Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Kamloops, John Abernethy had a week of appreciated ministry in November.
Langley, Early in November, John Abernethy had ministry meetings and a woman who attended most of the meetings trusted Christ at the close of the gospel meeting on Lord’s day. The hall was full when two young people obeyed the Lord in baptism.
Surrey, At the monthly meeting on November 19, Bryan Funston and Ian Irvine (Australia) shared the ministry.
Terrace, The saints had an appreciated and encouraging visit from Douglas Reid in early November, before he returned to his field of service in Costa Rica.
Vancouver, Robert Surgenor emphasized many practical and devotional truths as he took tip the subject of the Tabernacle for two weeks at Fairview. Brother Surgenor planned to visit Port Alberni and then return for further meetings at Victoria Drive. Ian Irvine spoke stirringly from links with the life of David to the Psalms as he visited in these parts.
Westbank, After giving helpful ministry in a number of assemblies in the Vancouver area and Washington State, Larry Buote expected to visit Westbank, Kamloops and Glen Ewen, SK on his way back east.
Glen Ewen, Stanley Wells gave much appreciated ministry on the Seven Churches of Asia during his recent visit here.
Saskatoon, The first conference in the new hall was held in November with about 200 present. Twelve brethren shared in ministry and gospel. One young man was received into fellowship, encouraging the saints.
Taylorside, The assembly enjoyed ministry by John Norris, James Ronald Sr. and Jim Webb. Brother Norris also ministered at the Maidstone conference and to the Arborfield assembly. The saints at Taylorside rejoiced in the recent salvation of a 28 year old son of believers here.
Portage la Prairie, Jack Gould and Andrew Bergsma had gospel meetings that drew good attendance in spite of substantial snowfall. Two women visiting from Russia professed salvation and were baptized before they returned home.
Winnipeg, Good numbers attended gospel meetings by Jack Gould and local brethren. The meetings closed on November 3.
Arnstein, The assembly expects to start a series in the gospel in January and will value prayer for this effort.
Burgessville, A baptism was held on December 8. giving joy to the saints. Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which Murray Pratt and Steve Kember expect to commence in January
Chatham, Prayer is also requested for a gospel series in January by Larry Steers and William Seale.
Clinton, The saints enjoyed visits by Peter Orasuk and Albert Hull in October and by Gordon Hanna and Danny Ussher in November.
Embro, Some parents attended and an encouraging interest was seen during one week of children’s meetings by Timothy Walker.
Kapuskasing, In October. Steve Kember had a week of practical ministry and in November, Gary Sharp had a week of children’s meetings. Both series were appreciated and helpful,
Lake Shore, The assembly greatly enjoyed having Bert Joyce and Albert Aiken from November 5 to December 5. There was good attendance at the gospel series, with a number in from the district, and the Lord was pleased to bless in salvation.
Nipissing Junction, During one week of children’s meetings by Timothy Walker, more than 70 children of all ages attended. Following this effort, brother Walker remained for a week of ministry.
Oil Springs, The conference on November 11 and 12 was well attended. Eight brethren ministered and preached the gospel. The Bible reading on I Peter 3 was opened by Norman Crawford.
Oshawa, A good number attended the conference on November 18 and very timely ministry was given by eight of the Lord’s servants. The assembly appreciated recent visits by Ken Moore, Dennis Hanna and Timothy Walker.
Peterborough, There was a good interest during three weeks of gospel meetings in November by George Patterson and Larry Steers.
Sarnia, Albert Hull had appreciated ministry meetings in Sarnia and London with good numbers in attendance. St. Marys, The assembly appreciated recent visits by W. Seale, P. Kember, P. Orasuk, J. Procopio, L. Steers and J. Dennison.
Strongville, In November, the assembly had a very enjoyable week of ministry by John Norris on the Person of the Lord Jesus.
Sturgeon Falls, Pioneer work has been ongoing in this new area for some time. The town was covered with Seed Sowers texts in the winter of 1994. A Bible reading was started in the home of a Christian couple and continues weekly. In early summer, one man professed faith in Christ during gospel meetings by Ed Miller and David Booth. In July, Children’s meetings were held with a number of unsaved parents attending. Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Ed Miller expects to start in the Community Centre early in January.
Sudbury, The saints appreciated a week of ministry by Brian Owen on assembly truths as well as a visit by Gordon Hanna who gave a missionary report on the work in Zambia. A young brother obeyed the Lord in baptism, giving joy to the saints.
Timmins, The new hall is most commendable and the first meetings were held on November 19. The believers greatly appreciate the many hours of labour that brethren and sisters gave to the building project from near and far.
Victoria Road, In October, the saints enjoyed a visit from Ed Miller, who was with the assembly for two Lord’s days and three nights of ministry. In November, they also appreciated a visit by Albert Grainger for a Lord’s day.
Wallaceburg, The hall was full for the monthly ministry meeting on November 24 when Norman Crawford spoke on assembly preservation and continuance.
New Brunswick
Champlain, Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio have been preaching three nights a week in the library of a school near Fredericton. Some Christians in the university have been able to get fellow students to attend the meetings regularly.
Fredericton, A one day conference was held on November 26 when Douglas Howard, Jonathan Procopio, James McClelland and others ministered the Word. Two nights a week, brethren McCandless and Procopio are preaching the gospel in the hall with a steady interest.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills, Four brethren spoke at the conference held on the last weekend in November. Many attended and were encouraged by the ministry.
River Hebert, During November, the assembly enjoyed visits by William Bingham, Ken Taylor and Douglas Howard.
Shelburne, In a new district on the southeast coast, James McClelland and Bruce Barkbouse of the Nineveh assembly spent four weeks giving out Seed Sewers texts and preaching the gospel in a home. As many as 20 adults attended on a single night.
Truro, Peter Orasuk and Robert McIlwaine are preaching the gospel in the conference room of a motel with unsaved attending every night.
Prince Edward Island
Crapaud, William Bingham and Noel Burden are seeing blessing in a gospel effort.
Newfoundland and Labrador
In October and early November, Walter Gustafson helped at four conferences and gave appreciated ministry at eight assemblies.
Lanse an Loup, During November, the assembly enjoyed two weeks of meetings by Gordon Williams, using his chart on the book of Revelation. A goodly number of unsaved attended and it was an opportunity to preach the gospel as well as to encourage the saints.
Mount Pearl, Marvin Derksen and Gains Goff preached the gospel during November with interest and blessing.
Parsons Pond, Jim Jarvis and Don Wardell are seeing large attendance and a good interest in gospel meetings which they began on November 12.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Seattle, The gospel was faithfully preached each night by Allan Christopherson and Jack Nesbitt during a recent series in the gospel.
Salem, There was a good interest at well attended ministry meetings by John Abernethy in October.
Chico, Recently. James Beattie. Joel Portman and John Slabaugh gave appreciated help at assemblies in the areas of Chico, San Diego and Long Beach.
Culver City, Phillip Harding and James McColl visited here. Brother McColl also spoke at the Lynnwood work where Tom Baker labours.
Phoenix, The four day annual conference was well attended and help was given by J. Abernethy, T. Baker, P. Harding, J. McColl, J. Portman, J. Slabaugh and G.P. Taylor. Following the conference, brethren Harding, McColl and Slabaugh gave further ministry.
New Mexico
Albuquerque, Joel Portman and Roy Weber concluded two weeks of gospel meetings.
Garnavillo, Blessing was seen early in gospel meetings by James Smith and David Oliver. The meetings closed on December 10 with further tokens of blessing.
Stout, Attendance at the all day meeting on Thanksgiving was a little larger this year. The ministry was shared by Albert Hull, Arthur Ward, Ross Vanstone (Portage la Prairie) and brethren who labour in northeastern Iowa.
LaCrosse, Following the LaCrosse conference, Albert Hull had ministry meetings in Stout, Cedar Falls and Hampton, and was cheered to see the interest among the saints.
Mount Sterling, In gospel meetings by Albert Hull and Shad Kember Jr., God drew near and blessed His Word to the salvation of souls. This special effort closed on December 10 with the believers greatly encouraged.
Saginaw, At the monthly all day meeting on December 3, appreciated help was given by Paul Kember and Larry Perkins.
Akron, On December 3, A.J. Higgins and W. Metcalf gave suitable and valued ministry as the believers gathered for a farewell meeting for Dr. Bonnie Weber who is leaving for her field of labor in Zambia.
Mansfield, On December 2, David Vallance (Stark Road) opened the Bible reading on Philippians 1, with A.J. Higgins also giving help. The attendance was good.
Frostburg, The assembly appreciated visits from William Seale on November 19 and Dale Vitale on December 3.
Bryn Mawr, The conference held on November 25 and 26 was a time of encouragement for the saints. Help was given by J. Dennison, W. Lavery, O. MacLeod. H. Paisley and brethren who labour in the area. Brother Paisley remained on Monday for ministry.
Hatboro, Following the Bryn Mawr conference, William Lavery gave appreciated ministry from Monday through Thursday.
Indiana, A young male college student was received into assembly fellowship on December 3, making a total of five additions, all young people, in recent months.
New Jersey
Longport, Oswald MacLeod visited for a few days following the conference in Bryn Mawr.
Midland Park, Gene Higgins and John Dennison have seen God work in salvation in gospel meetings. A girl in her middle teens was brought to the meetings each night from Camden, 100 miles away, and God saved her. At last report, the meetings were going into the fifth week with a good interest.
Hartford, The conference held on November 18 and 19 was a time of profit, with help given by J. Dennison, W. Gustafson, G. Higgins, M. McCandless and H. Paisley.
Methuen, At the monthly Bible reading on November 12, Frank Tornaquindici opened the study on I Peter. The support from surrounding assemblies was encouraging.
Saugus, The large hall was filled for the conference on the first weekend in December. The ministry and gospel were shared by N. Crawford, J. Dennison, W. Gustafson, W. Lavery. O. MacLeod. M. McCandless, H. Paisley and J. Procopio There was an evident leading and control of the Holy Spirit in worship, ministry and gospel preaching,
Tidings – Other Countries
N. Ireland
In various assemblies, Leslie Wells gave reports on the work of the Lord in New Brunswick as well as much needed practical ministry which was appreciated by the Lord’s people.
Ballyrnacashon, At the annual winter conference, the hall was well filled and very helpful ministry was given by A. McShane, J. Hutchinson. S. Ferguson, D. Gilliland and N. Stewart.
Ballynashee, B. Glcndinning and R. Fairley are preaching the gospel.
Belfast, T. Meekin and J. Palmer continue in the gospel in Cragagh Street.
Clones, W. J. Nesbitt concluded a gospel series here.
Clough, The yearly conference was considered to be marked by the presence of the Lord. The hall was packed full and also the outer cloakrooms. Ministry was given by J. Hutchinson, J. Dickson, S. Ferguson, J. Stubbs. R. Baxter and J. Marti n.
Drumenagh, S. Ferguson and L. Ballantine are conducting a series in the gospel.
Drumnacanver, T. McNeill has erected a portable hall near here, close to the border.
Garvagh, J. Martin and W. Jennings are preaching the gospel.
Newry, There is a good interest as J. Hutchinson and J. and C. Rodgers continue in the gospel.
Omagh, The hall was well filled for the annual conference and suitable ministry was given by R. McKeown, N. McKeown, S. Ferguson, T. McNeill and E. Stewart.
Rasharkin, S. Maze and R. Eadie are having gospel meetings with blessing in salvation.
Tullyroan, A. McShane and D. Gilliland have finished a short series in the gospel.
On November 7, Eric McCullough wrote, “We have been encouraged by blessing in the gospel here in Australia. At present, I am having ministry meetings in the Brisbane area. After this week, we expect to be in Old Bonalbo and then a week in Sydney before going to New Zealand. We expcct to have gospel meetings in Waikairi and visit some other areas where we were before.”
Mechelen, Hans Bouivman expected to have a short gospel series in December.
Restinga Seca, John McCann Jr. reports that three have recently professed in this new area.
Santa Maria, Two young men and three ladies obeyed the Lord in baptism in November, giving much joy to the believers.
Sao Gabriel, Harry Wilson and Roberto Ploia had a gospel series with blessing in salvation. Between 20 and 30 unsaved attended each night.
Torres, On November 19, John McCann Jr. and Jose Mattos, a national worker, commenced a series in the gospel.
Chiguavante, Richard Hanna reports that work has started on the building of a new hall. It is expected that the work will be well advanced by the end of their summer.
Jim Currie had major surgery on November 8. Two days later, a blood clot formed in his right lung and he was rushed into the ICU where he lay at death’s door for three days. Brother Currie rallied and after ten days in the ICU, he was able to return to a private room on the ward where he is improving ever so slowly. Prayer is requested for our dear brother’s full recovery
Russia – Siberia
Serevouralsk, Gospel meetings were held by Louis Smith, Howard Pratt and Eric Fowler in this new area in the northern Ural mountains. The Lord blessed His Word and at the latest word, eleven souls had professed to be saved. A Christian family, who moved there from the Kaskara assembly, will continue the gospel work as well as teach assembly truth. Louis Smith with other brethren plans to return to this area in the new year, God willing,
Tobolsk, Tom Cooper of Jackson. Michigan spent October and November in this area, visiting homes and preaching the Gospel. He was encouraged by new contacts and blessing in salvation. David Cooper is teaching in a school and planning to spend at least a year in the Tobolsk area. These brethren have been able to give help in the assembly at Kaskara.
Dave Richards spent three months in the U.K. having two series of gospel meetings in Wales, and giving ministry, in a number of assemblies in England and Wales. He also had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of children in many schools.
Conferences, D.V.
Matoaca, Virginia
February 17 and 18 in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca (five miles west of Petersburg). Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday morning at 10 there will be a Bible reading on Ephesians 5, with Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10. Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Corr. John Nobles. 5735 Beechnut Ave., Matoaca, VA 23803. Phone (804) 590-2988.
Kindly remember:
Seattle, WA – Jan. 27 and 28
Long Beach, CA – Jan. 13 and 14
Tampa, FL – Feb. 10 and 11
Change of Address
Bryan Funston, 5525 Halley Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5H 2111
Mrs. YL Glenn (Brazil), 101 Crosskeys Road, Toomebridge, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT41 3QF
Mrs. S. McCune (West Indies) 1 Greenwood Manor, Greenwood Avenue, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 3JJ
Douglas Mowat, Pohjanaho 8 C 31, 40520 Jyvaskyla, Finland
Change of Correspondent
South Main Street, Vancouver, B.C. Om Chand, 285 East 51st Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., V5X IC4
With Christ
Howard A. Radford of Rexdale, Ontario on November 5, age 69, after a long and courageous battle with cancer Our dear brother was saved at the age of 18 on the last night of a six week gospel series conducted by Robert Crawford and George Gould Jr. He served the Lord faithfully in tract distribution and in children’s work, and more recently in visiting five Old Age Homes. Howard is survived by his wife Margaret, a son, a daughter and a granddaughter.
Remittances to Missionaries
It has been brought to our attention that some of the Lord’s people as well as some assemblies have encountered difficulties in forwarding fellowship to missionaries in various parts of the world during the past year. Problems were caused by (1) lost or stolen mail, (2) inaccurate addresses and (3) fellowship being sent in the wrong currency.
If you have experienced difficulties in sending fellowship to missionaries abroad, we would remind you that for over 45 years the Canadian Trust has faithfully and successfully remitted funds to missionaries worldwide. Experience gained during these years has taught us the safest and most practical way to forward fellowship to our missionary brethren and sisters.
Some information regarding the transmission of funds is not always available to individual believers and assemblies. For instance, the majority of missionaries from Canada and the United States to whom we send fellowship through the Gospel Trust have requested us not to send cheques or money orders directly to them on the mission field. For various reasons, they have found it necessary to have their fellowship sent to a bank account in Canada or the United States.
If you have experienced problems, both the Canadian and United States Trust Funds are willing and able to help. You will find that the Gospel Trusts provide a secure and protected way of transmitting funds overseas. Their addresses are in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover.