
A Reminder: For the purpose of stimulating interest and prayerful exercise in the Lord’s work, this section will try to focus more on reports of work in new areas, as well as special events or extended activities of assemblies, including sustained efforts in gospel or ministry. Reports of single meetings may not be included in the interests of space utilization and newsworthiness.

Please bear in mind that the contents of each issue are submitted one month in advance to accommodate publishing time-lines. Therefore, announcements, requests for prayer, etc., must be current to the reader. Also, reports on series of meetings after their conclusion will be more informative than interim reports. (We have appreciated cooperation with these requests)



Edmonton: The believers appreciated visits from Jim Currie and Andrew Bergsma in June. Please pray for the work with the Seed Sowers in July.

Fort McMurray: The Wood Buffalo assembly held its annual Sunday School picnic June 23 in one of the local parks. In spite of light rain there was a good number of visitors in attendance. Joel Griffin gave the message to the children who were very attentive. We are prayerfully considering gospel meetings in the near future and would covet the prayers of God’s people for this effort.

British Columbia

Kamloops: The conference was a real blessing with Jim Currie, Bryon Myers, Pete Smith, and Dave Richards giving helpful ministry. The assembly also enjoyed a visit from Noel Burden during May. We plan to have an outreach in a rented building during July and August.

Nova Scotia

Halifax: The recent Bible Reading conference was a time of blessing with a full hall in the new venue. The subject was James’ epistle which was of practical benefit to the saints. There was also some blessing in the gospel.

Tatamagouche: Meetings with David Hierlihy and David Hunt concluded on June 20 with great encouragement in salvation.


Acton: Recent children’s meetings were not as well attended as hoped. However, several from the area attended consistently. Frank Sona and Matt Smith (Jackson, MI) plan, DV, to return to this area in August for gospel meetings using a rented building. Please pray for this effort.

Barrie: The assembly enjoyed our first conference in over 60 years. Eugene Badgley, Paul Barbour, Fred Krauss, Eric Parmenter, Murray Poidevin, and Frank Sona were faithful in their messages. We pray that spiritual profit will result in both time and eternity for God’s glory.

The assembly has outgrown and sold its meeting place of over 70 years. Its temporary location is 140 Mapleton Ave., Barrie (south end).

Clinton: Gary Sharp spoke at our well-attended Sunday School Treat (June 9) and remained for Lord’s Day. We also appreciated later visits by Jim Beattie and William Metcalf.

North Bay: The Lord’s dear people from at least 12 assemblies gathered for the conference at Nipissing Junction. Their warm fellowship was greatly enjoyed and we had a good time around the Word. Eleven of the Lord’s servants ministered the Word to profit. The two Bible Readings, Earnestly Contending for the Faith: “The Local Assembly” and “The Gospel and its Preaching,” were very well handled and profitable. A number of brethren contributed to both readings in a careful and commendable way. There was also obvious help from the Lord as a brother gave his testimony and the gospel was preached both evenings.

Sudbury: The saints enjoyed a visit in June from Frank Sona for a Lord’s Day and four nights of ministry on Assembly Principles, which were very much appreciated.

Prince Edward Island

Freetown: Albert Hull was here in June for eight meetings on his new chart covering the eight dispensations. The ministry gave an overview of the dealings of God with mankind historically and into the future. It was uplifting, very practical, and motivating. The meetings were well attended by the saints from the five PEI assemblies. Many of the saints expressed their appreciation for the ministry.


Taylorside: The saints enjoyed a short visit from Andrew Bergsma. Although smaller this year, the conference had very profitable ministry and faithful gospel preaching from Alex Dryburgh, Jack Gould, Jim Hanna, James Ronald, Peter Simms, William Skates, Jim Smith, Jim Webb, and Roy Weber.



Alpena: In June, the assembly enjoyed a visit from Harrys Rodriguez, with family. He not only gave helpful ministry at Alpena but also preached in Spanish at gospel meetings in Springdale and Huntsville. Hispanic believers also enjoyed needful encouragement through his ministry, and, as always, the Sunday School children were very pleased to hear him.


Long Beach: The assembly has been encouraged this month with two teenagers professing faith in Christ. Also a sister has been received into the assembly fellowship, and a young brother in his third year of college was baptized. Please pray for the large numbers who come faithfully to all the meetings. Some are exercised about assembly fellowship, others concerning baptism, and a number seeking God’s salvation.


Newington: Please continue to pray for the Sunday School efforts and especially for the families of those who were reached and saved in the recent gospel series with Eugene Higgins. Most of them come from backgrounds where their families have never heard the gospel, and some are bringing family members out. Pray that they too might be saved.


Saugus: Our Bible Reading Conference on the Study of God’s Word was of great interest to those in attendance. Norman Crawford, David Oliver and Dan Shutt were given help from God in presenting the Bible Reading subjects. Walter Gustafson also gave much help. A number expressed a determination to get back to the study of God’s Word, and we trust that blessing will result from these readings. The work continues in the local rehabilitation center. Over the course of nearly eight months since the start of this effort, it is estimated that over 200 souls have heard the gospel preached faithfully. New attendees come each week, as patients cycle through the program.

During the months of April and May, we posted four Scripture ads in the busses and trains of the Boston subway system. It is estimated that 7.6 million riders were exposed to these verses of Scripture. While there has been some response, we do know that the seed has been sown in the hearts of many others.

West Springfield: The believers from Manchester, CT, opened their hall to the West Springfield assembly for a baptism of three young sisters. It was well-attended, and the assembly rejoices in the obedience of these young believers. Please pray for us as we look ahead to our second season of gospel text distribution at “The Big E Fair” this September, Lord willing.


Jackson: The gospel meetings with Marvin Derksen and David Oliver were very encouraging. An excellent number of visitors were out nightly. Many heard the gospel for the first time. Josh Smith of Jackson, had responsibility for a week of well-attended children’s meetings during the series. We are continuing to look to the Lord for further blessing upon His Word.


Fridley: Please pray for one week of children’s meetings with Stu Thompson the last week of July followed by a series of gospel meetings with Stan Wells and Eric McCullough. They will value prayer for these gospel meetings, starting July 29, Lord willing. The saints were encouraged as Larry Perkins gave practical and uplifting ministry three nights in late June.

New Jersey

Livingston: The saints wish to thank all who attended and supported the annual May conference this year. The weather was wonderful and the fellowship of saints was sweet. Those in attendance who helped with the ministry and the gospel were: Walter Gustafson, Tom Hoy, David Oliver, William Seale, Dan Shutt, Jim Smith, Frank Sona, Frank Tornaquindici, and Dave Zuidema Jr. The saints also appreciated the Bible and book display by Jim and Lois Thompson. Please pray for the summer season with our Gospel in the Park. Each Lord’s Day we relocate our Gospel meeting to a local park where we distribute Seed Sowers and preach in the open air. In July we again plan our Vacation Bible School where we have had up to 75 children. Please pray for this effort.

Midland Park: The assembly enjoyed a weeknight visit from Crawford Brown of Brazil in April, as well as a weeknight visit from Wallace Buckle for appreciated ministry.

In May, Frank Sona and Dan Shutt came for the Lord’s Day evening Gospel meeting, and brother Shutt stayed for three weeknight ministry meetings on God’s Self-Revelation in nature, in Christ, and in Scripture, the Attributes of God, and The Trinity. The meetings were helpful to the saints. The believers also enjoyed ministry and the gospel when Walter Gustafson spent a Lord’s Day with us.

New York

Flushing: Early in June, Daniel Chung and Joseph Chung preached the gospel in the Midland Park Gospel Hall in English and Korean respectively prior to the baptism of two Korean believers. The saints from the two assemblies were glad to witness this step of obedience.


Hatboro: Four weeks of gospel meetings in the tent concluded with a number in from the community, perhaps the largest response since the assembly began using this site for tent meetings. We were thankful for suitable weather and the evidence of the hand of God in salvation. We continue to pray for some that showed an interest but were not saved.


Hardwick, VT

September 7-9, marking the assembly’s 60th anniversary. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall, 153 Cherry Street. Meetings in the Hardwick Elementary School at the edge of the downtown business district will begin on Saturday at 10 am and on Lord’s Day with Breaking of Bread at 9:30 am. Morning breakfast will be served at the school at 9 am Saturday and 8:15 am Sunday. For accommodations please contact Bill Scott at 802-472-6257, or E-mail: billsinvt@earthlink.net.

Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON

September 22-23 in the Chapman Valley Gospel Hall, Hwy. #124 at Miller Road, 16 km. West of Hwy. #11. Prayer meeting Friday 7:30 pm with supper served at 5:30 pm. Saturday: Breakfast 8 am, Bible Reading 9 am (The Holy Spirit in the Believer’s Life). Sunday: Bible Reading 9 am (The Holy Spirit in the Lord’s Earthly Life), Breaking of Bread 10:15 am. Chapman Valley corr: Herb West, Box 870, Sundridge, ON P0A 1Z0. Tel: 705-384-5280. Parry Sound corr: Tom Hulcoop, 9 Edward St., Parry Sound, ON P2A 2W5; Tel: 705-746-5919.

Clinton, ON

September 29-30 with Prayer Meeting, Friday 7:30 pm. All meetings in the new Gospel Hall Auditorium, 143 Joseph Street. First meeting on Saturday for ministry 10:30 am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am. Bible Reading subjects will be announced next issue. Corr: Douglas McDonald, P.O. Box 329, Clinton, ON N0M 1L0, Tel: 519-565-2752, Hall: 519-482-8687.

Midland Park, NJ

September 29-30 – 65th Annual Conference with a Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 28 at 8 pm. Saturday: Prayer & Ministry 10:30 am, Prayer & Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 11:45 am, Prayer & Ministry, 2 pm, Gospel 6 pm. The prayers of the saints are requested for the conference. Those needing accommodations, please contact David Hamilton, 75 Carol St., Ramsey, NJ 07446. Tel: 201-962-2916; E-mail: davidandjoyhamilton@gmail.com.

Maidstone, Mervin, SK; Paradise Valley, AB

October 6-7 in the Legion Hall, 111 Main St., Maidstone. Meetings both days at 10:30 am, 2 & 7 pm. Meeting for prayer Friday, October 5, 7:30 pm in the Maidstone Gospel Hall, 4th Ave. & Main St. Contacts: R. Robertson, (Maidstone), 306-893-2674, E-mail randerobertson@sasktel.net; Stanley Maess (Mervin), 306-845-2456; David Flint (Paradise Valley), 780-745-2560.

Manchester, IA

October 5-7, with Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall, 1308 N. Third St. All other meetings are in the West Delaware Middle School, 1001 Doctor St. Saturday: Ministry 10 am and 2 pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 am (Psalm 22), Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Ministry 2 pm. Corr: C.F. Foster, 130 Clare Ave., Manchester, IA 52057-1306; Tel: 563-927-2963; Hall: 563-927-3887.

Mansfield, OH

October 6-7, at Ontario High School, 467 Shelby-Ontario Road, Ontario, OH. Prayer Meeting, Friday, October 5 at 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall, at 820 Mansfield Washington Road. Saturday: Ministry 10 am and 2:30 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 11:45 am, Ministry 2 pm with the last speaker in the Gospel. For those desiring accommodations please contact: John Blankestijn, 106 Hamilton Drive, Bellville, OH 44813; Tel: 419-989-4831; E-mail: 2jrblank3927@earthlink.net.

Vancouver, BC

October 6-8 in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer meeting Friday 8 pm in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Dr. Meetings on Saturday: Bible Reading 10 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am (Gospel Hall), Ministry 2:30 and Gospel 7 pm. Monday: Bible Reading 10 am, Ministry 2 pm. Bible Reading subjects to be announced. Corr: P. Broadhead, 115-678 Citadel Dr., Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6M7; Tel: 604-468-4979, E-mail: pbroadhead@telus.net.

Blue River, WI 

October 20-21 with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 8 pm in the Gospel Hall, preceded by supper served at 6 pm. Meetings on Saturday and Sunday will be in St. John’s Gym in Muscoda on WI Avenue. Saturday: First meeting for Prayer & Ministry 10 am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 am (Worship – John 12:1-8), Breaking of Bread 10:30 am. For inquiries or accommodations phone 608-537-2977, or E-mail: woodind@mwt.net

Livonia, MI 

October 27 and 28, with Prayer Meeting on Friday 7:30 pm. All meetings held in the Stark Road Gospel Hall, 9280 Stark Road, Livonia, MI. Saturday: Prayer, Praise, and Ministry, 10 am and 2 pm, Gospel, 7 pm, Meeting for Young People, 8:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread, 10 am, Sunday School, 12:45 pm, Prayer, Praise, and Ministry, 2 pm, Gospel, 7 pm. Corr: David Vallance, 21600 Currie Road, Northville, MI 48167; davidvallance@sbcglobal.net; 248-446-9346. Hall: 734-425-4910, www.starkrdgospelhall.com. Accom: Tim Fouts, 248-476-5013 or tf-sf@msn.com.

Conference Reminders:

Fort McMurray, AB – August 24-26

Grande Prairie, AB – August 31-September 1

Akron, OH – September 1-2

Arlington/Marysville, WA – September 1-3

Clementsvale, NS – September 1-2

Huntsville, ON – September 1-2

Kansas City, MO – September 1-2

Sault Ste Marie, ON – September 7-9

Arnstein, ON – September 15-16

Hitesville, IA – September 15-16

New Lenox, IL – September 22-23

Sussex, NB – September 29-30

Additions to T&T Address List

John Meekin, 200 Alexandra Avenue, Bridgewater , NS B4V 1H8; Tel: 902-543-3978; E-mail: john.meekin@yahoo.com

Corrections to T&T Address List

Mrs. Frank (Helen) Pearcey

Peter Smith, E-mail address should read pbs110@mts.net

Jack Saword, P.O. Box 146, Springdale, AR 72765-0146; (501) 442-4246, sjsaword@telesal.net

Change of Address

Joe and Penny Clark, Box 105, Cascade, Montana 59421; E-mail: joeandpen@juno.com

Mrs. Richard Hanna, 23 Second Street, Room 352, Unionville, ON L3R 2C2.

Eric Parmenter, 6 Glanffrwd Terrace, Ynysybwl, Pontypridd, South Wales CF37 3LW; Tel: 01443 790714; Mobile: 07790 311242.

Jim Smith, E-mail changed to jas.smith@roadrunner.com


Elma Smith of Jackson, MI, on April 12, age 101. At the age of nine, she recognized her need as a sinner and trusted Christ as her Savior. She was baptized and came into fellowship in the Jackson assembly in 1928. She faithfully attended the assembly meetings for almost 80 years, and taught Sunday School for many of these years. Among the Scriptures read at her funeral was Proverbs 31:10, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Her husband, Leon was an assembly elder and preceded her in his home-call in 1967. Her son, Louis, is an elder in the assembly and shared in her funeral service with Norman Crawford. The assembly deeply respected her and misses her very much. Besides her son, she leaves a daughter, six grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.

Louise Tarrant of Fogo Island, NL, on May 1, age 68. Our dear sister passed away in St. John’s, NL, predeceased by her husband, Andrew, age 78, who passed away in Grand Falls on April 9. Louise was saved in gospel meetings in Fogo in 1972 conducted by George Campbell and Bryan Funston, and added to the Fogo assembly at its inception in October, 1973. For a number of years, our sister was unable to get to the assembly meetings as she was blind; she was also living in Grand Falls to be near the hospital for regular dialysis treatment. The funeral service was held on May 4 in the Fogo Island Gospel Hall with a good number of family, friends, and fellow saints in attendance. Wallace Buckle spoke at the service and Bernard Rideout, a family friend, spoke at the graveside. Please pray for many in their family that need salvation.

Sterling J. MacKinnon of Charlottetown, PEI, on May 13, age 80. Sterling was saved in 1965 in Toronto. He and his wife Rose were in fellowship at West Toronto, and then Bracondale (Langstaff). Sterling retired from DeHaviland Aircraft after 33 years, then returned to PEI where they were in fellowship in the Charlottetown assembly. He fought Parkinson’s disease during his latter years. It was an inspiration to see the grace of acceptance manifested by him during his sickness. He left a tremendous testimony to the staff in the nursing home. He will be greatly missed by wife Rose, son David, and daughter Debra. The funeral service was taken by Noel Burden, Robert McIlwaine, and Doug MacLeod.

Matilda (Tillie) Haney of Unionville, ON, on May 21, age 91. Tillie was saved in 1943, soon after her only daughter died at age four. Tillie was in fellowship in the West Toronto assembly for 51 years. She consecrated herself to aiding children and missionaries in foreign fields. In 1994, she moved to the Westmount assembly, then in 1999, following a crippling accident, to Bethany Lodge and the Unionville assembly. Tillie’s legacy will be “first a willing mind” (2 Cor 8:12), “she has been a helper of many” (Rom 16:1-2), and “she has done what she could” (Mark 14:8).

Frances Avery of Arnstein, ON, on May 26, age 91. She was saved in 1931 in a series of gospel meetings in Arnstein under the preaching of John Spreeman and John Sommecal. Shortly after, she was baptized and received into the assembly. In 1941 she married Morris Avery and together they were very faithful to the assembly, seldom missing a meeting. Frances taught Sunday School for over 20 years. As we look back over her life we are reminded of the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, two daughters, two sons, nine grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren, and will be missed by all in the assembly. The large funeral was taken by J. Adams and D. Nicholson.

Stella Crarey of Lindsay, ON, on June 7, age 96. Stella was born in 1911 in the Victoria Road area. She and her husband Rod (who went to be with the Lord in 1998) heard the gospel as a young couple in the year 1936 and both were saved at that time. Both were introduced to N.T. teaching about baptism and the assembly. They were received into the fellowship at Victoria Road. On account of work, the Crarey’s moved to Milton, ON for a number of years, and after retirement lived in Lindsay. Both loved the assembly and God’s people. They were given to hospitality and showed an interest in the Lord’s work and His workers. On account of health, Stella resided at the Elim Home at Waubaushene until her homecall. The service was taken by Fred Krauss at the Lindsay Gospel Hall.

Florence McCurrie of North Vancouver, BC, on June 14, age 100. Our dear sister was born in Armagh, N.I., and emigrated to Canada in 1926 as a young girl. She was saved in April 1938 in Winnipeg while listening to the preaching of the late Herb Harris, and, after moving to Vancouver, was associated initially with the Fairview assembly, and for the last 50 years in North Vancouver. Florrie was an inspiration to all, and able to attend the assembly meetings right up to her homecall. She will be much missed for her cheerfulness, her wonderful sense of humor, and the concern she had for unsaved ones. She loved her family and the Lord’s people. Predeceased by her husband and eldest son, she leaves one daughter, two sons, 9 grandchildren, and 18 great grandchildren. The service was taken by Murray Logue and Seth McKinley, with Robin Morton at the graveside. Many unsaved family members who were heavy on her heart heard the gospel preached in a loving manner.

Allan “Clayton” Gillis of Blues Mills, NS, on June 24, age 56, after a long and difficult battle with cancer. Our brother was born again April 26, 1985 during meetings held by F. Bartlett and N. Burden, and was very faithful to the assembly, his children, and his wife. The large funeral, held in a local school, was taken by D. Hunt and D. Swan, with N. Burden speaking at the grave. The gospel was compassionately and faithfully presented. Please pray for his widow, Sarah, two daughters and three sons. He will be missed; his seat is empty.

Janie E. Cairns of Charlottetown, PEI, on June 25, age 96. Janie was saved in June, 1934, at Gamble’s Corner, PEI, under the preaching of Herb Harris and Albert Joyce. Janie and her husband Floyd partook of the Lord’s Supper on October 7, 1934, at the Crapaud Public Hall; when the first assembly was formed on PEI. Albert Ramsay, Janie’s brother, broke bread also that morning for the first time. Janie was predeceased by her husband and two sons, and is survived by six daughters, one son, 17 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, and two great-great grandchildren. The outpouring of tributes, condolences, and eulogies at the funeral clearly indicated the high esteem others had for Janie’s testimony. Robert McIlwaine took the funeral service.

Tributes to Donna Slack, Venezuela

Donna Slack departed to be with Christ on Sunday, June 17, in Venezuela where she had served the Lord for 33 years. Saved in Jackson, MI, and brought into assembly fellowship there, she received a letter of commendation in 1974 to serve the Lord in Venezuela. Since then she was in fellowship in the central assembly in Puerto Cabello. She dedicated herself to childrens work and became the secretary of the Gospel College formed in 1919 by Miss Eva Watson. Donna was not a teacher, but virtually directed the college, which gives normal education. Donna extended that to university standard. She oversaw the addition of classrooms to accommodate a growing attendance, now over 700. The 30 teachers are all in assembly fellowship, as are many who were saved through the college.

After a service in the Gospel Hall, her body was laid to rest on June 19. (N. Thomson)

We miss our esteemed sister Donna. She certainly loved Venezuela, the land of her adoption. For the sake of her work here, she became a Venezuelan citizen. She loved the Colegio Evanglico (Gospel College) where she worked for 33 years and influenced so many young lives for God. She loved the Chirinos family and home she adopted as her own, but, above all, she loved her Savior and God’s assembly. Many in this land owe her a debt of gratitude for the deep interest she took in their souls.

The college was her lifelong work. Under her care, it grew from primary level to include a junior and senior high. The original, cramped quarters expanded to a modern three-story building, which has again become overcrowded. On one of our last visits, she asked, “Do you not know of anyone in the north with an exercise to serve the Lord in Venezuela and help in the school?” Both she and her fellow-worker Srta. Ines shared the conviction that someone from the homelands, with a God-given call and convictions, should continue to guide the school and maintain the spiritual principles and the educational standards that have preserved the work and given it a solid reputation for over 88 years. (K. Turkington)

The Jackson assembly had a memorial service for Donna on July 18. This included a gospel message by N. Crawford. Her family, for whose salvation Donna prayed, attended.