John 12:41, “These things said Isaiah when he saw His glory and spake of Him.”
Our text is one of the greatest proofs in the Bible of the deity of Christ. It is clear from a reading of the passage in Isaiah to which John by the Spirit alludes that the prophet saw “the Lord sitting upon His throne” (6:1,5). He saw Him in His glory, surrounded by the seraphim who cried, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts.” When we read the Isaiah passage, we know the prophet saw the glory of the Lord Who was “high and lifted up.” When we read the passage in John, we learn that Isaiah saw the glory of Christ. Comparing the two passages we see that the Lord of the Old Testament, Adonahy, the King, Jehovah of Hosts, is clearly identified as being the Jesus, the Christ, of the New Testament.
Little wonder that when Isaiah saw His glory, he spoke of Him. How could he be silent whose heart was filled with the greatness and the glory of the One he had seen. Little wonder that when he heard the call, “Whom will I send and who shall go for us?” that Isaiah said, “Here am I; send me.”