Gospel: Great Gospel Texts – Ephesians 2:8

“For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” (Eph 2:8).


This golden verse is very enlightening for anyone who has an interest in being saved. In simple terms, it assures us that the salvation of God is “not of ourselves.” Our deliverance from the power of sin and its penalty cannot be produced or earned by our efforts, regardless of how hard we try, for we are helpless sinners with no strength to save ourselves. However, such a fact is rarely accepted, for man’s pride shuns divine help and convinces him that he can do “something.” This ambitious confidence may be unfailingly sincere, well intentioned, and appear to be so righteous; yet it is deadly because it rests in the belief that “we have what it takes.” God’s Word says otherwise.

In fact it declares that if I’m going to be saved it will be on the grounds that I can never earn His salvation. It says, ” by grace are ye saved.” God’s grace is His bestowing of untold riches on those who can do nothing to merit them.


The story of Mephibosheth in II Samuel 9 illustrates for us the exceeding riches of God’s kindness to the sinner (Eph 2:7). Although Saul, Mephibosheth’s grandfather, had perpetually hounded David and threatened his life, Saul’s contempt for David’s success ended only with the extermination of almost his entire household. Mephibosheth, the sole survivor, understandably kept his distance from the great king. David, however, made a diligent search for this man. King David’s search is not unlike God’s search for sinners. God is a seeking God. In fact He began seeking sinners immediately after the first man and woman sinned against Him!

David found Mephibosheth far from the capital in the wastelands of Lodebar. This is certainly an apt picture of a sinner far from God. Personal sin against God only brings heartache, misery, and disintegrating relationships. A life lived in this way finally ends in eternal separation from God in a place of remorse and torment, the lake of fire.

King David’s heart was not set on wiping out this cowering survivor of a cruel monarch’s family, but to do good to the one he was seeking! Do you believe God is seeking you today and that He has nothing but good in His purposes toward you? That’s exactly the way it really is!


Fearfully, Mephibosheth fell before the king, but to his amazement there were only words of kindness and welcome. With wonder and awe he understood that he had come into the favor of the king whose only desire was to show him loving-kindness. The good news from heaven for you today is that God thinks so much of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the work completed at Calvary, that He freely gives eternal salvation to every one who trusts His Son! Our verse says so wonderfully, “it is the gift of God!” Have you ever appreciated for yourself that the Lord is gracious? Millions have discovered that God’s unmerited kindness is for them personally. No wonder the Psalmist wrote, “O taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.” (Ps. 34:8).

Perhaps you are asking, “How can I be saved?” The answer is in our Scripture. It is “through faith.” God’s Son accomplished a work on Calvary’s cross that is sufficient to save a sinner for all eternity! Simple faith in Christ will save you now!

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.”