chicago Blvd. Assembly (now Stark Road). He was predeceased by his wife of 50 years, Marion, in 1988, and in 1997 he married Ada Clark of London, ON. During the last 28 years, he wintered in Florida, and was associated with the assemblies in North Tampa and Deland, until moving back permanently to London in April 2001. He is survived by his wife, his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Vallance of the Stark Road assembly, and a son, James. His godly life and testimony was influential at work, at home, and in the assembly. Four grandsons, all in assembly fellowship, shared in the funeral services, and expressed their appreciation for the legacy they received from him.
Lois (Eylander) Wilson of Arlington, WA on November 23, age 88. She was saved during gospel meetings in Arlington in 1931 held by Albert Joyce and Herb Harris. During her marriage to Walter Wilson, she fellowshipped with Christians in Vancouver and Seattle. Upon her husbands death in 1985, she moved back to Arlington and was in the assembly here until her home call. The fruit of the Spirit was very manifest in her life, and she will be missed by all. Please pray for some family connections still unsaved. Don Kazen, Maurice Scandrett, and Tom Hoy shared the funeral service.
Mrs. Anna Spieker of Parkersburg, IA on November 25, age 94. Our dear sister was saved nine days after her husband on February 8, 1935 during gospel meetings held in Hitesville by Oliver Smith. She was a faithful sister and appreciated the assembly. Anna is survived by her two daughters and their families. Her husband Jerry went to be with the Lord in 1982. Leonard DeBuhr and Robert Orr shared in her funeral service.
Howard Godsoe of Sussex, N.B, on November 27, age 85. Our brother was saved in 1973 in meetings held by David and Paul Kember. Part of the assembly when it was first formed , he was a wise and respected overseer who shouldered a lot of responsibility,especially when the assembly was small. He was a man given to careful study of Gods Word. He is survived by his second wife, Marjorie, two daughters, Joan Gustafson and Shirley McCandless, and one son who is not saved. The funeral was shared by Walter Gustafson and Murray McCandless, with David Beckett at the grave side.
Antoinette (Protano) Camarra of Worcester, MA on December 2, age 84. She was born in Italy and came to Worcester in 1929. She was saved in 1937 during meetings with Rocco Cappiello, and was received into the Worcester assembly. She was faithful to the assembly for 64 years and to her husband of 58 years, the late Joseph J. Camarra, who was an overseer in the assembly. She was loved by all and will be missed. Her godly character and hospitality to the Lord’s people were greatly appreciated. The funeral was taken by Robert Surgenor, David Oliver, and Matthew Brescia. A number of unsaved were present. Please pray for her unsaved son and family.