


Fort McMurray: Our annual conference was very profitable with visible results. Brethren who spoke were S. Wells, J. Gould, B. Funston, G. Williams, and J. Fitzpatrick. J. Gould and J. Fitzpatrick remained for two nights of ministry. Brother Fitzpatrick distributed literature in the oil field camps as well.

British Columbia

Kamloops: During August, S. Wells had a week of ministry on the Seven Feasts of Jehovah. A. Bergsma visited for a Lord’s Day and gave helpful ministry.

Vancouver: The saints of the Deep Cove assembly were greatly encouraged with the baptism of three young men, formerly Hutterites, on August 28. The Victoria Drive assembly also baptized three young people in August.


Ashfield: J. Gould and J. Nesbitt shared a tent series for three weeks in August. Thousands of Seed Sower texts with invitations covered an area that included the town of Selkirk. Some 75-80 visitors came and several professed faith in Christ. Others expressed an interest in attending future meetings. A radio reporter (CBC) interviewed the preachers with great respect and interest concerning the gospel and salvation and broadcasted the interview. The whole effort was very encouraging to the saints.

Nova Scotia

Clementsvale: The conference went well with excellent attendance. Visiting preachers were J. Fleck (N. Ireland) and W. Gustafson. M. McCandless and M. Cain commenced here in the gospel September 11 and would appreciate the prayers of the Lord’s people.


Cairo: J. Beattie and Wm. Metcalf commenced gospel tent meetings here on July 31, following up work started a year ago. Residents from the area have come, and some are showing interest. The good attendance continued over nearly five weeks. We plan to begin weekly meeings later this year.

Clinton: In July, the saints enjoyed Wm. Met- calf’s visit, ministry, and help in the gospel. Good numbers attended the Holmesville tent ministry meeting on Saturday, August 13. G. Sharp, B. Foreshew, S. Vance, G. Goff, and B. Prins gave helpful minisry.

Deseronto: The assembly enjoyed recent visits by L. Steers and M. McLeod. The Sunday School work continues with encouragement.

Goodwood: The saints appreciated the ministry of E. Miller, Wm. McBride, S. Vance, F. Krauss, B. Joyce, and B. Foreshew at their day conference. F. Krauss stayed for the following Lord’s Day and gave encouraging ministry. L. Langfeld, E. Miller, and Wm. McBride shared in preaching the gospel during three weeks’ tent meetings in July. Some local Mexican farm workers attended and brother McBride spoke to them in Spanish.

Lakeshore: B. Owen and A. Ward finished a 4 week tent series on August 10. The Lord graciously drew near and blessed in the salvation of two young women and two men.

Midland: The assembly enjoyed a very profitable Gospel Tent series during July with D. Booth and M. Derksen. A young woman was saved during the week of Seed Sowers that preceded the meetings. The attendance was most encouraging with support from Waubaushene, Strongville, Barrie, Orillia, and Collingwood assemblies. The Lord saved several souls, both young and elderly, from different walks of life. The assembly appreciates the prayers and labors of all who helped.

Sarnia: For the third year, the assembly is reaching out to the neighborhood by using the Dow People Place, where G. Higgins is once more preaching the gospel during the three weeks the facilities are available. The first night saw a large number of unsaved attending.

Straffordville: The believers were encouraged to see the Lord’s blessing before and during very good tent meetings by R. Parker and D. Patten. Many new contacts were made and many came to hear the gospel plainly preached. We have much for which to thank God. We would like to thank all those who prayed for the meetings, as well as those who came to make the Seed Sowers distribution a success. This Lord’s Day we expect five to obey the Lord in baptism.

Sudbury: The assembly appreciated visits in August by D. Booth and A. Cook.

Thunder Bay: H. Bouwman gave helpful and appreciated ministry for two nights on his chart, “Eternity to Eternity,” and also spoke at the annual Sunday School Picnic.

Scarborough: The tent meetings in Agincourt reported on last month concluded August 28. The Lord was gracious in providing good numbers each night and with blessing in salvation. The next to last night, two believers obeyed the Lord in baptism, which was an encouragement to all. Lord willing, the work will continue in a local school throughout the fall, and the prayers of the Lord’s people are valued.

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: During the past several months, the assembly appreciated ministry from R. McIlwaine, P. Orasuk, P. Ramsay, N. Burden, A. Ward, H. Paisley, M. Cain, and A. Turkington. Brother Turkington had some Spanish gospel meetings in the hall during July for about ten Spanish immigrants. The saints were cheered to see a sister baptized on July 24. Our esteemed brother Peter Orasuk is not well. The most recent MRI results indicated the cancer is spreading in his liver. Your prayers are requested.

Enmore: D. Hierlihy and M. McCandless finished eight weeks of gospel meetings with some blessing.

Crapaud: 15 commended servants of the Lord attended the P.E.I. conference. H. Paisley conducted the refreshing Bible Reading on “The Lord’s Coming.” During the two days, 700-800 attended; many were strengthened in the faith.

U. S. A.


West Phoenix: Three weeks of gospel meetings were held with good attendance of both current and new contacts. J. Dennison was expected for a baptism September 3 of three people, including his son Nathan. Plans are afoot for a clothing distribution, effective in the past in gaining new contacts, some of whom are now in assembly fellowship.


Newington: Prayer is requested for brother Bob Rosania who is battling cancer.


Antioch: J. Jennings and R. Nesbitt ended meetings here and were encouraged by some blessing.

Evansdale: J. Jennings and R. Weber started meetings here on September 4. This is a suburb of Waterloo, and these meetings are in connection with the Waterloo assembly.

Hampton: Four weeks of tent meetings were held here during July with A. Kelly and local brethren. The meetings were encouraging, with three professing faith. The assembly was happy to receive four believers into fellowship in August. The saints are thankful to see blessing in the outreach work among the Hispanics in the area; about 30 unsaved adults are present every Sunday to hear the gospel preached.

Postville: A. Kelly and H. Rodriguez are in the third week of tent meetings. There are good numbers attending and two have professed faith in Christ.


Augusta: On August 12-14, the assembly enjoyed a weekend visit from A. J. Higgins, taking up the subject of the death and sufferings of our Lord Jesus.


Saugus: The meetings with E. Higgins on, “What the Bible Has to Say About Future Events,” continued through August 7 with good attendance. Three professed to be saved, bringing joy to the assembly. On the last Friday of the meetings, two young men were baptized. The Monday night children’s meetings continued through August.

Springfield: On August 27, the assembly hosted a “Community Day” at the Hall. Free clothing and gospel literature were distributed. The event was well attended, with approximately 75 adults and children attending. A large quantity of Bibles, texts, and tracts were distributed with the clothing. Please pray for continued blessing in this gospel work.


Jackson: The assembly appreciated recent visits from D. Shutt, D. Petterson, and F. Sona. Please pray for children’s meetings planned for October 3-10 with Brian Crawford.

Sherman: Gospel meetings with B. Crawford and S. Thompson ended August 10. The assembly was encouraged by a number of young believers who came to help the local believers distribute invitations and Seed Sower packages before the meetings. Attendance was excellent, including some who came for the first time.


Fridley: E. McCullough and Wm. Skates held four weeks of gospel meetings. They and the little assembly were greatly cheered by the response and by God’s working in salvation. The assembly has purchased a former Methodist church. The meeting area, full basement, and kitchen facilities are most suitable.

Hinckley: In October, J. Jennings and R. Weber will be starting meetings here, DV.


Kansas City: E. McCullough was expected to be here for a visit and for the conference.


Burwell: R. Weber and R. Van Mill finished gospel meetings here.

New Jersey

Livingston: The saints enjoyed Lord’s Day visits from F. Sona in July and August, a visit in July from W. Gustafson, and a recent visit from E. Higgins. Continued prayer would be valued for suitable weather and attendance with the gospel effort in the Park. The number of unsaved present, particularly one man who has attended the past five weeks, is encouraging .

New York

Caneadea: A good number of people attended the Sunday School Picnic held on August 27. F. Krauss presented the gospel and was with the assembly for the Lord’s Day. His encouraging ministry was appreciated by the saints.

East Aurora: The saints have appreciated recent visits from G. Sharp and J. Jarvis. In June, the gospel was faithfully preached for two weeks by R. Weber and J. Jennings. We look to the Lord to bless His Word.


Akron: D. Oliver visited us and Mansfield in August with helpful ministry. At the Labor Day conference, 13 brethren gave help. The ministry was instructive, challenging, and practical.

Cleveland: We enjoyed a visit from J. Slabaugh during August.

Lorain: Four brethren were present to minister the Word of God at our conference. The saints were refreshed and encouraged. J. Slabaugh continued three nights in ministry.


Forest Grove: S. Wells was with the assembly August 14-17 for ministry using his dispensational chart. There was good interest.


Bryn Mawr: A young sister, who has been saved a number of years, was baptized. A baptism in the previous month spoke to her and resulted in her obedience to the Lord. A man that professed in his first gospel meeting a month ago has been attending most of the meetings regularly. We give thanks to the Lord for His grace to us.

McKeesport: R. Coleman was with the assembly for a week of Vacation Bible School in early August. The gospel was presented clearly to the many children that attended.


Hardwick: The assembly enjoyed visits by E. Green and K. Taylor during August. Their ministry was encouraging and helpful.


Arlington: The Labor Day conference went well with varied ministry. D. Booth, A. Bergsma, H. Bouwman, E. Fairfield, B. Funston, T. Hoy, B. Myers, D. Shutt, and S. Wells shared in speaking the Word during the conference.

Granite Falls: Tent meetings with T. Hoy and S. Myers went well with visitors out each night. The morning VBS saw the attendance of new students from the area with their parents. Hopefully, these will continue at children’s meetings this fall.


Brodhead: R. Orr and local brethren preached the gospel in a tent here for four weeks.

Mt. Sterling: L. Perkins and F. Sona labored in the gospel here for four weeks, and God blessed His Word in salvation.


St. Petersburg: D. Richards reports that, in addition to hospital visitation, work with street children is being carried on during visits twice a week to three sites to feed children that range in age from about 12 to 18 years of age. There is an exercise to establish a day center if suitable premises can be found. A two-week visit is planned to Yekaterinburg and also to the orphanage in Sredneuralsk, where he taught the Bible for some years, to follow up on a number of contacts.


Bicester: A. Christopherson and M. Pratt started gospel meetings August 28.

Change of Address

John and Michelle Dennison, CDA 2 Calle San Diego Num. 35, Capistrano, 83200 Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Tel: 1-623-537-4874 (a US number. No need for international country code.)

A. W. Grainger, c/o 117 Village Hill Road, Port Sydney, ON P0B 1L0.

Change of Address of Correspondent

New Lenox, IL: Brent Studnicka, 138 Wallace St., New Lenox, IL 60451, Tel: 815-463-9590.


Niagara Falls, ON

October 15-16 in the Oakwood Gospel Hall, Cor. Adams and Hawkins Street. Prayer meeting on Friday 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2:45 p.m., Bible Study 1:30 p.m., Gospel 6:45 p.m., Young People’s 8:15 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Bible Study 1:30 p.m., Ministry 2:45 p.m., Gospel 6:45 p.m. Corr: Bill Smith, 7467 Merritt Avenue L2G 5C3, Niagara Falls, ON; Tel: 905-354-8272.

London, ON

November 5-6 in the Highbury Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Avenue, London. Prayer Meeting 8 p.m., Friday, November 4. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m., 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr: Hugh R. Garnham, 843 Dalkeith Crescent, London, ON, N5X 1S5, E-mail: hgarnham@odyssey.on.ca; Tel: 519-433-1825. Hall Tel: 519-451-8233.

Saskatoon, SK

November 5-6 in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, with prayer and ministry on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Ministry 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Inquiries 306-242-1506, or 306-249-5044.

Newington, CT

November 5 and 6 with meetings on Saturday afternoon and evening, then all day Lord’s Day.

Blues Mills, NS

November 12-13 in the Gospel Hall, 34 Mountain Road, Blues Mills, Cape Breton. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Meetings Lord’s Day start at 10 a.m., Gospel 7 p.m. both evenings. Corr: John Bain, jdbain@canada.com or Tel: 519-433-1825

Bryn Mawr, PA

November 12-13 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, November 12, 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 8 North Summit Grove Ave., Bryn Mawr. All other meetings will be in the Colonial Elementary School, Plymouth Meeting, PA (just behind the Plymouth Whitemarsh High School on Germantown Pike, one mile southeast of the Norristown exit of the Pennsylvania Turnpike). Saturday meeting times are 10:30 a.m., 2:30 and 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 12 noon, 2:15 p.m., Gospel 4:30 p.m. Corr: Harold Stewart, Tel: 610-825-0384. Accom: Alan Oliver, Tel: 610-399-3199.

Oil Springs, ON

November 12-13 with Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Gospel Hall, Victoria St. All other meetings will be held in the Youth Center, cor. Hwy. 21 and Victoria St. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. Bible reading 1:00 p.m. (Hebrews 11), Ministry 2:30 p.m., Testimony/Gospel 6 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 1:00 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr: Arthur Whitton, RR 3 Oil Springs, ON, N0N 1P0, Tel: 519-882-1686.

Oshawa, ON

November 12 in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert Street. Ministry at 2 and 7 p.m. with supper served between. Corr: Ken Nicholson, Tel: 905-579-7540.

Brampton, ON

November 19-20 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, November 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Brampton Gospel Hall, 6 Beech St., Brampton. Saturday’s meetings begin 10 a.m. at the Brampton Fair Grounds in the Junior Farmers Hall, 12942 Heart Lake Road. All meetings on Sunday will be in the Brampton Gospel Hall; Breaking of Bread 9:45 a.m., Ministry 3 p.m. For accommodations or further information contact Dwight Dyke, Tel: 519-853-3090; E-mail: ddyke@sympatico.ca

McKeesport, PA

November 19-20. Fall Bible Studies will be held at Wilson Christian Academy with Gene Higgins and Albert Hull. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. with Question & Answer session to follow. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. and Ministry 1:30 p.m. Accom: Rob Oliver, rob@oliverpages.com or Tel: 412-664-1004. Other inquiries: Tom Clark, Tel: 412-751-5283 or tclarkjr5@aol.com. All are welcome.

Maberly, ON

November 26 at the Wheeler Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Directions: Hwy. 7 to Maberly, take County Rd. 36 North to McDonalds Corners, turn right and follow the signs to Wheelers Pancake House. Meetings are at 2:30 and 7 p.m. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Tel: 613-268-2616.

Phoenix, AZ

November 24-27 in the Garfield Street Gospel Hall, 1246 E. Garfield Street, with Prayer Meeting on Wednesday 23th at 7:30 p.m. Bible Readings on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 10 a.m. (John 1, Col. 1, Heb. 1). Ministry each day at 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m.; Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85305, Tel: 623-872-1007, Hall: 602-253-4932.

Saugus, MA

December 2-4 with Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. Saturday meetings are at 10:30 a.m., 2:30 and 6 p.m. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St., Saugus. Corr: Anthony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA 01940; Tel: 781-334-6363; E-mail: tonygrillo@netzero.com. For accommodations please contact Mark Williamson, Tel: 781-233-0250, or Mark Procopio, Tel: 781-662-9449. Gospel Hall 781-233-5570.

Conference Reminders:

Clinton, ON – October 1-2

Manchester, IA – October 1-2

Sussex, NB – October 1-2

Brandon, MB – October 10

Maidstone/Mervin, SK/Paradise Valley, AB – October 8-9

St. Thomas, ON – October 8-9

Vancouver, BC – October 8-10

Blue River, WI – October 15-16

Edmonton, AB – October 14-16

L’ance au Loup, LB – October 14-16

Terryville, CT – October 15-16

Livonia, MI – October 22-23

Picton, ON – October 22

Alpena, AR – October 29-30

Wallaceburg, ON – October 29-30


Mr. Aubrey Fleming of Strongville, ON on May 9, age 93. Our brother was saved in 1936 under the preaching of Mr. Albert Joyce and Mr. Herb Harris. He was a faithful brother in the assembly, whose quiet presence was appreciated by the saints for more than 50 years. Together with his wife Mae (Isaac), they supported the gospel so that visiting preachers were always welcomed in their home. He is survived by his loving wife, six children, eleven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. The funeral was taken by Mr. H. Paisley who presented a clear and tender gospel message to a large gathering, with Mr. D. Black speaking at the graveside.

Mr. Willis (Bill) Atyeo of Ferndale, MI on June 27, age 79. Our brother first heard of his need of being saved through his sister Catherine and brother Gene Atyeo of Sarnia. When the Lord led a Christian co-worker to speak to him about his soul, he was convicted of his sins. At that time, he availed himself of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and took Him as his own personal Savour. He later gathered with the assembly at Ferndale and in 1993 married Dorothy Scheer. Near the end of his journey here, Bill had a God-inspired exercise to tell everyone with whom he came in contact about their need of salvation. He was impressed by the soon return of the Lord and anxious to warn others to be prepared for eternity. Norman Crawford took the well-attended funeral in Ferndale.

Nelson L. Livingstone of Charlottetown, P.E.I. on July 6, age 67. He was saved in 1959 at gospel meetings held by the late Albert Ramsay and Robert McIlwaine. Our esteemed brother and his wife were completely devoted to the assembly, were lovers of hospitality, and “a succourer of many.” Nelson had a stroke 11 years ago and it was an inspiration to see the grace of cheerful acceptance he manifested during this period. His testimony influenced the lives of many. The large funeral was conducted by J.A. Joyce, N. Thompson, R. McIlwaine, and P. Orasuk, with A. Hull at the graveside. Left to mourn are his wife, Donna, two sons and a daughter who are saved.

Reuben Nesbitt of N. Ireland on July 10, age 76. He was saved in 1952, and later received into the assembly at Erryroe, Co. Monaghan, He was in happy fellowship there until his homecall, the result of a car accident on his way to remember the Lord. He was a farmer, but his chief interest was the assembly of which he was a faithful elder. He delighted in the spread of the gospel, visiting the neighborhood, distributing tracts, and, toward the end of the year, giving out hundreds of scripture calendars. He was the only surviving member of his family and will be sadly missed in the neighborhood, in the assembly, and by many cousins who mourn his passing. At his very large funeral many heard the plain gospel. Prayer is requested for the small assembly and for some cousins not yet saved.

Minor Gaylord of Maberly, ON on August 1, in his 83rd year. He was saved in 1956 in Arden and baptized in 1957. He was one of the founding members of the Maberly assembly in 1972; a respected elder and a faithful brother who leaves a loving wife to mourn his loss. He will be greatly missed in the assembly. The gospel was preached to a large number of unsaved relatives and friends by T. Kember and M. McLeod. We thank the Lord that many in his family are in Christ. Please pray for his relatives who are not yet saved.

Talmadge Southard of Stout, IA on August 3, age 87. He was saved during gospel meetings in Stout in the spring of 1950 conducted by Oliver Smith and Paul Elliott. He loved the Word of God and gained a good knowledge of the Scriptures that enabled him to give profitable ministry to the Lord’s people. He will be missed. R. Van Mill, T. McCalley, and E. McCullough participated in the funeral service, with Roy Weber at the graveside.

Louis Oh of Calgary, AB on August 5, age 60. Our esteemed and dear brother went home to be with the Lord peacefully after a valiant four-year battle with cancer. He was saved at age 38 and was in the Acadia Drive Gospel Hall (Korean assembly) since its inception. He served in the oversight for many years. He was a faithful brother who held fast to the principles of assembly gatherings, and will be greatly missed by the saints. He is survived by his loving wife of 35 years, Regina, four children, two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren. The funeral was taken by Jung Kim and translated into Korean, with the gospel faithfully preached.

Gordon Shaw of Cambridge, MA on August 8, age 93. Our esteemed brother was saved in 1947 at age 36 while listening to the gospel on radio. He and his wife Ida, who predeceased him in 1986, were received into fellowship at the old Cliff Street assembly, then later gathered with the saints at Mount Auburn where he served as an elder for many years, and with his wife was given to hospitality . Having become blind at age 24, he worked for over 50 years at the Workshop for the Blind in Cambridge. He was a man given to prayer, offered comfort and encouragement to the saints, and loved to preach the gospel to strangers. Pray for a niece and three nephews who may be unsaved. W. Gustafson preached the gospel and three local brethren paid tribute at the funeral, with J. Grillo at the graveside.

Stella E. Sharp of Midland, ON on August 16, age 90. Our dear sister was saved at the age of 16, baptized six months later, and received into the fellowship of the Midland assembly. She spent the last 11 years residing at Elim Homes and in fellowship in the Waubaushene assembly. Our sister loved to be with the Lord’s people, appreciated the Word of God, and consistently supported the meetings. She was very active in missionary parceling and was marked by a very kind and gracious spirit. The funeral service was taken by the boy she raised, Gary Sharp, with his son, Jeff, speaking at the graveside. She was predeceased by brothers Bert and Nelson, and sister Annie. Prayer would be valued for nieces and nephews, many of whom are not yet saved.

George Brewster of London, ON on August 20, age 87. Our esteemed brother was saved in Toronto in his late teens through a Christian at work, and came into fellowship in the Pape Avenue assembly. In 1942, he and Margaret Kember were married. Eight days later, George, as a conscientious objector, was sent to work in the woods north of Sault Ste. Marie and later to a farm at Lake Shore. At the war’s end in 1945, George and Margaret set up a home in Sarnia and were in happy fellowship there until moving to London in 1972. He was a consistent brother who tenderly cared for his wife in his closing years. He is survived by his wife, three children, and their families. Wm. Metcalf spoke to a large company at the funeral.

Jean Smart of Englehart, ON on August 27, in her 76th year. She is survived by her husband, MacKay (Mac), two daughters, and two sons, as well as eight grandchildren. Jean was almost 21 when she was saved, and was received into fellowship in the Eglinton Ave. assembly in Toronto. With her husband, she was faithful and steadfast to the assembly, and diligent in raising her family in the fear of the Lord. The gospel was clearly presented by D. Nicholson as he gave words of comfort and hope to the family. Please pray for the youngest son that he might be saved.

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina, that struck the U.S. Gulf Coast on August 29, caused property loss and damage for some assembly believers known to us. We are thankful to God that none of them sustained bodily injury. Public services, roads, and supplies have been severely affected. The Gospel Hall in Tylertown, MS was not damaged. The Christians there have been able to supply some of the older believers with food and other necessities. Skilled assistance in restoring damaged homes is a priority.

For information, contact Keith Young, 1200 Estelle Ave, Hattiesburg, MS 39402, E-Mail: keithyoungh@aol.com. Funds to help with relief work and home restoration can be forwarded to the Tylertown Gospel Hall – Benevolent Fund through the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust, USA.