

British Columbia

Richmond: The West Richmond assembly held children’s meetings September 9-13 with Gordon McCracken, followed by gospel meetings September 15-19.

Vancouver: The assemblies in Metro Vancouver once again sponsored a gospel booth at the annual Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) from August 17 to September 2 with displays depicting Daniel in the lions’ den, an explanation of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, archaeology supporting the Bible, and prophecies fulfilled by the Lord Jesus. A number of gospel texts, booklets and tracts were distributed free to visitors that came into the booth.

David Gilliland visited the Victoria Drive assembly for ministry September 21-26 on the subject of “First Century Faith for Twenty-first Century Followers.”

New Brunswick

Green River: The assembly held tent meetings with Gérard Roy, helped by Brendon Basque (Ottawa, ON) June 23-July 24. As a result of the distribution of invitations from house to house, a few people attended for the first time. The saints were encouraged by evidence of God’s working with some who were raised under the sound of the gospel and continue to seek for salvation, having been spoken to by God during the meetings. The prayers of the Lord’s people would be appreciated.


Carbonear: The assembly was greatly encouraged when a young married man obeyed the Lord in baptism in a local pond on July 21. He had been saved several years earlier and has since come into assembly fellowship. Marvin Derksen and Dave Mullett (St. John’s, NL) spoke at the baptism and then commenced a drive-in gospel series in Carbonear, with some interest shown.

Corner Brook: Following a funeral in the L’Anse Au Loup Gospel Hall on August 19, Brody Thibodeau had four days of children’s meetings in the mornings beginning August 20 and ministry in the evenings.

Nova Scotia

Clementsvale: Tent meetings that began July 14 in the rural community of Cornwallis with Tim Burton (Summerside, PE) and John Meekin concluded August 9. The assembly was encouraged by the attendance, including new people from the area, and an older man professing to be saved.

Weaver Settlement: Given the interest in the gospel of those in the area that travelled to Cornwallis, Tim Burton and John Meekin commenced gospel meetings in the hall on August 11. Attendance by adults and children have been encouraging.


Arnstein: The assembly held gospel meetings at the Arnstein Community Rink August 18-25, followed by a circus themed VBS in the tent beside the hall with Gordon McCracken (Scotland). The gospel meetings were also livestreamed via Zoom.

Brampton: The assembly commenced outdoor gospel meetings August 11 in the hall parking lot with Jim Jarvis, helped by Liam Hannah (Toronto, ON). Meetings were broadcast live on FM 90.1 and on YouTube.

Maberly: The assembly set up a Bible booth August 30-September 2 at the Perth Fair with the help of Lorne Langfeld.

Oil Springs: At the conclusion of their November conference, the assembly purposes to commence a gospel series November 10 with Terry Topley and Jim Frazier.

Oro Station: Lorne Langfeld set up a gospel booth September 3-8 at the Barrie Auto Flea Market. Please pray for the seed sown.

Port Sydney: The Deer Lake assembly held gospel meetings August 25-30 with Murray Pratt and Hugh West (Midland, ON) in the hall.

Prince Edward Island

Borden: Jon Procopio replaced Tim Burton to help David Hierlihy with the tent meetings in August. Children’s meetings took place in the morning during the first week, with encouraging attendance. A number of contacts of the believers live in this area.

Charlottetown: The assembly held gospel meetings August 4-25 with Eugene Higgins, helped by local brother John Turkington and Peter Ramsay during the last week of the meetings. The first week included five mornings of children’s meetings. Six young people saved prior to this series obeyed the Lord in baptism on the last Sunday of the meetings. The assembly thanks the Lord for blessing in salvation and encouragement to the Christians.



Phoenix: The Orangeville assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on “The Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Joe Dennison Jr. (Livonia, MI, August 10), Tim Woodford (August 17), Ken Taylor (August 24), Lindsay Parks (Indiana, PA, August 31) and Marc MacArthur (O’Leary, PE, September 7).


Tampa: Gospel meetings held in August with Shad Kember and Ryan Turkington (Battle Creek, MI) took place in two locations over two weeks. The first week involved a children’s meeting followed by a gospel meeting in both English and Spanish in a rented building. During the second week, they preached the gospel in a hotel. Attendance was encouraging, and prayers are appreciated for this gospel effort.


Dunkerton: Frank Sona visited the assembly for encouraging ministry August 24-26. The topic was “The Church That Learned to Stand.”

Guttenburg: Tent meetings that began August 11 for several weeks with Clive Barber, with help from local brethren in the Garnavillo assembly, closed on August 28. Quite a few from the community came out at least once, some multiple times.


Livonia: Tent meetings adjacent to the Stark Road Gospel Hall on July 28 with Frank Sona and Dale Vitale closed August 14. David Gilliland gave ministry September 9-12 on the Lord Jesus, “The Man of Unfolding Prophecy, Unequalled Power, Unrivalled Perfection, and Unlimited Provision.”


Fridley: The gospel meetings that commenced August 4 with William Skates and Stan Wells closed on August 21 with around 20 visitors present one night during the second week. Please pray that the souls that have been stirred by the Spirit would be saved for God’s glory.

New Jersey

Pennsauken: A Spanish language gospel effort was held with Shad Kember Jr. August 26-September 1, with local brethren helping. The purpose was to follow up on contacts from the meetings held in June. The Lord kindly blessed.

North Carolina

Hickory: The assembly plans to have its quarterly ministry series November 1-3 with David McKillen on the topic of the End Times. Meetings will take place Friday at 7:30pm, Saturday at 10:30am and 1pm, and Lord’s Day at 11:30am and 2pm. All sessions will be streamed on Facebook Live.


Akron: The assembly greatly appreciated the variety of profitable and practical teaching from the Word of God by Gordon Armstrong (Tampa, FL), Matthew Cain, John See (Malaysia) and Dan Shutt during their Labor Day weekend conference in their hall; it was also livestreamed. The saints enjoyed warm fellowship with many visiting believers. They trust that the Lord will bless His Word presented to the encouragement and growth of His people, and in the salvation of the lost. The believers also appreciated and enjoyed the helpful ministry from John See as he visited the Akron, Cleveland and Mansfield assemblies following the conference.


Crandon: The assembly held an outreach September 14-15 at the New River Valley Flea Market where the believers handed out tracts, bookmarks, Bibles and gospel texts. Please pray that the Lord will bless the seed sown.


Arlington: During their Labor Day conference, the Arlington and Marysville assemblies appreciated ministry from Stephen Grant, Blair Martin, David Petterson, Huw Rees (Carmarthen, Wales) and David Vallance. Both assemblies were encouraged by the attendance of believers young and old from assemblies near and far.

Marysville: Following the two weeks of tent meetings shared by Gaius Goff, Tom Hoy and Larry Perkins that concluded on August 11, the assembly gives thanks to the Lord for the salvation of a teen girl and a neighboring woman in her 60s. Invitations, which included clear gospel messages and the assembly meeting schedule, were mailed to the surrounding area. They continue to pray that the Lord will bless His Word.

West Virginia

New Creek: Jerry Jennings and Joel Portman commenced gospel meetings on August 21.


Blue River: Gospel meetings with Ken Baker and John Fitzpatrick that commenced July 28 closed after four weeks.



Hermosillo: The assembly is rejoicing in God’s recent blessings. A sister was received into fellowship in early August, and her husband professed faith in Christ soon after. Additionally, a university student with relatives in assembly fellowship was attending meetings for several months, and was saved in August while reading her Bible at home.

Ciudad Obregón: The believers appreciated a visit from Shad Kember on August 4 when he gave rich teaching from God’s Word.

Baja California

Tijuana: On July 25, Silvia Meléndez passed away at the age of 50 in her sleep. She leaves behind six adult children and several grandchildren. A large number of people attended the wake, and the gospel was preached six times. Monthly visits to share the gospel and hold a children’s meeting in this very needy city continue. In August, 15 adults and five children attended, some of these hearing the gospel for the first time at Silvia’s wake. The needs and opportunity in this large city are immense. Please pray for this outreach.

Nuevo León

Juárez: The assembly held a week of children’s meetings August 12-16 with good attendance of children, young people and some mothers. Help from David Nesbitt (San Antonio, TX) and Eleonor Mosquera was appreciated.


Guadalajara: The gospel series concluded on August 23 after just over a month of nightly preaching. It brought great joy to the assembly to see the hand of God evidently working in the salvation of souls. Prayers are appreciated for these new believers.


Los Arcos: On August 17, John Dennison gave teaching on the gospel and evangelization during a day’s meeting. The believers were happy to see saints from the surrounding assemblies present.


Iguala: The assembly commemorated ten years of testimony on August 18. John Dennison gave ministry, and two sisters obeyed the Lord in baptism.


Xalapa: Paul Thiessen gave ministry for four nights in late August. The assembly also appreciated Ricky Sawatzky’s recent help in the work in Coscomatepec.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: A week of children’s meetings was held August 12-16 in the hall with excellent attendance.

Special Report

Democratic Republic of Congo

Gérard Roy writes: Brethren from the Lubumbashi assembly made several trips to this town situated 300 km. away during the past three years to spread the gospel. In August, I was in Kolwezi for the second time and joined several brethren and sisters who worked hard during almost four weeks of gospel meetings. A tent was pitched in the yard of a rented school and several hundred homes were visited. It was most encouraging to see a few people from the neighborhood attending and a considerable number of contacts and extended family members of the believers coming out regularly until the closing night. Some of them expressed a desire to be saved, and the brethren will be returning every two weeks for a gospel meeting in the same school. Prayer is requested for this outreach.


Vancouver, BC

October 12-13, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 11, at 7:30pm in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Drive, Vancouver. All other meetings except the Breaking of Bread will be in the Mary Pattison Chapel at the Pacific Academy, 10238 -168th St., Surrey, BC. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 1:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Speakers expected are Phil Coulson, John See, Frank Sona and Andrew Ussher. Please contact Eddie Wong in advance for help with accommodations at eandrwong@gmail.com.

Bicester, UK

October 18-20, in the Hebron Gospel Hall. The topic will be “The Cross: Considered Prophetically, Historically, Legally, Doctrinally and Morally.” The speaker will be Alan Summers (Mayfield, Scotland). For further details, please visit https://www.hebrongospelhallbicester.org.

Saugus, MA

November 1-3, annual conference with prayer/ministry meeting on Friday, November 1, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 213 Walnut Street. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm. Speakers expected: Eugene Higgins, Sean Markle, Johnny Seed and Andrew Ussher (Toronto, ON). Info: Jon Shutt, Tel: 781-307-8044; Email: shuttjon@gmail.com.

Alpena, AR

November 2-3, in the gospel hall, 401 Lane St. Saturday: Prayer/Bible Reading (1 Corinthians 2) 12:30pm. Ministry 2:30pm. Gospel after dinner. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1:30am, Ministry 1:30pm. Children are always welcome. Accom: Tim Trowbridge, Email: alpenagospelhall@gmail.com; Tel: 870- 423-8484, or Fred Stevenson, Email: fstev153@icloud.com; Tel: 573-201-1282.

Saskatoon, SK

November 2-3, with prayer meeting on Friday, November 1, at 7:30pm in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road. Saturday: Ministry 10:15am and 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 11:15am and 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. For inquiries, contact Murray Buckingham, Tel: 306-291-5684; Email: msbuckingham07@gmail.com; Gospel Hall, Tel: 306-249-5044.

Oil Springs, ON

November 9-10, with prayer meeting on Friday, November 8, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall on Victoria St. All other meetings are in the Youth Centre, corner of Highway 21 (Oil Heritage Road) and Victoria St. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am, Bible Reading (1 Corinthians 11:1-16) 1pm, Ministry 2:30 pm, Testimony/Gospel 6 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday School 1pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm (at the gospel hall). Corr: Ralph Ward, Box 267 Oil Springs, ON, N0N 1P0; Tel: 519-834-2137; Email: ralphward53@gmail.com.

Phoenix, AZ

November 29-December 1, with prayer meeting on Wednesday, November 27, at 7:30 pm. All meetings are in the gospel hall, 1246 E. Garfield St. Friday: Bible Reading (1 Thessalonians 4) 10am, Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading (1 Thessalonians 5) 10am, Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Lord’s Day: Sunday School 9:30am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Lunch will be served at noon on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85305; Tel: 602-818-4190; Email: clarencevanderhart@hotmail.com.

Maberly, ON

November 30-December 1, at Wheeler’s Pancake House on Saturday, and in the gospel hall on the Lord’s Day. Directions: Take Hwy 7 to Maberly, take Maberly-Elphin Rd. north to McDonald’s Corners, turn right and follow the signs to Wheeler’s Pancake House. Saturday: Ministry 2:30pm, Pancake supper 5pm, Ministry/Gospel 6:15pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Gospel 11:15am. Lunch will be served, followed by afternoon ministry. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Cell: 343-402-8822; Tel: 613-268-2616; Email: gordmcleod62@gmail.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

Kirkfield, ON – October 5

Sussex, NB – October 5-6

Turlock, CA – October 12-13

Blue River, WI – October 18-20

L’Anse au Loup, NL – October 19-20

La Crosse, WI – October 26-27


Change in Meeting Times

Brodhead Gospel Hall, WI: Sunday School 9:45-10:45am; Breaking of Bread 10:45-11:45am; Ministry 11:45am-12pm.


Eunice (West) McLeod, of Perth, ON, on January 1, 2024, age 91. She was saved at age 17 through Romans 10:9 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-3, and later received into the Sault Ste. Marie, ON, assembly. In 1953, she married Murray McLeod, and in 1957, upon Murray’s commendation from Highfield Road, she went into full-time service with him in Arden, ON. They moved to Perth and fellowshipped in Ottawa, ON, before faithfully attending the assembly in Maberly, ON, until her homecall. Eunice was an overcomer, a gracious, faithful and loving soul whose actions spoke louder than her words (Proverbs 31). She is survived by her husband Murray, children Heather (Dave) Beckett, Sharon (Jim) Smith and Gordon (Debby), many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, her brother Lorne (Bev) West, and sister June West. Murray Pratt faithfully preached the gospel at her funeral, Benjamin McLeod gave the eulogy, and Duncan Beckett spoke at the graveside.

Gertrude Swaan of Dedemsvaart, the Netherlands, on February 5, 2024, age 80. Born March 27, 1933, she immigrated in her teens to Canada, where she met and married Lou. Although they were religious, a conversation with an elderly couple was used by God to open their eyes to their need of being born again. Within days of each other they were saved. God blessed them with four children, and they farmed in Abbotsford, BC. During a missionary report by Andy Bergsma on the Lord’s work in Holland, their hearts were touched with enormous compassion for the people of their homeland. Upon this divine call, they were commended to the Lord’s work and moved as a family to the Netherlands in 1967. Settling in Dedemsvaart, their labours were instrumental in establishing an assembly. From there they worked alongside other Dutch assemblies. With Andy Bergsma, they mentored Christians, young and old alike, and spread the gospel. Trudy was a diligent, hardworking and hospitable wife and mother. With open heart and home, she readied rooms for guests, busily cooking and serving meals. She also worked for days preparing food for conferences and events. Trudy was always “ready to every good work” (Titus 3:1).

Deanna Collins of Marion, IA, on May 25, 2024, age 53, after suffering severely the last two years from complications due to Lyme disease. Born on October 15, 1970, she was born again in December 1993 while reading the tract Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment. Deanna married Seth Collins on November 26, 1994, and immediately became committed to the Marion assembly. Like King David, she loved the habitation of God’s house. Deanna worked diligently homeschooling her seven children along with helping others. As a couple, they had a burden for their children, driving near and far to gospel meetings. Deanna leaves behind her husband of 30 years, seven children, and two brothers. She was preceded in death by her parents Ronnie and Carma Hon of Manchester. The large funeral service was taken by Al Christopherson, and Tom Novak spoke at the graveside.

Peggy MacLean of Charlottetown, PE, on June 11, 2024, age 94. She was saved as a girl of 15 or 16 years of age. Peggy lived to prove the reality of a life in communion with her Savior. She was a faithful attender of all the meetings and will be greatly missed by all. The funeral service was taken by Neil Thompson. The gospel that had changed Peggy’s life was presented to all in attendance.

Naasson Brown of Ontario, WI, on June 17, 2024, age 63. He was saved October 24, 1974, resting on the truth of John 3:16 and Isaiah 53:5, while attending gospel meetings held by Sydney Maxwell and Eric McCullough in Waterloo, IA. Naasson was in fellowship in the Waterloo assembly until he relocated and married Peggy Rueckheim of the Ontario assembly. He is survived by his loving and faithful wife, Peggy, and their four living children. Naasson was preceded in death by their first child, Rebekah, shortly after birth. He will be missed by his family and the saints of the assembly. Please pray for many who heard the gospel preached at the funeral service.

Sam Haddad of Cleveland, OH, on June 17, 2024, age 86. Born in 1938 in Lebanon, Sam immigrated to the US in 1952. While temporarily living with relatives in Virginia Beach, VA, he learned he was “lost” and “going to hell.” Deeply troubled, Sam subsequently trusted Christ as his Savior. He moved back to Cleveland, OH, where he continually shared the gospel with his family, eventually seeing his sister saved in her 80s. Sam married Dolores Lipke, and they enjoyed fellowshipping together at the Monticello Gospel Hall until her homecall in 2019. As his health declined, he spent the last several years of his life in a nursing home, where he personally witnessed over half a dozen souls (both employees and residents) turn to Christ for salvation. Sam is survived by two sisters, three daughters, and many grandchildren. His son-in-law Ray Gonzalez took the funeral, with Art Pile speaking at the graveside.

Catharine Dugas of London, ON, on July 7, 2024, age 70. Born March 29, 1954, she was saved at work in March 1986 at Canada Post in London. At lunch time and break, a man would read his large Bible in the cafeteria, and she asked what he was reading. On different occasions he explained the gospel to her clearly. Catharine talked with him and went back to her post sorting letters, thinking on the truths they had discussed. She realized she was a sinner and said out loud, “Jesus saved me!” The believer was close by and came over and asked what she said. Catharine repeated, “Jesus saved me!” She saw her husband Eugene saved and one of their boys. They were received into happy fellowship at Highbury Hall in 1989. Two of the boys gave eulogies, Ross Parker preached the gospel, and Phil Lampkin spoke at the committal service.