Page 3 - The Deity of Christ - November 2018 - Truth & Tidings
P. 3

20:28, KJV). Yes, “doubting” Thomas may   three times in Isaiah (41:4, 44:6, 48:12). It
          have been less than perfect, but it is hard to   is no coincidence that the Lord Jesus claims
          criticize someone who comes to the point of   to be the “first and the last” three times in
          such profound understanding.        the book of Revelation (1:17, 2:8, 22:13).
                                                 Many additional Scriptures point to
          Paul                                the deity of the One who is “Christ the
             The person of Christ filled the heart of   power of God, and the wisdom of God”
          the apostle Paul, and he longed for fellow   (1Cor 1:24, KJV). Many are the deeds
          Israelites, that they, too, would appreciate   traced through the Gospels which speak to
          “Christ, who is God over all, blessed forev-  the omnipotence, omniscience, omnipres-
          er. Amen” (Rom 9:5,  ESV). To  the   ence, eternality, and sovereignty of the
          Philippians, he extolled the humility of   Lord Jesus. It is good to remember, how-
          One “Who, being in the form of God,   ever, that if the Lord Jesus had never per-
          thought it not robbery to be equal with   formed a single miracle, He would still
          God” (2:6, KJV). Truly, we are complete in   have been fully God. His recorded actions
          Christ: “For in him dwells all the fulness of   serve as confirmation of what was already
          the Godhead bodily” (Col 2:9, Darby).  true.
          The writer to the Hebrews              There is a wonderful “oneness” in the
                                              relationship between the Father and the
             In addition to what we already noted   Son. They are one in essence (John 10:30),
          from Psalm 45, the Spirit of God declares   one in honor (John 5:23), one in posses-
          in Hebrews 1 that the Lord Jesus is the out-  sions (John 16:15), one in dominion (Rev
          shining or “radiance of the glory of God   22:1), one in salvation (Isa 43:11), and one
          and the exact imprint of His nature” (v3,   in glory (Isa 42:8, Rev 21:23, Heb 1:3). I
          ESV). How could anyone less than God   am sure there are many more points of
          fully reveal God? In verse 10, a continua-  equality that can be found.
          tion of the address to the Son, God cites the   Reading the Scriptures with apprecia-
          Creator in Psalm 102 and calls Him Lord   tion for the deity of Christ will open to
          (Jehovah).                          your view an endless goldmine of truth.
          Isaiah                              The doctrine of the Trinity will be clarified,
                                              as well as statements like “God said, Let
             Many years before the birth of Christ,   us…” (Gen 1:26). Think of the wise men
          the prophet Isaiah revealed the details:   who worshiped the child in Bethlehem,
          “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a   and remember that the Scripture sanctions
          son, and shall call His name Immanuel”   the worship of God only, no exceptions
          (Isa 7:14, KJV). Matthew adds the inter-  (Rev 19:10). The Lord had a 100% success
          pretation “God with us” (Matt 1:23).  rate in performing miracles, including rais-
             Again, Isaiah provides invaluable truth   ing the dead, and He alone could read the
          informing us that the child born of Mary   thoughts of others. This all points to His
          was no less than “The mighty God” (Isa   deity.
          9:6). What amazing humility; the wonder   Does this doctrine really matter? Of
          is not in His deity, but in His humanity!   course, my level of appreciation will not
          God claims to be the “first and the last”   change what is an eternal truth; however, it

                                          The Deity of Christ   I  November 2018  3
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