Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Port Alberni, In December, Robert Surgenor had two weeks of helpful ministry on Egypt to Canaan.
Vancouver, Following the Port Alberni series, brother Surgenor ministered the Word in Woodland Drive, Carlton, Deep Cove, Fairview and Victoria Drive, as well as sharing the monthly ministry meeting in Fleetwood with Jim Currie on December 21. Two young sisters were baptized on December 21 at West Richmond with the hall well filled for the occasion. Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Albert Hull and Robert Mcllwaine expect to commence at Victoria Drive on February 1.
Edmonton, The saints rejoiced recently as a teenage boy was baptized and a young lady was received into fellowship.
Winnipeg, James Beattie and Neal Thomson made welcome visits recently.
Arnstein, Bruce Rodgers expected to give two weeks of ministry in January
Clinton, The saints enjoyed visits by Albert Hull in late October and by Lindsay Carswell and John Dennison in December.
Collingwood, The assembly was encouraged during a three week gospel series by James Beattie and Timothy Walker during which two souls professed faith in Christ. On the closing night of the series, three believers obeyed the Lord in the waters of baptism.
Hamilton, Recent visits by James Smith and Fred Krauss were appreciated.
Milton, Prayer will be valued for gospel meetings that Jack Gould and William Metcalf plan to begin on March 22.
Newmarket, Fred Krauss was present when a young man was baptized in mid December. Also in December, a good number of parents attended the final night of children’s meetings taken by Lorne Langfeld.
Niagara Falls, James Smith had a week of ministry on the House of God and a young sister was baptized after the last meeting. Prayer is requested for a gospel series which William Metcalf and Eugene Badgley expect to start on February 1.
Nipissing Junction, The saints enjoyed a week of ministry by David Rodgers from the Epistle of James. They also enjoyed a week of well attended children’s meetings with Ed Miller.
Owen Sound, The assembly appreciated two weeks of ministry by William Metcalf on Egypt to Canaan.
Petawawa, Helped by others, Brian Crawford is visiting with Seed Sewers in this area which has a large Canadian Forces Base as well as a civilian section.
Sarnia, James Smith expected to commence 10 nights of ministry on January 19, using his chart on the Tabernacle.
St. Thomas, The saints appreciated a week of ministry by Ed Miller in December.
Sudbury, In early December, the assembly enjoyed a visit from Brian Owen. Alvin Cook gave helpful ministry at the December monthly ministry meeting and remained for the Lord’s day. On January 4, the saints enjoyed their annual all day meeting when ministry was given by Brian Crawford and local brethren.
Thunder Bay, Neal Thomson visited in late October. During November, Peter Simms ministered for two weeks using his chart on the Gospel. In early December, Jim Webb spoke for one week from Colossians.
Toronto, Harold Paisley had four consecutive Lord’s days and Tuesday nights at Eglinton, giving helpful ministry on the Mountains in Matthew.
Wallaceburg, On December 21, James Beattie and Timothy Walker were present as a young lady obeyed the Lord in baptism with a good number of unsaved attending. William Metcalf spoke at the monthly ministry meeting on December 26 and Gerard Roy visited on Lord’s day, December 28.
Windsor, The saints very much enjoyed Alex Dryburgh’s ministry from December 7-11.
New Brunswick
Pigeon Hill, The first winter ministry meeting was held on December 14 with Gerard Roy, Leslie Wells and two local brethren giving ministry to a full hall of believers.
Tracadie, Leslie Wells and Gerard Roy had a gospel series lasting almost eight weeks with blessing in salvation.
Nova Scotia
Avonport, William Bingham and David Hunt concluded gospel meetings on December 12. They had good attendance and some blessing in salvation, which was an encouragement to the assembly
Sydney, Two professed to be saved and the saints were encouraged during gospel meetings by James McClelland and Jim Jarvis.
Prince Edward Island
Crapaud, David Swan and Carl Payne expected to start a series in the gospel in January.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Many thousands of 1998 Scripture calendars have been distributed door to door in Newfoundland and Labrador. Please pray that God will bless His Word hanging on the walls of so many homes.
English Point, Murray McCandless and David Hunt expected to commence a gospel series on January 18.
Fogo, On January 11, Jonathan Procopio and Bryan Joyce started gospel meetings. They are in deep need of our prayers as they work in this area for the encouragement of the small assembly.
Parsons Pond, Work continues on the new hall as the Lord enables. The electrical work is presently being done.
Seal Cove, Carl Payne made welcome visits in December to Seal Cove, Templeman and Wareham.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Forest Grove, Jim Webb and Roy Weber started gospel meetings on January 11.
Culver City, Over the past few months, the saints enjoyed visits and timely ministry from Stuart Thompson, John McCann Jr., Ian Irvine and Jim Currie.
San Diego, This year’s conference was larger than usual. Ten of the Lord’s servants were present to minister the Word, and a large number of unsaved attended the gospel meeting.
Turlock, Following the Phoenix conference, the assembly received a much appreciated visit from Jim Currie who gave helpful ministry and a report on the work in Japan.
New Mexico
Albuquerque, The saints appreciated two weeks of ministry in November by William Lavery, and also enjoyed short visits by Walter Gustafson, Fred Krauss and Jim Currie in November and December.
Hinckley, The assembly appreciated having Joel Portman for two weeks of ministry on I John.
Willmar, On January 4, Joel Portman and Jerry Jennings commenced a series in the gospel.
Dike, One professed during a short gospel series by Allan Christopherson and Roy Weber in December.
Garnavillo, Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which Marvin Derksen and Peter Orasuk expect to start on March 1. Prior to this effort, brother Derksen expects to have a week of children’s meetings the last week of February.
Manchester, On January 4, Eric McCullough and William Skates started a series in the gospel.
West Union, In November, the saints enjoyed a ministry meeting by John Slabaugh and James Smith. On December 28, Allan Christopherson and John Slabaugh commenced a series in the gospel.
Brodhead, Robert Orr expected to have ministry meetings in early January.
Waukesha, The saints planned to commence a two week series of children’s meetings at the end of January.
Battle Creek, Believers from the assembly are following up contacts made in Kalamazoo in December when Dan Shutt had a gospel series. Several assembly families live in Kalamazoo.
Jackson, The saints recently enjoyed ministry by John Slabaugh and William Metcalf. Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Allan Christopherson and William Seale expect to start on February 22.
Akron, The assembly appreciated visits by Dan Shutt and Steve Kember. The latter gave a report on the gospel outreach at Lethbridge, Alberta.
Clyde, On December 14, the assembly hosted the area Bible reading which was led by Norman Crawford, with help from Dan Shutt and John Slabaugh. Brother Slabaugh remained for ministry from Monday through Wednesday The saints have been encouraged with two believers being baptized in November and a couple coming into the fellowship recently
Matoaca, On December 21, the assembly was cheered by a visit from David Oliver and Jonathan Procopio. They had a ministry meeting in the afternoon and had visitors in that meeting and unbelievers to hear the gospel at night.
De Land, The first conference of the De Land assembly was a time of blessing. The saints had joy in seeing a number of visitors gather with them for January 3 and 4. Norman Crawford and Murray McCandless took the ministry meetings, Bible readings and also preached the gospel. James Smith is expected for a week of ministry in February.
Tampa, On December 28, the assembly had a special ministry meeting with a number of visiting brethren giving appreciated help. James Smith expected to give ministry on the Tabernacle in February.
Bryn Mawr, David Oliver was with the assembly on the first Lord’s day in January when a young man recently saved was baptized.
Hatboro, James Smith expected to have a week of ministry at Bryn Mawr and Hatboro following the Pennsauken conference.
McKeesport, The assembly appreciated visits and ministry from several brethren recently: L. Buote (December 10), S. Kember (December 17), D. Oliver (December 28) and E. Higgins (January 4).
New Jersey
Barrington, Dan Shutt was with the assembly on December 28 and 31.
Long Branch, From December 7-14, William Seale had a week of gospel meetings and the saints were encouraged with some visitors attending.
Midland Park, The assembly appreciated helpful ministry from Sandy Higgins on December 3,4,5 and 17. Walter Gustafson also visited on December 28.
Pennsauken, The area Bible reading on John 14 was held on December 7 and was led by Don Draper.
Newington, Gospel meetings by Gene Higgins closed on December 21 and the believers were very much encouraged by the Lord’s blessing in salvation.
Saugus, The Christians enjoyed a brief visit from Dale Vitale on December 30.
Tidings – Other Countries
Northern Ireland
Belfast, Good numbers attended the annual conference meetings and Bible readings on December 26 and 27 and New Year’s day. The readings were conducted by W. Nesbitt, S. McBride, D. West and S. Ferguson.
Buckna, A number of brethren gave profitable ministry at the well attended annual conference.
Comber, J. Hutchinson has commenced a series in the gospel.
Donaghcloney, B. Glendinning and R. Fairley have begun gospel meetings.
Gransha, At the annual conference on December 25, the following brethren ministered the Word: A. McShane, J. Hutchinson, T. Gracey, T. McNeill, A. Davidson and D. Kane.
Kilkeel, The conference was well attended and ministry was given by W Nesbitt, J. Thompson, J. Milne, B. Glendinning and D. Kane.
Lisburn, T. Bentley and J. Palmer have started a gospel series in Plantation hall.
Newtownards, Jim Martin and William Halliday had well attended and encouraging gospel meetings in a house.
Newtownstewart, Profitable ministry was given by various brethren at the well attended conference on New Year’s day. The Bible reading was conducted by Tom Bentley
Shanaghan, A. McShane and D. Gilliland are preaching the gospel.
Burleigh Heads, On December 18, John McDowell wrote, “Throughout the year we have maintained good gospel texts which we erected on some of the main highways, something unusual in this country. We continue to post out gospel tracts to remote areas and many of the believers help to prepare the envelopes for posting. This year we have covered almost one-quarter of a million homes. Many people have written requesting the free Bible and literature which we offer and it has truly been a joy to reply to so many letters and in this way bring the message to needy souls in isolated areas.”
Pachuca, A number of believers from different countries distributed Seed Sewers in this city which is approximately one hour northwest of Mexico City. On January 4, Paul Thiessen and Harry Rodriguez commenced a series in the gospel.
St. Lucia
Jack Gould arrived in St. Lucia on December 12 and gave help in the ongoing building projects and in ministry to the five assemblies until February 1. Jack Nesbitt plans to return to St. Lucia in late February.
Conferences, D.V.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
April 24, 25 and 26. Ministry on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 492 Victor St. Meetings on Saturday and Lord’s day in Mennonite Brethren Collegiate, 173 Talbot Ave., starting at 10:30 each morning. Corr. Duncan Dunsire, 432 Beverly St., Winnipeg, MB, R3G lT8, phone (204) 775-3704.
Toronto, Ontario
April 10, 11 and 12 in Birchmount Park Collegiate, 3663 Danforth Ave., Scarborough. Meetings each day at 10, 1:30, 3:30 and 7:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Broadview Gospel Hall, 194 Broadview. Bible readings on (1) Assembly Prayer, (2) Elders and (3)Young Believers. Corr. Don Jennings, 53 Karnwood Dr., Scarborough, ON, MIL 2Z7, phone (416) 7577019, and Robert Reilly, 30 Caronridge Cres., Agincourt, ON, MlW lL2, phone (416) 499-0829. Please note change in location for both prayer meeting and conference site.
Culver City, California
April 11 and 12 in the Gospel Hall, 11138 Venice Boulevard. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Bible reading on John 13. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Neil Rodger, 4209 Clayton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027-1501, phone (213) 663-5905. Hall phone is (310) 559-1588.
Kindly remember:
Palm Springs, CA – Mar. 29
Jackson, Ml – Feb. 14
Matoaca, VA – Feb. 14 and 15
Change of Address
Marcus Cain, Apartado 671, C.P. 63000, Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico
Gary Sharp, 149 Bayview Avenue, RR 1, Site 4, Box 408, Port McNicoll, ON, LOK 1RO, phone (705) 534-4465
Miss Annie Spencer (Trinidad), 52 Station Road, Llandaff North, Cardiff, South Wales, U.K., CF4 2FF
Change of Correspondent
Midland, Ontario, Paul Barbour, 328 John Street, Midland, ON, L4R 2J5, phone (705) 526-3516
Change of Address of Correspondent
Strongville, Ontario, W. Arnot Johnston, 202 Saunders St., P.O. Box 521, Stayner, ON, LOM 1SO, phone (705) 428-2727
Change in Meeting Times
Strongville, Ontario, Lord’s day, S.S. at 10, Breaking of Bread at 11:30 with Gospel at 7:30. Tuesday, Prayer and Bible study at 7:45 p.m.
Black River Falls, Wisconsin, Prayer and Bible Study is now on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
With Christ
Ernest Paugh of O’Leary, Prince Edward Island on October 18, age 94, following a short illness. Brought up by Christian parents, our dear brother was saved in 1955 and bore a good testimony For the last 30 years, he was in fellowship in Springfield West assembly. Robert Mcllwaine and Lewis MacKenzie shared the funeral service.
Mrs. Alberta Sluiter of Stout, Iowa on November 4, age 82. Our dear sister was pointed to Christ by Oliver Smith in meetings at Hitesville on February 7, 1935. Along with her husband Grant who survives, she was in the Stout assembly for years. They were given to hospitality and were faithful to the assembly. Both have been in a care center in recent months. Also surviving are two sons, a daughter and their families. Prayer is requested, especially for those needing salvation. R. Van Mill, R. Orr and her grandson, Shad Sluiter, shared the funeral service.
Harvey Wirkler of Garnavillo, Iowa on December 8, age 73, following open heart surgery Our dear brother first heard the gospel preached by Lorne McBain in Garnavillo. He was saved on April 3, 1938 and on June 26, 1938, he gathered with the Christians at Garnavillo. Harvey maintained a consistent testimony in the assembly, often starting the hymns. He was a real help in Bible readings. Remember his wife Shirley, two sons, two daughters, unsaved in-laws and grandchildren. The funeral services were shared by R. Orr, A. Christopherson and J. Portman.
David Ronald of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Our dear brother was saved at age 12 in Esk, SK and moved to Portage with his parents in 1928. Dave was an all round man; his teaching ministry and his gift in the gospel were widely appreciated. The Portage assembly prospered under his care as a faithful elder and shepherd. The hall was filled for his funeral which was taken by his brother Jim and Earl Ritchie. Predeceased by his wife Muriel, David is survived by his son Allen and his family, and his daughter Marian who serves the Lord in Zambia.
Edward Golz of McKeesport, PA on December 14, age 86. Our beloved brother was saved in August, 1941, through the testimony of Alex Wilson, a supervisor in the steel mill where Eddy worked and who spoke to him about his soul. After the death of his first wife, he married Victoria Robinson. Living part-time in Florida, Ontario and McKeesport, they had many beloved Christian friends. Our brother was an encourager, who faithfully attended assembly meetings until the week before his homecall. His large funeral was taken by H. Clark and K. McCullough.
Mrs. Martha Downer of Gander Bay, Newfoundland on December 18, age 75. Our dear sister was born on December 27, 1921 and in 1973 she received the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. The funeral was shared by Carl Payne and Alvin Blake. Please pray for her family who are left behind.
William Staddon of Manchester, CT on December 19, age 74. Our esteemed brother and his wife were saved in November, 1950 in meetings by William McBride of Chile. He was steadfast in the assembly and the correspondent for the last few years. He was of a quiet disposition, but a faithful shepherd who cared for God’s people. His Christ-like testimony will be missed. “A man of God” was the subject of the funeral service taken by David Hodgkins. He is survived by his wife, and five daughters, who with four of the sons-in-law were all saved after their marriages.
Mrs. Claire A. Estep of Clyde, Ohio on December 21, age 86. Our dear sister was saved in the 1970’s. She was faithful in fellowship in the assembly at Clyde. While she was unable to attend meetings in her latter years, she bore a cheerful testimony to her loved ones and to those around her. She was preceded in her homecall by her husband Melvin who went to be with the Lord in 1987. Her testimony will be missed.
Mrs. Mina Morgan of Black Earth, WI on December 25, age 92. Our esteemed sister was saved on November 30,1937. She was in fellowship at Blue River until 1980, when she moved to Madison to be near her daughter, Leila Olson, with whom she was in fellowship at Black Earth, faithfully attending meetings as long as she was able. Mrs. Morgan was characterized by a cheerful and helpful spirit, by encouraging the saints and by giving positive affirmation when brethren were speaking. Eric McCullough took the well attended funeral.
Mrs. Elizabeth (Betty) Doner of London, Ontario on December 28, age 86. Our dear sister is survived by her husband Jack, a daughter Joanne, son Stephen and seven grandchildren. She was born in Mitchellton, Saskatchewan but was saved as a teenager in Trenton, after the family moved to Ontario. Mrs. Doner was a faithful and esteemed wife and mother. She manifested a deep peace and devotion to the Lord Jesus and a happy disposition in the home and the assembly. The funeral was shared by David Rodgers, Gordon Brodie and Hugh Garnham.
Mrs. George (Mary) Wilson of Niagara Falls, Ontario on December 31, age 83. Our dear sister passed peacefully into the presence of the Lord. She was faithful to the Lord whom she loved and was in the Niagara Falls assembly for 48 years, until ill health caused her to move closer to her family. The funeral was well attended with the gospel clearly proclaimed.
Wills and the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust
The Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust can be named as a beneficiary in a will, and all money received by the Gospel Trust from an estate will be distributed promptly. The basic principles which are followed in the distribution of estate funds are as follows:
- If there are specific instructions in the will, the trustees follow these instructions implicitly.
- If there are no instructions in the will but the executor of the estate gives instructions to the Gospel Trust, the executor’s instructions are followed.
- If there are no instructions in the will or from the executor, but the person leaving the will has used the Gospel Trust in the past, the trustees are guided by his or her previous exercise.
- If there are no instructions whatsoever and the person leaving the will has not used the Trust previously, the trustees distribute the fellowship as the Lord may guide.
A lawyer will be able to assist you in drawing up your will exactly as you wish it. The address for both the Canadian and the U.S. Trusts are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover.