


Calgary: The gospel tent meetings in early July with John Fitzpatrick and Bryon Myers went well, with an average of 20 visitors each night, some returning multiple times. Pray that the seed sown will bring forth much fruit. “Noah’s Ark” was set up and open from 10am to 4pm (before and after each gospel meeting) and likely drew some visitors each night. The week before the meetings, Ross Vanstone and a Seed Sowing group delivered about 30,000 invitations door to door, for which the assembly was thankful.

Nova Scotia

Sydney Mines: In June, David Swan had a week of ministry meetings on “Foundational Truths of the Local Assembly.” These were encouraging and helpful to the saints in Cape Breton.


Kitchener: The assembly received four believers into fellowship, which was encouraging. In June, gospel literature depicting Canada’s 150th, was distributed with an invitation to a community BBQ in the hall parking lot. The gospel was presented and the saints were encouraged. Please pray for permission to be granted to give out literature at the market and on the streets. Prayer is also requested for the half-day meeting on September 9, with Dale Vitale and a local brother, a week of children’s meeting at the end of September, and gospel meetings purposed to commence on October 22 with Larry Perkins and Ross Vanstone.

Toronto: The Langstaff assembly held a Canada Day Community BBQ in the hall parking lot on July 1. Invitations were distributed in the community, and well over 100 visitors stopped by during the three-hour event. As a direct result, one married couple has shown interest and is attending all the regular assembly meetings. The assembly was encouraged, and hopes to hold a followup BBQ in mid-September. Commencing in October, the assembly plans to hold a community supper once a month, followed by a gospel meeting targeting the local community. The Eglington Avenue assembly is planning a series of gospel meetings, DV, from November 5-10. Speakers will be Marvin Derksen and Peter Ramsay.



Springdale: The assembly was encouraged by the recent arrival of two young couples who moved into the area, and have been helping in teaching and preaching. The week of children’s meetings was well attended, and the assembly held gospel meetings at the end of August with local brethren.


Denver: A gospel effort in fellowship with the assembly here took place July 9-23. Close to 80,000 Seed Sower packets were distributed during the first week. A better response from the city was expected, but 12-15 of those contacted came. John Dennison preached the gospel in Spanish in the basement of the hall, while Marvin Derksen spoke in English upstairs. Various brethren helped in the meetings over several nights during the last week. VBS was held in the mornings of the second week. Pray that much “seed” sown will eventually bear fruit, and that the assembly will be strengthened.


Oelwein: Brody Thibodeau and Brandon Doll commenced gospel meetings on August 6 in a vacant building in Oelwein, IA, continuing into September, each night except Saturday at 8pm.


Battle Creek: The assembly appreciated ministry and a missionary report on Cancun, MX, from Tim Turkington in early August. Please pray for the work there. Continue to pray for the food and supplies being shipped regularly from Florida to Venezuela. To date, thankfully, all the shipments have arrived safely at their intended destinations. Also, pray for Venezuela as it goes through the most severe political/social crisis in recent history. Country-wide protests, and daily violence in the last four months have left a trail of deaths and thousands injured and jailed, as the government seeks to quell the protests. Sky-rocketing inflation has further complicated the difficulties that people face having to find and purchase food, medication, and basic supplies.

Saginaw: The saints from surrounding assemblies attending the August 6 meeting appreciated the ministry from Jonathan Slabaugh (Sherman, MI) and Matt Smith (Jackson, MI). We deeply appreciate the spiritual exercise and support.


Fridley: Stan Wells and William Skates commenced gospel meetings on Tuesday, August 1.

Hinckley: Gospel tent meetings began on July 19 with Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber in Sandstone, approximately 10 miles North of Hinckley.

Rochester: The Seed Sowers and gospel series with William Skates and Brandon Doll concluded in early August. Over 40 outsiders (mostly saved) came in during the two-week series, but several were searching. One 10-year-old girl, who attended the SS distribution with her family, professed after returning home to Garnavillo. Please pray for the Lord’s help to see a scriptural assembly planted in Rochester.

New Jersey

Midland Park: Matthew Hebert and David T. Zuidema had two weeks of tent meetings in the town of Wyckoff, NJ in July. The series saw around 40 visitors from the surrounding area with good attendance every night. A young student from a nearby town professed faith in Christ giving joy and encouragement to the believers.

West Virginia

New Creek: Larry Steers and Robert Surgenor commenced gospel meetings on August 13.


Blue River: The assembly held children’s meetings from July 24-28 in Muscoda and gospel meetings the week after.


Mexico State

Nezahualcóyotl: The week of special children’s meetings held in July were well attended by children and adolescents.


Pachuca: The annual conference in July was well attended, with believers arriving from eight different states. Duncan Beckett, Anderson Hernández, Timothy Stevenson, Paul Thiessen, and Tim Woodford shared in the ministry and gospel. A young man was baptized on Saturday night, and a young lady professed salvation on Sunday night.


Puerto Vallarta: The children heard about  miracles in the Bible during the annual Sunday school event in July. David Uribe, a local brother, shared a message in the gospel for the children and parents who were present.


Veracruz: The assembly moved into its new hall in July, after having rented a building since the inception of the work in 2008. The first meetings held on July 23 were well attended.


Guasave: The assembly was given cause for rejoicing when four believers were recently baptized.

San Luis Potosi

El Barril: Gospel meetings with Miguel Mosquera and Jason Wahls concluded with some blessing in salvation. The construction of the hall continues to progress.

Nuevo Leon

Monterrey: During the last few months, Anderson Hernandez, along with others, has been involved in evangelizing outside the hospital. Following the gospel message, tacos are served to family members who have loved ones inside. In another area, the gospel was preached in a basketball court where about 35 young men listened attentively. Invitations given out around the hall have resulted in additional children attending the Sunday school.


Chihuahua: Angel Davila help for a week was appreciated before he headed to Cancun to help for a month.


Hermosillo: The week of children’s meetings in the hall was well attended, with over 100 children from several areas of the city hearing the Word of God.


Bicester: E. Higgins (USA) had four weeks of gospel tent meetings in June, in a new location, with good numbers of old and new contacts, with blessing.

Republic of Ireland

Collooney: P. McClarty is expected for ministry of the Word in the gospel hall on Saturday, September 16. Session One: 4-5pm, Interval for refreshments, Session Two: 6-7pm.


Fogo, NL

September 1-3, in the gospel hall, Mercer Memorial Drive, Fogo, Newfoundland and Labrador, A0G 2B0.

Arnstein, ON

September 15-17, in the Arnstein Gospel Hall at 10762 Hwy 522, Arnstein, ON. Friday: Prayer 7:30pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Ministry 2pm, Bible Reading 3:15pm (“Spreading the Gospel – Evangelizing in Today’s World”), Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:45am (Psalm 22), Worship 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. For advance accommodations, call Jesse Booth, Tel: 705 757-3716.

Midland Park, NJ

September 23-24, 76th annual conference with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 22 at 8pm in the gospel hall, 61 Prospect St., Midland Park, NJ. Meetings on Saturday and Lord’s Day will be in the Eastern Christian High School, 50 Oakwood Ave. (off High Mountain Rd.), North Haledon, NJ. Speakers expected are Clive Barber and Daniel Shutt. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 11:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Two meals will be served on Saturday and Lord’s Day. Please advise beforehand of your coming. Accom: David Hamilton, 189 South Central Ave., Ramsey, NJ 07446; Tel: 201 312-8439; E-Mail: davidandjoyhamilton@gmail.com.

Mississauga, ON

September 23-24. The Applewood Heights assembly extends a warm welcome to their annual Bible Reading Conference. Saturday at 10am, 1:30pm, and 3:30pm. Sunday Breaking of Bread at 9:45am, and reading at 2:30pm. The topic this year will be “The Resurrection,” (1Cor 15-16). David Gilliland, John Meekin, and Shawn St. Clair will be responsible for leading the readings. Accom: Al Bell, Tel: 905 274-3527, E-mail: albell2003@hotmail.com.

New Lenox, IL

September 23-24, at the Spring Creek Gospel Hall, 912 Gougar Road, Joliet, IL. Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 3:30pm. Accom. Brent Studnicka, Tel: 815 463-9590,
E-mail: brentstudnicka@gmail.com.

Clinton ON

September 30-October 1 with prayer meeting on Friday, September 29 at 7:30 pm. All meetings at the Joseph Street Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph St., Clinton ON. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. For more info or accommodations contact: Larry Schade, Tel: 519 348-9408, E-mail: lbschade18@hotmail.com or Keith Bachert, Tel: 519 526-7135, E-mail: kjbachert@sympatico.ca.

Victoria Road, ON

September 30-October 1, with prayer meeting September 29 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Breakfast 8:30am, Bible Reading 10am (Discipleship – Battling Worldliness), Ministry 2pm and 7pm. Sunday: Breakfast 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall, 1108 Fenel Road, Kirkfield, ON.  Brethren teaching “the things most surely believed among us” are welcome. Contact Chad Foreshew, Tel: (705) 438-3666; E- mail: crforeshew@live.ca.

Wallaceburg, ON

The October conference is cancelled this year.

Cape Breton, NS

October 7-8, in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Bible Reading 1:30pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:15 pm, Gospel 7pm. Information: Lorne Richardson, Tel: 902 562-2978. Information/Accommodations: John Ingram, please call in advance 902 794-2691; E-mail: j.p.ingram@ns.sympatico.ca. See http://www.thegospel.ca for Bible reading outlines.

Vancouver, BC

October 7-8, Thanksgiving conference in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer meeting Friday7:30pm in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Dr. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 1:30 and 3:30pm and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am (Gospel Hall), Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: Phil Broadhead, Tel: 604 468-4979, E-mail: pabroad@gmail.com. For accommodation, please contact in advance Ben Frith, Tel: 604 931-3677; E-mail: bjfrith@hotmail.com.

Edmonton, AB

October 14-15, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 13 in the Connors Hill Gospel Hall, 9302 – 95th Street. For information contact Joe Bowman, Tel: 587 557-1409; or E-mail: josephjbowman@gmail.com.

L’Anse au Loup, LB

October 13-15, with a prayer meeting on Friday, October 12 at 7:30pm. All meetings are in the gospel hall. A Bible study is planned Saturday morning at 10:30am from Romans 12. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am. A warm welcome goes out to all. Accom: Francis Barney, Tel: 709 927-5696; or Preston Belben, Tel: 709 927-5622.

Terryville, CT

October 20-22, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, October 20, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 36 North Main Street. All other meetings held in the Harry S. Fisher School, N. Main St. (1/8 mile north of the hall). Saturday: Ministry 11am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Accom: Steve Morin, Tel: 860 583-9904.

La Crosse, WI

October 28-29, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, October 27 at 7:30pm at the gospel hall, 1928 George Street. All other meetings at Logan High School, 1500 Ranger Drive, La Crosse. Meetings on Saturday at 10am, 2pm and 6pm. Lunch and supper will be served. Meetings on the Lord’s Day are “Devotional Ministry” in light of Lord’s Supper at 9:15am, Breaking of Bread at 10:30am, ministry at 2pm. Lunch will be served. There will be Children’s Meetings each day at 1pm. Accom: Jeremiah Collins, Tel: 608 769-4017; E-mail: collins.jere@gmail.com.

Alpena, AR

November 4-5, in the Alpena Gospel Hall, 401 Lane Street, Alpena. Saturday: Bible Reading 1pm (Philippians 3), Ministry 2:15pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread at 10am, Sunday school 11:30am, Ministry 1:30pm. For accommodations and directions: Fred Stevenson, E-mail: fstev153@embarqmail.com, Tel: 573 201-1282; or Tim Trowbridge, Tel: 870 423-8484.

Conferences Previously Published:

Arlington/Marysville, WA – September 1-4

Akron, OH – September 2-3

Clementsvale, NSSeptember 2-3

Hampton, IA – September 2-3

Kansas City, MO – September 2-3

Beetown, WI – September 4

Hardwick, VT – September 9-10

Sault Ste. Marie, ON – September 9-10

Hitesville, IA – September 16-17

Chapman Valley / Parry Sound, ON – September 23-24

Roseisle, MB – September 30 – October 1

Sussex, NB – September 30 – October 1

St. Thomas, ON – October 7-8

Blue River, WI – October 14-15

Change of Address

Mae Hull: 1561 Afton Court, Sarnia, ON, N7S 5Y3.

Eric McCullough: #106 – 5313 Caraway Lane, Cedar Falls, IA 50613.

Frank Sona: 24 Freure Drive, Cambridge, ON, N1S 0A3, Tel: 519 267-6299; Cell: 519 830-1289.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Sydney Mines: Joe Bernon, 127 Regent St, North Sydney NS, B2A 2G6. Tel: 902 794-2069, E-mail: jbernon@ns.sympatico.ca.


Mary Elizabeth MacQueen of Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, NS, April 4, 2017, age 87. Mary will always be remembered for her happy and beautiful countenance. She was a faithful sister, marked by tenderness and compassion. Her devotion to the Lord was a great blessing to her husband, Norman, her family, and to the saints in the Sydney Mines assembly where she was in fellowship for many years. Mary is survived by her daughters, Beth, (Keith), MacIsaac, Sandra Brown, Marni (Ed) Sheffield, and Norma (Paul) MacQueen-Gale, eight grandchildren, as well as her sister, Diane. Besides her husband, Norman, and parents, Mary was predeceased by her son, John; infant son, Donald John; grandson, Aaron; sisters, Lillian (Stelburne) Gillan and Shirley, and brothers, George, Tommy and Cecil.

Elva Hicks of Chapman Valley, ON, on June 4, 2017, age 98. Elva was saved on Aug 9, 1931 after she saw that the work was all done, and all she had to do was accept it. She was baptized on October 2, 1932 at the Chapman Valley conference and received into fellowship on March 26, 1933. Elva married James Hicks on April 4, 1944 and was predeceased by her husband on April 14, 1981. Until she was admitted to the hospital in October 2016, she faithfully attended the assembly meetings. She is survived by one daughter and two sons. The gospel was faithfully preached by Steve McCandless to family and friends at the funeral.

Ruth Miller of Picton, ON, June 10, 2017, age 74 after a lengthy illness. Ruth was saved in 1966 while attending a series of gospel meetings in a portable hall at Rose Hall, ON held by Timothy Kember and Murray McLeod. She had a heart of gold, a good sense of humor, diligently carried out the duties of an elder’s wife, and was always faithful to the assembly meetings. She is predeceased by her husband Vernon (Jan 1, 2017) and leaves behind two daughters, three sons, eight grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. Ruth was a godly, loving, and kind wife, mother, and sister in the Lord, as testified by her children and the many friends and relatives who attended the funeral. Ruth and Vernon were in happy fellowship in the Picton assembly for many years and are truly missed by the saints.

Clive Cecil Kirby of Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, NS, June 15, 2017, age 74. Clive struggled with Parkinson’s disease in the last 16 years of his life. He was a quiet, gentle man who maintained a thankful spirit through a long and difficult trial. His favorite saying was “the Lord is good.” Clive was a faithful brother in the Sydney Mines assembly for over 40 years and rarely missed meetings except for the last seven or eight months of his life due to declining health. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Violet, who faithfully cared for him during his lengthy illness, daughters, Jean (Brad), Jan (John); sons, Clive, Jr. (Paula), Kenneth (Cecilla), Pernell ( Linda); 16 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren, sister-in-law Lorraine Walker, and his only brother, William Kirby. Besides his parents, Clive was predeceased by his sister, Jean Garnier.

Ann Marie Bogdanovich (nee Kieley) of St. Marys, ON on June 27, 2017, age 73. Ann was born in Dublin Ireland on April 21, 1944 into a family of 10. She immigrated to Canada as a young woman and was saved in 1973 at the age of 29. She was in fellowship for a time in the West Toronto assembly. She met Daniel Bogdanovich who had emigrated from Croatia and they married in 1976. They spent most of their lives in fellowship at the Brackendale assembly in Toronto. After retiring, they moved around Canada, eventually settling in St. Marys. She leaves a son Mark (Kathy) in Calgary, AB as well as family in Ontario and overseas.

Marjorie P. Patterson of Orillia, ON on July 6, 2017, age 93. Marjorie was saved as a young girl of 10, and raised her family on a farm in the fear of God. She was in fellowship with the Strongville, ON assembly. After the death of her beloved husband in 1986, she moved to Orillia and was in fellowship at Dominion Gospel Hall, later moving to Elim Homes until its closing in 2016. She leaves a faithful testimony as well as six children, 11 grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren, some of whom need our prayers. The private family funeral was taken by Andrew Adams.