
Thank You and Farewell

It has been a great honour to be a little help in the work of the Truth and Tidings magazine under all four editors, AW. Joyce, J.J. Norris, N.W. Crawford and A.J. Higgins. When Mr. Joyce approached me prior to the publication of the first magazine in May 1948, I did not realize that my association with Truth and Tidings would span more than half a century. When Mr. Norris was editor, he asked me to take responsibility for the Tidings in 1977. Since then, I have been greatly indebted to many brethren in Canada, the United States and overseas for the information which has appeared in the Tidings section. To all these faithful brethren, I wish to say “Thank you most sincerely in the name of the Lord Jesus” and since I feel that it is now time to retire from the magazine, I bid all our readers a fond farewell. May God bless you. Norman Lorimer

Tidings – Canada

British Columbia

Deep Cove, At the September missionary meeting, Jack Saword gave an interesting report on the work of the Lord in El Salvador.

Kamloops, The assembly was encouraged by a visit from William Bingham in late October.

Surrey, On October 24, Bryan Funston and Tom Hoy commenced a gospel series.

Vancouver, The Thanksgiving conference provided a rich variety of ministry that answered the needs of many believers present. The large number of young people present was encouraging. One girl professed salvation on the Sunday evening. Sharing in the meetings were: T. Bentley, W. Bingham, A. Christopherson, B. Funston, E. Parmenter and J. Slabaugh. Following the conference, brethren Bentley and Parmenter gave appreciated ministry in some of the area assemblies.


Edmonton, In mid October, the annual conference greatly encouraged the assembly. J. Abernethy, A. Bergsma, E. Doherty B. Funston, D. Nicholson, C. van de Wetering and G. Williams gave help in the various meetings. Prior to the conference, Peter Mathews visited for a Lord’s day A sister was recently baptized, bringing joy to the believers.

Fort McMurray, The saints were greatly encouraged by their four day conference and gospel meetings. Jim Baker (Scotland) led the Bible readings on the Epistle of James. Following the conference, Norman Mellish and William Bingham remained for a gospel series. Several souls professed salvation including an 88 year old lady.


Glen Ewen, In October, visits by James Ronald Jr. and Andrew Bergsma were appreciated. In early November, John Abernethy had six nights of profitable Bible readings.

Maidstone, The joint Maidstone, Mervin and Paradise Valley conference was well attended and was a refreshing time for the saints. John Abemethy, Don Nicholson, James Ronald, Cap van de Wetering and Jim Webb gave profitable ministry.


Campbellford, Eugene Badgley and George Patterson had three weeks of gospel meetings with a number of strangers showing a sincere interest. The assembly has closed, but the Gospel Hall can be used by any of the Lord’s servants who wish to labour in the area.

Deer Lake, Alex Dryburgh was with the saints for Lord’s day, October 17 and remained for three nights of appreciated ministry. Local brethren have been visiting a nearby prison and have had several prisoners out to the assembly gospel meetings. Some of these men have been saved.

Guelph, On November 7, Frank Sona and Jim Jarvis commenced a gospel series.

Lake Shore, William Metcalf and Eugene Badgley expected to start gospel meetings on November 7. Previous visits from Brian Owen and Albert Hull were appreciated.

London, Four weeks of gospel meetings closed on October 10 with Brian Crawford and Bruce Rodgers. Blessing was seen in salvation. Elton Fairfield spoke five nights and John Dennison on the final night while Brian Crawford was confined to hospital. Replies are still arriving from the 30,000 Seed Sowers distributed.

Niagara Falls, Jim Jarvis had one week of children’s meetings with a young woman professing salvation. The annual conference in October was well attended with eight of the Lord’s servants present. The Bible studies and ministry were excellent. A sister was baptized following the conference gospel meeting on Lord’s day, bringing joy to the saints.

St. Thomas, On October 31, Robert Surgenor and Larry Steers began gospel meetings.

Strongville, Recently, Gary Sharp had a week of children’s meetings in the nearby community of Lyle. Because of the interest, younger brethren from Strongville continue with weekly children’s meetings.

Sudbury, Ken Moore visited the assembly for a Lord’s day in September. In October, Brian Owen had two nights of appreciated ministry A young brother recently obeyed the Lord in baptism.

Toronto, Timothy Walker had several nights of appreciated ministry as well as a week of well attended children’s meetings at Eglinton. During October, Peter Ramsay and James McClelland had three weeks of encouraging gospel meetings at Victoria Park with blessing in salvation and a very positive response from the district. In November, Danny Ussher gave appreciated ministry and missionary reports in several city assemblies.

Valens, Using a chart, Timothy Walker had a week of ministry meetings on the Tabernacle. Frank Sona is expected for further ministry in December.

Welland, Helped by Lorne Langfeld and Timothy Walker, the saints again sponsored a booth at the regional fair. Then followed four weeks of earnest preaching by James Smith and David Oliver with blessing in salvation. The assembly appreciated visits by Robert Surgenor in September and by Larry Steers and Dennis Hanna in October. James Beattie was expected for two weeks of ministry in November.

New Brunswick

Shediac, The annual conference proved to be a time when the Lord drew near, especially on the Lord’s day. Larry Buote, Grard Roy Leslie Wells and five local brethren shared in the ministry

Tracadie, Grard Roy and Leslie Wells held five weeks of well attended gospel meetings.

Nova Scotia

Blues Mills, Peter Ramsay and Peter Orasuk expected to commence a gospel series on November 21.

New Glasgow, Gospel meetings by James McClelland and Ken Taylor were scheduled to begin on November14.

River Hebert, During October, David Hunt and Fred Bartlett had four weeks of well attended gospel meetings with a teenage girl professing salvation.

Sydney Mines, The assembly enjoyed two nights of ministry by Noel Burden following the recent conference.

Prince Edward Island

Crapaud, Gospel meetings by Peter Orasuk and Frank Sona continued until November 3 with blessing in salvation.

Newfoundland & Labrador

Gander, In late October, Norman Crawford had three meetings on Creation with excellent interest and attendance.

L’anse au Loup, The conference was smaller than usual due to stormy weather. Timely ministry was given by five brethren, and the gospel was preached to very large numbers of unsaved each night, with as many as 130 unsaved present on Sunday night. Following the conference, Norman Crawford, Bert Joyce and Jonathan Procopio visited Red Bay and English Point.

New Harbour, Four weeks of gospel meetings by Gaius Goff and Tom Hoy closed on October 16. Unsaved who had not been in the hail for many years came to the meetings.

Parsons Pond, Refreshing ministry, which was Christ exalting and practical, was given by seven brethren at the annual conference. On the closing night, October 24, Gaius Goff and Bert Joyce commenced a gospel series and many unsaved have been coming regularly Following the conference, Norman Crawford and Jonathan Procopio gave encouraging ministry at Rocky Harbour on October 25 and at Corner Brook on October 26.

Seal Cove, David Hunt and George Whey expected to start a series in the gospel on November 8.

St. John’s, The saints appreciated the visit of Gaius Goff for three nights of ministry in October. The annual conference was well attended and profitable ministry was given by seven brethren. The Bible reading on the oversight of an assembly created much interest. It was opened by Norman Crawford. On October 31, Robert McIlwaine and Bryan Joyce began gospel meetings with a good interest. Following the conference, Norman Crawford and Jonathan Procoplo visited New Harbour, Sandringham and Gander Bay

Tidings – U.S.A.


John Abemethy and Bryan Funston expected to commence a gospel series on November16. They also planned to distribute Seed Sowers texts with the help of others.


Arlington, There was blessing in salvation during an encouraging gospel series by John Slabaugh and Allan Christopherson.


Loveland, Robert Orr expected to have meetings from November 8-11, helped by Kenneth Gentz (Manchester, IA).

New Mexico

Albuquerque, At the end of August, Jim Webb faithfully preached the gospel for a week and a half.


Burwell, Robert Orr expected to visit the saints in mid November.

Omaha, The assembly was encouraged by a three week gospel series held in September and October with Roy Weber and Eric Fowler. Two professed salvation, one of whom has since been baptized.


In September, Jack Gould revisited two Hutterite colonies. He reports that in 1999 a number of adults and teenagers have professed salvation. A 20 year old lady professed since his last visit in June.


Antioch, Robert Orr and Jerry Jennings expected to commence a gospel series on November 21.

Garnavillo, On October 14, James McColl gave appreciated ministry

Hitesville, The saints enjoyed visits from Jim Allen and James McColl this fall.

Postville, Jesse Fitch visited some Russian people here and had two meetings with them, each lasting three hours. The young believers from Garnavillo have a meeting once a week for Spanish speaking people.


Blue River, On November 7, Allan Christopherson and William Seale began a series in the gospel.

Waukesha, William Skates had six nights of profitable ministry and Larry Buote gave an interesting account of the French work in Quebec and New Brunswick. On November 7, Ed Miller and George Patterson commenced a gospel series.


New Lenox, Walter Gustafson had three nights of much appreciated ministry in late October and early November. Arthur Ward and local brethren expected to start gospel meetings on November 14.


Tylertown, Prayer is requested for our dear brother Lloyd Ballhagen who is in a nursing home here after the strokes he suffered this past summer. He can communicate only a word or two once in a while.


Ferndale, In early November, Gary Sharp had a week of children’s meetings and the saints were encouraged by the parents who came.

Jackson, James Smith had a week of well attended meetings on the Levitical Offerings, giving much practical ministry on the holiness of God and an assembly.

Livonia, The conference was large and the ministry was excellent, and we appreciated the many young Christians who listened with reverence. On October 31, David Oliver and John Dennison began a gospel series with a good interest. Future bimonthly Bible readings are scheduled for January15 and March 18, both on the Fruit of the Spirit and Christian Graces.


Akron, Walter Gustafson was with the assembly for two nights of practical ministry on the Holy Spirit.

Clyde, The assembly canvassed the community with a Seed Sowers distribution, which was followed by a week of gospel meetings in October.

Mansfield, John Dennison, Robert Surgenor and Dan Shutt gave helpful ministry recently.

Monticello, The Lord’s blessing in salvation in recent gospel meetings with Gene Higgins was an encouragement to the saints.


Olney, Walter Gustafson paid a profitable visit to the assembly.

New Jersey

Pennsauken, The area Bible reading in October centred around Ephesians 2 and was very helpful.


Manchester, Robert Surgenor was with the assembly for the monthly area Bible reading and then visited Torrington, Brookfield, Springfield and Newington with helpful ministry for each assembly

Newington, David Gilliland had a week of valuable ministry on Prayer.

Terryville, The conference encouraged the assembly W. Gustafson, E. Higgins, D. Oliver, K. Taylor and T. Wright shared in the ministry. A number of visitors came to the two gospel meetings of the conference and Gene Higgins began gospel meetings on November 7 to follow up this interest.


Byfield, On October 27, the assembly enjoyed a visit and helpful ministry from Gene Higgins.

Methuen, The saints appreciated visits from Tom Wright on October 10 for the monthly Bible reading and on October 21 for practical ministry They also appreciated a visit from Ken Taylor on October 14.

Saugus, In late September, Robert Surgenor had a week of encouraging ministry meetings. A young couple were recently received into fellowship, giving much joy to the saints. Tom Wright vistted on October 3 and remained for cottage meetings for Brazilians. Our brother’s efforts in the past among these people have been blessed by the Lord and some of those saved are now anxious to have friends and relatives hear the gospel in their native tongue.

Watertown, Frank Tornaquidici preached the gospel at the monthly gospel dinner meeting in September and Gene Higgins spoke at the meeting in October. On both occasions, there were several unsaved present. The saints also enjoyed visits from Tom Wright and Walter Gustaf son.

Tidings – Other Countries

N. Ireland

Ballyclare, On November 7, J. Lennox and B. Currie commenced a series in the gospel.

Banbridge, J. Hutchinson and David Radcliff expected to start gospel meetings in early November.

Bangor, Recently, J. Currie and D. Gilliland began a gospel series in the Ebenezer Hall.

Belfast, S. Ferguson and F. Sweeney had six weeks in the gospel in the Shankill Hall, a difficult area of the city.

Broughshane, Albert Hull and John Fleck expected to commence a gospel series on November 7.

Clones, At last report, W. Nesbitt was in his fourth week of gospel meetings in the district between Clones and Rosslea.

Glenann, B. Glendinning and J. Black are preaching the gospel nightly with some locals attending.

Glengormley, The assembly was greatly encouraged in their new hall with the Lord’s rich blessing in salvation during eight weeks of gospel meetings by Albert Hull and Murray McCandless.

Kilkeel, S. McBride and R. Sharmon had six weeks in the gospel in this seaside fishing town.

Killycurragh, The hall was filled for the annual conference and a number of brethren gave helpful ministry.

Larne, There was blessing in salvation during recent gospel meetings by J. Hutchinson and A. Aiken.

Limivady, In October, David Gilliland gave a week of excellent ministry on the Dependability of the Holy Scriptures. Lurgan, The conference was well attended with profitable ministry given by various brethren. The Bible readings on 2 Timothy were conducted by J. Allen, B. Currie, A. McShane and F. Tornaquindici.

Portadown, Using his chart on the Revelation, Harold Paisley had two weeks of meetings with very large numbers and blessing in salvation. Brother Paisley also had two weeks of appreciated ministry at Dromore and gospel meetings at Newtownbreda, Belfast with further blessing.

Quilly, Danny Ussher and Alan Davidson expected to commence a gospel series in November.

Shanaghan, At the annual conference, the saints were encouraged by the good attendance and by the ministry given by a number of the Lord’s servants.


Woodbridge, John McDowell and David Wright had three weeks in the gospel at a vacant shop. A number of believers travelled quite a distance to support the meetings, but only a few local people responded.


Tepic, Over 200 attended the first conference in Tepic on September 16. Ministry was given by M. Cain, S. Kember Jr., H. Rodriguez and P. Thiessen. After the gospel meeting, one young lady was baptized.

St. Lucia

Jack Nesbitt and Jack Gould expected to be in St. Lucia for four weeks of meetings commencing November 14.

Conferences, D.V.

Seattle, Washington

January 29 and 30 in the West Woodland Elementary School, adjacent to the West Woodland Gospel Hall, 516 NW 56th St. Saturday meetings at 10:30,2:30 and 7. Sunday at 10 and 2:30. Bible readings at 8:45 a.m., Saturday – Phil. 1, The Gospel of Christ, and Lord’s day – Phil. 2, The Mind of Christ. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 and Gospel meeting on Lord’s day at 7 will be in the Gospel Hall. Corr. David Hale, 16813 19th Ave. SW, Normandy Park, WA 98166, (206) 243-0557. Hall (206) 783-1368.

Hitesville, Iowa

January 1. All day meeting in the Gospel Hall, Rural Route, Aplington, starting at 10a.m. Corr. Larry L. Brandt, P0 Box 683, Parkersburg, IA 50665, (319) 346-1084. Hall (319) 347-2333.

DeLand, Florida

February 5 and 6 in the Gospel Hall, 109 E. Rosehill Ave., east off N. Woodland Blvd. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p.m. Meetings start both days at 10:30 with Bible studies at 2, Ministry at 3:30 and Gospel at 7. Bible studies on the Baptism, Filling, Indwelling, Leading and Guiding of the Holy Spirit. Corr. Fred King, 215 Lake Talmadge Rd., DeLand, FL, 32724, (904) 943-4000. Hall (904) 736-1009.

Pennsauken, NJ

January 8 and 9 in Haddonfield Middle School, Lincoln Ave. and Chestnut St., Haddonfield. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 6530 Caroline Ave. at Route 38 near Rte. 70. Corr. David A. Curran, 326 Windsor Ave., Haddonfield, NJ 08033-11342, (856) 429-4443. School 429-9620 or 429- 4175.

Additions to T&T Address List, June 1999

Eric Fowler, P0 Box 106, L’anse au Loup, Labrador, AOK 3L0, (709) 927-5564

Change of Address

Miss Eileen Hatt, Apartado 006, Charallave, Edo Miranda, Venezuela, 1210

Bryan Joyce, 362 Grenfell Heights, Grand Falls-Windsor, NF, A2A 2J2

Change of Correspondent

Arlington, WA, Timothy Klein, 24320- 47th Ave. NE, Arlington, WA 98223, (360) 435-4466

Monrovia, CA, Frank Rodles, 14918 Dexter Street, Baldwin Park, CA 91706, (626) 962-4181

Change in Meeting Times

DeLand, Florida, Prayer and Bible Study is now on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

With Christ

Jack Speare of Guelph, Ontario on June 26, age 73. Our brother was born in Toronto and was saved when he was nine years old. He moved to Guelph later where he was in fellowship for 35 years in the assembly at Guelph. He leaves his wife Gwen and two daughters, Carolyn and Sylvia. Our brother will be missed by the assembly Jack faithfully distributed tracts on a personal basis. A good number of unsaved heard the gospel preached by Frank Sona at the funeral.

Mrs. Katherine Murphy of Seattle, WA on October 2, age 79. Our dear sister was saved at the age of 14 during meetings held in Arlington by the late Herb Harris. At that time, she trusted in the truth of “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” Katherine was a pleasant, peaceful sister who spent much time in prayer. She had the joy of seeing all three of her children and many of her grandchildren saved. The funeral service was held in Arlington where she had first come into assembly fellowship.

Eugene Paulson of Fresno, CA on October 6, age 78. Our brother was saved early in life and gathered with the saints in Coal Creek, Kansas before moving to Fresno in 1962. Physical infirmities prevented attendance during his latter years. His widow Grace has manifested exceptional strength during some trying years and continues to teach a Sunday School class. Please pray for family members not yet saved.

Earl Harrison of Cumberland, MD on October16, age 78. Our beloved brother was a faithful man and will be missed by the assembly and his family For at least 10 years, two fellow-workers, Russell Evans and Ernie Ganoe, witnessed to him. He was saved in the fall of 1961, two years before his wife. His habit was to distribute at least one tract each day. He often read Psalm 27:4 in the assembly, expressing his love for God’s house. The large number at his viewing and funeral attested to his excellent testimony

Audrey Penney of Gander, NF on October 22, age 71. On August 23, 1982, at the age of 54, Audrey received the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. She was baptized in September and shortly after, was received into fellowship at Gander. Mrs. Penny was a godly and faithful sister, who in her quiet way spoke volumes to many Her prayer was that the Lord would take her quickly and quietly He did just that through a massive heart attack. The large funeral was taken by Marvin Derksen and Jim Mullett.