Fort McMurray: The small company of believers meeting in the Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall appreciated the encouraging ministry October 27-31 from Alan Smith.
British Columbia
Vancouver: Following the Thanksgiving Conference, Phil Coulson gave three nights of ministry October 14-16 at the Victoria Drive assembly. The Fairview assembly commenced gospel meetings with David Hunt and William Skates on October 20 in the South Main Gospel Hall.
West Kelowna: Mike Knox gave helpful ministry October 6-11 for struggling Christians. He spoke on “The Anchor to the Soul,” various aspects of joy, “The Adoption of Sons,” and “The Lord Jesus, the Perfect Savior.” The meetings were well attended and appreciated by all, including a handful of believers who were at one time in the assembly.
New Brunswick
Sussex: Scott MacLeod gave ministry for two weeks that began November 4 on the Tabernacle.
Corner Brook: On October 21, the assembly commenced gospel meetings with David Hierlihy and Jon Procopio. Meetings were livestreamed via YouTube and Zoom.
L’Anse au Loup: Eric Fowler and Jim Jarvis gave ministry on October 17. Their annual conference on the October 19-20 weekend was a real time of encouragement for the saints. It was well attended with many visitors from various assemblies outside of Labrador, which was greatly appreciated. Brethren who took part were Tim Burton (Summerside, PE), Marvin Derksen, Eric Fowler, David Heirlihy, Jim Jarvis, Murray McCandless, John Meekin and Craig Munro (first time to Labrador from Scotland).
Red Bay: Tim Burton and Jim Jarvis gave ministry on October 21.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills: The assembly held gospel meetings October 15-28 with Noel Burden and Scott Kaulback (Weaver Settlement, NS). A nice number came out from the community.
Halifax: The assembly held a community supper on October 27 to commence their gospel series with Matthew Cain and Brody Thibodeau. Please pray for blessing.
LaSalle (Windsor): The assembly had a week of VBS in July, followed by two weeks of tent meetings in which Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI) and Bert Snippe faithfully preached the gospel. One young man professed to be saved on the last night of the meetings. He and five other young believers were baptized during the month of September. The assembly is encouraged by the Lord’s working, particularly through the ESL outreach.
Toronto: With support from the Highfield assembly, Steven Faviere (Bancroft, ON) and local brother Liam Hannah commenced gospel meetings September 16 in the Matty Eckler Community Recreation Centre. As of early November, new people were still coming out consistently, and the Lord blessed in salvation. The meetings were livestreamed on YouTube.
Prince Edward Island
Crapaud: Eric Fowler and local brother John Turkington commenced gospel meetings November 2.
Rosebank: The assembly began a monthly food hamper distribution at the hall in September that takes place the third Tuesday of each month. Bible literature is included with the free bag of groceries. Three people accepted groceries during the first month. The second month saw 13 people come and 19 bags distributed. A good number of the people that came have children. Please pray that this outreach will lead to a children’s work in Rosebank, and that the literature and conversations will be for the glory of God.
Summerside: The Pope Road assembly held children’s meetings November 4-8 with the theme of “The Journey from Egypt to Canaan.”
Phoenix: The Orangeville assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on “The Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Matthew Cain (October 12), Bryon Meyers (October 19), local brother Jon Vizzini (October 26) and Steve Myers (Arlington, WA, November 2).
Alpena: The Lord blessed the assembly with another encouraging two-day conference November 2-3. Paul Barnhardt, Jerry Jennings, Melvin Mendez, Joel Portman and Dan Shutt helped with the Bible Reading (1 Corinthians 2), ministry, gospel meeting and Sunday School. The Bible Reading focused on the work of the Spirit in developing the likeness of Christ in believers. Profitable ministry about the assembly included subjects such as the assembly as a place for spiritual nurturing, divine awareness of the needs of an assembly, the assembly’s care and preservation in difficult times, and how God values the time and effort that each believer invests in the assembly. Thank you to all who came and gave support.
Terryville: Two weeks of gospel meetings with Gene Higgins using his future events chart concluded on October 25. The topic was informative and the gospel solemnly preached. Several unsaved people attended each night and the support of neighboring assemblies was encouraging and greatly appreciated. The meetings were livestreamed on Facebook and continue to be viewed by thousands of people. Now that the Seed has been sown, the assembly commits the gospel to the Lord, trusting that He is able to give the increase.
Manchester: In October, the assembly appreciated having Joel Portman for three days of ministry on the functions, responsibilities and privileges of a New Testament local assembly.
Marion: The assembly held a community dinner on November 3 to commence their gospel series with Bill Seale. Leslie Craig purposed to visit the assembly on November 27.
West Liberty: Many children, including a nice number of new contacts, attended the children’s Bible class meetings October 20-30 in the West Liberty Community Center. There were children and adults from the countries of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Haiti, as well as the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. The gospel was clearly presented by brethren from the Marion, Stout and Waterloo assemblies. The meetings continue each Sunday afternoon at the same community center as an outreach of the Marion Gospel Hall.
Battle Creek: VRF support to the Lord’s people in Venezuela continues mostly in the form of medical aid. The cost of adequate medical care continues to be above what the average Venezuelan can afford. The support for medical treatments and purchase of medications is provided on a case-by-case basis and as the Lord provides. The political situation in the country remains basically the same, as the government continues to claim they won the presidential elections held in July.
Bridgeport: The assembly that has met in the city of Saginaw, MI, since 1886 has moved to this new location. This move was necessary due to a deteriorating neighborhood and a hall built in 1945 that was not accessible to those with physical disabilities. The new hall is closer to where most of the believers live. Many of the regular Sunday visitors to the gospel meeting and Sunday School are still able to attend. The saints were blessed to have Paul Barnhardt on October 20 for the first meeting in the new hall. Please pray as they look to the Lord for blessing and for help reaching out to new people in this area.
Mesick: The Sherman assembly held gospel meetings October 27-November 8 with Brandon Doll and John Meekin.
New Jersey
Pennsauken: While visiting in the area, Paul Thiessen preached during three well-attended Spanish gospel meetings in late October. Contacts requested a meeting even on the busy evening of Halloween, with about 50 attending. On October 30, he also gave a much-appreciated report on the work of the Lord in Guadalajara and the surrounding area in Mexico.
San Antonio: Early in September, John and Rebekah Nesbitt moved the Sunday meetings to a hotel conference room. During the week, there is a gospel meeting held in different homes of the believers and contacts in various zones of this large city. During Marcus and Alison Cain’s one-week visit in October, Marcus helped in the weekly Bible study held in the home of a sister who invites others along as well. He then shared in the gospel in a home on the Thursday evening to an encouraging number present. On the Lord’s Day, Marcus also gave ministry and preached the gospel. Two sisters expressed their desire to be baptized at the end of October. Please pray for growth and development of the work in this city.
Crandon: The assembly hosted their annual conference October 11-13. Helpful teaching was given and the gospel faithfully preached by Tim Burton (Summerside, PE), Brandon Doll, David Petterson and Timothy Stevenson. The believers expect David McKillen for a weekend of teaching November 8-10.
San Luis Potosí
El Barril: During the month of October, Ricky Sawatzky joined the assembly for five nights of gospel preaching. Before the meetings began, the believers delivered 600 invitations in the area. The attendance was very encouraging, and one man professed to be saved.
Los Arcos: Apart from the regular meetings during the week, Duncan Beckett began in October giving ministry on Lord’s Day mornings, followed by a Sunday School lesson, and then speaking in the gospel meeting.
Cholula: The work in this part of the city of Puebla (located in the state of Puebla) continues with meetings in the new rented hall. Each Tuesday, Timothy Stevenson preaches the gospel in a nearby rehabilitation center where more than 30 men listen to the message. He has also visited the nearby towns of Atlixco and Huehotzingo, preaching the gospel in homes where some have expressed interest in the message.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: Paul and Barbara Thiessen visited the believers on September 29. The assembly appreciated the teaching given. Paul and David Cadenas shared in the gospel that evening, with good attendance. On October 20, the assembly began two weeks of gospel meetings.
Northern Ireland
Co. Antrim
Ballymena: The Harryville assembly commenced gospel meetings on September 1 in a portable hall set up in the Railway Street area of the town with Alasdair Baijal (Scotland) and Samuel Fleck (Buckna, NI). R. Pickering commenced a gospel series in the Ballynaloob Gospel Hall on September 29.
Ballymoney: The assembly used the Ballymoney Town Hall for another series of gospel meetings September 29-October 25 with J. Black and W. Fenton.
Bushmills: The annual Bible readings were held this year (each evening for two weeks in July) in the Ulster University Diamond Hall, Coleraine. Exceptional numbers of young and old attended nightly as Craig Munro led the Bible readings on the life of Abraham.
Larne: The Craigyhill assembly held their annual conference and Bible Readings at the end of August in the local Leisure Centre. The very helpful and practical teaching was given by D. Gilliland, A.J. Higgins, J. Meekin, M. Radcliffe and D. Strahan. A.J. Higgins and J. Meekin spoke in the gospel. E. Fairfield, J. McCann, and J. Meekin also gave reports of the Lord’s work. Numbers of younger and older believers exceeded all expectations, and all heard the good Word of God clearly and carefully expounded.
Lisburn: A gospel series commenced September 1 in the Plantation Gospel Hall, with E. Fairfield and M. Turkington (Lurgan, NI) faithfully preaching for several weeks; quite a few unsaved attended, for whom much prayer was made.
Glengormley: On September 8, R. Kirkpatrick and D. Strahan began seven weeks of gospel meetings in the gospel hall. The Lord richly blessed as a number professed to be saved.
Portrush: During the same two weeks of Bible readings in Bushmills, open-air meetings were held each morning, with many hearing the gospel preached and receiving gospel literature. R. Plant held two weeks of children’s meetings at the same time each morning in the gospel hall and a good number of children attended.
Co. Tyrone
Augher: P. Kissick and G. Woods commenced gospel meetings October 6 in a portable hall set up in this small village in connection with the Lungs assembly in Clogher.
Co. Armagh
Bleary: Beginning September 8, the assembly held six weeks of gospel meetings in their hall with W. Martin, helped by local brother P. Kaestner. A consistent number of unsaved attended.
Clare: J. Rogers and A. Steele had a gospel tent series in connection with the Ballyshiel assembly. They were encouraged by the excellent attendance and by a number that professed.
Co. Londonderry
Londonderry: Beginning September 15, the small assembly in this city had several weeks of gospel meetings with S. Gilfillan and J. Rogers.
Co. Down
Ballymacashen: The assembly commenced gospel meetings on November 10 with E. Fairfield and M. Radcliffe.
Banbridge: J. Fleck and D. Gilliland commenced gospel meetings on October 13 in the gospel hall.
Bangor: T. Armstrong (Derriaghy, NI) and M. Radcliffe commenced gospel meetings in the Central Gospel Hall on October 13.
Castlewellan: The small assembly used a local community centre to have gospel meetings that commenced September 22 with K. Newell (Kilkeel, NI) and J. Rogers. Surrounding assemblies gave good support.
Edenderry: The assembly commenced gospel meetings on October 20 with E. Fairfield.
Mullafernaghan: The assembly held two weeks of “drive-in” gospel meetings with P. McAuley in September.
Newtownards: The James Street assembly commenced gospel meetings November 3 in commercial premises on Regent Street with J. Rogers and A. Steele.
Pennsauken, NJ
January 10-12, with prayer meeting on Friday, January 10, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall. All conference meetings January 11-12 are at the Pennsauken Campus of Camden County Technical School, 6008 Browning Rd. First meeting on Saturday is at 10am. The Lord’s Supper to be held at the local assemblies. Expected speakers are Peter Ramsay, Shawn St. Clair and Andrew Ussher (Toronto, ON). For information, please visit or contact Peter Higgins, Tel/Text: 609-605-0698; Email:
Phoenix, AZ
January 17-19, with prayer meeting/ministry on Friday, January 17, at 7pm in the Orangewood Gospel Hall, 7245 N. 29th Avenue. Saturday: Missionary Report/Ministry 10am, Bible Reading (Psalm 69) 1:15pm, Ministry 2:45pm, Gospel 4:30pm, Young People’s Sing and Message 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:30am, Bible Reading (Psalm 110) 1:15pm, Ministry 2:45pm, Gospel 4:30pm. The speakers will be Glen Baker, Marcus Cain, Dan Shutt, David Vallance (Livonia, MI) and Jason Wahls. Lunch and supper will be provided on Saturday and the Lord’s Day. If you plan on attending and will need accommodations, please contact us at The meetings will be live streamed for those who can’t attend in person.
Tampa, FL
January 18-19, at Knights Manor Events, 7701 W. Knights Griffin Rd., Plant City, FL 33565 (note the change in venue). Meetings begin at 10am both days. Speakers are Mark Bachert, Stephen Grant and Brody Thibodeau. There will be an activity planned for Monday, January 20, as this is MLK day. More details to follow. For more information or accommodations, please contact Gordon Armstrong, Email:; Tel: 813-848-4056.
Change of Address
Gérard and Elisabeth Roy, Email:
Bridgeport Gospel Hall: 6785 Dixie Hwy., Bridgeport, MI, 48722
Change of Address of Correspondent
Bridgeport, MI: Jon Nicol, Email: