British Columbia
Kamloops: The assembly appreciated the preaching of the gospel for two weeks from the end of October to the beginning of November. They were thankful for one believer that was baptised, and for one profession of faith in Christ during the meetings. A nice number were interested each night, and the saints trust that others will show concern for their souls. David McKillen (N. Ireland) and Dave Richards were helped by the Lord in the preaching of the gospel.
North Bay: The saints were encouraged recently with a young brother coming into fellowship and two young brethren obeying the Lord in baptism. The assembly also recommenced in-person gospel meetings on Lord’s Day evenings and they are pleased to see unsaved attending.
Oshawa: The assembly was encouraged with blessing during three weeks of gospel meetings with Brian Crawford and Eric Fowler. New contacts were made and one woman continues to show concern about salvation.
The assembly enjoyed their one-day conference in November. Timely ministry was given by six of the Lord’s servants to a full hall.
Sudbury: In October, the assembly was encouraged when a young sister was baptized. Some neighbors and friends were in attendance to hear the gospel and to witness the baptism.
In December, Brian Crawford shared the gospel at the annual Christmas lunch, and also stayed for three nights of ministry.
Wallaceburg: Frank Sona’s border delay enabled him to join Gerard Roy for a gospel series November 6-December 4. A 70-year-old man professed to be saved and his wife was restored, giving much joy to the saints.
Windsor: The assembly sold their building at 644 Partington Avenue (closing January 18, 2023) and is currently seeking the Lord’s guidance on a new location. Updates will be posted on the assembly Facebook page at as to meetings and location.
Taylorside: The assembly appreciated visits from John and Linda Fitzpatrick on October 11, and from Alan Smith November 13-18. Wholesome and valuable teaching was received from both visiting brethren for which we give thanks to our faithful God and heavenly Father.
Alpena: The Lord blessed the assembly with one more encouraging in-person conference November 5-6. At least seven assemblies were represented. On hand to give help with the Bible reading (Romans 8), ministry, gospel meeting, and Sunday School were Paul Barnhardt, Jaime Brandt (Black River Falls, WI), Jerry Jennings, Joel Portman, Harry Rodríguez, Alan Scott (Kansas City, MO) and Gary Toombs (Kansas City, MO). Profitable ministry touched on such subjects as the work of Christ in us, the exceeding riches of His grace, God’s sovereignty in all things, and the need for unwavering faith in testing times. A very warm note of thanks is extended to all who came and gave support.
Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on the “Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include A. J. Higgins (November 12), John Dennison (November 19), Andrew Chill (Phoenix, AZ, November 26), and Stephen Vance (December 3).
Hitesville: On December 4, the assembly held an afternoon ministry meeting with Brandon Doll and Brody Thibodeau.
West Liberty: Children’s meetings were held November 6-17, with brothers from the Marion Gospel Hall giving the messages. A nice number of children from the community attended, many consistently. Bible classes continue each Sunday afternoon.
Saugus: The assembly enjoyed ministry from A.J. Higgins November 5-6 on the topic of Visits to Bethlehem: David – The Maturing of a Servant, Boaz – The Marks of a Spiritual Man, Jacob – A Memorial to Sorrow, and Christ – The Manger and a Savior. Some from other local assemblies also attended. The sessions were livestreamed as well. It was a profitable weekend for which the assembly is thankful.
Battle Creek: Prayer is requested for a new location for an ongoing weekly ESL class in the Lansing, MI, area. The class was started earlier this year and recently moved to a new location in Lansing.
Venezuela Relief Fund: The VRF continues to provide support for the Lord’s people in Venezuela. On a one-by-one basis, medical needs are being provided for either by the direct purchase of medications or payment of doctor and/or hospital bills. Also, recently harvested crops included corn (30 tons) for cornmeal, sweet corn, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, sweet potatoes and beans. These are distributed to the assemblies in the central region of the country. Eastern, western and southern regions receive food supplies purchased and shipped from Miami on pallets. There is so much to be thankful for as the Lord has continued to provide for the needs of His people in the country.
Sherman: Larry Perkins and Dan Shutt will join with the assembly for a gospel series commencing January 8, D.V. The fellowship of God’s people near and far in prayer for the effort will be greatly appreciated.
Cleveland: In November, the Monticello believers were encouraged by a Veteran’s Day breakfast held for the community, and Bill Seale also visited with four days of helpful ministry.
San Antonio: John and Rebekah Nesbitt are encouraged with the attendance at the meetings. A family they met in 2019 while passing through Laredo, TX, has moved to San Antonio and is now attending meetings. John has started teaching for the new believers, while continuing to preach the gospel to the unsaved. Moriah Nesbitt has a weekly Sunday School class as well.
Black Earth: Larry Perkins had gospel meetings during the month of October, with some unsaved attending.
Nuevo León
Monterrey: Harrys Rodríguez visited the assembly for appreciated ministry November 24-29 and also shared in the gospel. Juan Carlos Rodríguez, from the Veracruz assembly, also helped in the preaching of the gospel and Sunday School at the same time. A gospel series was purposed to commence on December 28 following the Seed Sowers effort at the end of December.
La Purísima: The assembly was able to recommence their weekly Saturday night gospel meeting in November.
Oacalco: In November, Duncan Beckett had the joy of baptizing two believers.
Cuernavaca: Duncan Beckett continues preaching the gospel each week in a rehabilitation center, and appreciated help from Tim Boddy (New Creek, WV) in this outreach during his recent visit to Mexico.
Mexico State
Nezahualcóyotl: By God’s grace, the assembly celebrated their 21st anniversary in November. Believers from Pachuca, Iguala and Oacalco were also present for the day. Appreciated teaching on local church truths was given by Duncan Beckett, Timothy Stevenson and Paul Thiessen.
Xalapa: In November, the assembly enjoyed three nights of teaching given by Paul Thiessen, and was encouraged by the good attendance.
Veracruz: The first in-person conference was held November 18-20 in this port city. Duncan Beckett, Samuel Chesney, Harrys Rodríguez, Paul Thiessen, Timothy Turkington and Timothy Stevenson were all present to help in the ministry of the Word. Around 140 were present, about half being believers in fellowship in different local churches.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: In November, the assembly held two weeks of gospel meetings with encouraging attendance and interest, including some new contacts.
Phoenix, AZ
January 13-15, in the Orangewood Gospel Hall, 7245 N. 29th Ave. All are welcome. For additional information call 480-329-6841.
Sussex, NB
February 12, all meetings in the Sussex Regional High School, 55 Leonard Drive, Sussex NB. The meetings will be zoomed from the High School. Activities planned for Saturday, please contact for details. Corr: Jim MacIntosh Accom: Trevor McClelland, call or text 506-434-2251 email
Jackson, MI
February 17-19, with prayer meeting on Friday, February 17, at 7pm in the Jackson Gospel Hall, 910 Bennett Street. Saturday and Lord’s Day meetings will be held at East Jackson High School, 1404 N. Sutton Road. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:45 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:30am, Prayer and Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. John Dennison, Stephen Grant, Larry Perkins and David Petterson have responsibility for the conference ministry meetings. Accom: Jason Wielenga, Tel: 517-914-1275; Email: Corr: Douglas Losey, Tel: 517 787-9169; Email: Assembly website:
Clinton, ON
February 25, one day conference at the Joseph Street Gospel Hall. Invited speakers are Eugene Higgins and David Zuidema. Corr: Keith Bachert, Tel: 519-526-7135.
Bicester, UK
April 9-10, Annual conference for Easter 2023. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am-12 noon, Bible Reading (Revelation 20) 3:30-5pm, Gospel 6-7:30pm. Monday: Main conference at Heyford Park school, Upper Heyford, OX25 5HD. (Details will be uploaded on Expected speakers are Jeremy Holifield, Malcolm Radcliffe, Ken Totton and Alan Summers. Accom: Graham Keene, Tel: 01869 252295 or Josh Jacob, Tel: 07884 364167; Email:
Conferences Previously Published:
Pennsauken, NJ – January 6-8
Tampa, FL – January 14-15
DeLand, FL – February 3-5
Bicester, UK – February 23-26
Change of Address
Windsor, ON: Please visit for details.
Change of Correspondent
Englehart, ON: Wayne Marshall, Tel: 705-948-0410; Email:
Change in Meeting Times
Windsor, ON: Please visit for details.
Verlin Perkins of Salem, OR, on May 20, 2022, age 74. Born in Denver, CO, he was the youngest of seven children and was saved at age 12. When he was a boy, Verlin’s family lived in the Colorado mountains, kindling his love for the outdoors. Moving to Oregon partway through university, he began courting Diana Lowry of Forest Grove, OR. After graduating, Verlin and Diana were married, and he started a career in rare metals. They were blessed with two sons and three beloved grandchildren. He was a faithful elder in the assembly at Salem for many years. After a brief battle with cancer, Verlin passed quietly into the presence of his Lord. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Diana; three sisters; son Matthew; and son Jeremy with his wife, and three children. Verlin is greatly missed by family and friends who admired his steadiness and sense of humor.
Karen Hill Gilfillan of Saugus, MA, on August 11, 2022, age 72. Born to Theresa Procopio Hill and Frederick Hill, she was saved at age 18 through Romans 10:9. Karen displayed an untiring and kind demeanor. Her love for pre-schoolers and her fervent work as a Sunday School teacher will be remembered, as will her smile and care for others. Karen was loved and respected in the community as well. She leaves behind her husband Dennis of 42 years; two sisters Jacquelyn (Glenn) Smith and Paula (Steven) MacIntosh; her children Lindsey Boyer, Heather and Andrew; and two grandchildren. She was predeceased by her brothers Allen and Stephen Hill. A well-attended memorial was held at the Walnut Street Gospel Hall on August 18. Dale Vitale faithfully presented the gospel to many unsaved, including a good number from the community. Pray for some in the family who are yet without Christ.
Hugh Garnham of London, ON, on October 21, 2022, age 94. He was born December 19, 1927, and was saved as a boy of 14 through the truth of John 5:24. Hugh was baptized and later received into the assembly at Straffordville, ON. In 1947 he came to London Teachers College and came into fellowship in London where he continued faithfully for 69 years. In 1953 he married Ruth Tempest; they had six children. The weekly children’s meetings in St. Marys, prayer, Bible reading, and hospitality were the hallmark of this godly couple’s life and service. He requested that his grandchildren sing Sunday School choruses and read selected Scriptures from his Bible; this was done at the interment. Three of his grandchildren and David Rodgers spoke at the memorial service. Truly a man of God has been taken from our midst, and as Hebrews 13:7 says, “Whose faith follow.”
Lenore Parker (Ritchie) of Winnipeg, MB, on October 21, 2022, just six days before her 98th birthday. She was saved as a girl of nine in 1933 through John 3:16 while on vacation in Gimli, MB. Lenore joined the assembly at the West End Gospel Hall in Winnipeg in 1940, and continued in fellowship in this assembly until her passing, although the frailties of old age prevented her active participation for the past decade. Mrs. Parker was known for her active gospel witness, hospitality, and coordination of meals and kitchen activities at the annual assembly conferences. She was strong in her faith and enjoyed the support of her loving family. Lenore leaves behind three sons, two daughters, their spouses, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Two of her sons took the funeral, bringing words of comfort and a message in the gospel.
Nissan Shamoon of London, ON, on October 29, 2022. Born in Iraq in 1946, he and his family of seven moved to London in 1996. Through the faithful life and witness of Hikmat Esho, Nissan was saved in 2000 through 1 John 5:13, and was in assembly fellowship in St. Thomas, ON. After moving to London, he joined the Highbury Avenue assembly. After his salvation, Nissan’s wife and seven children cut him off completely and put him out of the family home. He lived alone until a year ago when one of the daughters took an interest in his condition and visited him occasionally. The funeral was held in the Highbury Gospel Hall where Phil Lampkin and Hikmat Esho proclaimed the gospel in English and Arabic to a full auditorium. They also spoke at the interment, and the family enjoyed speaking with the Christians at the reception afterwards.
Kathryn Junker of Cedar Falls, IA, on November 14, 2022, age 96. She came to know the Lord Jesus as her personal Savior on January 29, 1946, while sitting with two friends in a café after a gospel meeting, pondering Isaiah 53:6, “The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” She first gathered with the Stout, IA, assembly, and for the past 58 years was in happy fellowship in the Cedar Falls assembly. Now having died in a good old age, Kathryn was “full of days, riches, and honor.” She is survived by two daughters, one son, seven grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, and seven great-great-grandchildren. Her son Leroy and Russ Nesbit shared at the service in the hall, with Jerald Lukensmeyer speaking at the graveside.