Few subjects engender the discussion and interest as much as the will of God for a believer’s life. A careful reading of the article will reward the reader with helpful insights.
Everything about God is perfect. His work is perfect in creation and redemption. His way is perfect. His word is perfect. He is a God who is too wise to err, too loving to be unkind. His will for us, therefore, is perfect. We are called on to prove “what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Notice three things about the will of God in the life of Christ. It was His delight: “I delight to do Thy will O my God.” It was His diet: “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me.” It was His decision: “Not my will but Thine be done”.
From heaven He came into this scene of shame.
Thy will to do, Thy claims to own.
Thy law fulfill. Thyself make known.
From heaven He came.
In Romans 12:2, we have to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. The word “prove” means to try, to examine, to test or scrutinize, to see whether it is genuine. It is important to notice there are different wills in the Scripture. There is the will of the flesh and the will of man in John 1:13, the will of the Gentiles in I Peter 4:3, the will of the Father in John 5:30, the will of the Lord in Acts 21:4 and the will of God. The will of God is a very general term. Linked with the will of God is salvation. “God will have all men to be saved” (1 Tim 2:4). We have the will of God linked with sanctification. “This is the will of God even your sanctification that ye abstain from fornication”(1 Thes 4:3). The will of God is linked with separation, “Come out from among them and be ye separate” (2 Cor 6:17). In I Peter 3:17, we see the will of God is linked with suffering. “It is better if the will of God should so will, that ye suffer for well doing than evil doing” . In Acts 13:36, service is linked with the will of God. “David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep.” In Romans 12:1 the will of God is linked with sacrifice, “It is holy, acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service.”
The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you. In the will of God, there is no such thing as defeat, out of the will of God, no such thing as success.
Dispose my will to will thy will
And then to will is well
The willing will that wills God’s will
Within His will will dwell.
The Costliness of the Will of God
To move in the will of God will be a costly thing. But to move out of the will of God could be far more costly Abraham is an example of a man who moved in the will of God and it cost him much. He had to get out of his country, kindred and father’s house. He had to separate from a carnal believer, Lot. He had to cast out the bond woman and her son. Then he had to offer up Isaac on the altar. Jonah is an example of one moving out of the will of God, making his way to Tarshish. His was a downward course. He went down to Joppa; he went down to the ship; he went down into the innermost part of the I ship; he went down into the sea; and he went down into the belly of a great fish. “Out of the belly of hell cried I.” It was downward. It was dark. It was dangerous. It was destructive.
What Incentives are Given to do the Will of God?
In doing the will of God, we please God and this should be the desire of every Christian. Like Pual, we should make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him. We should please the Lord in our words, in our ways, in our work and in our worship. It was said of Solomon that his speech pleased the Lord. As to our ways: “When a man’s way pleases the Lord, He maketh his enemies to be at peace with him.” We have to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing. In our work: “Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as unto the Lord”. As to our worship: it may be the sacrifice of our person, as seen in Rom 12:1 or our praise or possessions as seen in Heb 13:15-16.
How to Ascertain the Will of God
You cannot get the will of God apart from the Word of God and the Spirit of God. George Muller said that in getting the will of God for his life, he did certain things. “I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter.” Nine-tenths of our trouble is just here, and is overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord’s will. Having done this, don’t leave the result to feelings or simple impressions. I seek the will of the Spirit of God with the Word of God. I take into account providential circumstances. These often plainly indicate God’s will in connection with His Word and Spirit. I ask God in prayer to reveal His will to me. Thus, through prayer to God, the study of the Word of God and reflection, there is peace of mind.
He always wins who sides with God
To him no chance is lost.
God’s will is sweetest to him when
It triumphs at his cost.