


Fort McMurray: The last children’s meeting of the series, held every Thursday night in the Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall, finished November 8. New children came as well as some parents. Some of the children have continued to come to the Sunday School. Bruce and Marilyn Poidevin were here for a Lord’s Day in November when our brother spoke of their Air Service work in Zambia, and also shared in the gospel.

British Columbia

Kitimat: John Fitzpatrick and Cap van de Wetering joined in gospel meetings in a rented building November 4-16, then continued in Terrace the following week. The gospel was plainly preached and a teenage boy from Kitimat who had been concerned for some time professed on the last night. Others showed real interest.

Vancouver: The Fairview assembly expects to commence gospel meetings January 13, D.V. with John Meekin (Bridgewater, NS) and Frank Sona (Guelph, ON). Prayer would be appreciated. Also, two brethren from the Victoria Drive assembly expect to commence a weekly Friday night gospel meeting in the Nanaimo Road Gospel Hall in east Vancouver with the possibility of a special effort in the spring if there is an indication of interest. There is no assembly here.


Brandon: The assembly enjoyed recent visits from Bruce & Marilyn Poidevin, Murray & Grace Poidevin and family of Zambia, and Jack and Ruth Gould.

Portage la Prairie: There will be a hive-off in full fellowship with the saints who presently gather in the Portage Gospel Hall (1st St. and Lorne Ave.) as of January 6, 2008, D.V. The new assembly will meet in the 5th Avenue Gospel Hall in Portage la Prairie. Please see Updates for meeting times and correspondent.

New Brunswick

Green River: The small assembly mailed 7000 tracts in the cities of Edmundston and Saint-Lonard in November.

Pigeon Hill: The assembly held an all-day meeting November 11. Grard Roy and two local brethren spoke to the believers who were gathered.

Shediac: The saints appreciated ministry given by Alex and Robert Dryburgh during their visit on October 16.

Tracadie: Leslie Wells and Grard Roy led Bible readings on the Local Assembly from November 12-23. The attendance was excellent and the good participation of several local brethren was very encouraging.

Nova Scotia

Baddeck: The saints had the joy of seeing a mother and son obey the Lord in baptism, November 17. The Christians in Sydney were kind enough to lend the use of their hall for this happy occasion. David Swan shared in the gospel with a local brother giving a word on baptism. This was followed later in the evening with a gospel meeting in Petit-de-Grat. Please pray for these twice-monthly gospel meetings as they continue.

Blues Mills: The conference was smaller than usual but there was a good spirit of fellowship and harmony associated with the meetings. It was particularly encouraging to see our younger brethren working together with older servants of the Lord. The ministry given was challenging and the gospel meetings were especially noted for their faithful solemnity.

Hubbard’s Point: James McClelland and John Meekin concluded after three weeks. They had some encouragement by some who attended, though not consistently. The gospel was faithfully preached and the small assembly was encouraged.

Oxford: Gospel meetings were conducted in November by Albert Hull and David Hunt with the small assembly here. The surrounding assemblies gave invaluable help by their attendance. Please pray for “a visitation from God” for this religious town.

Sydney: Bruce Barkhouse and Wallace Buckle preached the gospel in November.

Tatamagouche: The saints held a baptism November 25 when David Hierlihy and Albert Hull spoke in ministry and gospel. It was a cheer to the assembly to witness a young sister, saved during a recent visit by David Hierlihy, desiring to obey the Lord.


Cambridge: On Saturday November 10, there was door-to-door distribution of calendars and invitations to children’s meetings to over 500 homes in the immediate area. The following week, Lorne Langfeld held children’s meetings in the hall, with a good number of neighborhood children coming. Please pray for the continued outreach to children in the community every other Friday night until May. Alvin Cook visited on Lord’s Day, November 18, with very practical ministry about being in fellowship.

Eden Grove: A young man, son of Christians here, has been received into fellowship. The saints also had the joy of baptizing a young man with a Mennonite connection. This is a result of a couple of years’ labor by E. Badgley in the Mount Forest and Harriston areas among Mennonite people where some interest and opposition has been stirred up. These people have relatives in Beachburg, an area to which Murray Pratt has moved. Please pray for the work here as Satan has been busy and the old traditions are deeply set.

Hamilton: A.J. Higgins was with the Kensington Ave. Assembly November 16-18 for a weekend of ministry meetings covering the subject, “The Believer and Contemporary Society.” A large number of believers of all ages were present and expressed appreciation for help received.

Lambton Shores: The Lake Shore assembly was encouraged when three young men followed the Lord in baptism, with Brian Crawford speaking in ministry and gospel. Tom Letourneau is visiting El Salvador with a work crew to assist in the building of a new hall.

London: Murray McCandless and Peter Ramsay preached here for approximately four weeks. The Lord blessed in saving souls.

Oshawa: The saints were encouraged with a full hall for their November conference. Excellent ministry was given by five full-time servants and two shepherds from visiting assemblies. They also enjoyed two nights of profitable ministry by Bruce Rogers in the latter part of November. Ministry was given by Gary Sharp and Ed Miller for the Saturday night ministry meeting in December. The two brethren stayed for the Lord’s Day when two teenage sisters brought joy when they were baptized following the gospel meeting.

St. Thomas: From November 11-16, Gary Sharp had children’s meetings marked by excellent attendance and attention.

Sudbury: Brian Owen had children’s meetings November 5-9, helped by younger brethren. A good number of children attended along with some of their parents. He also was with the assembly for its first monthly ministry meeting of the winter season, November 10.

Sydney: The Deer Lake assembly enjoyed a week on the Seven Churches by Larry Steers. This was helpful before they start the book of Revelation in their weekly Bible study.

Thunder Bay: Gary Sharp was here for a week of children’s meetings in late October, and then stayed for four nights of ministry.

Victoria Road: The assembly enjoyed an encouraging time with a week of children’s meetings titled, “Cross Roads for Youth.” Brian Owen spoke to the children with good interest; some parents attended. Eugene Badgley was here for our first monthly ministry meeting on November 17, followed by a special meeting with the children on Lord’s Day, and three nights of ministry which the saints enjoyed.

West Lorne: The saints are rejoicing over the salvation of a young couple who have been attending Sunday morning and evening for the past year. They were taken to the gospel meetings in London after which the husband professed faith in Christ, and his wife was saved a few days later. Murray McCandless (who labored in this area years ago) and Peter Ramsay paid appreciated visits to the saints in West Lorne. Their ministry was uplifting to the Lord’s people. We continue to pray for the salvation of others attending on a regular basis.

Prince Edward Island

Rosebank: Noel Burden and David Hierlihy labored in the gospel in the new hall. The saints look to the Lord for His hand in salvation.


Les Hauteurs: Larry Buote reports that the Gospel Bulletin was distributed to 272 homes in this village. Pray that a Bible explanation of the Lord’s birth will draw some to the Savior.


Taylorside: The saints appreciated reports from Peter Simms on the work in Yellowknife, Bruce Poidevin on Zambia, and Murray Poidevin on the work in Zambia and Angola. Joel Portman gave wholesome ministry for two weeks on 1 Corinthians.



Phoenix: The Thanksgiving weekend conference was well attended and larger than the last few years. Seven of the Lord’s servants were present: T. Baker, A. Davidson, W. Gustafson, P. Harding, W. Lavery, J. Slabaugh, and S. Wells. A. Davidson, W. Lavery, and S. Wells gave ministry after the conference.


Alpena: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Steve Shutt and family over the Thanksgiving weekend. During his visit, brother Steve also took the opportunity to speak at the Spanish meetings in the area.


Newington: Using Newington as a base, W.J. Nesbitt (NI) was with all the assemblies in the area for five weeks giving edifying, practical ministry and preaching the gospel. He was able to give needed help at three conferences including Terryville, Newington, and Bryn Mawr, PA. He also visited Manchester and Brookfield, as well as Worcester and W. Springfield in MA. He and his dear wife left for home on November 20th, and we were glad they came and all expressed appreciation for the help given.


Deland: The saints would greatly appreciate the prayers and support of the Lord’s dear people for a proposed gospel series to commence March 9, 2008, D.V. with Al Christopherson and Robert Orr. A door-to-door visitation is scheduled for the preceding week.


Dunkerton: In recent weeks, we had visits from W. Skates, J. Beattie, and F. Sona. The ministry given was very much appreciated.

Hitesville: In September we had a well attended conference with eleven ministering brethren. From a distance were Harold Paisley, Terry Topley, James Webb, and Larry Perkins. During the past six months we have had appreciated visits from Tom Baker, James Beattie, Larry Buote, Alan Davidson, John McCann, Jr., and Stanley Wells, as well as visits by five of our more local brethren. We were cheered that a young brother was received into the fellowship in July and that a Sunday School girl trusted Christ as her Savior in November.

Manchester: We enjoyed excellent ministry at our conference with eight of the Lord’s servants present. We had a gospel series with Alan Davidson and Jerry Jennings beginning the Sunday night of the conference. The word spoken was in faithfulness and solemnity, and yet in love. Some were out who had never been in a gospel meeting before. Following the gospel series local brethren had children’s meetings in Ryan with a number of children and adults out.

Marion: J. Procopio and F. Sona were engaged in gospel meetings here.


Augusta: The assembly appreciated having Walter Gustafson visit several days in October. He also visited the Madison assembly.


Worcester: The assembly received visits in October and November from David Petterson, Stan Wells, and W. J. Nesbitt (N. Ireland) for three nights of encouraging and uplifting ministry.


Saugus: Marvin Derksen and James Smith completed three weeks of gospel meetings during November. We rejoiced to see two young boys come to the knowledge of sins forgiven. There are others for whom we are still praying and we trust that the message of God’s love will reach their hearts. The gospel outreach in a local rehab center continues. Over the past thirteen months, nearly 700 men and women have heard the message of God’s grace and many Bibles have been distributed. Please pray for this work.

Watertown: The Mt. Auburn assembly enjoyed a recent visit from Mark Procopio, who gave a report of his visit to Brazil. During brother Stan Wells’ visit, the believers from the Cambridge assembly joined with us. His subject was appreciated by all as he spoke on the experiences of the Lord Jesus Christ at the time of His death. We were also pleased to have Eric McCullough visit for ministry on Ephesians 1:1-14 for the encouragement of the Watertown and Cambridge believers.


Livonia: In September, John Grant (Scotland) held a series of profitable meetings in Stark Road on “Egypt to Canaan.” Brother Grant also ministered on “Our Savior Jesus Christ” and “Christ Jesus our Lord” in two weekend meetings. The annual conference in October was well attended when John Dennison, Marvin Derksen, Byrnell Foreshew, David Oliver, and Andrew Ussher gave challenging and unifying ministry. Gospel meetings began here on the first Lord’s Day of November with Dan Shutt and Larry Perkins, and two had professed by the start of the second week.


Kansas City: John Slabaugh had three days of much needed ministry with the saints October 29-31.

New York

New York: On October 27, the Flushing Gospel Hall held its monthly “Outreach” Gospel meeting for ESL students studying in New York City. Stanley Wells and another brother preached the gospel to students who attended. The saints ask for your continued prayer for the gospel outreach work here in New York City.


Akron: The fall children’s meetings were well attended and ended with the Sunday school treat November 18. Gary Sharp was present with a clear gospel message to students and parents.


Bryn Mawr: The recent conference was enjoyed by a nice number. The ministry was stirring and edifying and we trust will prove profitable individually and in assembly testimony. M. Brescia, John Dennison, Walter Gustafson, A. J. Higgins, William Nesbitt, David Oliver, and Harold Paisley gave help from the Word.

Hatboro: The assembly enjoyed two nights of encouraging ministry by Harold Paisley prior to the Bryn Mawr Conference.


Bicester: After his meetings in Dublin, Eugene Higgins was here for eight nights of gospel meetings during November, preaching in a rented Community Centre on a housing estate. On several nights around 70 gathered, which included more than 20 unbelievers. These meetings were following up the tent work this past summer.


Dublin: Eugene Higgins was here for two and a half weeks of Gospel meetings with the Rathmines assembly. There was excellent attendance.


Joseph H. Chung of New York City visited his native country, Korea, for four weeks in October and November. He delivered messages for nine evenings at a rented municipal auditorium in the south of Seoul. Saints from fifteen assemblies in Seoul attended and appreciated his ministry. He also visited two assemblies in Seoul and four assemblies in mid-regional and southern provinces of Korea. He was also invited to an urgent meeting requested by concerned assembly elders in Seoul. Elders from ten assemblies in Seoul and one assembly from the southern province deeply appreciated his ministry and his help by a Q & A session concerning New Testament assembly truths which have been challenged for decades in Korea.


Chihuahua: On December 2 an assembly was established here. John Dennison, Paul Thiessen, and Dr. John Thropay (East LA) ministered the word and preached the gospel in several meetings held over the weekend. The believers also appreciated the visit of Eleonor Mosquera on this most happy occasion.

Ciudad del Carmen: Please pray for gospel meetings by David Alves Jr. and Ross Vanstone to be held after a large scale Seed Sower distribution in mid-December, D.V.

El Cora: Marcus Cain and Jason Wahls saw several souls reached during six weeks of gospel meetings in this very rural mountainous region of the state of Nayarit.

Guadalajara: Please pray for gospel meetings by Paul Thiessen and Jason Wahls beginning on January 1, after a large scale Seed Sower distribution in late December, D.V.

Hermosillo: John Nesbitt and Shad Sluiter preach the gospel in the Tirocapes hall every Saturday and are encouraged with unsaved adults from the area attending each week.

St. Lucia

In 1983 the Lord saved about twenty-five souls in the communities of Bogius and LaGare. Over two hundred people witnessed the converts being baptized in the Bogius River. Later an assembly was established at La Gare. Over the years, many brethren have had meetings in this area. St. Lucian brethren love the gospel and can preach it acceptably. Jack Nesbitt reports during the fourth week of a gospel series at La Gare: “There are not great numbers attending but believers’ relatives and friends come nightly. This keeps us at the basics in preaching and we make full use of The Two Roads Chart. A public address system with speakers erected outside carries the message for about half a mile around the Gospel Hall. Sunday School papers, tracts, fridge magnets, and bookmarks are given out. We also have a best boy & girl prize each night that helps promote good behavior. We sincerely appreciate the prayers of the Lord’s people for blessing in salvation and thank all who have helped in many ways to establish the work on the island.”


David Richards reports, “It appears as though our work in Russia is coming to an end. There are many signs indicating that the Lord would have us close this chapter on our service for Christ. I intend to keep in touch with the work here and hope to visit once a year for a few weeks in the fall. I would also like to provide literature for the saints, which Lena, my interpreter, can translate into Russian. Sabrina Booth, commended from Arnstein, Ontario, in 2005, will continue to work with the homeless children, as well as visit orphanages.”


Deland, FL

February 2-3 in the Gospel Hall, 109 E Rose Hill Ave., east off N. Woodland Blvd. Friday: Prayer Meeting at 7 pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 am and 3:45 pm, Bible Reading 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Bible Reading 2 pm, Ministry 3:45 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Bible Readings are on Revelation 21. Corr: Fred King, 215 Lake Talmadge Rd., DeLand, FL 32724, Tel: 386-943-4000, Hall: 386-736-1009.

Tampa, FL

February 9-10. All meetings in the Gospel Hall. Saturday: prayer, praise, and ministry at 2:00 pm. Gospel at 7:00. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread at 10:00 am., 2:00, prayer, praise and ministry and the Gospel Meeting at 7:00 pm. Brethren walking in and teaching the “Old Paths” are welcome to minister as the Lord leads. Corr. Oronzo Dalfino, 813-265-2757. Gospel Hall address is 12704 Marjory Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33613. Telephone is 813-932-9539.

San Diego, CA

February 15-17 in the Gospel Hall, 4646 Twain Ave. with Prayer Meeting on Friday, February 15 at 7:30 pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 am (Colossians 3), Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Corr: Wm. Smith; Tel: 619-582-2109; Hall 619-280-7021.

Watertown, MA

March 15-16, in the Mount Auburn Gospel Hall, 226 Mount Auburn Street (Rte 16), Watertown, MA 02472-4015. Directions can be found at www.mountauburngospelhall.com. Saturday: Prayer, Praise & Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 11:45 am, Prayer and Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 4:30 pm. Corr: Joe Grillo, 2201 Lewis O. Gray Drive, Saugus, MA 01906-4422; Tel: 781-233-8520; E-mail: joegrillo@juno.com; Hall: 617-924-7696. For accommodations contact Frank Procopio at 978-777-0093.

Nineveh, NS

March 22-23. Prayer meeting on Friday, March 21 at 7 pm in the Gospel Hall, Route 208, Civic # 2495, Nineveh. All other meetings in the Park View Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater. Ministry meeting on Saturday at 10 am. Corr: Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 1J8; Tel: 902-543-5530; E-mail: robert012@ns.sympatico.ca. Accommodations: Clark Hubley, Tel: 902-543-3268.

Conference Reminders:

Pennsauken, NJ – January 5-6

Cambridge, ON – February 2-3

New Assembly

Portage la Prairie, MB: As of January 6, the new assembly will meet in the 5th Avenue Gospel Hall, 502–5th Avenue NW, Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 0E6; Tel: 204-857-5051. The meeting times are as follows: Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30–10:30 am, Sunday School and Ministry 11-12 noon, Gospel 7-8 pm. Tuesday: Prayer and Bible Study 7:30–8.45 pm. Corr: Philip Ronald, P. O. Box 896, Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 3C3; Tel: 204-857-9339; E-mail: pronald@xplornet.com

Change of Address

Mrs. Henry (Alvina) Fletcher, P.O. Box 31, 5 Coronation Blvd., Lively, ON, Canada P3Y 1M2

Change of Address of Correspondent

Newmarket, ON: Timothy B. Scheer, 134 Compton Crescent, Bradford, Ontario, L3Z 2X9; E-mail: tescheer@netzero.net.


Melva Noffke of Ontario, WI, on September 19, 2007, age 79. Our beloved sister was saved in 1954 while considering the words of Acts 2:21. She and her husband became part of the Ontario assembly in 1991, and were noted for their love of the Word of God. On different occasions they made their yard available for a gospel tent. She had been in failing health for several years and hindered from getting out to assembly meetings, but looked forward to listening to audio tapes of the meetings. As with Dorcas in Acts 9, many could show the handiwork that Melva had made and given to them. Her husband preceded her in 2000. She was lovingly cared for in her home by her son and daughter during her last weeks. Jerry Jennings spoke at the funeral in the Ontario Gospel Hall, with Brandon Doll speaking at the grave.

Myrtle Pepper of Clinton, ON, on October 24, 2007, age 95. Our dear sister was saved in 1932 at age 20 during gospel meetings by Donald McGeachy in Parkhill, ON. She married Foster Pepper and they were in fellowship in the former Parkhill assembly; later in Lambton Shores (Lakeshore), and in Clinton since 1975. She was predeceased by her husband in 1986, and only son Billy in 2005. She was marked by godly consistency and love for the assembly and fellow saints whom she encouraged by her cheerful disposition and pleasant smile. Following a fall in her apartment in late summer, she was unable to return home, and entered a nursing home in nearby Seaforth until her homecall. We honor the memory of older saints like our sister who has been an excellent example and a steadying influence upon the assembly. She is survived by one sister, a sister-in-law, and daughter-in-law, Evelyn. Alex Dryburgh and Larry Steers shared in the well-attended funeral service, with George Patterson at the graveside.

John Fitzpatrick of Bryn Mawr, PA, on November 3, in his 86th year. When John was a young man, David Oliver of Olney gave him employment in his shoe repair shop with the hopes of getting him under the gospel. John was reached and saved in 1939. After four years of service during World War II, he married Anna Mae Irvine of Bryn Mawr in 1947 and was associated with that assembly until recently entering a care center. While in the assembly he was active and cared genuinely for it. Remember in prayer his widow Ann. Also pray for an only son, his wife, and two children (who lovingly cared for their parents) but are in need of salvation, as are a brother and sister and their extended families who heard the clear gospel at the funeral. The service was taken by Harold Stewart and William Oliver with Alan Oliver praying at the grave.

John (Jack) C. Dautle of Bryn Mawr, PA, on November 7, in his 97th year. Jack was saved on December 7, 1924, during a series of gospel meetings being conducted by Benjamin Bradford. A few years later he was baptized and received into fellowship where he continued until recent years when he and his wife Janetta had to relocate to a care facility some distance away. Janetta predeceased him in November 2004. He was a quiet brother in the assembly but when he was visited would always ask about the Christians. Two nephews reflected on memories of Jack and the family. Pray especially for one nephew, who was raised under the gospel, and his wife and family who along with other acquaintances heard the gospel at the funeral home as well as searching words at the grave spoken by William Oliver, with Harold Stewart closing in prayer.

William Hassman of Stout, IA, on November 14, 2007, age 94. Our brother was saved September 13, 1935, resting on the truth that “Jesus died for me.” He maintained a consistent testimony these many years. He leaves his wife Maxine, and three children with their families. Eric McCullough, Jim Frazier, and Russ Nesbit shared in the large funeral service held in the Stout Gospel Hall.

James (Jim) Cavanagh of Simcoe, ON, on November 18, 2007, in his 96th year. Our brother was saved in 1955 during meetings at Lansing Gospel Hall by John Adams and Archie Stewart. He was received into fellowship at Pape Avenue in the late 1950’s, and when he departed to be with Christ, was in fellowship at Straffordville. Our brother was marked by zeal for meeting in His Name, and an energetic witness in the gospel especially through distributing Scripture magnets. He always had something to say about the Lord in his conversations which remarkably continued almost to his home-call. He will be missed and is lovingly remembered by his wife Dorothy, his children, and their families, 17 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. The large funeral service was shared by Stephen Kember, David Patten, and family members, with Norman Lorimer speaking at the graveside in Scarborough the next day.

John K. Wilson of Garnavillo, IA, on November 29, age 68. Our dear brother was raised in Thunder Bay, ON, and saved in 1952 during meetings conducted by J. Gray and R. Boyle. He married Barbara Palmer and they lived and were in fellowship at Thunder Bay for a time, then moved to Garnavillo where they have been in happy fellowship since. Our brother was respected and appreciated. He bore with patience his health problems in recent years. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, one daughter, and four sons and their families; also four brothers and three sisters. The service was taken by Robert Orr, with Ronald Wahls at the grave.

Mrs Esther (Essie) Turkington of Lurgan, N. Ireland, on November 24, 2007, after an illness patiently borne and a life of diligence in the things of God. Following her conversion as a young woman of twenty in 1951 she gave herself unreservedly to divine things. She was in fellowship in the assembly at Lurgan since her marriage to Mr. Norman Turkington in 1954 and was fully supportive of her husband in his activities as a “full-time servant of the Lord.” Truly she was “a servant of the church and a succourer of many.” Her godly character, interest in others, thoughtful kindness, and most capable and constant hospitality were all reflected by the exceptionally large number at her funeral service. Her absence will be keenly felt, not only in her family circle and in the assembly, but by many at home and abroad who were touched by the influence of her godly life and tender care. S. Ferguson and D. Gilliland, ably assisted by others, conducted her funeral service. Prayer is valued for her family and especially for her husband who suffers deteriorating health.