


Fort McMurray: The Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall held its annual Children’s Christmas program on December 10. There were quite a few new parents and children in attendance. Our year-end meeting was considered very profitable and several brethren took part. Gordon Williams is expected to be with the assembly from January 14-17.

British Columbia

Burnaby: Stan Wells and Dave Richards shared in the monthly missionary meeting in the South Burnaby assembly. Stan Wells has been giving help in local area assemblies.

Deep Cove: Dave Richards was with the assembly for a week of ministry in January on Hebrews 11, and also a week in Carleton ministering on Church Truth.

Vancouver: The assembly in South Main anticipates a week of ministry in late January with Jim Webb who was also expected to visit the assemblies in Terrace and Port Alberni earlier in the New Year.


Brandon: The assembly had a week of children’s meetings recently with Peter Smith. There was good interest from the children and some of the parents, which was encouraging. We also had an appreciated visit from Noel Burden and his wife recently.

New Brunswick

Green River: Several thousands of tracts were distributed in the area in early November and the assembly was encouraged by a few requests for New Testaments and other gospel literature. The saints appreciated ministry meetings on Egypt to Canaan with Grard Roy in early December.

Pigeon Hill: Leslie Wells, Grard Roy, and a brother from Tracadie gave help at the monthly ministry meeting in December.

Tracadie and Shdiac: James Walmsley and Allen Turkington visited the two assemblies in September giving encouraging words of ministry and reports of the work of the Lord in Venezuela. The Shdiac conference at the beginning of October was well-attended and a blessing to the saints. The Bible reading on John 13 was led by Leslie Wells and was of profit to the believers.

Nova Scotia

Blues Mills: Wallace Buckle and David Hierlihy concluded three-and-a-half weeks in the gospel on December 13. There was excellent attendance and one person professed to be saved. Albert Hull had profitable visits to New GlasgowPugwash Jct., and Tatamagouche assemblies. Mr. James Walmsley joined in the ministry at Tatamagouche.


Niagara Falls: Jim Smith continues working near his home while his wife is ill. He has planned ministry meetings in January and February in WellandNiagara Falls, and Grand Bend.

North Bay: The assembly at Nipissing Junction rejoiced when a 75-year-old man was saved, baptized, and then joined his wife in the assembly where she has been for several years. A 20-year-old man with a Mennonite background was also baptized, the result of the tent meetings that Murray Pratt held in Deep River. Murray was with us for that happy occasion. We also greatly enjoyed gospel meetings with Byrne Foreshew. Each meeting was ably opened by one of five younger brethren. Several new contacts attended, some of whom continue to come to the weekly gospel meetings. In all this we thank God and give Him the glory.

Oshawa: The saints were encouraged with the attendance for their one-day conference. Seven full-time servants and one local brother gave timely and helpful ministry. They also enjoyed David Booth and Eric Fowler for the Saturday night ministry meetings.

Port Sydney: Fred Krauss spoke to attentive children at the Sunday School treat in December. The Deer Lake assembly has been busy with sings at several retirement homes and the local prison.

Sudbury: Alex Dryburgh and Byrne Foreshew were with the assembly for the monthly ministry meeting on December 9, and remained for the one-day conference on the Lord’s Day. Help in ministry was also given by other visiting brethren. Quite a number of children and their parents were out for the Sunday School and remained for lunch. Bro. Dryburgh remained for three nights of appreciated ministry.

Prince Edward Island

Springfield West: In November, Larry Buote had two weeks of meetings here using his chart on Solomon’s Temple.

Charlottetown: Mr. and Mrs. Walmsley visited with Spanish-speaking people while in PE, some of whom attended the gospel meeting on Lord’s Day, December 17. The meeting was taken by J. Walmsley and R. McIlwaine. The Walmsleys planned to return to Venezuela on January 14 after an appreciated visit to the Maritimes.



Terryville: The saints were encouraged by a sister’s being received into assembly fellowship in December.


Augusta: The saints appreciated a week-and-a-half of gospel meetings with Eugene Higgins, a weekend visit from Bryan Joyce, and a visit from Mark Procopio for the Sunday School Christmas dinner for children and parents.


Silver Spring: An assembly of Spanish speaking believers met for their first Breaking of Bread, on Jan 14, 2007. Believers from Barrington were present for this occasion.


Saugus: Our December Conference was well attended, and we were happy to see many young believers with us. The ministry was both exhorting and challenging, and the Lord gave help to our ministering brethren Derksen, Gustafson, Harding, Hoy, Hull, McCandless, Paisley, Procopio, and Vitale. It was a great joy to know that a young man professed faith in Christ in the final meeting of the conference, giving us much for which to be thankful. Mr. Paisley spent two nights with us following the conference, and gave helpful ministry on the Psalms. The outreach work continues with growing interest in the Rehab center nearby. The Lord has given help in opening this door and to our brethren preaching the gospel. Your prayers for this effort would be appreciated.


Fridley: The saints enjoyed three nights of ministry in early December with John Slabaugh on Three Baskets from Scripture: The Baskets of Consecration, Service, and Worship. February 2, 2007, marks the 5th anniversary of this young gathering.

New Jersey

Pennsauken: The subject for the area monthly ministry meeting was “Christian Conversion and its Evidences.” Bill Seale was present for this meeting and there was a full hall, including a large number of younger believers.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: The saints appreciated visits from Brian and Ethyl Currie, Bill and Linda Lavery, and Stan Wells in the months of November and December.


Hatboro: The assembly appreciated a visit for a number of nights of ministry from Philip Harding.

McKeesport: The assembly was encouraged during the month of December with visits from Bill Seale and Eugene Higgins. The saints also appreciated David Oliver’s being here for their annual Sunday School Treat and were very happy to have some parents of Sunday School students out to hear the gospel for the first time.

N. Ireland

Co. Armagh

Lurgan: The annual conference (Saturday night through Wednesday) was very well-attended. Bible readings were conducted by J. Baker, T. Bentley, D. Gilliland, and D. Oliver. Ministry and missionary reports by many of the Lord’s servants were considered profitable and helpful to the Lord’s people. On Wednesday night at the gospel meeting a lady professed to be saved. D. Oliver and D. Gilliland continued for eight weeks of very well attended gospel meetings. Many unsaved heard the gospel.

Co. Antrim

Buckna: The annual Boxing Day conference was very well attended, and profitable ministry given by S. Ferguson, D. Gilliland, J. G. Hutchinson, S. McBride, and a brother from India.

Co. Down

Belfast (King’s Hall): The annual meeting of believers held on December 27-28 was considered profitable. Bible readings each afternoon were conducted by J. Grant and R. McKeown on 1 Thessalonians. Ministry each night was shared by various speakers.

Gransha: At the Christmas Day conference the ministry was shared by A. Davidson, J. G. Hutchinson, D. Kane, S. McBride, T. McNeill, and W. J. Nesbitt.

Kilkeel: The annual conference on Boxing Day was well attended. Ministry was given by B. Currie, B. Glendinning, W. J. Nesbitt, N. Turkington, and D. Williamson.

Co. Londonderry 

Donemana: At the conference held on October 18, practical ministry was given by B. Glendinning, J. Hutchinson, D. Kane, W. Martin, J. Rogers, and D. Ussher.

Co. Tyrone

Killycurragh: The annual conference held on September 26 had good attendance with profitable ministry by J. Hay, R. McKeown, W. J. Nesbitt, M. Radcliffe, K. Turkington, and D. Ussher.

Lungs: Ministry at the annual conference on October 7 was shared by W. Lavery, J. Martin, S. McBride, J. Rogers, and J. Wishart. Following, J. Hutchinson gave a report of his work over 60 years.

Omagh: The annual conference in November had good numbers attending and ministry was given by J. Lennox, J. G. Hutchinson, J. Wishart, J. Walmsley, and G. Woods.

Newtownstewart: At the New Year’s Day conference, John Fleck conducted the Bible reading on Romans 14. S. Ferguson, J. G. Hutchinson, W. Martin, S. McBride, and W. J. Nesbitt ministered in the afternoon. The conference was very profitable to the large number present.


Hermosillo: On December 24, 21 local believers sat down for the first time here to remember the Lord Jesus in the Breaking of Bread. On the following day, Seed Sowers’ largest effort yet brought together 180 believers and delivered 160,000 texts during the week of December 25-30. Tent meetings began on December 27 with about 95 visitors in from the area.

Puerto Vallarta: About 330 people attended the largest meeting of the conference and witnessed ten believers obey the Lord in baptism.

Santiago Ixcuintla: Four believers obeyed the Lord in baptism before a hundred witnesses.

Tepic: Seven believers were baptized, including Berna Manke, of Kamloops, whose conversion to God has been a source of much joy.

Zamora: Four believers obeyed the Lord in baptism, including a sister from the neighboring town of Jacona, fruit of a Seed Sower distribution a few years previously.

St. Lucia

Ernie Moore (Chile) and Bob MacLeod (Hickory, NC) visited the island and helped in both gospel and ministry meetings among the assemblies. Their visit was greatly appreciated. Brian Crawford and Brian Owen had a gospel series at Soufriere and ministry meetings at Castries. Jack Nesbitt had ministry meetings at La Gare followed by a gospel series.


Bolton, ON

February 10, in the Humberview High School, Kingsview Drive, Bolton, ON. Lord’s Servants who have labored with, or have the confidence of the assembly, are welcome to minister as the Lord leads. Saturday: Prayer, Praise and Ministry 1 pm., Ministry especially for young in Christ, at 7 pm. Lord’s Day meetings held in the Gospel Hall, King Street, Bolton, Breaking of Bread 10 am. Contacts: Philip Brodie, Tel: 905-951-9476; Bob Curry, Tel: 905-857-0753.

Matoaca, VA

March 3-4 in the Matoaca Elementary School, 6627 River Road, Matoaca (2 blocks past the Gospel Hall). Prayer Meeting, March 2 at 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca. First meeting on Saturday at 10:30 am. For accommodations, call 804-265-5455, or E-mail jnobles6@verizon.net. February 18 is the final cutoff date for reservations.

Mt. Sterling, WI

March 24-25 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, March 23 in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings in the North Crawford High School, north of Gays Mills. First meeting on Saturday – 10 am. Breaking of Bread on Lord’s Day – 9:30 am. Bible Readings are on Titus and Philemon. For accommodations, please contact Richard M. Dudgeon, Tel: 608-734-3639, E-mail: rmdudgeon@juno.com, or Wayne Granzow, Tel: 608-874-4760. Outlines of the readings and the order of the meetings will be sent on request.

Watertown, MA

March 25, in the Mount Auburn Gospel Hall, 226 Mount Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02472-4015. Directions can be found at www.mountauburngospelhall.com. Order of meetings: Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Sunday School 12:15 pm, Prayer and Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 4:30-5 pm. Corr: Joe Grillo, 2201 Lewis O. Gray Drive, Saugus, MA 01906-4422; Tel: 781-233-8520; E-mail: joegrillo@juno.com; Hall: 617-924-7696. Anyone needing accommodations should contact Frank Procopio, 978-777-0093.

Nineveh, NS

April 7-8 in the Park View Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater. Prayer meeting on Friday, April 14 at 7 pm in the Gospel Hall, Route 208, Civic # 2495, Nineveh. Supper will be served on Friday at 5 pm in Gospel Hall. Ministry meeting on Saturday at 10 am. Corr: Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway Street, Bridgewater, NS B4V 1J8; Tel: 902-543-5530; E-mail: robert012@ns.sympatico.ca. Accommodations: Clark Hubley, Tel: 902-543-3268.

Conference Reminders:

Cambridge, ON – February 3

Deland, FL – February 3-4

Tampa, FL – February 10-11

San Diego, CA – February 17-18

Changes to T & T Address List

Wallace Buckle: Tel.: 709-834-0893; E-mail:wallace.buckle@nf.sympatico.ca

Margaret Ronald (Chile): mronald@terra.cl

Change of Meeting Times 

Terryville, CT: Weekly prayer meeting night has been changed from Tuesday to Wednesday

Change of Correspondent

Thunder Bay, ON: George Stieh, 129 McKibbin Street, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 4B4; Tel/Fax: 807-344-5315; E-mail: gestieh@tbaytel.net

Change of Address of Correspondent

Matoaca VA: John Nobles, 5859 Spring Run Drive, Church Road, VA 23833, Tel: 804-265-5455; E-mail: jnobles6@verizon.net


Mrs. Charlotte Peacock of Langley, BC, on August 26, 2006, age 94. Charlotte was born in Winnipeg, MB, on August 3, 1912, and saved on July 28, 1928, at gospel meetings in Woodland Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, BC, with Herb Harris and Tom Black. She was predeceased by her husband, Will, in 1999, and was a sister to our late brother, Bill Funston, of Vancouver, B.C. Along with her husband, she was in the Abbotsford assembly and, more recently, in the Langley assembly. For over three years she was a resident at the Langley Extended Care where she bore a bright testimony speaking to many about the gospel. She passed into the Lord’s presence with a number of her family present. The funeral in the Langley Gospel Hall was taken by Gerald Peacock and Bryan Funston, with Dave McGaughey speaking at the graveside.

Mrs. Margaret Davis of English Point, LB, on November 16, 2006, age 82. Mrs. Davis came from Flower’s Cove, NL, where some of her relatives had heard the gospel and were saved. She received local brethren from L’Anse au Loup in her home in L’Anse Amour, LB, where she had married Wilfred. Shortly afterward, in 1967, she and her husband were saved. In the 1970s they moved to English Point where they were in the assembly until her home-call. Mrs. Davis suffered a stroke in September 2006 from which she never recovered. She was known to be a very quiet woman, but always loved to entertain visitors in their home. She leaves behind her husband Wilfred and three daughters, all in assembly fellowship. The funeral in the Gospel Hall was conducted by brothers Eddy and Francis Barney.

Mr. Gordon E. Wood of Englehart, ON, on December 3, 2006, went to be with his Lord after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s. He was born on April 6, 1925, and born again as a lad of 15. He is survived by his wife Phylis, three daughters and sons-in-law, six grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. He was a “brother beloved” to those who knew him, and a faithful, devoted elder in the assembly that greatly missed him when he became ill. Brother Wood was a mentor to many younger men and his testimony in the town and among the town employees was shown at the funeral taken by his nephew Bruce Rodgers.

Robb Forsyth of Taylorside, SK, on December 5, 2006, age 88. Our dear brother was saved at age 13 and later baptized and received into fellowship in the Taylorside assembly in 1939. After his conversion he lived the rest of his life as a testimony to God’s love. He and his wife Ila were active in the assembly where he was an overseer and correspondent for many years. He was widely known for his outreach in nursing homes, and many hours of volunteering and visitation in the local hospital. He is survived by his wife Ila, eight children and their families, including 17 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren for whom prayer is requested. The large funeral was a fitting tribute to a brother beloved. Murray Myers took the service with Dick Robertson at the grave site.

John Tanis of Marysville, WA, on December 7, 2006, age 76, after suffering with cancer for several months. Our dear brother was saved in his teenage years in Arlington. Though not a vocal brother, he was a joyful and valued participant in the activities of the assembly in Marysville in recent years. He is survived by his wife Goldie. The funeral service was very well attended and conducted by Tom Hoy and Steve Meyers. Many came back to the Hall for a time of fellowship, refreshments, and sharing how John had touched their lives.

Ellen Frances (nee McJannet) Booth of Unionville, ON, on December 23, 2006, age 85. As a girl of 16, Ellen became troubled about her soul, and it was at the Pape Avenue Gospel Hall when brethren Lester Wilson and Mervin Paul were holding meetings, that she trusted the Savior on February 24, 1938. Our dear sister was baptized and received into the fellowship of the Broadview assembly the same year. Ellen married the Lord’s servant Robert Booth in 1945, and was blessed with two faithful sons, David, now a commended worker, and Douglas. She was very faithful and hospitable during her many years at Broadview, and will be missed. Due to failing health, Ellen went to Bethany Lodge and the Unionville assembly in 1992. Don Jennings spoke words of tribute and Paul Markle presented the gospel to the large number at her funeral.

Ivan Morton of South Burnaby, BC, on January 3, age 82. Our dear brother was born in November 1924 and was saved in 1948 (age 24 years) during gospel meetings held by Hector Alves and Archie Stewart in Moncton, NB. A short time later he was received into the Moncton assembly, remaining there until 1960, when he and the family moved to Burnaby, BC. While in BC he was in fellowship in the Woodland Dr. assembly, Vancouver, until the assembly moved to South Burnaby in late 2003, where he remained until his passing. Ivan was a quiet, godly, consistent brother who was faithful to his Lord and to the assembly until the close of his life. He will be greatly missed by all. He was predeceased by his first wife Leita in 1988 and by his second Elvie in 1998. Those left to mourn his passing include his three daughters and son with their respective spouses, 8 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by Vernon Anderson of the South Burnaby assembly.