A Tribute to Ken Moore (3)

A Cheerful Soul-Winner

Our beloved brother, Ken Moore, is missed greatly by his wife and help-meet Doris, their children, grandchildren, and by the assembly at Nipissing Junction. We are, however, relieved that his suffering is over forever.

Our brother was saved February 28, 1960. He often spoke of attending Sunday School as a boy in his teacher’s home. She emphasized, “Ye must be born again.” That verse never left him. In 1960 he went back to that same home and heard the same truth preached by the late Mr. George Shivas and Stanley Simms. It was the truth of Revelation 3:20 that the Spirit of God used in his salvation. He often said, “l knew that night if I accepted Christ I would take Him home with me and that would change my home; and it did.” We met Ken and Doris that year.

In the beginning of the work at Nipissing Junction in l962, Ken used his truck to haul fill for the first little Hall. He also helped in the extension in 1967.

In 1968 Ken and Doris were commended to full-time service by the assembly at Chapman Valley. With Stanley Simms, he had several series of fruitful gospel meetings with us. We were greatly blessed when some from our families were saved, as well as numerous others.

Our brother and his wife moved to North Bay in 1990 and have been a great encouragement to us. When Ken walked through the door, his smile was contagious and our spirits were lifted

Ken loved to preach the gospel and win souls to Christ; he was happiest at that work. Many who came to the visitation and funeral were saved through him or married by him. He, however, did not like to “count sheep.”

Our brother was not just a gospel preacher. He could give very suitable ministry. At our first conference in 1982 he was the first to minister on Saturday and he gave a solemn word on “Prepare to meet thy God.” He also loved the truth of the local assembly and preaching amongst those gathered to “His precious Name.”

Ken and his family were told, after an exploratory operation, that he would never get out of the hospital. His family physician, an unsaved man, said that while he had given him the best medical help and surgeon available, “You have a Higher Power.” Our brother not only got out of the hospital, but when a gospel series started, he got out with invitations to his neighboring area! There came a time, however, when his “tent” was no longer a suitable dwelling for such a lovely spirit and soul; so he is “at home” with his Lord and Savior. The only thing that separates us from him is one shout. His seat is empty, he is missed. “Until the day break, and the shadows flee away!”