Does society believe what it professes? “There are no absolutes in the world anymore!” Not exactly. Even in a world which denies the existence of absolutes, there is one underlying principle upon which all agree, from the intellectuals who inhabit the chairs of universities, to the blue collar workers who work their eight to five shift and then go home to a night of mindless entertainment in front of the wasteland of modem media. What is this lone surviving absolute upon which they agree? Of what one thing is a society which prizes itself on its tolerance and broadmindedness, so intolerant?
The world is intolerant of anyone who says that they know the truth. It totally repudiates anyone who is so narrow minded that he thinks he knows what is right and wrong. The world will tolerate anything except this.
Articles which follow in this month’s Truth and Tidings by Lindsay Parks and David Vallance underline the importance of moral absolutes and the disaster to society and individual lives when men reject truth and righteousness. They address the needs of believers in the work place and educational systems where there is a constant exposure to the spirit of “this present evil age” (Gal 1:4). These articles are valuable reading for school aged young people and for all believers of any age who are aware of the false ethical systems that permiate society.
If there is no absolute right and wrong, no absolute righteousness and holiness, then the zeal and ardor of men such as William Payne, whose life is recounted by our brother Earnest Moore, was all in vain. But, reminiscent of Paul’s great declaration which ends 1 Corinthians 15, the resurrection which establishes the existence of righteousness (John 16:10) guarantees that all such labor will bring eternal results. “Forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” The thought provoking and excellent series of Questions and Answers, edited by David Oliver show how relevant these issues are to everyday life. Our “world view” is determined by our acceptance of divine revelation as the basis of our ethics. Capital punishment? The value of human life? Alternate life styles? “Tolerance,” the world cries! “What does the Word of God say?” asks the believer.
The center pages of the May magazine contain necessary financial reports of the Canadian and U.S. Gospel Trusts. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lorimer and Mr. and Mrs. David Metcalf spend many hours on the work of the two Trusts.
James N. Smith has written a clear explanation of some verses that cause some young believers to doubt their salvation. Helpful papers by brother Smith will continue in future magazines DV.
Some excellent articles including one on the work place by John Dennison are planned for June.