

British Columbia

Abbotsford: The Parkview assembly invited Frank Sona for ministry March 24-27 on 2 Timothy 1-4.

Richmond: The West Richmond assembly hosted the annual Vancouver Easter Conference March 29-31 in their hall again this year. Blair Martin (Scotland), Gordon McCracken (Scotland), Jonathan Seed and Dale Vitale gave appreciated ministry. Attendance by believers from other assemblies was encouraging. Following the conference, Blair Martin and Gordon McCracken had four nights of ministry April 1-4 on “What Is (and The Making of) a Man of God,” and “Continuing Stedfastly … Acts 2:42,” respectively.

Vancouver: Attendance and interest were encouraging during the ministry meetings with Frank Sona March 17-22 in the South Main Street Gospel Hall.

Nova Scotia

Clementsvale: Marcus Cain gave ministry April 3 on “The Fruit of the Spirit.”

Prince Edward Island

Summerside: Gospel meetings that started March 3 with local brother Tim Burton and Brody Thibodeau closed on March 27 with blessing in salvation. David Gilliland visited the assembly and gave encouraging ministry April 1-3.



Phoenix: The assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on “The Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Shawn St. Clair (February 10), Marcus Cain (February 17), Eugene Badgley (February 24), Tom Hoy (March 1), Jason Wahls (March 9), Allen Madigan (Deseronto, ON, March 16), Peter Higgins (Pennsauken, NJ, March 23), Andy Feinberg (Phoenix, March 30) and David Richards (April 6).


Galt: The assembly purposes to host another conference November 9-11, 2024. Last November, they hosted a conference with approximately 85 people attending, most of them from various assemblies in California. Stephen Harper (N. Ireland) gave ministry during the conference.


Loveland: Marvin Derksen held a five-day Easter gospel series March 24-28 at the Loveland Classical Schools located approximately one hour north of Denver. The meetings were also livestreamed.


Ankeny: Sandy Higgins’ weekend of ministry on the book of Joshua that was postponed in January is now rescheduled for the June 22-23 weekend. The assembly held a Spanish gospel meeting April 1 at the East Side Library in Des Moines, IA, with Ryan Hayes (West Liberty, IA) and Shad Kember. Please continue praying for this effort as some have faithfully attended these meetings for many years.

Dunkerton: William Skates planned to be with the assembly for two nights of ministry April 10-11.

Garnavillo: At the beginning of March, the assembly held gospel meetings with Bill Seale for three weeks and were encouraged with blessing in salvation.

New Jersey

Pennsauken: The assembly held a 3:16 Day meeting on March 16, with Eugene Higgins, David T. Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) and David Hanley (Springfield, MA) taking up the topics of A Young Woman (Mary), A Young Man (Timothy), and A Young Assembly (Thessalonica). A large number of younger believers attended and the ministry was well received. The assembly also enjoyed a visit from Paul Barnhardt on March 17, with help given in the gospel and in ministry.


Cleveland: The Monticello assembly purposed gospel meetings with Frank Sona and Brody Thibodeau April 21-May 3. Please also pray for a Vacation Bible School effort planned for mid-June with Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ).


Matoaca: The little assembly was greatly encouraged by the excellent ministry during their March conference. Paul Barnhardt, Sandy Higgins (Barrington, NJ) and Lindsay Parks (Indiana, PA) took part along with local brethren.


Okanogan: The assembly expected to have David McKillen for ministry April 23-28 on “The End Times” using his chart. They also purpose having VBS and gospel tent meetings June 9-21 with Tony Flett, helped by his son Craig. Please pray for both of these efforts.


Brodhead: Donald Armstrong (Belfast, N. Ireland) visited the assembly on the Lord’s Day, March 17, and helped with afternoon ministry and the gospel. He also gave ministry on March 18, with Joel Portman continuing the rest of the week on the Tabernacle.

Evansville: Gospel meetings with Al Christopherson and Ben Wenger (Brodhead) were purposed to commence April 15 and run three nights a week.

La Crosse: Jerry Jennings visited the assembly for ministry March 10-13.

Ontario: The assembly held a weekend of ministry April 6-7 with Jack Gould on the subject of “Headship.”

Special Report


Neal Thomson (Abbotsford, BC) writes: A new work began five years ago and continues to grow steadily. Their friendly open culture and ability to understand Dutch, Spanish and English afford much opportunity for gospel work. This February, with the Lord’s help, we preached the gospel for three weeks at a community centre, knocked on doors during the day to systematically evangelize the island, made home visits to contacts, preached at a Rehab Centre for addicts, and were invited to speak live on a radio program. About 15 contacts eagerly await the next visit. Please pray that God would put a hedge about the work in Aruba, continue to work in the lives of those who heard His Word, and for something more permanent to be established.


Nuevo León

Juárez: The assembly commenced a gospel series in the hall on March 25 and has seen encouraging attendance from the beginning.


Hermosillo: The believers are very thankful for the Lord’s help during the conference held in mid-March. David Cadenas, Jesse Klein, Shawn St. Clair, John Dennison and Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ) were responsible for the teaching of the Word and the preaching of the gospel. Having believers present from different areas of the US and Mexico was an encouragement to the assembly.


Guasave: Tim Woodford and his family visited the assembly early in March for the Lord’s Day. His help in the ministry and the gospel was appreciated. At the end of March, Andrew Zuidema held a week of children’s meetings.

State of Mexico

Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl: On March 1, Ana Morales, 97 years old, departed to be with her Saviour whom she had faithfully served for 48 years. Up until the very end of her life she attended the breaking of bread. The hall was filled with family, believers and friends for her funeral, where the gospel was faithfully preached.

The assembly appreciated rich teaching from the Scriptures March 21-24 by both Sandy Higgins (Barrington, NJ) and Paul Thiessen.


Oacalco: On March 23, the assembly held their second bi-monthly teaching meeting. Sandy Higgins and Paul Thiessen were responsible for the ministry of the Word. The attendance was excellent, with believers present from Pachuca, Xalapa, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Iguala, Oacalco and Los Arcos.


Tuxpan: Samuel Chesney and Timothy Stevenson preached the gospel March 25-29 in the home of Gloria. Attendance was very good, with new people coming each evening. On the Thursday night, 24 people were present. Prayers for God’s blessing are appreciated.

Veracruz: Gospel meetings commenced April 1 in the hall, with local brethren preaching.


Arlington, WA

May 4-5, Bible Reading conference on Romans 5, 6 and 12, held in the gospel hall. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am, 1:30pm, and 3:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9am, Bible Reading 11am, 1:30pm, and 3:45pm. Gospel 6pm. Lunch and dinner served each day. Leading the readings, D.V., are Daniel Rudge (UK) and David Petterson. Corr: Mark Anderson, Tel: 360-540-4991; Email: mmanderson_84@hotmail.com. Accom: Jim Klein, Tel: 425-508-2807; Email: kleinklan123@hotmail.com.

Prince Edward Island

May 18-19, at the Bluefield High School in Hampshire. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Accom: Philip Collicutt, Tel: 902-940-7560; Email: pjcollicutt@gmail.com. Corr: Glen McKenna, Tel: 902-888-8849, or Brian MacDonald, Tel: 902-566-3831.

Hickory, NC

May 24-26, annual conference in the gospel hall, 253 – 17th Ave NE. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm. Saturday: First meeting at 10am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am. Expected speakers: Gordon Armstrong (Tampa, FL), Dan Rudge (UK), Paul Thiessen and Brody Thibodeau. Paul Thiessen will give a report on the Lord’s work in Mexico. For information and lodging, please contact Philip Moore, Tel: 828-244-8329; Email: pemchile@charter.net, or David Turnbull, Tel: 828-218-2417; Email: dpturnbu@charter.net

Corner Brook, NL

June 21-23, the annual conference will be held in the Corner Brook Intermediate, 11 Mt. Bernard Avenue. The conference will commence with prayer/ministry on Friday evening, June 21, and continue through Lord’s Day, June 23. For information/accommodations, contact Frank Loder, Tel: 709-632-1428 or 709-634-4766; Email: frankloder@bellaliant.net.

Taylorside, SK

June 28-30, with prayer meeting on Thursday, June 27, at 7:30 pm in the gospel hall. Meetings begin on Friday at 1:30 pm. Corr: John Parker, Tel. 306-752-4079; Email: jcpar1951@gmail.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

Newmarket, ON – May 4

Hamilton, ON – May 17-18

Ottawa, ON – May 18-19

Springdale, AR – May 25-26

Portage la Prairie, MB – June 14-16

Edinburgh, UK – September 9-13