Editorial: Special Appreciation To…
Norman Lorimer
Mr. A. W. Joyce learned with the first issue of the Truth and Tidings that there were problems. He turned to a young man, Norman Lorimer, for assistance. Brother Lorimer has worked on this publication for over 50 years.
In June, 1977, Mr. Lorimer began to gather and edit the Tidings. When I came into the magazine that same month, the person I went to for assistance was brother Lorimer. He was a great help to me then and has continued to be a great blessing to the magazine and to me through the years.
The December 1999 magazine was the last Tidings that our brother edited. We owe him a great debt of thanks. Whether it was address lists, Tidings or magazine policy, he has been diligent, consistent and very accurate. He has set a standard of excellence that will be very difficult for anyone to follow. I will miss him very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Russell and Paul Trimble
Beginning with this issue, the U.K. copies of the Truth and Tidings are being printed in Belfast, N. Ireland by Paul Trimble. This plan is to enable Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Russell and brother Trimble to mail to U.K. subscribers as much as six weeks sooner. We deeply appreciate this service and in the Lord’s name we gratefully thank the Russells for their years of faithful work on the magazine at their own expense.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buck
The Bucks, from the Jackson assembly have mailed the Truth and Tidings for many years. Their careful work has been done as to the Lord and the work is far greater than anyone can know unless they have done it. We want to express our appreciation and thanks to these dear people in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Newfoundland and Labrador
We have prayed about gospel work in Newfoundland from the time that Mr. Harris went to Carbonear in the mid forties. I spent October in this Eastern province of Canada. My experience is best described by the words of Acts 11:23, “when he came and had seen the grace of God, was glad.” I have visited Newfoundland in the past, but this time, Jonathan Procopio took me to a number of assemblies in small communities. We also went to four conferences. The spiritual character of the work is far above my highest estimate.
For several years, Jonathan Procopio lived in L’anse au Loup, Labrador. In 1996, he and Murray McCandless had ten weeks of gospel meetings when more than thirty souls professed to be saved. These souls are further proof of the great reality of the work. It was a great joy to meet them and to visit in their homes. As many as 100 unsaved came to each of the gospel meetings at their conference.
From no assemblies in 1945, there are now 21 assemblies in Newfoundland. We need to pray much for the workers: Wallace Buckle, Marvin Derksen, Bryan Funston, Peter Mathews and Carl Payne. J. A. Joyce (Bert), has labored in NF/Lab for 50 years and is a great blessing to the work.