Concluded from August.
5. In James 1:12, we come face to face with the Intrepid Man. This is the man that endures trials and shows bravery in the face of danger. Do we exhibit that confident reliance upon the living God when called to face a situation that seems beyond our capabilities to handle? Or are we like the disciples in the boat who had to be rebuked by the Lord, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” (Matt 8.26). Mr. Mueller, when faced with an empty cupboard and myriads of children to feed, said, “Let us give thanks.” David, the shepherd boy, said to the seasoned warrior who had intimidated the armies of Israel, “but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied” (1 Sam 17.45).
6. In verses 13 – 16, the Inaccurate Man, steps onto center stage. This man wrongly attributes the workings of his own flesh to temptations sent by God. James corrects this error with the statement, “Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lusts,” and further adds, “God is not tempted by evil neither tempteth He any man.” In 2 Tim 2:22 we find the remedy for combating the lustful desires of our flesh: “Flee also youthful lusts.” Thus when it comes to the activity of the flesh, we are to flee, but when buffeted by the fiery darts of false doctrine put forth by the master of deceit, the exhortation is to “standagainst the wiles of the devil.” This can only be done by taking to ourselves the Shield of the Spirit which is the Word of God (Eph 6.11-14). In a day when many are too distracted or disinterested to study and know Gods precious Word, let us take heed to the warning given by James: “Do not err my beloved brethren.”
7. Seven is the number of completeness, so it is right that we have come full circle from the incomplete man. The seventh man is a picture of the Insistent Man, and it is with this man that we will conclude our little study. It is not enough for the insistent man, or us, to casually read the Word of God, or merely to hear it ministered. Our seventh man is not satisfied until that Word is lived out in the everyday experiences of life. He is a “doer of the word”, and not a “hearer only.” He not only reads, but remembers what is read and seeks to put it into practice. In this he is contrasted with the forgetful hearer who glances in the mirror and almost immediately forgets what he has seen. After all, the Word of God is quick and powerful, and it is able to pierce to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of our hearts (Heb 4.12). Gods Word is not only able to instruct us, but to guide us. The prominent characteristic underlined by James concerning our seventh man is of one who looks longingly into the Word of God, and continues in it. This man shall be blessed in his deed (vs. 25).