British Columbia
North Vancouver, The assembly convened two weeks of gospel meetings in early November with Wesley Barr and Paul Cockfield preaching.
Port Alberni, Eric Parmenter spent the third weekend of October and two week nights with the assembly, giving helpful ministry.
Squamish, Two young sisters were received into the assembly in November.
Surrey, Bryan Funston and Tom Hoy held two weeks of gospel meetings in the new facilities of the Newton assembly in late October.
Vancouver, The Victoria Drive assembly hosted the monthly missionary meeting on November 6 where Aubrey Kelly gave an account of his exercise for Mexico and Hans Bouwman reported on his recent visit to Holland, Belgium and Switzerland. On November 7th, a teen-age girl was baptized. In Fairview, on November 28, a teen-age girl was also baptized .
Taylorside, The assembly is grateful for recent visits from Don Nicholson, Wayne Rodgers, Larry Buote, Jim Webb, David Richards, Robert Boyle, and James Ronald, Sr.
Portage la Prairie, Four young believers were received into the fellowship of the assembly earlier in the summer. Three young folk were baptized on October 29. Recently a young brother who was raised in the assembly moved back to Portage with his wife and family, and has been received into the fellowship. Larry Buote visited November 4 for one night of ministry and a report on the work in Quebec.
Winnipeg, Gospel meetings with Peter Smith and Jack Gould closed with a nice number attending. Six young folks were baptized in late October, one a young woman who had problems with a familiar spirit. It was nice to see her family out to witness the baptism.
Clinton, During November, the assembly valued visits from Leslie Wells, Arnold Gratton, and Alex Dryburgh for ministry and help in the gospel.
Grand Bend, The saints were encouraged by the recent baptism of two young sisters and appreciated Bill Seale’s accompanying ministry. In November, Gary Sharp faithfully presented the gospel using his chart “The Future Revealed” and also spoke at the Sunday School Treat, Nov 20, which was well attended by families of the children.
Huntsville, The assembly appreciated visits and encouraging ministry by Paul Poidevin and Ken Moore in November, and Peter Simms in December. Please pray for children’s meetings with Don Nicholson commencing in January.
London, Seventeen of the Lord’s servants were present at the conference to give a variety of ministry for the spiritual blessing and benefit of the large number in attendance. Leslie Wells stayed on for visits to St. Marys, Clinton and Straffordville. Paul Poidevin returned to report on the work in Zambia.
Newbury, The recent effort here with Ed Miller resulted in some blessing in salvation and restoration.
Newmarket, Alex Dryburgh gave three nights of much appreciated ministry in November. On December 3, a parent’s night was held and Lorne Langfeld spoke to 13 unsaved parents.
Oil Springs, Jerry Jennings had two
nights of ministry here, and one night in Wallaceburg.
St. Thomas, During five weeks of Gospel meetings, Larry Steers and Robert Surgenor faithfully proclaimed the Word. Brother Surgenor took ill after four weeks and Jim Bergsma helped brother Steers until the final night, December 5. The meetings were of benefit to the assembly with blessing in the gospel as well as in the ministry to the people of God. Brother Surgenor has improved much and is well on the road to recovery For this we give praise to our God.
Toronto, During two weeks of gospel meetings with Paul Robinson and Andrew Ussher, the Broadview assembly was encouraged by the support of other assemblies and to see the Lord’s hand in blessing. Victoria Road assembly had a time of sowing in October during one week of well-attended children’s meetings with Lorne Langfeld. In November, the saints enjoyed ministry from brethren Gary Sharp, Bruce Rodgers, Arnold Adams, and Alex Dryburgh. Victoria Road expects to have a ministry meeting the third Saturday of every month November to March, D.V.
Windsor, Alvin Cook gave appreciated ministry on November 8 and 9. On November 21, a teenage lady and a man in his twenties were baptized.
Longueuil, Leslie Wells conducted seven ministry meetings on the elements of spiritual life and on the local assembly.
Saint Donat, As a result of continued interest after the tent meetings, brethren from the Ste-Flavie (Price) assembly have started cottage meetings twice a week in the home of an older couple. Help has been given by Gerard Roy and Leslie Wells.
New Brunswick
Fredericton, The annual one-day conference was held on November 28. Brethren N. Burden, A. LeBlanc, J. Procopio, and G. Roy were present to share in the ministry.
Green River, The saints enjoyed the visit of Leslie Wells for one Lord’s Day on October 31.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills, At time of writing, the assembly was into its second week of gospel meetings with Peter Orasuk and Peter Ramsay Excellent numbers were attending and God was blessing in salvation. Prayer meetings were well attended, indicative of the burden for souls at this time. The annual November conference here was well attended with timely ministry. F. Bartlett, W. Bingham, E. Fowler, J. MacLelland, M. McCandless, P. Orasuk, P. Ramsay, D. Swan, and K. Taylor gave help.
New Glasgow, Ken Taylor and James MacLelland were into their third week of Gospel meetings here in New Glasgow with some interest.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Carbonear, The saints appreciated the visit from Peter Mathews and Eric Fowler for a ministry meeting on Tuesday following the St. John’s conference.
Corner Brook, The assembly has started a mail-out tract distribution work. Materials were prepared for Trout River, Harbour Deep and St. Pauls, with the purpose to revisit these areas later.
Flowers Cove, David Swan and Eric Fowler spent Lord’s Day morning with the saints enroute to Labrador.
Gander, Norman Crawford had three nights on the subject of creation in early November.
Main Point, The Christians enjoyed the ministry given by Nonman Crawford and Jon Procopio on November 4 as well as the visit by Gaius Goff for the regular Bible Study on November 25.
New Harbour, The ministry given by Norman Crawford and Jon Procopio was helpful to the saints.
Parsons Pond, Gospel meetings with Bert Joyce and Gaius Goff came to a close on November 24. Unsaved have been out each night with some coming consistently God has shown His kind hand in restoration.
Red Bay, Gospel meetings were planned to start on November 28 with David Swan and David Hunt.
Sandringham, The visit by Norman Crawford and Jon Procopio for ministry on November 2 was profitable and well-received. Please pray for gospel meetings Bryan Funston and Eric McCullough expect to commence on January 23.
Seal Cove, The annual conference went very well with a good number in attendance. The ministry was encouraging and beneficial. Norman Crawford opened the Bible Reading. David Hunt and George Whey concluded two weeks of gospel meetings on November 2. The small assembly was encouraged by the preaching and by the number of unsaved that attended. Gordon Williams also started a week of ministry meetings with the assembly
St. John’s, Robert Mdllwaine and Bryan Joyce expected to end five week of gospel meetings on December 5. There have been a large number of Christian’s children attending as well as some strangers. Continue to pray for God’s blessing. The saints were cheered recently with a young sister received into assembly fellowship.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Waianae, The assembly, situated 35 miles from Honolulu, was uplifted by a two-week gospel series held in November with John Abernethy and Bryan Funston. There were a good number out each night with blessing in salvation. The assembly also appreciated a visit from John Rozendaal (Vancouver) who was exercised to distribute gospel tracts and Seed Sowers during these meetings.
Seattle, Eric Parmenter spent November 20-24 with the saints here giving ministry that was particularly helpful to younger believers.
Phoenix, The conference in November was a profitable season for the saints. Help was given by six of the Lord’s servants in ministry and gospel. Bill Lavery and Jim McColl remained for a week of ministry in the Phoenix and Sunnyslope assemblies.
Coal Creek, Roy Webber started here in the gospel on November 28.
Antioch, Jerry Jennings and Robert Orr started gospel meetings on November 21 with some blessing.
Arlington, Al Christopherson was planning on a few nights of meetings here where God he has worked diligently and God has saved some Lutheran families.
Garnavillo, The believers enjoyed a day of ministry on November28 with brethren Al Christopherson, Murray McCandless, Robert Orr, Win. Seale, and John Slabaugh. Murray McCandless had several nights of ministry and gospel following the all-day meeting.
Hitesville, Murray McCandless visited here for a night of ministry
Manchester, John Slabaugh visited for a few nights of ministry
Marion, Four and one-half weeks of gospel meetings with brethren John Slabaugh and Stu Thompson concluded in November with marked interest and blessing in salvation among young people from an older Sunday School class. A large number of visitors came, primarily by invitations from the believers who supported the meetings in an exemplary way
Stout, At the Thanksgiving Day meeting brethren Leonard DeBuhr, Jerry Jennings, Robert Orr, Murray McCandless, William Skates, and Roy Weber shared in the ministry
West Union, William Skates and Roy Webber closed 5 weeks of meeting on November 19. Several professed including a married couple 79 and 80.
Kansas City, Joel Portman and Gary Toombs had gospel meetings nightly for two weeks in November. Attendance was good. One lady in the neighborhood professed.
Alpena, The annual Bible Reading in early November was well attended, and the saints appreciated help from William Lavery who continued with ministry the following week.
Black Earth, The November21 all-day meeting included helpful ministry from Ed Miller, George Patterson, William Seale and several local brthren. The believers also appreciated recent visits from James McColl and Stan Wells. Please pray for gospel meetings which the assembly expects to begin on January 9.
Blue River, Al Christopherson and William Seale concluded gospel meetings here.
Egg Harbor, Jerry Jennings had two weeks in the gospel with a young couple professing. William Skates planned to be with the assembly for ministry December 15-17.
LaCrosse, William Skates planned to be with the assembly for ministry December 8-10
Waukesha, As of December 5, gospel meetings with George Patterson and Ed Miller were continuing into the fifth week. A few neighbors and friends have ventured in and one dear man has professed.
New Lenox, Arthur Ward, helped by local brethren began gospel meetings on November 14. God has blessed in the salvation of a teenaged boy who shows much joy Others have expressed a deep desire to know their sins forgiven.
Battle Creek, Bryan Owen paid an appreciated visit to the assembly The four ministry meetings were very helpful and encouraging.
Jackson, Larry Buote visited the assembly and gave an interesting report on his work among French speaking people.
Livonia, The November bi-monthly Bible Reading at Stark Road was well attended. Instructive and convicting teaching was given on the subject of the priesthood of believers. Dave Valiance and David Oliver each led one of the two evening sessions. Four and a half weeks of well-attended gospel meetings by David Oliver and John Dennison closed on December 1. We praise God for a number of souls professing faith in Christ, including some very difficult cases.
Saginaw, A visit from Larry Buote November 21-22 encouraged the saints in the Word. Bill Metcalf and Larry Perkins gave appreciated ministry at the all day meeting December 6.
Cleveland, Brother Jim McColl gave Christ-exalting ministry on a recent visit. He also visited Clyde and Mansfield.
North Carolina
Hickory, Dale Vitale visited here for a weekend, giving excellent help in ministry
Bryn Mawr, The conference, held earlier than usual in November, was very good with profitable ministry from five commended brethren and three local brethren. Brother James McColl remained afterward for ministry.
Hatboro, The saints enjoyed visits for ministry by brethren James McColl and James Smith.
McKeesport, The assembly held it’s annual fall meeting on the weekend of November 6 and 7. The subject was “The World, The Flesh and The Devil”. Dan Shutt dealt with the subject practically with good help from Kurt Petterson. There were a good number into hear the gospel on that Sunday evening. On November 20, the assembly had it’s Sunday School Treat. Don Draper’s lesson was very interesting to the children.
New Jersey
Pennsauken, Mr. McColl was present for the area Bible Reading on Romans 6. There was a good attendance and nice participation. He also gave much appreciated ministry here following the Bryn Mawr conference.
Longport, Gene Higgins visited for a night of ministry. Afterward there was a farewell for brethren Finlay and Neibsch, who were relocating and will be greatly missed.
Terryville, Helped by local brethren who gave their testimonies, Gene Higgins preached the gospel here, following up an interest seen in earlier meetings. The saints showed a deep exercise for souls and the Lord was pleased to bless in salvation.
Newington, The annual one-day conference was a ttime of very warm fellowship. Brethren G. Higgins, Sam Maze, D. Netti, and F. Tornaquindici shared the ministry. Brother Maze also gave helpful ministry here following the conference.
Methuen, The assembly was encouraged when two were baptized on November 20, a teenage girl and a young man who was contacted through Seed Sowers a year ago. Brother Frank Tornaquindici gave a helpful word. Brother Sam Maze was here for the monthly area Bible Reading on 1 Tim. 2 on November 14. He also gave a report on the work in St. Lucia in Byfield andCambridge.
Saugus, The December conference was one of the largest in recent times and many expressed having received help from the practical ministry. Bill Bingham, A. J. Higgins, Eugene Higgins, David Oliver, and Jonathan Procopio were present to give help.
Tidings – Other Countries
Ixtapa,Several have been saved and others interested after six weeks of gospel meetings. The assembly with 20 in fellowship was formed last May in a large measure the result of the untiring work of brother Moses, who was the first man saved in 1988.
Puerto Vallarta, Four were received into fellowship in November.
N. Ireland
Coleraine, Murray McCandless and Peter Orasuk are expected for meetings starting January 16.
Four Venezuelan workers made a pioneering visit beginning November 9 into the headwaters of the Negro River (an Amazon tributary) and the Orinoco River, which is a primitive territory bordering on Brazil. At the end of road travel, they traveled mostly by bongos (large dug-out canoes) and launches as available, and at one stage, a military transport plane from San Fernando to San Carlos de Rio Negro. They were able to evangelize these communities as well as Maroa and Esmeralda, and smaller villages along the banks by visiting door to door with testaments, tracts Via magazines, and preaching in the open air. They found three communities of different Indian tribes who understand Spanish. They were well received and provided with an open-sided structure where they had a few meetings. They arrived at the state capital of Puerto Ayacucho the morning of December 2. The main purpose of the 23 day journey was to spy out the land for future work. There seems to be an open door for the gospel.
Conferences. D.V.
Tampa, Florida
February 13 and 14 with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m.. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 12704 Marjory Ave. Meetings are as follows: Saturday -10:30 for ministry, 2:30 for ministry, 7:00 for testimony and gospel. Sunday -Breaking of Bread 10:00, Sunday School at 12:00, ministry at 2:30, gospel meeting at 7:00. Corr. Oronzo Dalfino, (813)265-2757, Gospel Hall (813)932-9530
Kindly remember:
Seattle, WA – Jan. 29 and 30
Deland, FL – Feb. 5 and 6
Change of Correspondent
Alpena, AR, Willard D. Trowbridge, Rt. 2, Box 304, Huntsville, AR 72740, Tel. (501)665-4189, e-mail:
Change of Address of Correspondent
Hardwick, VT, William Scott, 438 Dimick Road, East Hardwick, VT 05836-9634.
With Christ
Mrs. Marion Smith of Owen Sound, Ontario on August 25, 1999, age 92. Our dear sister loved to discuss the Scriptures and enjoyed being at the assembly meetings. She looked forward to seeing her Saviour and passed into His presence from the Queensway Carleton Hospital, Nepean. Larry Steers spoke an encouraging word at the funeral to believers and a faithful warning to the unsaved present. The funeral and internment were at Durham, Ontario on Sat. August 28, 1999.
Al Shutt of Alpena, Arkansas on October 22, age 67. Our brother was saved at the age of 19 while reading Romans 4 in a logging camp in northern Minnesota. Two years later he was received into assembly fellowship in Williamston, Michigan. Seeing the great need in the southern states, he eventually moved to Arkansas to serve the Lord in whatever capacity he could. Al was a very capable, faithful, and respected elder who was a great help wherever he went. He and his dear wife Marta raised nine children, all saved and in assembly fellowship.
Mrs. Enid Parker of North Vancouver, B.C. on November 1,1999, aged 66. Our dear sister was saved in August 1976, baptized and received into assembly here in December 1993. She faithfully attended all assembly gatherings and demonstrated remarkable courage during her 18 year baffle with cancer. Please pray for family members.
William Peacock of Langley, B.C. on Nov. 3, 1999, age 94. Our dear brother and his first wife were saved in 1938 at tent meetings conducted by Robert Love and Samuel Ussher at Agheydoey NI.. They were later baptized and received into the Killykergan assembly where they remained until they returned to Canada in 1947. He was a faithful brother, fervent in prayer, able in the gospel, and fully committed to the support of the local assembly He is survived by his wife Charlotte (Blayney, nee Funston) who he married in 1977, now living in Hilltop Manor.
Mrs. Minnie Mulder of Stout, IA on November 16, age 95. Our dear sister was saved in 1938 in her kitchen while reading Romams 10:9-10. She was in the fellowship of the Stout assembly for many years. The past few years she was a resident of a Care Center. Her husband William preceded her in death in 1982. A son, three daughters, and their families survive. Prayer is valued for those not yet saved. Brethren L. DeBuhr, R. Nesbit, and R. Orr shared in her funeral service.
Mrs. Jack (Leona) Zoerman of Jackson, MI on November 24, age 95. Her husband and a son, William, preceded her in death. Her daughter, Arlene Roberts, seven grandchildren, ten grandchil-dren and fourteen great-great grandchildren survive her. Our sister has been in fellowship in the assembly for over 30 years and will be missed. The funeral was well attended and was taken by Norman Crawford.
Mrs. Hilda Thompson of Sarnia, Ontario on November 25, 1999, at the age of 92. Our beloved sister was saved in 1932. She heard the gospel for the first time on her honeymoon, at a gospel meeting in Toronto by Albert Joyce. She and her husband, Archie, 104 years of age, have been in happy fellowship in the assembly here for over 60 years. She leaves her husband, son Ron, an unsaved daughter Marion, several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The large funeral was taken by Shad Kember, Sr. and William Metcalf.
Mrs. Vern (Ilda Paul) Markle of Moncton, NB. on November 22. Our dear sister was saved in her youth and in early life manifested a deep desire to live for God. In 1943, she married Vern Markle and in 1948 they were commended from Pape Avenue in Toronto to the work of the Lord in Cuba where God used them mightily When the door closed in Cuba, they returned to Canada where brother Markle worked for years among Portuguese, Spanish and Italian people with richblessing. From 1989 to 1997 they served the Lord in El Salvador. A large funeral in Moncton was taken by Ilda’s brother, Joe Paul, and Peter Ramsay A very large crowd gathered at the Langstaff Hall in Toronto for a Memorial service on December 4.
New Spanish Edition of Via Magazine
This magazine should be a valuable aid in the clear presentation of the gospel throughout much of Central and South America and in the Hispanic regions of North America. Like its English counterpart, the Spanish Via contains a collection of short stories and testimonies presented with illustrations and lots of colour. It is not a translation of English articles, but its content is distinctly Latin American, edited by Mr. Donald Alves of Venezuela in consultation with some assembly workers from other countries. The magazine has been printed in Canada and is available free of charge as the Lord enables. It is packaged 1200 per box (16kg) and can be ordered in any quantity. For foreign shipments it would be advisable to coordinate needs among workers for more economical consignments.
There is still a good supply left of the English edition – Vol. 28.
Via Magazine, Box 551, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada, R1N 3B9
Postal Bible Studies
In association with Via Magazine, Postal Bible Studies (P.B.S.) are Bible lessons published in Ireland and adapted for North America for use in Sunday Schools, etc. or sent directly through the mail. Students are asked to read the Bible for themselves or with the help of an adult, then to complete the questions and return the lessons for marking. There is a center in Portage that deals with young people through the mail who wish to receive the studies. These are distributed free of charge to anyone who can prayerfully use them.
For more information about ordering or how to become involved, contact Via Postal Bible Studies at the same address as above.