

Norman Lorimer

Note: From time to time, little or nothing is published in the Tidings section from some areas in Canada and the United States. The reason for this is that no reports have been received from these regions. We are always pleased to publish news which we receive from the Lord’s servants and correspondents of assemblies seeking to go on in the right ways of the Lord.


Tidings – Canada

British Columbia

North Vancouver, The saints rejoiced at the baptism of a Korean couple recently.

Vancouver, Bryan Funston and Gaius Goff concluded five weeks of gospel meetings on November 24 at Carlton. Good numbers attended throughout the series and a number of souls professed faith in Christ. The saints were greatly encouraged by the interest and attendance of those from the neighbourhood. Brethren Funston and Goff shared in the monthly ministry meeting held at Carlton in November. Prayer will be valued for a gospel series which Murray McCandless and Peter Orasuk expect to start on February 2 in Woodland Drive.

West Richmond, Two believers were baptized on November 10, giving joy to the saints.

Westbank, Recently, Dave Richards had seven nights of appreciated ministry on the Vessels of the Tabernacle.


Arborfield, Five of the Lord’s servants were present for the annual conference in November and gave a variety of searching ministry. Believers from all three Prairie provinces attended.

Glen Ewen, Joel Portman gave helpful ministry during the first week of December.

Maidstone, The joint Maidstone, Mervin and Paradise Valley conference was about the same size as last year. Ministry was very good with emphasis on the Coming of the Lord both in ministry and gospel. Help was given by James Ronald, Peter Simms and Jim Webb. The three assemblies also enjoyed a recent visit by Robert Boyle.


Portage la Prairie, Allan Christopherson and Jack Nesbitt had three weeks in the gospel with blessing in salvation.

Winnipeg, The saints rejoiced recently in the reception into fellowship of a young sister and a young brother as well as in the salvation of a married lady. Allan Christopherson commenced a short gospel series on December 8.


Barrie, Eugene Badgley had a week of helpful ministry, speaking on Separation in the Believer’s Life. Monthly ministry meetings commenced in November and will continue on the fourth Saturday of each month.

Clinton, During November, the saints enjoyed five nights of ministry by David Kember, using his chart on the Paths of the Obedient Believer, the Disobedient Believer and the Unbeliever. On November 20, Jim Jarvis gave helpful ministry and also a report on the work in Newfoundland and Labrador. On November 23, Gene Higgins spoke at the well attended S.S. Treat as well as giving refreshing ministry in the evening.

Hamilton, Gene Higgins had three weeks of well attended gospel meetings. The believers were encouraged by the good number of unsaved who attended.

Kenora, The assembly enjoyed two weeks with Robert Orr who spoke from his Egypt to Canaan chart.

Lansing, Robert Surgenor had a week of well attended and appreciated ministry meetings in November. While in the area, brother Surgenor also visited Pape and Fairbank.

Milton, In November, Harold Paisley had two weeks in the gospel with a good number of outsiders attending.

Newmarket, The saints enjoyed recent visits by Gary Sharp and Andrew Kluge. Children’s meetings have been very encouraging and at Parents’ Night, 60 children and 25 parents, all outsiders, were present.

Oil Springs, The conference was one of the largest we have had, and continues to be a testimony to this small town of 600. The ministry was excellent and was shared by William Aiken, James Beattie, David Kember, Fred Krauss and Robert Surgenor. David Kember gave a report on the beginning of the assembly in 1961, the result of gospel meetings he and his brother John had in 1960.

Oshawa, Larry Steers and Eugene Badgley had three weeks of gospel meetings and an encouraging number of outsiders attended. The hall was full for the November conference and eight of the Lord’s servants were present to help. Later in November, Robert Surgenor had three nights of very helpful ministry. During the winter, monthly ministry meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month.

Peterborough, In November, the saints enjoyed a visit from Fred Krauss who was with the saints for a Lord’s day and three nights of ministry.

Thunder Bay, James Webb gave very appreciated ministry from November 24 to December 3 from the Epistle of James.

Toronto, John Norris paid appreciated visits to Eglinton, Pape, Newmarket and Langstaff, spending a Lord’s day and ministering one night at all four assemblies. In early December, Andrew Bergsma also spent a Lord’s day and one night at Eglinton. At a special commemorative meeting at Pape in November, Arnold Adams and Harold Paisley were present to recount God’s goodness to the assembly over more than 75 years. Alex Dryburgh gave helpful ministry at Highfield during the first week of December.

Unionville, In November, the Unionville and Langstaffassemblies hosted a weekend of meetings by Sandy Higgins and David Oliver on the subjects of Courtship, Marriage and Parenting. The subject matter was timely and very profitable with about 250 attending.

Wallaceburg, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which William Metcalf and Bert Snippe expect to commence on January 5.

West Hill, In early November, Harold Paisley had a week of uplifting ministry on the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ. The saints also enjoyed a visit by Steve Kember. On December 8, Gordon Hanna profitably ministered the Word before leaving for Zambia.

Windsor, Four souls professed faith in Christ during three and a half weeks of encouraging gospel meetings by Ken Moore and William Metcalf.

New Brunswick

Green River, Alex Dryburgh paid an appreciated visit in November.

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown, Prayer is requested for a series in the gospel which Albert Hull and Jonathan Procopio plan to start on January 19.

Rosebank, The hall was well filled for an afternoon meeting on October 26 and Profitable ministry was given by Noel burden, Jonathan Procopio and Leslie Wells.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Fogo, Helped by Irving Payne (Langstaff), Bryan Joyce commenced two weeks of gospel meetings on December 8. Brother Joyce plans to give help on Fogo Island during the winter months.

Gander, The Christians rejoiced in seeing the Lord’s hand in salvation during four weeks of gospel meetings with Gordon Williams and David Hunt. Arnold Adams expected to begin a week of ministry meetings on February 2.

Mount Pearl, Prayer is requested for a gospel series to commence in early January with Marvin Derksen and Jim Jarvis.

Sandringham, Marvin Derksen had four nights of helpful ministry in late November on the Doctrines of the Gospel.

St. John’s, The fall conference was most encouraging with excellent gospel meetings. The new facilities were a great improvement from previous years.

Tidings – U.S.A.

Washington and Oregon

Arlington, Prayer is requested for gospel meetings to begin on February 2 with Allan Christopherson and Bryan Funston.

Salem, On November 27, John Abernethy commenced a week of ministry with a good interest and attendance. Following these meetings, brother Abernethy also visited Forest Grove andGrants Pass.

Tacoma, The baptism of a teenager was a real joy to the saints. They were also encouraged by visits from Walter Gustafson and James Currie.


Phoenix, The November conference was well attended, with profitable ministry and Bible readings. John Abernethy, Edward Doherty, Walter Gustafson, William Lavery and G.R Taylor were present to help.


Fergus Falls, Robert Orr visited the assembly on November 15 and remained for the following Lord’s day Minneapolis, Prayer is requested for a series of gospel meetings which Joel Portman and William Skates expect to start in this area in late January.


Cedar Falls, James Beattie and Gary Sharp are preaching the gospel.

Gamavillo, The Thanksgiving conference was a little smaller than usual but was excellent. Ministry was given by Jerry Jennings, Murray McCandless, Jonathan Procopio and Gary Sharp.


Alpena, In mid September, the assembly enjoyed a week of ministry by Jim Webb. While in the area, brother Webb also gave helpful ministry in the Belleville assembly. During the first two weeks of October, Roy Weber and Joel Portman conducted a gospel series. William Lavery gave much appreciated help at the Bible reading conference on November 9 and 10, and remained for three nights of ministry.


Tomah, William Skates and Jerry Jennings had two weeks of gospel meetings in November and planned further gospel meetings at Norwalk in December.


Jackson, A man, whose wife was saved 20 years ago, professed salvation on November 24 after hearing Dan Shutt preach the gospel at an announced ministry meeting. A teenage boy from Jackson professed to be saved on November 29, two days after he attended a gospel meeting by Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio at Stark Road.

Livonia, There was a very large attendance at the bimonthly Bible reading in November. Norman Crawford, Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio gave help and the reading was much appreciated by all present. On November 10, brethren McCandless and Prcopio commenced a gospel series. These meetings are being very well attended with a number of unsaved Present nightly At last report, several souls had professed salvation and the meetings were continuing.

Saginaw, The hall was well filled for an all day meeting on November 24 when Norman Crawford and William Metcalf spoke. Believers come well to these monthly meetings and they have been a blessing to small assemblies in the area. Earlier in November, the saints enjoyed a report on Chile by Andrew Kluge.


Clyde, The assembly had a week of children’s meetings with good attendance. Paul Kember was with them for a Lord’s day recently

Mansfield, On December 7, the first area Bible reading was held. Dan Shutt led the reading on Colossians 1, with a number of brethren giving profitable help.

Monticello, Cleveland, John Slabaugh and James Smith concluded three weeks of gospel meetings, interrupted by unseasonable snow storms. The saints were encouraged by those who attended. In late November, Gordon Hanna gave an interesting report of his labours for the Lord in Zambia.


Matoaca, The assembly has appreciated visits by brethren from Hickory and Bryn Mawr. They came for a Lord’s day to encourage and help the assembly


Deland, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which William Metcalf and Dale Vitale expect to start on February 9.


Bryn Mawr, Jim Allen was with the assembly on November 20 through 24, speaking on the Crowns of Scripture. The recent conference, November 29 through December 1, was profitable and the saints were encouraged with the ministry given by Jim Allen, A.J. Higgins, Oswald MacLeod, David Oliver, John Slabaugh and Dale Vitale.

Hatboro, Along with local brethren, Walter Gustafson gave help at the monthly ministry meeting on November 17.

New Jersey

Barrington, From November 25 through December 1, Jim Allen gave helpful ministry on the Book of Revelation.

Livingston, The saints enjoyed an afternoon fellowship dinner along with a visit by Albert Hull and Dale Vitale on November 24. A number of visitors attended the ministry and gospel meeting.

Midland Park, Gospel meetings with Albert Hull and Dale Vitale are in the fourth week with some outsiders attending. The saints appreciated all the ministry meetings given by the brethren on Lord’s days.

Pennsauken, On November 3, William Oliver led the monthly Bible reading on Philippians 1. Jim Allen was with the assembly on November 14 and 15 for meetings on Hebrews. On December 1, a woman was baptized, who was reached through Seed Sowers and saved at recent gospel meetings by Dale Vitale. Brother Vitale was with the assembly for this happy occasion.


Cambridge, Robert Surgenor gave ministry from December 3 to 5 on Behaviour in the House of God. Brother Surgenor expected to give further ministry in New England in December.

Saugus, After ministering the Word of God here Nov 24-26, Phillip Harding gave ministry at Byfield and Methuen. The Saugus area was mercifully spared difficulties on the conference weekend in December, when snow inundated the area 25 miles west and electric service was lost. Throughout the conference, a good spirit of harmony prevailed and the ministry was characterized by practical and helpful truth. J. Allen, W. Gustafson, P Harding, O. MacLeod, E. McCullough, D. Oliver, H. Paisley and R. Surgenor ministered the Word. The gospel was preached by brethren Paisley and Oliver on Saturday and by brethren McCullough and Surgenor on Lord’s Day. Brethren MacLeod and Paisley preached in Methuen on Lord’s Day.

Tidings – Other Countries

N. Ireland

Ballyclare, As they preach the gospel nightly, S. McBride and U. Ussher are seeing God’s hand in blessing.

Ballymacashon, Good numbers attended the half yearly conference and a number of brethren gave ministry to profit.

Ballymena, In the Harryville hall, J.G. Hutchinson and A. Aiken are continuing in the gospel with some blessing. Belfast, A. McShane and D. Gilliland have preached the gospel in the Whitehouse hall for four weeks.

Clough, The annual conference was held in the Gospel Hall and was well attended. Six brethren ministered the Word of God.

Dungiven, God has blessed in salvation as D. Kane and T Meekin continue gospel meetings in a building close to the town.

Glenanne, B. Glendinning and R. Fairley continue in the gospel. Lungs, J. Martin and A. Davidson are preaching the gospel.

Omagh, The annual conference held in the Gospel Hall was not as large as usual. A number of brethren gave profitable ministry.

Republic of Ireland

Bridgetown, One lady has professed salvation as W. J. Nesbitt and G. Stewart continue in the gospel in the newly erected hall.


Cobham, Suffey, Following the conference in November, Robert Neill (South Africa) remained for a week of helpful ministry meetings.


Osorno, On November 15, Ernest Moore wrote, “Of special interest to us are the three A-B-C countries where we have laboured – Argentina, Bolivia and Chile.” Brother Moore recently returned from a six week visit to Argentina, and expected in early December to go to the extreme south of the continent to have gospel meetings in Punta Arenas, Chile and Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.

El Salvador

San Salvador, Prayer is requested for our dear sister, Mrs. Vernon Markle, who fell on December 3. At last report, she was in hospital with respiratory problems due to a broken rib.


Merida, On November 20, Neal Thomson wrote, “This year has been numerically productive with seven new assemblies commenced, and another is to be formed, Lord willing, in December.” Brother Thomson expected to have meetings inBatatal and San Antonio on the Columbian border.

Conferences, D.V.

Toronto, Ontario

March 28, 29 and 30 in Northern Secondary School, 851 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto. Meetings each day at 10, 1:30, 3:30 and 7:15. Bible readings each day on 2 John, 3 John and Jude. Prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Pape Avenue hall, 871 Pape Ave. Corr. Don Jennings, 53 Karnwood Dr., Scarborough, ON, MlL 2Z7, phone (416) 757-7019 and Robert Reilly, 30 Caronridge Cres.,Agincourt, ON, MlW lL2, phone (416) 499-0829.

Matoaca, Virginia

February 15 and 16 in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca (five miles west of Petersburg). Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday morning at 10 there will be a Bible reading on Assembly Truths, with Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Corr. John Nobles, 5735 Beechnut Ave., Matoaca, VA 23803, phone (804) 590-2988.


Kindly remember:

Seattle, WA – Jan. 25 and 26

Long Beach, CA – Jan. 11 and 12

Tampa, FL – Feb. 8 and 9

Change of Address

Bryan Joyce, 44 Dunbar Avenue, Corner Brook, NF, A2H 3T4

Mrs. George Wilson, 303 Elgin Street #204, Port Colborne, ON, L3K 6A2

Change of Address of Correspondent

Manitowaning Ontario, Chris Cawte, 661 Clover Valley Road, RR 2, Manitowaning, ON, POP 1NO, phone (705) 859-3676

With Christ

Silvie Peffeault of Price, Quebec. Our dear sister was among the first to be saved in connection with the work in this area and has been in the assembly since its beginning in 1976. Complications from her life-long disease (Friedreich’s Ataxia) caused a heart attack and coma and she was called home four days later. She and her sister Odeth have been wheel chair patients in the local sanitorium since 1990. The funeral was taken by L. Buote on October 28. Please pray for the large family, many of whom are not saved. Some heard the gospel for the first time at the funeral.

Joseph Patricca of Sunnyslope, Arizona on October 23, age 77. Our dear brother accepted Christ on April 14, 1940 and married Dorothy Braithwaite on May 18,1940. He was received into assembly fellowship at Manchester, CT. Due to his wife’s health, they moved to Arizona in 1943 and were in fellowship at Phoenix. They have been in the Sunnyslope assembly since its beginning in 1948. Joseph served faithfully as an elder and will be greatly missed. In addition to his wife, he leaves two sons, two daughters, five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Ellen Flegg of Arborfield, Saskatchewan on October 24, age 91. Our dear sister was born at Taylorside where she was saved as a girl of 16. She was baptized and in happy fellowship in the Taylorside assembly Ellen was left a young widow when her husband, Hector Flegg, died suddenly in 1942. She came to Arborfield where she resided for over 40 years and was in happy assembly fellowship. The funeral from the Taylorside Gospel Hall was taken by James Ronald Jr.

T. Ernest Wilson of Longport, N.J. on November 27, age 94. Our esteemed brother served the Lord for about 50 years in Angola and spent the latter years of his life living in New Jersey and ministering in North America. Many considered it an honour to have been acquainted with such a saintly man and to have heard him teach the Word of God. He has heard His “Well done” and has entered into the joy of his Lord. Pray that the family will be sustained and strengthened through the days ahead, especially Tom and Ruth Wilson who had the burden of his care.

Wills and the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust

The Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust can be named as a beneficiary in a will, and all money received by the Gospel Trust from an estate will be distributed promptly. The basic principles which are followed in the distribution of estate funds are as follows:

  1. If there are specific instructions in the will, the trustees follow these instructions implicitly
  2. If there are no instructions in the will but the executor of the estate gives instructions to the Gospel Trust, the executor’s instructions are followed.
  3. If there are no instructions in the will or from the executor, but the person leaving the will has used the Gospel Trust in the past, the trustees are guided by his or her previous exercise.
  4. If there are no instructions whatsoever and the person leaving the will has not used the Trust previously, the trustees distribute the fellowship as the Lord may guide.

A lawyer will be able to assist you in drawing up your will exactly as you wish it. The addresses for both the Canadian and the U.S. Trusts are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover.