British Columbia
Langley: The assembly purposed two weeks of gospel meetings in person and livestreamed with Peter Ramsay commencing September 18. Prayer is requested for a number of unsaved children, among them visitors, ESL class students and the neighboring community.
McIvers/Corner Brook: The believers in these assemblies held two weeks of open-air FM gospel meetings in August, one week in Irishtown-Summerside with Marvin Derksen and Dave Mullett (St. John’s, NL) and a second week in the parking lot of the Country Road Gospel Hall in Corner Brook with local brethren. Both series were well attended.
Arnstein: The assembly held a week of gospel meetings (in person and livestreamed) August 21-28, and Vacation Bible School August 22-26, both at the Arnstein Community Rink, with Ross Vanstone speaking. The help of sisters in the assembly during the VBS was appreciated. Nearly 50 children attended on the last day and a large number of adults. The preaching of the gospel each night was heartwarming as Ross directed everyone’s thoughts to the Lord. There were a number of unsaved to speak to, as well as a number of good contacts made.
Courtland: The Grace Gospel assembly in Delmer held gospel tent meetings with Jim Bergsma and Steve Kember for two weeks that concluded on August 28. They were encouraged with the excellent attendance of newcomers. As a result, they have over 150 people to follow up on. The community, mostly made up of Dutch and Mennonite families in the area, were very faithful in attending and a few have asked for a return next year. The assembly is very thankful and appreciated the prayers and support of the Lord’s people who upheld these meetings before the Lord in prayer.
Orillia: Eugene Badgley preached the gospel via Zoom for the Dominion assembly on August 14.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: The assembly requests prayer that the Lord will bless in salvation during the purposed gospel series in the hall with Eugene Higgins September 25-October 12, D.V.
Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on the “Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Bryon Meyers (August 13), John See (Malaysia, August 20), David Richards (August 27) and Tom Baker (September 3).
Terryville: The assembly enjoyed laboring together in their gospel outreach at the Terryville Fair August 26-28. The seed of the gospel was sown by distributing wristbands, magnets, calendars and much more. Contacts were made and Spirit-led conversations were encouraging. This annual work has continued for over four decades, and they look to God who gives the increase.
Cedar Falls: The assembly was encouraged on August 7 by two believers obeying the Lord in baptism. The start date of gospel meetings with John Meekin and Brody Thibodeau was moved from September 18 to October 2. Prayer is requested for these meetings.
Clarksville: Gospel meetings with Clive Barber and Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA) that began August 7 closed on August 19 with blessing in salvation. The meetings were very well supported by the local saints and their families. Several young adults from the vicinity attended and showed interest.
Hampton: Clive Barber and Isaiah Frazier commenced gospel meetings on August 21.
Battle Creek: Much gratitude and appreciation has been expressed by the Lord’s people in Venezuela for the relief received in the past years through the VRF. A respected couple from Coro in the state of Falcón commented very recently that if it wasn’t for the relief received, they themselves and others of the Lord’s people would not have survived. The current situation differs from the past in that food and medical supplies are now more available but at prices the majority of the people cannot afford because devaluation of the local currency has returned recently with a vengeance, resulting in renewed inflationary pressures. Also, the recently changed socialist Colombian government is reopening relations with Venezuela, which is driving more people to decide to leave Venezuela. VRF continues to provide medical assistance, and to ship food as well as support local production in Venezuela for the Lord’s people, as the Lord provides.
Saginaw: The assembly appreciated ministry from Ivan Hoath (Sherman, MI) and Paul Wielenga (Jackson, MI) at their August 7 bimonthly ministry meeting. The Saginaw believers and saints from surrounding assemblies were greatly encouraged with sound ministry from the Word of God and a clearly presented gospel message.
Fridley: Gospel meetings with Brandon Doll and William Skates that began on August 7 closed on August 19. There was continued interest throughout but no news of salvation. Please continue to pray that the seed planted would be blessed.
New Jersey
Pennsauken: The assembly enjoyed five nights of gospel meetings August 8-12 with Gene Higgins. Each night a different five-word phrase was taken up from the Scriptures. The meetings were well attended by 30-50 young people each evening.
New York
Belfast: The assembly had a booth at a local fair to give away Scripture texts and other items on August 6. A good turnout for the Gospel Hall Community Picnic held on August 20 was encouraging to the saints. Prayer is requested for the seed sown to many at these outreaches.
Akron: During their conference in the hall and livestreamed this past Labor Day weekend, the assembly was greatly encouraged by the profitable and practical teaching of the Word of God by Russell Coleman, Sandy Higgins and David Petterson. The believers appreciated the time of fellowship with many visiting saints. They trust that the Lord will bless His Word presented to the encouragement and growth of His people and the salvation of the lost.
Crandon: The assembly hosted two weeks of tent meetings in August with Bill Seale in the town of Pearisburg. Attendance was good and the gospel was clearly presented. The believers appreciate prayer for the gospel efforts in the area, including a literature distribution at a local flea market in September.
West Virginia
New Creek: Joe Camarra (Worcester, MA) and Joel Portman commenced gospel meetings August 21. Attendance was encouraging.
Mount Sterling: Gospel meetings with Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI) and Isaiah Frazier that commenced August 7 closed August 31 with blessing in salvation. Two local brethren took over for Isaiah Frazier as he left for meetings in Hampton, IA.
Guasave: The assembly appreciated a visit from José Antonio Rodríguez (Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl) August 21-24. His help in both ministry and the gospel was an encouragement to the believers. José Antonio has family in this area, and it was his request many years ago for others to visit this city which started the work.
Zapopan: During the first week of August, the assembly had the privilege of listening to ministry from Dr. Sandy Higgins. His teaching on the first four chapters of Matthew was very helpful for the believers that were present as well as others who connected via Zoom. One of the evenings he spoke on the life of John the Baptist who served the Lord for a short time and then was called home. This truth struck close to home.
Xalapa: A family opened their home for gospel meetings after hearing Timothy Stevenson preach the gospel at a wake in a nearby town some time ago.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: The assembly held two weeks of gospel meetings at the beginning of August, with encouraging interest shown on the part of unbelievers. Shad Kember, Paul Thiessen, and David Cadenas all helped in this effort. Three days of children’s meetings were also held with approximately 60 children in attendance to hear the gospel.
Other Fields
Bicester: Four weeks of drive-in gospel meetings with Eugene Higgins and two weeks respectively with James Cartwright (Northampton) and Joel Lacey (Bicester) concluded on August 7. Unbelievers were present each night, and several unsaved have been consistent in their attendance. There was liberty and help to preach faithfully each night. The assembly appreciated the support from neighboring meetings and believers from other counties. The area was well visited, with some good conversations at the doors, and the results are left in God’s hand.
Northern Ireland
Co. Armagh
Armagh: J. Fleck and R. Kirkpatrick concluded eight weeks of gospel meetings in the hall in the middle of June. The assembly was greatly encouraged in knowing of the Lord’s blessing.
Clonroot: The assembly purposes gospel meetings October 2-29, D.V., in Chapman’s yard, Armagh Road, Portadown, with David Gilliland and Craig Munro.
Drumnacanver: The assembly purposes to commence a gospel series on September 4 with M. Campbell and J. Rogers.
Co. Down
Dromore: The gospel series in the hall with A. Steele and D. Strahan concluded on July 1 after eight weeks, with a number professing salvation.
Ballykeel: The assembly (outside Dromore) erected a tent at Donaghcloney Primary school and held gospel meetings July 31-August 26 with A. Steele and D. Gilliland. In spite of being a holiday time, the meetings were very well attended.
Kilkeel: The assembly pitched a tent in a field just outside the town and commenced gospel meetings on July 24 with S. Gilfillan and D. Strahan.
Newtownards: The James Street assembly obtained permission to use a parking lot in the town each evening August 14-26 for drive-in gospel meetings with E. Fairfield.
Co. Tyrone
Newtownstewart: In June, D. Gilliland and J. Rogers held four weeks of gospel meetings in the hall. On the Lord’s Day, the meeting was held in the local livestock mart parking lot, with local people attending.
Co. Londonderry
Coleraine: Bushmills Bible readings were held indoors in the large assembly hall of the Coleraine Grammar School. Over 600 believers attended nightly for two weeks, July 11-22, as the Word of God was opened and discussed. The subject was “Studies in the Book of Ruth” and the Bible readings were led by D. Gilliland.
Quilly: On June 19, R. Kirkpatrick and W. Martin commenced two weeks of drive-in gospel meetings in the townland on the farmyard of the late E. Sherrid (Coleraine). A good number of neighbors attended and the gospel was clearly presented.
Portrush: Open-air gospel meetings were held at the Amphitheatre each morning starting July 11 at 11am for two weeks. Many on holiday and those passing by heard the Word of God presented and many gospel tracts were distributed. At the same time in the gospel hall, R. Plant held two weeks of children’s meetings each morning at 11am, with a nice number of children (many on holiday) attending. The assembly also held drive-in gospel meetings July 23-August 7 at “The Pitts,” with E. Fairfield and J. Rogers preaching. All were encouraged to see so many attending and to hear of blessing in salvation.
Limavady: The assembly expects to commence gospel meetings in their hall on September 4 with T. Armstrong and M. Radcliffe. Please pray for the Lord’s blessing.
Co. Antrim
Ballywatermoy: The assembly purposes to have a gospel series beginning September 4 with N. Fleck and S. Wells.
Manchester, IA
October 1-2, at the Gathering Place, 1711 North 2nd St. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Children’s Meeting 1pm, Testimony/Gospel 5:45pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 11:30am and 2pm, Children’s Meeting 1pm, Gospel 4pm. Info or accom: Luke Roling, Tel: 563-608-2920; E-mail:
Vancouver, BC
October 8-9, the 109th Vancouver Thanksgiving Conference will be hosted by the Victoria Drive assembly. It will be held at the South Burnaby Gospel Hall at 6907 Elwell Street, Burnaby, BC, for its larger seating capacity. The sessions for Saturday will be at 10:30am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm and 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Two meals will be served on Saturday and an evening meal on Sunday. The speakers expected are Willians Alcala, Tom Baker, Marvin Derksen and Craig Saword. Please contact Eddie Wong in advance if accommodations are needed at
Blue River, WI
October 15-16, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 14, at 8pm in the gospel hall. All other meetings are at the Highland High School starting at 10am on October 15. Lord’s Day: Bible reading (The future glories of our Lord Jesus Christ) 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am. For inquiries contact Jim Frazier, Email:; Tel: 608-537-2977.
Saskatoon, SK
November 5-6, with prayer meeting on Friday, November 4, at 7:30pm in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road. Saturday: Ministry 10:15am and 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 11:15am and 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. For inquiries contact Murray Buckingham, Tel. 306-291-5684, Email:; Gospel Hall, Tel: 306-249-5044.
Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA
November 11-13, annual conference with prayer meeting on Friday, November 11, at 7:30pm in the Hatboro Gospel Hall. All other meetings will be at Christ Home Community Center, 800 Ν. York Road, Warminster, PA 18974. Saturday: Ministry 11am and 2:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4pm. Speakers expected: Larry Perkins, Daniel Shutt, Frank Sona and David Vallance (Livonia, MI). Accom: Alan Oliver, Email:; Tel: 215-806-1714 or James Buchanan, Email:; Tel: 445-448-0116. Info: James Coleman, Email:
Maberly, ON
November 26, at Wheeler’s Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Meetings are at 2:15pm and 6:15pm. Directions: Take Hwy 7 to Maberly, take Maberly-Elphin Rd. north to McDonald’s Corners, turn right and follow the signs to Wheeler’s Pancake House. Lord’s Day (at the gospel hall): Breaking of Bread 9:30am. Further meetings to be announced at the conference. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Tel: 613-268-2616; Email:
Phoenix, AZ
November 26-27, with prayer meeting on Friday, November 25, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 1246 E. Garfield St. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (2 Timothy 2), Ministry 1pm, Gospel 4pm. Lord’s Day: Sunday School 9:30am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 1pm, Gospel 4pm. Lunch will be served both days. Corr. Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85305; Tel: 602-818-4190;
Conferences Previously Published:
Kirkfield, ON – October 1
Roseisle, MB – October 1-2
Sussex, NB – October 8-9
L’Anse au Loup, NL – October 15-16 (tentatively)
Alpena, AR – November 5-6
Reprint of Fisher Hunter’s book Hidden Gleams of the Deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ is available at New England Bible Sales ( Also available: The New Believers’ Hymn Book in hardback and leather, There Am I by Mark Sweetnam, Ritchie Character Series David by Craig Munro (new), Bringing Us To Glory in paperback and hardback by David Gooding. Contact brother Jim Thompson, Tel: 207-215-7986, Email:
Change of Address
Jim and Joyce Beattie, Apt 906 – 676 King Street, Midland, ON, L4R 4R3, Canada, Tel: 705-252-5754
Matthew and Esther Cain, 6410 Chebucto Road, Halifax, NS, B3L 1L2, Canada
Allan and Gloria Christopherson, Tel: 319-360-8194
Ena Brooks of Loring, ON, on January 17, 2022, age 104. She was saved on May 24, 1945, while speaking to Aubrey Dellandrea. She and her late husband Stanley celebrated their 77th wedding anniversary and spent many happy years of fellowship in the Arnstein, ON, assembly. Ena remained in her own home well into her 101st year, and then the remaining years in a nursing home. She was predeceased by a daughter Donna, son Dale, and husband Stanley. She leaves behind one son, Halliet (Juanita), daughter-in-law Joan, seven grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and 15 great-great-grandchildren. The funeral was taken by David Booth and her burial took place in the spring on May 28, 2022.
Frances Agnes Rodgers (nee Simms) of Sudbury, ON, on June 10, 2022, in her 90th year. Her dear husband Ivan predeceased her in 1999. Long in the fellowship of the assembly meeting near the intersection of Bessie Street and Alder Street, Sudbury, she was prevented from attending in recent years due to ill health. She was saved in 1942 in Arnstein, ON, when the gospel was preached by brethren Albert Joyce and Benjamin Widdifield. While residing in Sudbury, Ivan and Frances raised their three children, Randy (Evelyn), Greg (Susan), and Patti (Marcel), and their home was known for hospitality. Frances was the loving grandmother of seven and great-grandmother of five. She was a lady of prayer and of propriety. As Frances wished, the gospel was preached at her funeral by Bruce Rodgers and at the graveside by Brian Crawford. We anticipate a fond reunion!