Page 2 - The Deity of Christ - November 2018 - Truth & Tidings
P. 2

The Lord Himself                    Savior, which is Christ the Lord” (KJV).
                                              The consistent use of “Lord” in chapter 2
             The Lord Jesus shocked the Jews with
          this claim: “Before Abraham was, I am”   (vv11, 22-23) presents Christ as Jehovah as
          (John 8:58, KJV). I have no doubt that   drawn from Exodus 13.
          they, knowing the Old Testament thor-  Take the time to read Revelation 5 on
          oughly, thought of Moses at Horeb when   your own and determine whether or not
          God told him to tell the people that “I AM   the angels in the throne room worshipped
          has sent me unto you” (Exo 3:14, KJV).   the Lord Jesus as God or as someone less.
          Their arguments were futile and their anger
          manifest as they understood that this was a   John the Baptist
          direct claim to be God, the eternal “I AM.”   John was given a special task, and he
          Later, in the temple, the Lord again an-  was unabashedly faithful in it. He declared
          swered the Jews’ questioning with the bold   that the Lord Jesus was before him in pref-
          statement that “I and my Father are one”   erence and time, and answered the ques-
          (John 10:30, KJV). For the second time,   tioning Jews by quoting Isaiah 40:3: “The
          their wicked hands picked up stones to   voice of one crying in the wilderness,
          hurl at Him.                        Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His
             Finally, it was the Lord who questioned   paths straight” (Matt 3:3, KJV). The One
          them: “What think ye of Christ? Whose   coming was the Lord (Jehovah)!
          son is he?” (Matt 22:42, KJV). He then si-  John
          lenced them with a quotation from Psalm
          110:1 to show that He was indeed God:    “In the beginning was the Word, and
          “The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at   the Word was with God, and the Word was
          my right hand, until I make thine enemies   God” (John 1:1, KJV). These simple yet
          thy footstool” (KJV). We may be far re-  profound words from John’s Gospel were
          moved in time, culture, and language;   perhaps some of the first verses we memo-
          however, the Jews present when the Lord   rized as children. The apostle John spoke
          spoke were very sure of His claims. In their   with clarity and comfort when teaching
          own words, the Lord “said also that God   about the Son who came, “the Truth” who
          was His Father, making Himself equal with   perfectly revealed the Father. John said, “we
          God” (John 5:18, KJV. See also 10:33,   are in Him that is true, even in His Son
          19:7).                              Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eter-
             In great grace, the Lord said to the para-  nal life” (1John 5:20, KJV). There was no
          lytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” The re-  doubt in his mind. It is wonderful to think
          sponse of the Jews was “Who can forgive   that John, who was so intimate with the
          sins but God only?” (Mark 2:5, 7). Well   perfect humanity of the Lord, could also
          said! If only they thought more about their   declare His perfect deity.
          own words.
          Angels                                 After the resurrection, when Thomas
             In Luke 2:11, the angel had a wonder-  was finally in the presence of the Lord Jesus,
          ful message for the shepherds: “For unto   there was only one possible response from
          you is born this day in the city of David a   his heart: “My Lord and my God” (John

          2   TRUTH kTidings  I The Deity of Christ
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