
The tidings in the May 2000 issue were accidentally a reprint of the April 2000 tidings. Below are the additional tidings that were new in the May issue.

Change of Address

Mr. Oswald MacLeod, Kingston Residence, Apt. 341, 904 Second Street NE Hickory, NC 2860. Tel. (828) 327-4368.

Jim Jarvis. 48 Newbury Cres., Brampton, ON L65 5L6.

Waubaushene Gospel Hall, P.O. Box 29, Waubaushene, ON LOK 2C0

With Christ

Mrs. Beatrice Buck of Jackson, MI on February 5. Our sister was born in England and emigrated with her parents to the USA. She married Ernest Buck in 1926. Under preaching by Mr. Lorne McBain, Mrs Buck was deeply convicted by “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isa 64:6). She was saved on Nov 25,1937 through John 3:16 and was baptized and received into the assembly She had the joy of seeing her husband saved in 1946. He went Home in 1969. Beside her son and daughter, Robert D. and Dixie L., she leaves 7 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren.

Ruth McCandless of Garnavillo, IA on February 22, age 77. Our esteemed sister was born in Sarnia, ON in 1923 and was born again in 1935 during meetings held by C. Keller and A. Klabunda. For 48 years she and her husband Alien gathered with the assembly at St. Thomas, ON, relocating to Garnavillo, IA in 1992. Our sister Ruth lived her life committed to the gospel, to the Lord’s people and to her family She is survived by Allen, three sons; three daughters, their spouses, 21 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, four brothers and three sisters. The funeral was shared by her eldest son Murray, Art Ward, with Shad Kember, Sr., brother of our departed sister, at the graveside.