Our beloved brother, John Norris labored much on the Canadian Prairies from the late fifties until ill health curtailed his activities in the seventies. Two recent one month visits to Manitoba and Saskatchewan brought back many memories and an outpouring of affection for our dear brother, especially from his many children in the faith in these parts.
Brandon, Manitoba
Robert Boyle
I shared possibly a dozen or more series of gospel meetings with our brother. Ashfield assembly, near Winnipeg, March, 1960, was particularly memorable when two sisters in their early thirties were saved. A number of their daughters and their grandchildren continue in assemblies across the continent today. We lived together in a small trailer for many weeks at a time and John was an easy man with whom to work. In spite of the fact that he had his start in a denomination, no man appreciated God’s assembly more than he.
TaylorSide, Saskatchewan,
Arthur Taylor
“The memory of the just is blessed” (Prov 10:7). Brother Norris was highly esteemed by the Lord’s people at Taylorside. He was a true follower of our divine Lord and Saviour, “full of grace and truth”. In February – March 1996, he preached for nine weeks by himself at Taylorside. A goodly number were saved, a number of whom are in assembly fellowship today. He lived Christ, preached Christ and now is with Christ.
Glen Ewan, Saskatchewan,
The assembly appreciated and profited by the efforts in ministry and gospel preaching by brother Norris. Gospel series in the tent and the Gospel hall were blessed. Quite a number presently in assembly fellowship are evidence of his gospel efforts as he served the Lord with other preaching brethren.
Portage La Prairie, Manitoba,
Two ninety year old sisters, who with their husbands entertained brother Norris during nine months of Gospel series stated that he was most gracious to have in their homes. One said, “He preached with compassion.” Two series with brother Arnold Adams in 1958 and Robert Boyle in 1963 bore fruit that remains in the assembly today. Truly, John Norris was “a brother beloved.”
Roseisle, Manitoba,
Saints here fondly recall the visits of brother Norris to the assembly. In 1960, young believers learned the truth of eternal security from his ministry, bringing memorable joy. We thank God for our brother’s care for us and influence on our assembly.