Through the years with Alex Wilson
It is with the greatest of pleasure we respond to a request in giving a brief account of the years spent in both gospel and ministry with our dear brother, Alex Wilson.
Indeed it was a privilege to be linked with one who was much of the same in mind, willing to plod on amidst times of difficulty when hearts were hard to reach. At some time each year we were together in town-to-town or house-to-house visitation. Country school houses were then obtainable, also canvas tents and portable halls or rented buildings, mostly in places far from assembly fellowship and support. Open air meetings served as a way to reach individuals.
There were a few occasions when special efforts were held in assemblies both for ministry and gospel in Canada and the United States. However, most of our labors were in the vicinity of Togo, Saskatchewan, where an assembly was started in the Spring of 1958.
Not every effort bore visible fruit; eternity alone will reveal the results. There were a number of cases, though unknown at the time, that came to light years after. To God be the glory!
Our dear brother had rare graces. His patience and stability marked him. His knowledge of the word, and his ability to present it in a clear understandable way impressed many. He was a real help to myself, and since his passing, a number have expressed that they received help from him in their early Christian lives. He has been greatly missed at Prairie conferences in recent years. Our brother excelled in Bible readings.
A few of his quaint sayings come to mind – one in particular after listening to a time-consuming address, his comment would be, “You can’t expect much from an empty bottle.” He was not one to criticize, and could give the word of encouragement when he felt it was needed.
May the Lord grant special help to his beloved wife, Beulah, who so faithfully stood with him in years of labor, and latterly in his declining days. Also, may the family know much of the Lord’s presence in this time of bereavement. The reuniting day is very near.
The words of Jonathan regarding David could well apply to our dear brother, Alex, “Thou shalt be missed, they seat shall be empty”.