

British Columbia

Abbotsford: Cap Van de Wetering and Bryan Funston shared the monthly ministry meeting September 24.

Burnaby: A very successful week of children’s meetings was held August 14-18 in a rented building. Numbers were very large this year with a number of parents present. As the fall session begins, please pray that a suitable building may be found for this work.

Langley: During the first week of October, Jim Flanigan from N. Ireland ably ministered to the saints from the Revelation, using his chart.

Squamish: Two ministry meetings were held on September 30 shared by Jim Currie and Jim Flanlgan, helped by two Vancouver brethren. The following week, the saints were encouraged when John Grant of Scotland ministered for one night to the benefit of the saints.

Vancouver: The saints were quite encouraged with good numbers attending children’s meetings at South Main, September 11-15, preceded by door-to-door visitation around the neighbourhood. Some of the new children and parents were direct contacts of the P.N.E. work this sumuner. Alex Dryburgh paid appreciated visits to a few assemblies in the area in August. John Grant gave uplifting ministry in Woodland and Fairview assemblies during the first week of October. Please pray for gospel meetings commencing in Carleton October 15 with brethren Jim Currie of Japan and Brian Currie of N. Ireland.

Westbank: Jim Flanigan was with the saints for Lord’s Day, September 24, followed by a children’s meeting and three nights of ministry before moving on to the West Coast. Kamloops also enjoyed one night of ministry from brother Flanigan.


Ft. McMurray: Following the conference on Labor Day weekend, Jim Flanigan and Ken Taylor stayed for two weeks of gospel meetings with good interest and some encouragement. Brother Flanlgan then paid a visit to Edmonton and Grand Prairie, ministering the Word to profit.


Bancroft: The assembly was encouraged to see the response from children and parents during one week of children’s gospel meetings by Timothy Walker.

Brampton: The assembly was started on September 10. It was a very uplifting day with four of the Lord’s servants with us: B. Bingham, A. Joyce, G. Patterson, and J. Jarvis. Their mimstry throughout the day was very encouraging to the Christians as the work in this area takes this very important step.

Clinton: The assembly enjoyed encouraging ministry and help in the gospel during a visit on Lord’s Day, September 17 by Win. Metcalf.

Deseronto: E. Badgley preached the Word and G.P. Taylor and M. McLeod took part when a nice crowd including some unsaved family members gathered to witness the baptism of a young man saved following the tent series at Selby last year by E. Badgley and R. Vanstone.

Lake Shore: The Lake Shore assembly held a week of children’s meetings during the summer with brother Frank Sona speaking, followed by four weeks of Gospel tent meetings shared by Frank Sona and David Oliver. Norman Crawford assisted brother Sona the frst week. Many showed an interest by attending nightly, and the Christians are looking expectantly for blessing from these efforts.

Gore Bay: For three weeks in August, Murray McLeod and Brian Owen shared in the gospel in a old Methodist church building at Britainville. One young man from Southern Ontario attended a meeting and expressed interest. The unsaved husband of one of our sisters was out nearly every night. During the time of the meetings, their grandson was involved in an automobile accident which could have taken his life. We feel that God is speaking and covet your prayers.

Parry Sound: Please pray for gospel meetings which are to commence in mid-November at a local museum with Brian Crawford and Ed Miller.

Port Sydney: We have been pleased this summer to have a few unsaved out each Lord’s Day evening. We were happy to have Brian Owen, Don Jennings, Arnold Adams, and Ed Doherty for Lord’s Day visits during July through September.

Sault Ste. Marie: Our annual conference over Labor Day weekend proved to be a time of spiritual profit with five of the Lord’s servants giving practical ministry The two Bible readings on the Rapture and the Judgment Seat of Christ were very instructive. Attendance was larger than in recent years.

St. Mary’s: We would like to thank all who helped deliver 8000 Seed Sowers in the area, supported our gospel meetings, and remembered us in prayer. We enjoyed having Stephen Vance and Norman Mellish with us for the meetings. Response was favorable, at least one person was saved and new contacts made. On September 24, a woman was baptized.

Strongville: Brian Crawford and Clarence Black conducted two weeks of children’s meetings in the morning and gospel meetings at night from July30-Aug. 11 in the Lisle/Everette area near Alliston, Ontario. This was a first for this area. One young girl professed faith in Christ for which we were very thankful. The assembly purposes continuing children’s meetings in the area over the winter months. Peter Simms is expected for ministry meetings in October.

Toronto: The three week special gospel series in the Stephen Leacock Collegiate sponsored by 13 assemblies in the Toronto area closed Oct. 1. Many unsaved came and a number of souls professed to be saved. The Word of God was preached with power by Albert Huil and Eugene Higgins and the Christians were greatly encouraged.

Welland: Lorne Langfeld, Timothy Walker, and local brethren gave away hundreds of Seed Sower texts and gospel literature at the five day Welland Fall Fair.


Sainte-Flavie: A man who professed to be saved 1 years ago obeyed the Lord in baptism in May Larry Buote and Gerard Roy were with the saints for this happy occasion. Leslie Wells and Larry Buote had tent meetings during the month of July in the neighboring village of Saint-Donat.

New Brunswick

Bathurst: During August, Leslie Wells and Gerard Roy had a short series of tent meetings in this city situated approximately 100 kin, from Tracadie. Believers from Tracadie supported the meetings very well and some brethren gave appreciated help in the distribution of Gospel texts in three small communities on the outskirts of the city.

Fredricton: The assembly enjoyed recent visits from Noel Burden and Walter Gustafson.

Moncton: William Lavery commenced a Gospel series here on September 17th with encouraging attendance.

Tracadie: The Assembly appivciated the visit of Stanley Wells for two ministry meetings on June 21 and 22. Several believers gathered for their annual conference the first weekend of August. The ministry given was both searching and encouraging. The Bible reading on the Lord’s Supper was practical and reported to be helpful to the believers.

Shdiac: With the help of local brethren the assembly had five weeks of Gospel meetings in June and July with some blessing in salvation. Two believers were baptized on August 27.

Saint-Basile: Helped by two visiting brethren, Gerard Roy had 3 weeks of Gospel meetings under the tent in this village close to Green River. The village was visited with Gospel texts with a good reception, but very few outsiders attended the meetings.

Sussex: The 20th annual conference on Sept.30-Oct.1 was one of the largest to date. Nine servants of the Lord from the Maritimes were present as well as visiting brethren J. Baker, M. Radcliffe, W. Lavery, A. Cook and M. MacLeod. Personal devotion to Christ, submission to His will, and the importance of prayer in our lives were consistent themes in the ministry.

Nova Scotia

Clementsvale: The Labor Day conference was held in a new location on the former Cornwallis Base. The move from the Gospel Hall to the new facility did not affect the quality of the ministry A definite sense of the Lord’s presence was experienced in ministry and gospel.

Sydney Mines: The assembly was encouraged when an 82 year old sister, who professed salvation during gospel meetings a few months ago, was baptized. Robert McIlwaine spoke a timely message at the baptism. During the week of September 17-22, brother McIlwaine ministered the Word nightly to an appreciative audience of those in fellowship and a few from outside.

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: The assembly was encouraged with the excellent response of believers from other assemblies in the Maritimes, who came to Charlottetown on September 23, to distribute Seed Sower texts. The day commenced with a prayer breakfast after which over 10,000 texts were distributed along with an announcement of purposed Gospel meetings. P. Orasuk spoke on Personal Evangelism at lunch time. Please pray for the Gospel series with M. Derksen and P.Ramsay beginning November 5.

Crapaud: On September16, Gary Sharp had an excellent day of encouraging ministry on children’s work. The weekend with the saints was appreciated as well as his ministry in Charlottetown on Sept. 19.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Buchans: The saints were encouraged by the response from the preaching of George Whey and Clyde Strickland during the last week of August.

Gander Bay: Gospel meetings held by Gaius Goff and Alvin Blake in Clarenville closed with encouragement and blessing in salvation. There was much joy as a man from Cape Freels and a woman from Gander Bay obeyed the Lord in baptism August 27. Carl Payne and Bryan Joyce preached the gospel in the open air.

Grand Falls-Windsor: In early September, open air meetings held by George Whey, Clyde Strickland, and Bryan Joyce were very encouraging. Two sisters obeyed the Lord in baptism on September 10.A large crowd gathered at the water’s edge to hear the gospel preached by Bryan Joyce and Gauis Goff.



Robert Surgenor had appreciated ministry meetings inArlington, Seattle, and Tacoma after the Arlington conference.


John Fitzpatrick had gospel tent meetings during the summer inMalott, WA, Wallowa and Hines, OR with blessing in salvation. Brethren from Seattle and Salem helped in these rural areas.


San Diego: The saints were cheered when a mother of one of the believers professed faith in Christ. She is terminally ill and had been the subject of much prayer.


Phoenix: Tim McCauley reports that it has been the exercise of the Sunnyslope assembly to reach out further to the Spanish people in the western sections of Phoenix. With this in mind, they have asked Seed Sowers to have a text and invitation distribution in late December. John Dennison has been asked to take part in this effort and will have gospel meetings in the hall in January Please pray for this effort.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: William Lavery and Matt Smith were with believers here for three weeks of gospel meetings in August. The entire area around the hall was covered with Seed Sowers. Attendance at the meetings was very good, and the believers were encouraged with one young woman trusting Christ. Please pray for others who showed an interest during the meetings.


Hampton: The assembly appreciated two weeks of Children’s Meetings in August conducted by young brethren from Hitesville and Stout, IA, and L’Anse au Loup, LB.


Ferndale: Brian Crawford and Norman Crawford began gospel meetings on October 1. The assembly is small, but has worked with much diligence to make the meetings known. As many as 24,000 invitations have been put into homes in the area.

Jackson: Louis Smith, and Tom and Nancy Cooper from the Jackson assembly are in Russia and ask for the prayers of God’s people for the work there. The assembly enjoyed a night of ministry by Jim Baker. The first weekend in October, A. J. Higgins had eight meetings for ministry and questions on the Christian family and home. Believers came from many places and the teaching was a great blessing.

Livonia: Gospel Meetings were expected to begin Oct29 with Dan Shutt and Norman Crawford. The dates and subjects for our bi-monthly Bible Readings this season are: November 18 – Major O.T. Prophesies about Christ, The Birth and Boyhood of the Lord; January 20 – The Miracles of the Lord, The Parables of the Lord; March 17 – The Betrayal and Death of the Lord, The Resurrection and Ascension of the Lord.


Akron: Jack Nesbitt and Gary Sharp paid appreciated visits in September.

Clyde: In recent weeks, God has blessed the testiunony of the believers to the salvation of several college students who are showing good evidence of new life. Jack Nesbitt ministered the Word and gave a report of the work in St. Lucia.

Mansfield: Stuart Thompson, Robert Surgenor, and Dan Shutt gave excellent ministry in recent visits.

New York

East Aurora: The assembly appreciated one week of ministry on the Garments of the High Priest by Timothy Walker.


Indiana: Dale Vitale and Gary Sharp had three and one half weeks of tent meetings, with over 50 visitors, 35 of whom had never been in a hall before. Some have come out since. There was also a week of children’s meetings, with a total of 25different children attending. One boy from the Sunday School professed during one of the meetings. Jim Smith and Walter Gustafson visited recently, giving very helpful ministry. Harold Paisley spent a Lord’s day here, giving ministry and preaching the Gospel along with Dale Vitale.

McKeesport: Harold Paisley was here for a night of ministry


Matoaca: The assembly was encouraged by a visit from brother David Oliver for a Lord’s Day

North Carolina

Hickory: Ernest Moore from Chile was with the assembly for a four nights in September, giving ministry on Future Heavenly Events. Jim Baker from Scotland also gave four nights of ministry on the book of Ruth. A married couple was received into the assembly fellowship recently


Hardwick A smaller number than usual attended the conference this year. However, seven of the Lord’s full-time servants were with us, four for the first time. One soul professed faith in Christ at the Saturday gospel meeting. William Lavery remained for a meeting after the conference before going to Moncton, NB for a gospel series.


Springfield: The Springfield assembly had Gospel meetings with Mr. James Smith who was helped each night by local brethren from Springfield and surrounding assemblies. A few visitors showed interest.


Newington: The Newington assembly will be starting Friday night children’s meetings, and is hoping to make contacts in the neighborhood.

Conferences. D.V.

Fredricton, NB

November 26 in the Gospel Hall, 109 McAdam Aye, Fredericton, NB. First Meeting: 9:30 am. for the Breaking of Bread. Bible Reading Topic: Preaching the Gospel in the Local Assembly – Do’s and Don’ts. Corr: Rob Griffin, 1192 Rte 105 Hwy. Douglas, NB E3A 7K1, Tel: (506)472-5512.

San Diego, CA

February 17 and 18. More details will be forthcoming.

Conference Reminders:

Arborfield, SK – November 11-12
Blues Mills, NS – November 11-12
Bryn Mawr, PA – November 11-12
Oil Springs, ON – November 11-12
Oshawa, ON – November11
Bolton/Brampton, ON – November18
Maberly, ON – November18
Phoeniz. AZ – November 23-26
Stout, IA – November23
Picton, ON – November25

New Assembly

Brampton, ON: We are meeting at: Loafer’s Lake Recreation Center, 30 Loafer’s Lake Lane, Brampton ON. Order of meetings: Breaking of Bread Meeting: 9:45 am., Sunday School & Bible Study: 11:30 am., Gospel: 7p.m. Prayer & Bible Study: Thursday 7:30 p.m. Corr: Dwight Dyke, 47 Alabaster Dr., Brampton ON L6V 4G8, Tel: (905)459-6983.

Change of Address

Jim Jarvis. 48 Newbury Crescent, Brampton, ON, L65 5L6, Tel: (905)460-0278, E-mail: jarvisj@connection.com.

Change of Correspondent

Hickory, NC: (Correction) Mr. Robert (Bob) MacLeod, 8036 Westbay Road, Denver, NC 28037, Tel (704)483-3521, E-Mail: Bekmacleod@aol.com.

Change of Meeting Times

Strongville, ON: Lord’s Day: Sunday School & Bible Study 10a.m., Breaking of Bread 11:30 a.m., Gospel Meeting 7 p.m.; Tuesday: Prayer Meeting and Bible Study 7 p.m.

With Christ

Frederick Herbert Moulton of Huntsville, ON on April 29, age 82. He was born in Turbine, ON, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moulton. He was saved for over 50 years and lived inMuskoka most of his life. He was predeceased by his first wife Ruth Tyers; then, in 1988, married Charlotte Stevenson Buder who still resides in Huntsville where they were in fellowship. He is survived by daughter Sheila (Philip) Mayville, grandson Ben, granddaughter Christine (David) Yurick, great grandson Jonathon, great granddaughter Kathryn, and two sisters, May and Lil.

Mr. Eddie Gould of Kenora, ON on July 24 in his 74th year. He was saved as a teenager at a Portage conference and was faithful to the Kenora Assembly for over 50 years. Ed gave himself to the study and exposition of the Word, and used his energy in the spreading of the good news, personal visitation and in gospel series. When he, with the late Ernie Jeffries, envisioned the need for an attractive gospel paper, the Via magazine was published. After 51 years of a wonderful marriage, he leaves his wife Ruth, three children, Paul (Linda) of Edmonton, Jack (Ruth) of Winnipeg and Margie of Zambia. Five grandsons are all in assembly fellowship.

William Corbett of Monaghan, Ireland on July 31,aged 82. Brother Corbett was saved as a young man of 17. An able preacher and teacher, his contribution to the assembly in Monaghan and his twice weekly hospital visitation work will be greatly missed. At the funeral, a large number of friends and neighbours heard the gospel preached by brethren J. Kells and S. Ferguson. Prayer is valued for the family circle and the assembly. 1 Sam 20:18

William H. Moore, of Pittsboro, NC, on August 3, age 94. He was saved at age 20 in McKeesport, where he was a faithful elder and correspondent for over 50 years. His devotion to the Lord was shown by his practical service, warm hospitality, and faithful witness. In 1995 he and his wife moved to Hickory, then to Pittsboro Christian Retirement Village, NC. The funeral was conducted by Ernest Moore, grandson Bill Moore, Harold Clark, and several family members, with Fred Dancy at the graveside. He leaves behind Mary, his wife of 69 years,, and children William, Ernest, Stanley, Arlene (Robinson), James, and their families, many of whom are in assembly fellowship.

Mrs. Marjorie Field of Parry Sound, ON on Aug. 12, in her 88th year. Our sister was saved and in the assembly at Parry Sound for over 65 years. She faithfully attended the assembly gatherings until she went into a nursing home in 1993. She leaves her husband, Herb, to mourn. Please pray for the family, many of whom are not saved. Glenn Madigan faithfully preached the gospel at the funeral.

Mrs. Elizabeth McKinley of Vancouver, BC on September 15, age 98. Our beloved sister was born in Scotland and saved in N. Ireland in 1938 through the preaching of the late bre. T. Campbell and Win. McCracken. In 1946, she and her late husband George were commended by the assembly in Lurgan, N.I. to full-time service in North America. A widow for 22 years, she served the Lord faithfully and was fervent in spirit to the very last. She is survived by her daughter Rena (Dave) McGaughey, two married granddaughters, Barbara Frith and Lois Alves, and six great grand-children. The funeral was shared by P. Broadhead and D. Alves, with J. Frith at the graveside.

Sending Fellowship to Missionaries

It has come to our attention that some assemblies and some of the Lord’s people experience difficulties in sending fellowship to missionaries in various countries of the world. Problems are caused by (1) lost or stolen mail, (2) inaccurately addressed mail and (3) fellowship sent in the wrong currency The majority of missionaries from Canada and the United States to whom we send fellowship through the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trusts have requested us not to send checks or money orders directly to them on the mission field. For various reasons, most missionaries have found it necessary to have their fellowship deposited in a bank account either in Canada or the United States.

If you have experienced difficulties in sending fellowship abroad, we would remind you that for many years both the Canadian and the United States Gospel Trusts have faithfully and successfully remitted funds to missionaries worldwide. Experience gained during these years has taught us the safest and most practical way to forward fellowship to our missionary brethren and sisters.

Both the Trusts are willing and able to help you in forwarding fellowship to missionaries on the field, and can be used by any assembly, whether registered or not. You will find that they provide a secure and protected way of transmitting funds overseas. Their addresses are given in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover. Please remember that all checks should be made payable to Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust.


It is time to renew your subscription to the Truth and Tidings. Only the U.K. price is changed. It has been raised to six pounds.