Calgary: The West Hillhurst assembly held tent meetings coinciding with the Calgary Stampede July 7-16 at Forest Heights Park with Ross Vanstone, helped by local brethren and Samuel McKinley (Richmond, BC). The meetings were very encouraging with 15-16 visitors out each night, some of them expressing a real interest in the gospel.
British Columbia
Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly conducted a VBS in the hall August 14-18 with the theme “Adventures with Daniel.” They also purposed gospel meetings September 10-29 with Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI) and Stephen Harper (N. Ireland).
Maple Ridge: Gospel tent meetings commenced July 30 again in this community for the month of August. John Meekin was helped by brethren of the Victoria Drive assembly.
Surrey: The Fleetwood assembly held one week of children’s meetings July 24-28 with Tom Hoy at Fleetwood Park, followed by a community barbecue (and gospel message) on Saturday, July 29, in the hall. They were encouraged by the large number of children in attendance at the VBS and the turnout for the barbecue.
Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly conducted three weeks of children’s meetings/VBS outreach at Brewers Park (July 10-15), Memorial South Park (July 24-29) and Norquay Park (August 7-12). They were encouraged by the attendance of new children with their parents that live near these parks close to the hall. Please pray that these children will attend Sunday school in the fall, and that their parents will attend the concurrent adult Bible class outreach.
New Brunswick
Sussex: The believers rejoiced when a young girl who was troubled for several years professed to be saved July 21 after reading the gospel article on the back of the July issue. After a young man expressed interest in being saved, the assembly held three nights of gospel meetings August 1-3 with Murray McCandless, helped by local brethren. They were encouraged that he professed to be saved after the first night.
Nova Scotia
Clementsvale: The assembly pitched a tent and held children’s meetings July 24-28 with Tim Burton in the neighboring community of Cornwallis. They were encouraged by the attendance of 25 children regularly, 45 children on the final night, and 40 adults. Tim and local brother David McClelland held gospel meetings July 30 in the tent for two weeks.
Delmer: The assembly held tent meetings July 23-August 6 in Courtland, ON, with Jim Bergsma and Steve Kember. Prayers are coveted as there was much interest last year at the same site, with over 150 newcomers during the three-week series, resulting in at least one professing salvation. The community is largely Dutch Reformed and Mennonite, with many other religions represented in the area.
Kirkfield: The Victoria Road assembly’s “Gospel Drive-In” meetings July 9-21 in the nearby hamlet of Glenarm saw unbelievers in attendance each night, with others listening remotely to the FM broadcast. Brian Crawford and Gary Sharp preached the gospel faithfully, and the saints were encouraged by the support of other believers in nearby congregations. The Drive-In meetings continued each Sunday night until the end of August.
Sarnia: The assembly pitched a tent and ran a VBS July 31-August 4 in the mornings in Germain Park. In the evening, Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI) and Brody Thibodeau preached the gospel July 23-August 6. The meetings were very well attended, with new visitors in every night. A number of people expressed interest in salvation, and there have been professions of faith. Only time will tell if there has been a genuine work of God in their lives.
Prince Edward Island
Cornwall: David Hierlihy and John Turkington (Charlottetown, PE) had children’s meetings for one week in July and gospel meetings in the tent at night for two and a half weeks. Meetings concluded on August 2. Scott MacLeod filled in for David the last few nights.
Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on “The Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Joe Dennison Jr. (Farmington Hills, MI, July 8), Tom Baker (July 15), Bryan Joyce (July 22), Bryon Myers (July 29) and Marcus Cain (August 5).
Ankeny: The assembly held a Spanish gospel meeting July 17 at the East Side Library in Des Moines, IA.
Antioch: In July, the assembly enjoyed a week of ministry from Joel Portman July 9-14 on the book of Romans.
Clarksville: Clive Barber and Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA) commenced tent meetings on behalf of the assembly on August 6.
Dunkerton: John Fitzpatrick visited the assembly on Lord’s Day, July 23, and gave an afternoon word of ministry.
Hitesville: Frank Sona visited the assembly on Lord’s Day, July 23, and gave ministry on Monday, July 24. John Fitzpatrick also visited the assembly for ministry on Tuesday, July 25.
Manchester: The assembly held gospel tent meetings July 16-30 with Clive Barber and Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA).
Stout: The assembly convened a meal and afternoon ministry in recognition of 100 years of assembly testimony (July 1923-July 2023), having been planted and preserved by God’s grace alone. The saints from many different assemblies enjoyed ministry from Robert Orr, who presented a brief history of the pioneering work in northern Iowa in the early 1920s with Oliver Smith. A few Stout brethren shared family histories connected with the spread and blessing of the gospel in these parts. Sharing in the ministry was Bill Lavery, Joel Portman, William Skates and Frank Sona. The believers enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship together reminiscing from the past and being encouraged to presently persevere at the work and labor in the gospel by the grace of God.
Waterloo: Gospel tent meetings that commenced June 25 with Clive Barber, Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA), Russ Nesbit and others closed on July 9 with blessing in salvation.
West Union: The assembly appreciated ministry from John Fitzpatrick on July 24.
Saugus: The assembly appreciated help from Gene Higgins at the beginning of July in ministry and the gospel. He was able to spend a few nights in the gospel at the rehab centre as well. They are also thankful for a very profitable VBS week in the latter part of the month. Gary Sharp taught the Bible lesson each night. They were encouraged by the good response to the invitations – over 40 children came, many with their parents. The believers trust that many will respond to the Sunday school invitations. God gave help in the presentation of clear gospel messages.
Cass City: On July 23, Dan Shutt visited the assembly; he gave an encouraging word of ministry and preached the gospel.
Livonia: Gospel meetings commenced July 30 with Gene Higgins and Dan Shutt in a tent pitched behind the hall.
Mesick: The Sherman assembly held gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and Stu Thompson July 9-29. Attendance was very encouraging and there was blessing in salvation.
North Carolina
Denver: The assembly was encouraged by a young man recently obeying the Lord in baptism.
Bryn Mawr: On July 9, the assembly enjoyed a brief visit from John and Rebekah Nesbitt and son Jacob. John gave a report of the work in Veracruz, Mexico, where they labored for 12 or more years, and then the gospel work in San Antonio, TX, the location of their current labor among Spanish-speaking people.
San Antonio: God continues to give blessing in the salvation of souls. Two women recently professed faith in Christ. The assembly was also encouraged with the baptism in a lake north of the city on July 25 of four new believers – David, Daniel, Raul and Eunice. John and Rebekah Nesbitt value your prayers for the development and growth of the work.
Crandon: A number of couples and a large number of young people helped with a July 24-29 distribution of 32,000 Seed Sowers texts and invitations in the communities of Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Radford and Salem. The first week of gospel meetings commenced July 30 with Darris Barney (Tampa, FL) helping David Hierlihy. Attendance was minimal, but some contacts were made. For the second week, Gordon Armstrong (Tampa, FL) helped David. Prayer for the work is much appreciated.
Matoaca: Following their tent meetings adjacent to the hall in June, the assembly was happy with the number of people who came out to hear the gospel, and they are encouraged that a number have come back for their regular Sunday night gospel meetings. Only eternity will reveal the results of the tent meetings.
La Crosse: The assembly held a week of children’s meetings July 30-August 3 with Paul Barnhardt.
Ontario: Gospel meetings that commenced June 18 with John Fitzpatrick and Frank Sona concluded July 21 with blessing in salvation. A nice number of contacts from the community came in throughout the course of the meetings.
Waukesha: Joel Portman visited the assembly for ministry July 23-26.
Nuevo León
Monterrey: The assembly held special children’s meetings July 24-28 and were encouraged by the excellent attendance. The believers enjoyed Ricky and Erika Sawatzky’s visit; he taught the lesson each day to the children.
San Luis Río Colorado: For the last year the Lord has showed His abundant grace in the salvation of souls and the restoration of believers in this border city. The attendance and exercise of the believers, along with the joy of seeing new people in frequently from the community, have been a real source of encouragement to John Dennison and Shad Kember, who have been labouring here. The believers will begin breaking bread in August, D.V.
Hermosillo: The assembly appreciated a visit and ministry from Jesse Klein on July 20. He spoke on fellowship with believers despite differences, using two of the Lord’s disciples (Matthew and Simon the Zealot) as examples.
Ciudad Obregón: The believers enjoyed a visit from Jesse Klein and his family in July in which he shared a word of ministry. On the last Sunday of the month a sister obeyed the Lord in baptism.
Guasave: On July 23, Jesse Klein visited the assembly with his family. Jesse’s devotional word was a blessing to those present.
State Of Mexico
Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl: On July 23, the assembly appreciated visits from Carl Knott (Seville, Spain) and Duncan Beckett. Carl gave helpful teaching from Romans and Duncan preached the gospel.
Oacalco: The fourth bimonthly meeting was held on July 22. It was a joy to have Carl Knott present to share teaching from 1 Samuel 1-4. Believers from five different states were present for the day. Carl later shared four nights of teaching on Romans 1-4.
Iguala: The assembly appreciated three nights of ministry from the book of Romans in July. They also held a week of well attended children’s meetings.
Xalapa: During the third week of July the believers had a week of children’s meetings and were encouraged to see a good number attend daily. During the same week a gospel series commenced and some of the children attended with their parents. Melvin Méndez was present to help with these efforts as well as with visitation. On Saturday, July 22, Samuel Chesney, Melvin Méndez and Timothy Stevenson visited the city of Puebla for a house meeting. They were encouraged with the interest shown.
Veracruz: On July 8, a special meeting was held to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the assembly. Samuel Chesney and Timothy Stevenson were present for the happy occasion. The believers also visited El Hatito, a nearby town, for a gospel meeting.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: Over the course of two weeks, the believers appreciated the visits of Charles, Gary and Philip Davidson, as well as Jeff Rogers (all from N. Ireland). Their help in ministry and in devotional messages was a blessing and encouragement.
Bicester: The Hebron assembly held three weeks of well-attended tent meetings in June with Jonathan Black and Paul McCauley. There was a wide variety of people who listened respectfully to the gospel that was presented faithfully. On a number of nights people from the travelling community came in as a result of the roadside signage. One woman showed a definite interest in salvation and consistently attended each night. The assembly was encouraged by the good number of unsaved souls who attended, as well as believers who came from neighbouring assemblies. The local area was systematically visited by the preaching brethren and encouraging conversations were had at the doors each day. They look to the Lord expectantly for evidence of blessing in salvation in those who were privileged to hear the gospel. Prayer would also be appreciated for the upcoming Bible exhibition to be held in the hall October 9-20.
Hampton, IA
September 2-3, annual missionary conference in the gospel hall, 9 3rd Street SE. Expected speakers will be Kory Crawford (Costa Rica), Phil Coulson (UK) and Brian Howden (Angola). For more information, please contact Ben McCandless, Email:
Blue River, WI
October 14-15, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 13, at 8pm in the gospel hall. All other meetings are at the Highland High School starting at 10am on October 14. Lord’s Day: Bible reading (The glory of our Great High Priest – Psalm 110:4 and Hebrews 4:14) 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30 am. For inquiries, contact Jim Frazier, Email:; Tel: 608-537-2977.
La Crosse, WI
October 28-29, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 27, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 1928 George Street. All other meetings are in the Logan High School, 1500 Ranger Drive. Meetings on Saturday at 10am, 2pm and 6pm. Lunch and supper will be served. Meetings on Lord’s Day are “Devotional ministry with the Lord’s Supper in view” 9:15am, the Lord’s Supper 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Lunch will be served. There will be children’s meetings each day at 1pm. Information: Jeremiah Collins, Tel: 608-769-4017 call/text; Email: Accom: Cal Erickson, Tel: 608-790-7724 call/text; Email: