

British Columbia

Abbotsford: The Parkview assembly held one week of VBS August 28-September 1 at Spud Murphy Park and was pleased by the contacts made. They were encouraged that their community gospel supper on September 3 saw several individuals and families attend for the first time.

Richmond: The West Richmond assembly held a Youth Rally Week of evening children’s meetings with Brody Thibodeau September 11-15, followed by gospel meetings with Brody September 17-29, with Tom Hoy helping.

Vancouver: The assemblies in Metro Vancouver once again sponsored a gospel booth at the annual Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) from August 19 to September 4, with the main display depicting a whale’s mouth illustrating the story of Jonah. A number of gospel texts, booklets and tracts were distributed free to visitors that came into the booth.

New Brunswick

Sussex: The assembly was encouraged by a young man obeying the Lord in baptism on August 7 after the gospel meeting. His mother also professed to be saved at home that evening.

Nova Scotia

Pugwash Junction: On August 14, Jonathan Procopio held a week of children’s meetings in the mornings followed by evening ministry.Some of the believers from the assembly made contact with over 50 Mexicans who come each year to work in a processing plant in nearby Wallace. They rented the Wallace Fire Hall for four afternoons late in August in order to take advantage of a temporary plant closure. Marcus Cain, local brother Joe Turkington and John Turkington (Charlottetown, PE) had the privilege of preaching the gospel and were encouraged with the attendance of 23-34 people each day. Pray for the Seed sown in these hearts.


Arnstein: The assembly held gospel meetings at the Arnstein Community Rink August 20-27 with Jim Bergsma. These meetings were also livestreamed via Zoom.

Cambridge: The assembly was very encouraged by six young people obeying the Lord in baptism on August 20.  The baptism was witnessed by a full hall of family and visitors. The preceding gospel message was ably given by Lorne Langfeld.

Maberly: The assembly set up a Bible booth September 1-4 at the Perth Fair with the help of Lorne Langfeld.

Owen Sound: The assembly pitched a tent in the nearby village of Keady, and held children’s meetings July 3-7 in the morning, and evening gospel meetings July 2-16 with local brother Nate Kember helping Lorne Langfeld.

Strongville: The assembly held gospel meetings August 20-27 with Brian Crawford and Gary Sharp. The meetings were held in the hall with the option to listen in the parking lot with the car radio.

York: On Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, Blair Martin is expected at the Fairbank Gospel Hall, 119 Ennerdale Road, for ministry at 8pm each evening, D.V. (In June 2023, he gave encouraging ministry to the local believers at Fairbank and at various other locations in southern and eastern Ontario.)


Oxbow: The Souris Valley assembly appreciated a week of ministry July 17-23 from Paul Thiessen. His subject was the Seven Churches of Asia. He also had a message for the children’s outreach at the day camp in Oxbow Park.



Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on “The Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include David Vallance (Livonia, MI, August 12), Paul Thiessen (August 19), Jon Vizzini (Phoenix, August 26), Andrew Feinberg (Phoenix, September 2) and Steve Myers (Arlington, WA, September 9).


Clarksville: Tent meetings with Clive Barber and Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA) closed August 23. They were encouraged with visitors attending and the support of the Antioch assembly and local area Christians. They rejoice with news of four people professing salvation.

Dunkerton: Bill Lavery visited the assembly on August 20 and had three nights of ministry August 21-23.

Manchester: The assembly will not be hosting their annual Bible conference the first weekend in October this year.

Waterloo: The assembly purposed to have Scott MacLeod for ministry on end-times according to Daniel and Revelation on September 6-7, 11-14 and 18-21.


Livonia: Gospel tent meetings with Gene Higgins and Dan Shutt in a large field behind the hall closed on August 16. Attendance was good, and the Lord blessed by saving souls. Please pray that the recorded messages available on https://SRGH.org or directly on YouTube will lead to further conversions.


Fridley: Gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and Stan Wells closed on August 27. Please continue to pray for those that showed concern during the meetings.

New Jersey

Pennsauken: The assembly took advantage of a free week to have five nights of meetings August 21-25 with Gene Higgins. The gospel messages were titled “Focused on the Future.” A large number of teenage contacts attended the meetings. One boy, age 14, spoke of receiving assurance of salvation.


Akron: The assembly greatly appreciated the variety of profitable and practical teaching of the Word of God by Eugene Higgins, David Petterson, Shawn St. Clair and David Vallance during their conference meetings in their hall and online during the Labor Day weekend. The believers enjoyed a time of warm fellowship with many visiting believers, and they trust the Lord will bless His Word to the encouragement and growth of His people and in the salvation of the lost. The assembly would also value the prayers of God’s people for a two-week gospel series planned for November 5-17 with Eugene Higgins.

Cleveland: The Monticello assembly was encouraged by the ministry and attendance at their annual conference during the last weekend of July. Matthew Cain and Mike Knox gave excellent teaching, and the gospel was preached by two young men. The assembly also conducted a week of Vacation Bible School the third week of August, and several new contacts were made within the community.


Brodhead: The assembly began meeting in their new hall at 2409 E. 3rd Ave on the Lord’s Day, August 20. That evening a series of gospel meetings began with Ken Baker (Blue River, WI), helped by local brethren and Allan Christopherson for the remainder of the series. (William Skates was unable to preach with Ken Baker due to health issues.)



Hermosillo: Local brethren continue to preach the gospel on a weekly basis to about 40 men in a rehabilitation center.


Guasave: A gospel series held by the local brethren in August was not only an encouragement to the believers, but also resulted in salvation.


Zapopan: The believers from the assembly here as well as some from the assembly in the south of the city of Guadalajara appreciated a week of teaching given by A.J. Higgins in early August.


San Cristóbal de las Casas: Timothy Stevenson held gospel meetings in a home, with good attention and interest. Please pray for an open door for the gospel in this city. He also visited the assembly in nearby Tuxtla Gutiérrez for a weekend of teaching.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: A week of children’s meetings was held early in August. David and Saly Cadenas (along with Timothy and Amy Turkington) appreciated the help of Eleonor Mosquera. The attendance all week long was very good, with 120 children and 40 adults present the last evening. Those who attended were divided up into different classes during the week.


Vancouver, BC

October 7-8, the 110th Thanksgiving Conference hosted by the Victoria Drive assembly with prayer meeting on Friday, October 6, at 7:30pm in the Victoria Dr. Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Drive. All other meetings (except as noted below) will be in the Mary Pattison Chapel at Pacific Academy, 10238 – 168 Street, Surrey, BC. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 1:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am (Victoria Drive Gospel Hall), Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Speakers expected are Brandon Doll, Murray McCandless, John Meekin and David Petterson. See https://www.victoriadrivegospelhall.com for other details. Please contact Eddie Wong in advance for help with accommodations, Email: eandrwong@gmail.com.

Livonia, MI

October 21-22, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 20, at 7:30pm. All meetings are held in the Stark Road Gospel Hall, 9280 Stark Road. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm, Hymn Sing 8:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 12:45pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Invited Speakers: Michael Knox, Daniel Rudge, Shawn St. Clair and Mark Sweetnam. Corr: David Vallance, Tel: 248-962-6658, Email: davidkvallance@gmail.com. Hall, Tel: 734-425-4910, https://www.starkroadgospelhall.com. Accom: Tim Fouts, Tel: 734-673-7442, Email: srghconference@gmail.com.

Saugus, MA

November 4-5, with Prayer/Ministry meeting Friday, November 3, at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Sunday: Remembrance 10am, Sunday School 11:45pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Invited speakers are Clark Logan, David Petterson, John See, Dan Shutt and Alan Summers. Accom: Shad Brook, Tel: 617-285-4677, Email: shad.brook@gmail.com. Corr: Tony Grillo, Tel: 781-334-6363, Email: tonygrillo109@gmail.com.

Saskatoon, SK

November 4-5, with prayer meeting on Friday, November 3, at 7:30pm in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road. Saturday: Ministry 10:15am and 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 11:15am and 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Inquiries: Murray Buckingham, Tel: 306-291-5684, Email: msbuckingham07@gmail.com; Gospel Hall, Tel: 306-249-5044.

Oshawa, ON

November 11, in the gospel hall, 150 Albert Street. Ministry 2pm and 7pm. Supper will be served between sessions. The Lord’s servants who are following the old paths and teaching the same are welcome to speak as the Holy Spirit guides. Corr: Ken Nicholson, Tel: 905-579-7540, Email: kencnicholson@live.com.

Phoenix, AZ

November 24-26, with prayer meeting on Wednesday, November 22, at 7:30pm. All meetings are in the gospel hall, 1246 E. Garfield Street. Friday: Bible Reading (John 14) 10am-noon, Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading (John 15) 10am, Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Lord’s Day: Sunday School 9:30am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Lunch will be served at noon Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Av., Glendale, AZ 85305, Tel: 602-818-4190, Email: clarencevanderhart@hotmail.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

L’Anse au Loup, NL – October 14-15

Alpena, AR – October 28-29


Change of Address

Brodhead Gospel Hall: 2409 E. 3rd Avenue, Brodhead, WI 53520

Pete & Elaine Smith (PBS Centre): 149 Kroeker Avenue, Steinbach, MB, R5G 0K5, Tel: 204-326-2750, Email: pbs110@mts.net

Change in Meeting Times

Blue River, WI: Gospel 7:30pm.


Marie (nee Hadley) Dunn, Frostburg, MD, on October 3, 2022, age 91. She was the wife of Jim, who predeceased her. His parents were assembly believers. He had returned from military duty and took Marie with him to gospel meetings to hear Paul Plubell. As the meeting closed with “Almost Persuaded,” Marie trusted Christ. Unknown to her, Jim had also trusted Christ during that same meeting on May 20, 1948. Their two children, Maureen and Eddie, were both saved in later years. Marie, Jim and their family were an integral part of the Grahamtown assembly, and their home was open to entertain and help in the spread of the gospel. Marie was concerned that her siblings and their families would be saved. She was a caring sister, and prayer is requested for her bereaved family.

Doris Price, Frostburg, MD, on April 30, 2023, just three months and a day before her 100th birthday. Doris was saved as a girl of eight, leaning against the wall of the Lonaconing Gospel Hall. The truth of John 3:16 brought her to faith in Christ. In later years, she had the joy of seeing her husband (who went home to heaven before her) and daughter saved and in assembly fellowship. Doris had a warm heart for the gospel and for her sisters and brothers in Christ. Her upbeat spirit (and her gentle love to tease others) made her beloved by all who knew her. She was an encourager. Doris was specific in her plan for her funeral. She wanted all who attended to hear the gospel that meant so much to her. She is missed by her family and friends. Maranatha!

John Philip Bell, M.D., of Carleton, MI, on May 30, 2023, age 88. Born in Vancouver, BC, on March 10, 1935, he accepted Christ as his Savior on October 12, 1949, while his family attended the Cedar Cottage assembly. Philip moved to Los Angeles for medical training, where he met Helen Jean Mick, of Boscobel, WI, whom he married on April 17, 1963. They fellowshipped at the Culver City, CA, assembly, and subsequently the Long Beach, CA, assembly, where both their sons were raised. In 2005, they moved to Seattle and fellowshipped at the Clearview assembly. They relocated to Michigan in 2021 and were in fellowship at the Stark Road assembly. He is survived by wife Helen, sons Stephen (Michelle) and John (Beth Anne), and grandchildren Willem, Alex, Callum, Andrew, Lucy, Caroline, Kathryn, Philip and Lauren. Dan Shutt preached the gospel faithfully at his funeral. Philip will be greatly missed.

William F. Wadey of Nashua, IA, on June 30, 2023, after suffering injuries in an automobile accident, age 86. He was saved October 16, 1966, by simply trusting that “Jesus died for me.” He and his wife Betty fellowshipped with the assembly that meets in the Antioch Gospel Hall, which is located a short drive from their home in Nashua. His exercise and prayer was to have the joy of seeing his family saved. William is survived by his wife Betty of 68 years, three sons, one daughter, their spouses, 17 grandchildren, 40 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. The large funeral service was shared by his son Bill, grandson Landen, Jerry Jennings and Russ Nesbit.

Blaine Forsyth of Taylorside, SK, on July 1, 2023, age 77. He accepted the Lord Jesus as his Lord and Savior on November 17, 1954, and subsequently was received into the fellowship of the Taylorside assembly. Blaine’s consistent walk bore testimony to the reality of his faith. His personal relationship with his Savior was significant, and he was faithful to teach his children and grandchildren this truth. Blaine’s life was a testimony to God’s grace. He is survived by his beloved wife Marion; his daughter Kimberly (Tony), Cale and Lexi Sims; his son Chad (Jenni), Georgia, James and Abigail Forsyth. The funeral service was taken by his son Chad, and his nephew Stan at the interment. He will be greatly missed.

Elias Waldner of East Selkirk, MB, on July 23, 2023, age 74. Eli was born on a Hutterite colony but left with his wife and children in 2002 to live in East Selkirk. He accepted Christ as his Savior and Lord a few years after the move and was baptized and received into fellowship at the Ashfield Gospel Hall. He and his wife, Marian, faithfully attended and helped with the work of the Ashfield assembly. Eli was a man with many skills and was a great help to many. After a brief struggle with cancer, he went to be with his Lord and his wife who had passed away just two months earlier.

Hubert Alan Creed of Brodhead, WI, on July 30, 2022, age 85. Alan was born and raised in West Virginia. As a member of the US Air Force, Alan was stationed at Truax air base in Madison, WI, where he met and married his wife, Rose Kennedy. When visiting her parents in Ontario, WI, in 1972, they invited them to attend gospel meetings with Paul Elliot and Eric McCullough. Afterwards, Alan began studying the Bible, reading tracts and attending services at a gospel chapel near their home in Maryland. One Sunday morning in February 1973, while singing the hymn “Why Should He Love Me So,” Alan rested in the work of Christ. He enjoyed studying the Scriptures, and loved preaching the gospel and teaching Christians at the assemblies in Brodhead and Deland, FL. The funeral in Brodhead was taken by Mike Wenger; Robert Orr spoke at the graveside.

Christ “Chris” Kneubuehl of Brodhead, WI, on May 17, 2023, age 90. A year after his father died unexpectedly when he was 12 years old, Chris and his mother heard the gospel in meetings with Fred Mehl in Brodhead. She was saved first, and then he trusted Christ as his Savior while reading the tract “God’s Way of Salvation” at age 13. Chris was a devoted husband to Georgina, and father to five children. He was faithful in sharing the gospel with his family, his coworkers, and those who lived in his community. Chris studied his Bible daily and prayed for the salvation of others. He carried an active part in the Brodhead assembly for many years, preaching, teaching, and tending to the upkeep of the hall. His two sons spoke at his funeral and the gospel was shared by Mike Wenger. Zachary Wenger spoke at the graveside.

Francesco Bonanno of Mississauga, ON, on June 27, 2023, in his 66th year, after 26 years on dialysis. He immigrated to Canada from Italy with his parents when he was just three years old. At age 21, Francesco came to know his Lord and Savior while attending the gospel meetings at Seneca College in November 1978. Afterwards, he was in fellowship at the Fairbank Gospel Hall for many years, and in the last 13 years he called the Applewood Gospel Hall his home. Francesco was faithful to the Lord and his family despite all his health issues. He leaves behind his loving wife Flaviana of 35 years, and twin children Amedeo and Gilda (Michael). Francesco will be greatly missed by all who loved him.

Henrietta (Donaldson) Bell of Toronto, ON, on July 16, 2023, age 89. Our dear sister was born August 28, 1933, in County Down, Northern Ireland. She trusted the Lord Jesus as Savior on November 19, 1948, through John 3:16. The first one saved in her family followed by others, she prayed earnestly her entire lifetime for others not saved. She was baptized on October 31, 1953, and received into fellowship at Granshaw Gospel Hall, NI, on November 8, 1953. She came to Canada in 1956, marrying her late husband George Bell on October 21, 1961. They faithfully attended Eglinton Gospel Hall for over 50 years and Victoria Park Gospel Hall in later years. Lorne Langfeld aptly took the funeral and preached the gospel. She displayed courage, consistency, prayerfulness and kindness, devoting her life to serving others. She leaves behind her sons Stephen (Peggy) and Allan (Melissa), and three grandchildren.