

New Brunswick

Sussex: At the conclusion of the gospel meeting on December 8 with David Hierlihy, the assembly was encouraged by the baptism of a young sister who was saved during their conference in October. On December 15, the assembly hosted their annual turkey dinner, followed by a Christmas Carol Service and gospel message by Peter Ramsay. They were encouraged by a good number in attendance that included friends and relatives of the believers.

Nova Scotia

Halifax: The North Street assembly’s annual Christmas Carol service on December 8 saw approximately 40 visitors from the community attending the event and hearing a clear gospel message.


Welland: The assembly received Angel and Karen Davila into fellowship late last year. He is a full-time worker in the gospel, commended by Venezuelan assemblies. About a year ago, Karen and one son (both Canadian citizens) immigrated by exercise to Canada under a special program for relatives of Canadians. A few months ago, Angel was permitted to follow with their three remaining children. He has been helping in Spanish outreach work among immigrants in Welland and in the Niagara Falls area. As of December, Angel received permanent resident status and will continue to work among Hispanics, with weekly meetings in Spanish for children and adults in the hall. He is also learning English to assist in regular meetings as well.

Prince Edward Island

Summerside: The Pope Road assembly extends a warm invitation to a series of virtual Bible Studies on the book of 1 John in the winter months. The Bible studies will be opened by John Meekin, Scott MacLeod, Brody Thibodeau and Tim Burton. These meetings will be held January 4-March 1 from 7pm to 8:30pm on select Saturday evenings via Zoom. Lord willing, a YouTube link will also be available the evening of each Bible Study. For more information, please visit https://poperoadgospelhall.ca/2025-virtual-winter-bible-studies/. If you would like to be added to the list to receive the YouTube Link or have any questions, please send an email to poperoadgospelhall@gmail.com.



Phoenix: The Orangeville assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on “The Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Shawn St. Clair (December 14), Eugene Higgins (December 21), Murray McCandless (December 28) and David Hamilton (Midland Park, NJ, January 4).


Dunkerton: Frank Sona visited the assembly on the Lord’s Day, December 8, and helped with ministry and the gospel.

Hampton: The assembly purposed gospel meetings beginning February 23 with Al Christopherson and Ike Frazier.

Hitesville: Gospel meetings were expected to commence January 12, D.V., with Brandon Doll and Frank Sona.

Marion: The assembly purposed gospel meetings beginning February 9 with Eugene Higgins on “The Impact of the Bible and Christianity on America.”

New Jersey

Pennsauken: The assembly appreciated the help of Paul Barnhardt on December 15. A Christmas themed Sunday School treat was held, with a number of parents of the children present to hear the gospel. On December 22, Daniel Vargas (Midland Park, NJ) helped with a Spanish gospel meeting. Please pray for the Lord to guide and bless further in the Spanish work. A number of Spanish speaking individuals have been reached in the last seven years and added to the assembly. In this past year, the Lord reached a number of their children. Please also pray for wisdom in discipling, shepherding and wisely encouraging individuals in the faith.


Cleveland: The saints in the Monticello assembly enjoyed good attendance at their recent Christmas gospel meeting and community meal in late December, where a number of Sunday School students and visitors were present to hear a clear gospel message from David Petterson. David also remained with the assembly for three nights and gave excellent ministry on the subject of election.


Mt. Sterling: Gospel meetings that commenced December 1 with Ken Baker and Brandon Doll closed on December 22 with blessing in salvation.



Cuautla: From Sunday, December 22, through Friday, December 27, more than 100 believers from Mexico, Canada and the USA worked together to deliver close to 80,000 Seed Sowers texts in this city as well as in the nearby towns of Los Arcos, Yautepec, Oacalco, Cocoyoc, and the surrounding areas. Two simultaneous gospel series commenced on December 29 – in a rented hall in Los Arcos as well as in a tent in Cuautla. Duncan Beckett, Shad Kember, Jonathan Seed and Jason Wahls are helping in these two series.

Other Fields


New South Wales

Lismore: The assembly, with the help of David and Meryl Delley (Cooroy, Queensland) and their vintage 1927 Chevrolet Gospel Van, conducted a three-day exhibit at the North Coast National Exhibition agricultural fair October 17-19 that resulted in a positive response from visitors. In the following week, they also held a Bible Exhibition outreach for four days in a community hall with help from Martin and Valerie Hunter (N. Ireland). This included a gospel meeting on all four nights, with unsaved attending nightly. They look to the Lord to bless.

Special Report

Northeastern India and Nepal

J. and R. write from Gangtok, Sikkim, India: Our burden recently has been to support smaller local assemblies. On a monthly basis, J. has one weekend in our home assembly of Gangtok, then visits Chinjey nearby, Jorethang (South Sikkim), Kathmandu, Nepal assemblies (online), and other assemblies in eastern Nepal on the remaining weekends. We have a weekly gospel meeting on Friday nights in our home; many college students and other contacts attend. A weekly gospel meeting takes place in Chinjey on Sunday evenings, with many local laborers attending. The Lord has blessed our two Sunday School outreaches in Gangtok and Chinjey with children professing to be saved. Pray especially for the shepherding of many young, first-generation believers and for the Lord to raise up godly shepherds.


DeLand, FL

February 7-9, in the gospel hall, 109 E. Rosehill Avenue (E. off N. Woodland Blvd.) Friday: Prayer Meeting 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am, 12:30pm (Spanish), and 4pm, Bible Reading (The Millennium Seen in the OT) 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 12:30pm (Spanish) and 4pm, Bible Reading (The Millennium Seen in the NT) 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Meetings to follow conference: To Be Announced

Arlington, WA

February 15-16, Youth Conference in the gospel hall. Saturday: Singing 10am, Ministry 10:30am and 1:30pm. Sunday: The Lord’s Supper 9:30am, Sunday School 11:15am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4pm. Breakfast (8:30am Saturday, 8am Sunday), lunch and dinner served each day. Expected speakers, D.V., are Brandon Doll and Brody Thibodeau. Corr: Mark Anderson, Tel: 360-540-4991; Email: mmanderson_84@hotmail.com. Accom: Jim Klein, Tel: 425-508-2807; Email: kleinklan123@hotmail.com. All ages welcome.

Brampton, ON

February 22, in the gospel hall, 6 Beech Street. The topic is “Evangelism and the Importance of Preaching the Gospel” with Steven Faviere (Bancroft, ON), Jack Gould, Jim Jarvis and Murray Pratt. First meeting starts at 10am.  Lunch and supper will be served. For more information, please see our website https://bramptongospelhall.com or call John Selesnic, Tel: 905-874-4072.

Bicester, UK

March 22, Missionary conference in the Hebron Gospel Hall beginning at 3pm, with refreshments provided. Expected speakers are Stephen Baker, Leonard Currie, Paul Jenkinson and Paul Kissick. Further details will be available at https://www.hebrongospelhallbicester.org.

Matoaca, VA

March 29-30, with prayer meeting on Friday, March 28, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 6204 River Road. First meeting on Saturday is at 10:30am. For information, contact John Nobles, Tel: 804-265-5455; Email: jnobles6@aol.com. We are looking to God for His help.

Bicester, UK

April 19-21, Annual conference for Easter 2025. Saturday: Ministry 7pm in the Hebron Gospel Hall. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Bible Reading (Colossians 1:12-29) 3:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Monday: Main conference at Heyford Park School, Upper Heyford, OX25 5HD. (Details will be uploaded to https://www.hebrongospelhallbicester.org.) Expected speakers are Drew Logan (London), Stuart Macdonald (Scotland), Alistair Sinclair (Scotland) and David Vallance (Livonia, Michigan). Accom: Graham Keene, Tel: 01869 252295 or Josh Jacob, Tel: 07884 364167; Email: info@hebrongospelhallbicester.org.

Conferences Previously Published

Jackson, MI – February 14-16


Andre (Andy) Hardy of Welland, ON, on September 22, 2024. Born in 1942, he was saved in March 1972 during gospel meetings with Albert Grainger. Andy became an immediate preacher to his large family of seven brothers and two sisters; most turned a deaf ear to the message, but he never gave up on them. Andy loved life, and he showed it, especially telling others of life eternal in the Savior he had neglected for so long. He proclaimed the gospel with a “Hardy” (hearty) voice even until his homecall. He loved to spend the winter months in Florida, especially with the DeLand assembly, and before that in Phoenix, AZ. Andy endured leukemia for about a year before passing. He will be greatly missed by his wife Francine, sons Marc and Danny, their wives and children, and the saints in the Welland assembly.

Milburn Hayes of Phoenix, AZ, on November 27, 2024, age 92. Following his brother Earl’s salvation and subsequent exercise, he started attending gospel meetings as a youth. Eventually, the Word of God began to speak to Milburn during meetings with Albert Joyce. Shortly thereafter, he trusted Christ as his Savior while at work. Salvation gave him a new focus – serving the Lord. Throughout his life, Milburn was associated with assemblies in Michigan, California and finally Arizona. Milburn loved God’s people, especially younger believers, and was always ready with a word of exhortation, encouragement and, where needed, rebuke. He was active in assembly Bible readings and, despite failing health in later years, faithfully attended assembly meetings. Milburn is survived by his wife of 50 years, Glenys; sons Trevor and Norman, and their wives; and six grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by Jon Vizzini, with Martin Baghramian speaking at the graveside.

Robert “Mickey” Johnson of Clermont, IA, on December 2, 2024, age 90, after several months of failing health. He was saved July 1, 1970, during gospel meetings held in the West Union Gospel Hall with Louis Brandt and Henry Wahls. Mick saw that he was included in the “whosoever” of John 3:16. He received further peace from 2 Corinthians 5:21. Soon after, Mick was received into assembly fellowship at West Union, IA, where he maintained a faithful testimony until the end. He was the assembly’s correspondent for many years. Mick is survived by his loving wife Linda, four children, eight grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. The funeral service and interment were held in Clermont and conducted by Larry Crain (a nephew) and Allan Christopherson.