Page 4 - The Deity of Christ - November 2018 - Truth & Tidings
P. 4

will change me. Let me suggest a few rea-  16:15, ESV). Clarity on this point was im-
          sons to cultivate a greater appreciation for   portant to the Lord Jesus. Is it important to
          the deity of Christ. First, correct doctrine   you? Does it affect my daily life? Even the
          will prevent confusion and the corruption   youngest believer has declared the deity of
          of related truth. Understanding who Christ   the Lord Jesus at the moment of salvation:
          is lays the foundation for every other truth   “For whosoever shall call upon the name of
          that He taught; it is a preservative. Second,   the Lord shall be saved” (Rom 10:13, KJV).
          if our humility is modeled after that of the   Paul presents Christ as the Lord Jehovah
          Lord Jesus, it is astounding to think that   when he quotes this from Joel 2:32.
          God Himself became the lowest of men to   For those who are baptized, you have
          save me. So much for my pride. Likewise,   already declared the equality of the
          His love to me is drawn from the un-  Godhead by being baptized “in the name
          plumbed depths of His eternal essence; it   of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
          cannot be greater. In addition, my eternal   Holy Ghost” (Matt 28:19). Your simple act
          security is based on the full divine perfec-  of obedience teaches truth that the wisdom
          tion of the One who was my substitute at   of this world cannot comprehend.
          Calvary. I can rest knowing that there could   Dear believer, fix in your mind the
          not have been a greater sacrifice. Finally   scene of the final return of our Lord.
          (the list is endless), the deity of my Savior   Heaven will burst open as all dignity, all
          demands a reverence and obedience that is   authority, and all sovereignty will be dis-
          reserved for God alone. May God grant us   played in one glorious Man. How thankful
          the clarity, humility, love, assurance and   we are that when the Lord Jesus is revealed
          godly fear that result from sound doctrine.  as “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF
             So, the Lord’s question is still relevant,   LORDS” (Rev 19:16, KJV), His deity will
          “But who do you say that I am?” (Matt   never be questioned again!

           Additional copies: A. J. Higgins - OR Paul Glenney - PGlenney@
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