
Tidings – Canada

British Columbia

Port Alberni, In February, the saints appreciated a week of ministry by Alex Dryburgh on Thessalonians.

Vancouver, Shad Kember Jr. and David Hunt continue in the gospel at Victoria Drive with good attendance. At last report, one had professed and others were concerned. John Abernethy visited Fairview on March 3. Alex Dryburgh visited a number of assemblies in the area including Woodland, Richmond, Fairview and Langley.


Calgary, Larry Buote visited the West Hillhurst assembly in November, giving a report on the work in Quebec and New Brunswick. In February, Peter Simms gave a week of ministry on the Doctrines of the Gospel.

Lethbridge, Peter Simms and Ross Vanstone held a week of meetings in January


Arnstein, Special gospel meetings ended on February 6, and a young married woman professed to be saved the next day, bringing joy to the saints.

Clinton, The saints were encouraged by a visit from Eugene Badgley for the last Lord’s day in February and for two nights in ministry. A good number attended the baptism of nine young believers on Lord’s day afternoon. Recent children’s meetings have resulted in new scholars for the Sunday School, which is a real encouragement.

Grand Bend, The assembly appreciated a visit in December by William Seale for two weekends as well as a week of well attended children’s meetings. John Dennison and Paul Kember spoke at an afternoon meeting when two young mothers obeyed the Lord in baptism. Weekly children’s meetings in Zurich during January were most encouraging. In Huron Park, another nearby community, weekly children’s meetings were held in February and March. Paul Kember and John Dennison continued visitation in the surrounding area during the winter months and have seen God’s blessing in salvation.

Huntsville, Ministry meetings on the third Saturday of each month during the winter have been most encouraging. Timothy Walker had ministry meetings from February 4 to 16. Murray Pratt and William Metcalf expected to commence a gospel series on March 31.

Kitchener, The assembly had recent visits by Albert Grainger and Paul Kember.

Mimico, Three weeks of gospel meetings by Eric McCullough and Bryan Funston were most encouraging with large numbers of unsaved present each night. A good number confessed faith in Christ and the assembly rejoiced and were thankful to God for this time of reaping.

Ottawa, Monthly ministry meetings on the last Saturday of the winter months have been quite encouraging with good numbers attending. A 16 year old believer was recently baptized, giving joy to the saints.

Owen Sound, The assembly recently enjoyed visits from George Patterson, Gary Sharp and Brian Owen.

Sault Ste. Marie, On February 11, four young men were baptized, bringing joy to the saints. Ken Taylor had 2 1/2 weeks in the gospel during February with some unsaved showing interest in salvation. Wednesday evening children’s meetings have been encouraging with numbers reaching 100 many nights.

Thunder Bay, A visit by Timothy Kember for a Lord’s day and several nights of ministry in late February was appreciated.

Toronto, Harold Paisley had a week of encouraging ministry in February at Eglinton, speaking from the Gospel according to John. The saints at Pape recently celebrated 75 years of assembly testimony. They thank God for His faithfulness and preserving care throughout these years.

Victoria Road, The saints greatly appreciated a visit by Norman Crawford on March 6.

Waubaushene, Recent visits by Fred Krauss, Arnold Adams and John Dennison were appreciated. Bimonthly Saturday night meetings continued during the winter months in fellowship with the Midland and Orillia. assemblies.

New Brunswick

Bathurst, Prayer is requested for a series in the gospel which Albert Hull and Ken Taylor expect to commence on April 14.

Sussex, David Kember gave appreciated ministry from February 12 to 16. Peter Orasuk conducted helpful Bible readings from February 21 to 29. Five were baptized on February 25 and a teenaged boy professed that night, bringing much joy to the assembly

Tracadie, At last report, Larry Buote was in the third week of gospel meetings with a good interest.

Nova Scotia

Port Howe, Gaius Goff and Ken Taylor began a gospel series on March 3.

Prince Edward Island

Freetown, The hall was packed for the annual all day meeting on February 10 when ministry was given by Noel Burden, Albert Hull, James McClelland and Peter Orasuk. It was very encouraging to see the younger saints with an ear for the plain Word of God.

Newfoundland and Labrador

L’Anse au Loup, Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio were in their seventh week in the gospel at last report. God has worked marvelously and 16 precious souls have professed and others have real concern.

Mount Pearl, Gospel meetings by Jim Jarvis and Shad Kember Sr. are now in their fifth week with an encouraging interest and some blessing in salvation. A building has recently been purchased for the work in this area.

Red Bay, Wallace Buckle and Brian Joyce had gospel meetings from January 28 to February 21 and saw two souls professing salvation.

Sandringham, The recent gospel series by Gaius Goff and Gordon Williams was encouraging because of the many contacts made. The five weeks of meetings closed on February 25.

Tidings – U.S.A.


Marysville, Alex Dryburgh visited Marysville and Arlington and gave appreciated ministry.

Seattle, In February, Dave Richards visited both Seattle and Arlington, ministering to the saints. Norman Mellish was expected to visit in March. Minnesota

Willmar, Robert Orr and Roy Weber commenced a series in the gospel on March 3.


Antioch, Using his Egypt to Canaan chart, Robert Orr gave helpful ministry from February 18 to 25.

Garnavillo, David Oliver spoke at the Sunday School treat on February 24.

Manchester, Joel Portman and Arthur Ward closed on February 9 and then had helpful Bible readings on Priests and Levites.

Stout, Excellent numbers are attending gospel meetings by David Oliver and Marvin Derksen.


Blue River, Joel Portman commenced a week of ministry on February 18.

Egg Harbor, A young husband and wife were received into the fellowship. Blessing in salvation was seen during two weeks in the gospel with George Patterson and Jerry Jennings. Lorne Mitchell and Dan Kember were here for a brief visit with ministry meetings. These have all been a great encouragement.

LaCrosse, Allan Christopherson and Peter Simms continue in the gospel.

Mount Sterling, The weekend of Mardi 9 and 10 was set aside as a Bible reading and ministry conference. Norman Crawford, Marvin Derksen, A.J. Higgins and David Oliver opened Bible readings on Matthew 5, 6 and 7. More than 400 believers were present and it was a time of rich blessing.

Ontario, George Patterson and William Skates started gospel meetings on March 10.


New Lenox, In February, the assembly appreciated visits for ministry by Eric McCullough and William Metcalf.


Battle Creek, An all day meeting was held on February 25. Ministry given by James Beattie, Dan Shutt and Stuart Thompson was much enjoyed.

Jackson, Christians from many assemblies gathered for an all day meeting on February 24. Refreshing and practical ministry was given J. Beattie, N. Crawford, J. Dennison, R. Fuller, A. Hull, L. Perkins and S. Thompson. On the next day, Albert Hull and John Dennison began gospel meetings. The preaching has been with power and unsaved are attending.

Saginaw, Fred Krauss and James Beattie gave timely ministry at the all day meeting on March 3. Brother Krauss remained for two more nights and gave uplifting ministry.

Sault Ste. Marie, During the last two days of January and the first two days of February, Larry Perkins gave appreciated ministry. He also did extensive visiting in the homes.


Akron, On February 17, James Smith opened the area Bible reading. Good numbers attended and the reading was profitable. Brother Smith remained for Lord’s day and two nights of ministry, then visited Mansfield on Wednesday Allan Christopherson and William Seale expected to begin gospel meetings on March 24 in Akron.

Cleveland, An area Bible reading on Philippians 3 was held on March 9 in the Monticello hall. Much appreciated help was given by Dan Shutt, David Vallance and local brethren.

Mansfield, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Eugene Higgins expects to start on April 14.

West Virginia

New Creek, At the end of January, Lome Mitchell and Dan Kember visited the assembly and gave ministry.


Matoaca, Although hampered by a snow storm on Friday, the conference in February was uplifting. Oswald MacLeod, David Oliver and George Patterson shared in ministry that was much enjoyed by all who were able to be present.

North Carolina

Hickory, On March 3, Dale Vitale began gospel meetings, helped by younger brethren from the assembly.


Deland, The assembly enjoyed visits by John Norris and Oswald MacLeod. On February 18, Walter Gustafson and William Lavery commenced two and a half weeks in the gospel, and the believers were much encouraged by one soul’s profession of salvation and by the response to the 3,500 Seed Sowers texts distributed. Brother Lavery remained for two further nights of ministry.

Tampa, The February conference was one of the largest, and the saints were very encouraged and helped with practical and edifying ministry. Eight of the Lord’s servants were present. Following the conference, William Lavery remained for a week of ministry. During the winter, we have had many visitors as well as visits from 12 of the Lord’s servants.


Hatboro, The monthly ministry meeting on February 18 was practical and helpful. J. Coleman (Hatboro), E. Higgins and H. Stewart (Bryn Mawr) spoke.

New Jersey

Longport, Gene Higgins and Don Draper (Pennsauken) encouraged the saints with a short series of gospel meetings which began on February 21. Some of the workers in the home listened and showed interest in the messages.

Pennsauken, William Oliver opened an interesting and profitable area Bible reading on James 3. On February 20, Gene Higgins, who was helped by brethren from area assemblies, closed a fruitful series of gospel meetings.


Hardwick, On March 10, Gene Higgins commenced a series of gospel meetings, using his chart on Future Events.


Madawaska, Walter Gustafson and Paul Tomaquindici (Hartford) expected to begin gospel meetings on March 17.

Tidings – Other Countries


Armagh, One man has professed as T. Wright and D. Callaghan (Portadown) continue in the gospel.

Ballymena, Local brethren, W. Martin and W. Fenton, started gospel meetings in a portable hall outside Ballymena. Attendance has been encouraging and a number of souls have professed faith in Christ.

Belfast, Gilbert Stewart and Sam Patterson have commenced in the gospel in Donegall Road, where the assembly is small and the area difficult.

Cloughmills, W.J. Nesbitt continues in the gospel and some folk from the village and surrounding areas have been in to hear the message.

Dromore, A. Aiken completed six weeks of gospel meetings with excellent attendance and one girl professed salvation.

Dungannon, J. Martin and A. Davidson are preaching the gospel with blessing in salvation.

Edenderry, Helped by a local brother, E. Robinson, William Bingham is preaching the gospel in his native village.

Fintona, J. Lennox and B. Currie continue in the gospel in this border town with encouraging numbers.

Kilkeel, R. and J. Shannon have commenced gospel meetings in a vacant store. Many local people are attending and our brethren look to the Lord for blessing.

Larne, There has been a little encouragement as T. McNeill and R. McKeown continue in the gospel at Craigyhill.

Lisburn, Good numbers, including many unsaved, are attending gospel meetings by A. McShane and D. Gilliland in Plantation hall.

Newry, Recently, E. Parmenter had a week of profitable Bible readings.

Portavogie, S. McBride had some ministry meetings which were very helpful.

Whitehouse, A few locals are attending gospel meetings by Leslie Wells and L. Ballentine (Ballymena).


Calgary, Alberta

May 18, 19 and 20 in West Hillhurst Gospel Hall, 2326 – 7Avenue NW, with prayer meeting on May 17 at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Garry W. Seale, 3111 Conrad Cres. NW, Calgary, AB, T2L 1137, phone (403) 282-1383. Hall phone is (403) 289-2688.

Bancroft, Ontario

June 1 in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, two miles in on the Maxwell Settlement Road, just north of Bancroft off Hwy. 62 North. Meetings at 2 and 7. Corr. Mark Freymond, RR 1, Bancroft, ON, KOL 1CO, phone (613) 332-4317.

Midland/Waubaushene, Ontario

“There will not be a conference this year as fiscal restraints by the school board have increased the cost for the school beyond reach.”

Eden Grove, Ontario

June 2 in the Gospel Hall, with Breaking of Bread at 10. Prayer meeting on June 1 at 7:30 p.m. Corr. John W. Boddy, RR 4, Walkerton, ON, NOG 2VO, phone (519) 366-2302.

London, Ontario (Spanish Conference)

May 25 and 26 in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Avenue, London. All ministry meetings on Saturday at 10, 2 and 7 and Lord’s day at 2:30 will be in Spanish. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. If coming from a distance, please give early advance notice of arrival time and number coming to Dennis Hanna, 384 Kam St., Kitchener, ON, N2M 20, phone (519) 576-0849 or Phil Lampkin, London, phone (519) 472-8747.

Nipissing Junction, Ontario

June 8 and 9 in the Gospel Hall, 1340 Lakeshore Drive, North Bay, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible readings on Saturday at 9 a.m. and Lord’s day at 11:30 a.m. on Marriage in relation to the Home, Assembly and the World. Breaking of Bread at 9:30. Corr. Clarence Black, P.O. Box 787, Mattawa, ON, POH 1VO, phone (705) 7445103. Hall phone is (705) 474-3384.

Ottawa, Ontario

May 18 and 19 in the Gospel Hall, 1087 River Road, with prayer meeting on May 17 at 7:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Bible readings at 9 a.m. on Saturday (Psa. 22) and Lord’s day (Psa. 69). Corr. K.E. Prince, 1246 Kitchener Ave., Ottawa, ON, phone (613) 733-1668. Hall phone is (613) 748-0269.

Peterborough, Ontario

May 4 in the Gospel Hall, 592 Park Street North. Ministry at 2. Ministry and Gospel at 7. Corr. Tom Taylor, 931 Armour Rd., Apt. 103, Peterborough, ON, K9H 7Hl, phone (705) 742-2452.

Sarnia, Ontario

May 25 and 26 in St. Patrick’s High School, 281 East Street North, just south of London Road. On Saturday, Ministry at 10, with Bible reading at 1 on 1 Thes. 4, Ministry at 3 and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, with Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:45 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, College and Davis. Corr. Shadrach Kember, 1726 Confederation St., Sarnia, ON, N7T 7H3, phone (519) 337-7476.

Omaha, Nebraska

May 26 and 27 in the Gospel Hall, 5622 North 69th St., with prayer meeting on May 25 at 7:30 p.m. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on the Birth and Death of Christ (Luke 2 and 23), with Breaking of Bread at 10:30, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 7. On Monday, Ministry at 10 and 2, with Gospel at 7. Corr. Sam Eadie, 20766 Appaloosa Dr., Elkhorn, NE 68022, phone (402) 2892465, or Mark Van Der Hart, phone (402) 289-4119. Hall phone is (402) 5715983.

Garnavillo, Iowa

June 8 and 9 in Garnavillo High School Gymnasium. On Saturday, Ministry at 10 and 2, with Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on Psalm 22, with Breaking of Bread at 10:30 and Ministry at 2. Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Gospel on Lord’s day at 7:30 in the Gospel Hall, 506 S. Washington. Corr. Donald Kregel, 604 S. Washington St., P.O. Box 488 Garnavillo, 1A 52049, phone (319) 9642588.

New Lenox, Illinois

May 11 and 12 in the Gospel Hall, Route 6, one mile east of Cedar Road, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Robert Pike, 506 High St., Joliet, IL, 60432, phone (815) 722-5053. Hall phone is (815) 485-9064. Please notify correspondent if you need accommodations.

Frostburg, Maryland

May 18 and 19 in Beall High School, East Main Street. Breaking of Bread at 10. Prayer meeting in Grahamtown Gospel Hall, Davidson Street, on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. William Knieriem, 80 Walnut St., Frostburg, MD 21532, phone (301) 689-8820. Please call for accommodations to Michael Bachert, 204 Wilmont Avenue, Cumberland, MD 21502, phone (301) 724-7524.

Saugus, Massachusetts

June 1 and 2 in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St., just east of Route 1. Bible reading conference on the Gospel according to Mark: (1) Unique Characteristics of the Gospel, (2) Unequaled Commitment of the Servant, (3) Unrecognized Claim of the Miracles, (4) Unbounded Consequence of His Suffering and (5) Ultimate Consummation of His Resurrection. First meeting both days at 10. Prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. Corr. Frederick E. Hill, 26 Sheafe St., Malden, MA 02148, phone (617) 322-3274. Hall phone is (617) 233-5370.

Kindly remember:

Langley, B.C. – Apr. 13
Winnipeg, MB – Apr. 26, 27 and 28.
Deer Lake, ON – May 11 and 12
Mimico, ON – Apr. 19,20 and 21. Bible reading subject will be “Matters Related to the Coming of the Lord” (2 Thess.)
Newmarket, ON – May 5
Fredericton, N.B. – Apr. 27 and 28
Crapaud, PEI – May 18 and 19
Stout, IA – Apr. 13 and 14
Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA – Apr. 20 and 21
McKeesport, PA – Apr. 27 and 28

Change of Address

Dr. Bonnie Weber, P.O. Box 150, Loloma, Manyinga, Kabompo, Zambia

With Christ

Elizabeth “Bessie” Johnson of Grand Bend, Ontario on August 16, 1995, age 87. Our dear sister passed quietly into the Lord’s presence after many years of deteriorating health. She was saved as a girl and with her late husband maintained a lifelong godly testimony in fellowship with the assembly at Grand Bend. She is survived by a sister, four brothers, seven children, 19 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren. Ken Moore conducted the funeral, faithfully presenting the gospel to a large crowd, many unsaved.

Miss Olive Robertson of Dunchurch, Ontario on December 13, 1995, age 104. Our dear sister was saved as a young lady and was in the Chapman Valley assembly for many years. She taught school for 60 years and also had a Sunday school class in her home for many years. Ken Moore was one of her pupils and later was saved through cottage meetings in her home by George Shivas and Stanley Simms. She was a faithful, consistent sister who loved the gospel and the assembly. For the past eight years, she was confined to a nursing home in Parry Sound. Her funeral service was taken by Ken Moore.

Florence Kaderli of Monroe, Wisconsin on January 11, 1996, age 80. Our dear sister was saved in 1935 following gospel meetings by F.W. Mehl and Leonard Sheldrake. She was present at the first Breaking of Bread in the Brodhead assembly and was faithful to the assembly until her health failed. Frank Studnicka of the Beetown assembly officiated at a private family funeral service. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, two grand-children and one great-grandchild, for whom prayer is requested.

Fred Lentz of Brodhead, Wisconsin on January 15, 1996, age 86. Our dear brother was saved in 1935 through the labours of Fred Mehl in this area. He and his wife Sylvia were among those that formed the assembly in December, 1935. Though suffering due to health problems, he rejoiced in God’s salvation although confined to his home. His wife preceded him in 1974. Fred is survived by two daughters and their families for whom prayer is valued. A nice number attended the funeral service taken by Robert Orr.

Miss Margaret L. Bell of Seattle, Washington on January 16, 1996, age 93. Our dear sister was born in Glasgow, Scotland and moved with her family to Montreal, Canada in 1913. As a young girl of 15, she was saved. In 1924, she moved to Seattle WA and was in assembly fellowship at Seattle until 1988 when she entered a rest home due to a fractured hip. Her life was marked by a meek and quiet spirit and was given to hospitality.

Barry Rogerson of Arnstein, Ontario on January 25, 1996, age 55. Barry and his wife Bonnie were both saved in the fall of 1958 at a very fruitful series by A. Grainger and A. Ramsay. They were baptized and received into the assembly the following spring. He was a faithful and much loved brother as was evident by the very large crowd at the funeral. The Lord Gave much grace to bear his courageous battle with cancer. Just a few minutes before he entered into the Lord’s presence, he calmly said to loved ones at his side, “I am going out on Romans 10:9” and then quietly quoted the verse.

Etta (Mrs. John) Davis of Cumberland, MD on January 27, 1996, age 68. A humble and kind spirit characterized our beloved sister. She was saved in Chicago at 18 through H.G. Dobson’s work while reading Romans 10:9. In 1969 she married and became a valued part of the Cumberland assembly. A mother to many of the younger believers, she gave kind encouragement and understanding. With her husband, she loved the Lord’s people and was hospitable. Suffering from infection, she went home quietly and quickly. Many tearfully marked her passing and heard the gospel at her funeral.

Bertha Truman of Grimsby, Ontario on February 1, 1996, age 92. Mrs. Truman immigrated to Canada from England in 1926 with her family and was saved in November that year. She worked for a time in Midland and in 1928 married Norman, who predeceased her in 1458. Together they were faithful mainstays of the assemblies in Port Hope and from 1935 in Grimsby. They were well known for their godly, caring hospitality. Many visiting preachers stayed for extended periods of time in their home. Mrs. Truman was the sister of Fred Taylor of Earlton and the late Rosa Clark and Una (Ferrier) Rodgers.

Ernie Shepherd of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario on February 4, 1996, age 88. Our dear brother was associated with the assembly in Sault Ste. Marie for many years, but unable to attend meetings for the last few years because of ill health. He was predeceased by his wife Mattie in April, 1993. Their family of three sons and one daughter are all saved and await the happy day of reunion. Guido Cedolia and Ken Taylor spoke faithful words at the funeral.

Vern “Bud” Lindaman of Parkersburg, Iowa on February 10, 1996, age 64. Our dear brother was saved on November 4, 1955, his wife the following day, in gospel meetings at Hitesville by O. Smith and L. De Buhr. They were in the Aredale assembly for 12 years and the past 28 years in the Hitesville assembly. Our brother suffered from cancer for nearly 10 years and accepted his illness with patience. His wife Elva survives, along with a son and daughter. His aged father Dick Lindaman is in the Aredale assembly. L. De Buhr and R. Orr shared the funeral service.

Margaret Annie Brooks of Toronto, Ontario on February 11, 1996, age 77. Our dear sister was saved in November, 1955, shortly after a troubling dream of being lost and in hell. For many years, Margaret was in fellowship at Central and her last three years were spent with the saints at Broadview. Our sister was always the first one to arrive at the hall on Lord’s day morning. She gave out many tracts during her long walks and spoke to many strangers. She could be called a modem day missionary. Mrs. Brooks is survived by her son, two sisters and a brother.

Harry Bingham of Grants Pass, OR on February 14, 1996, age 78. Ending a period of increasing disability which followed a brain haemorrhage and surgery in December, 1991. Our brother served as correspondent of the Culver City assembly for a number of years. He is also remembered for his willing help in the construction or remodelling of Gospel Halls in Culver City, Long Beach, San Diego, Grants Pass and others. In addition to his wife Maxine, he is survived by a son and daughter and their families. His first wife Louise preceded him to glory in 1986. John Slabaugh spoke at the funeral.

Earl Gill of Sault Ste. Marie on February 18, 1996, age 91. Our beloved brother was saved in 1931 during special meetings by Albert Joyce and David Roy. From the start of his Christian life, his desire was to live to please his Saviour. He continued in happy fellowship in the assembly for over 60 years, being a shepherd to many. His last four years were spent in a retirement home, only able to get to meetings occasionally as health permitted. His wife Jean (Clark) predeceased him in August, 1992. The funeral service was a fitting tribute to a life lived for God’s glory.

Mark Walvatne of Stout, IA (formerly of Willmar, MN) on February 26, 1996, age 40. Our beloved brother was an exercised and capable young man. He was saved at 18 during meetings in 1474 when A. Hull and G. Goff saw many saved at Stout. From that time, Mark set his mind on “things above”. He preached in the open air, distributed tracts, visited saints and sinners, and helped smaller assemblies. A reader, he loved the Scriptures and fed the saints. His longing was to see his three children 16, 14 and 12 saved. Over 450 gathered to honour him and express sympathy at his funeral.