A needed reminder of a day of review and reward which is asimminent as His coming.
“And now little children, abide in Him; that when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming” (1 John 2:28). The “we ” includes the apostle and those to whom it is written. He thus teaches a time of evaluation of believers before the Lord at His coming (parousia). To abide (continue) in Christ, as considered in previous articles, gives confidence (unashamedness), at the review. This results in the everlasting honor of trust to serve Him in His eternal kingdom. The verse emphasizes the contrast of shame and loss of reward for not continuing or enduring in His will.
The apostle Paul calls this time of evaluation “the Judgment Seat of Christ” (Rom 14:10, 2 Cor 5: 1 0). The Lord’s judgment, revealed then, reaps glory and honor or eternal loss. All motives, attitudes, actions personal, private and public, sown in times of plenty or sorrow, there will reap their harvest. Our commitment to the assembly, conformity to Christ, character as husband, wife, parents, children, employee and employer are presently evaluated. Faithfulness to God under the pressures of responsibility and temptation bears fruit both now and at the Day of Christ (Phil 1:6,10; 2:16; 2 Cor 1:14; 4:16; 2 Tim 1:12,18; 4:8; Rev 2:25).
Praise, honor and glory granted believers at that moment are in view of the “revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7). As believers, let us be loyal to the Lord Jesus. The varied bombardments of mental, physical and spiritual persecution are many. The proving (showing it’s genuine) of faith bears present likeness to Christ and shall complement Him with eternal glory.
Consistency in the faith also equips for the glory of the eternal trust of the Lord. “For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:11). “Occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13).
Ruth is a notable Old Testament example of faith, fidelity and the ensuing honor. Tremendous issues resulted from Ruth’s decision! She chose God, the people of God, the place of their inheritance and to live and die under His Lordship. To her was destined the grace and honor of marriage to Boaz, the kinsman redeemer, a permanent record in the Holy Scriptures and the place of ancestry in the lineage of the Lord Jesus that relates to the wondrous plan of redemption. How extensive are the rewards to a virtuous, redeemed, committed, Moabite woman.
May the words of the faithful apostle Paul echo in our hearts: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only but unto all them that love His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
“Bye and bye, when I look on His face,
Beautiful face, thorn-shadowed face.
Bye and bye when I look on His face,
I’ll wish I had given Him more.
Bye and bye when He holds out His hands,
Welcoming hands, nail-riven hands
Bye and bye when He holds out His hands,
I’ll wish I had given Him more.
More, so much more,
More of His love than I e’er gave before;
Bye and bye when He holds out His hands,
I’ll wish I had given Him more.”