Prepositions (2)

In this second article we will consider two more prepositions, “into” and “of.” Our Scripture passage for these two words is, “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on (into) His name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12 & 13). Remembering the three rules for interpretation of prepositions in the first article, “into” (translated “on” by the KJV) means passing from one position or state into another or arriving at a destiny. In our verse, it will enhance and clarify the action of believing which is a main purpose of the context. Keep in mind the figure of the house (introduced in the first article) we are using to help understand the function of these prepositions.

Christ has been presented in His eternal nature as the One who manifests God, being God, the Creator of all things, superior to darkness, source of all light, and fulfilling the credentials witnessed to by His forerunner, John the Baptist. The Lord Jesus is presented in verses 10-13 as the source and the sphere (in our analogy, the house) of a living relationship with God. Believers, apart from any genealogical or covenant relationship with Israel, and by faith alone in His Word (Him, the house) for who He is and why He came, pass into (into the house) the full benefits of His name, as children of God. “Into” thus expresses an inseparable link, a destiny, and an accomplished purpose. The truth clarified and magnified by this little word, a preposition, should provoke our hearts to adoration. How glorious are the security and ultimate purposes of the grace of God toward us through Christ Jesus our Lord. John 5:24 states this same blessed truth.

The second preposition we are considering in verse thirteen, “of,” is equally meaningful. In English we would normally interpret, “not because of genealogy, nor because of human purpose or effort, nor because of human decision but because of, or from God.” What will be the source and means of forging this link of eternal life as children of God? “Not of blood” is saying emphatically that there is no capacity resident in human nature (the house), to perform this necessary operation. “Nor of the will of the flesh,” equally reveals there is neither inclination nor ability in human desires (the house) to become children of God. “Nor of the will of man,” confirms that it is not the determination of man, nor can it be if desired to produce a relationship with God. The absoluteness of the depravity of man in sin is here declared by this preposition. We thank God for the blessed truth, surpassing human intellect, yet experienced by every believer in Christ. Finally, it says, “But of God” (God here is the source or the house). Again our eye is turned to the Lord Jesus. “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” In Him, from Him, by Him, He is the only source and instrument capable, available, and willing to communicate eternal life to sinners having faith in Him. Again, read John 5:24 where the same preposition emphasizes this truth. In John 3:6 this same interpretation is intended.

May these thoughts encourage us to meditate upon the Word of our great God. He has brought us into a unique relationship with Himself which should exercise our hearts to walk in harmony with His purposes for that Name which is above every name.