

British Columbia

Maple Ridge: Tent meetings with Jonathan Procopio and local brethren from the Victoria Drive assembly in Vancouver concluded July 29 with blessing in salvation.


Brandon: The assembly was privileged to host a Seed Sowers distribution over the July long weekend. Believers from a number of assemblies came together and distributed 16,000 texts. There were also encouraging times of fellowship, singing, testimonies, and sharing of thoughts enjoyed from personal Scripture readings. The Sunday ministry meeting was taken by Andrew Baker (Marion, IA) and Ross Vanstone. The distribution was followed by six nights of gospel meetings with Ross and several local brethren. These tent meetings were held in a community near Brandon. They trust that the Lord will bless the spread of His Word through this outreach.


English Point: Brody Thibodeau spent three weeks with the saints in English Point (and L’anse au Loup) in June. He had a week of ministry titled “The Things God Values.” Brody also helped in the gospel, with some visitors attending for the first time, including two men who recently arrived from Ukraine. The saints were encouraged and are looking to the Lord to bless.

Flower’s Cove: Brody Thibodeau preached the gospel on the Saturday nights of July 9 and July 16.

Parson’s Pond: The assembly resumed Sunday School on July 10 and was encouraged by the number of children in attendance. As a result, they held one week of children’s meetings the following week, with Andrew Joyce (Corner Brook, NL) helping. They saw 27 different children attending. Many adults were also present throughout the week who had seldom or never been in the hall. Gospel meetings with Brody Thibodeau concluded July 29. Help from Liam Hannah (Toronto, ON) was appreciated during the last week of the meetings.


Beachburg: Murray Pratt, with the help of other brethren, held in-person gospel tent meetings July 10-24. The meetings were also livestreamed.

Brampton: The assembly is planning a series of gospel meetings in the hall with Jim Jarvis and Frank Sona, commencing September 11. The meetings will also be streamed online, and the link will be available on their website. The saints would appreciate your prayers that this would be a time of blessing and encouragement.

Kirkfield: The Victoria Road assembly held two weeks of drive-in gospel meetings July 10-22 in the nearby hamlet of Glenarm, using an FM transmitter to broadcast to people in their cars and homes within the transmitting range.  Actual drive-in attendance was down from last year, but unsaved were present every night, as well as believers from nearby congregations who enjoyed the gospel truth. Brian Crawford and Lorne Langfeld spoke searching messages. A sister who was saved five years ago was baptised during the meetings. The assembly plans to resume their annual conference on Saturday, October 1, 2022, for one day only.

Mississauga: The assembly at Applewood Heights will not be having their annual conference this year. However, they are looking forward to hosting an in-person conference next year, September 23-24, 2023, D.V.

Newmarket: The assembly had an encouraging week of VBS children’s outreach July 11-15, with Lorne Langfeld speaking. They also appreciated recent Lord’s Day visits from Fred Krauss and Don Nicholson in June, and Lorne Langfeld in July.

Strongville: The assembly purposed to have eight nights of gospel meetings in the hall August 14-21 with Brian Crawford and Eric Fowler.

Prince Edward Island

Cornwall: David Hierlihy had children’s meetings July 25-29. In the evenings, he and John Turkington (Charlottetown, PE) preached the gospel until July 31.

Summerside: The assembly held a week of children’s meetings June 13-17 with David Hierlihy. The believers were very encouraged by the number of children and adults that attended during the week.



Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on the “Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Paul Barnhardt (June 9), Glen Baker (June 16), Joel Portman (June 23), Tim Woodford (July 30), and David Vallance (Livonia, MI, August 6).


Springdale: Children’s meetings and gospel meetings were held for eight days in July. It brought joy to the believers to see some children attending for the first time, and some parents who remained for the gospel afterwards. Local brethren were responsible for this effort.


Clarksville: After two weeks of gospel meetings in Waterloo, Clive Barber and Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA) relocated the tent here for another two weeks beginning Sunday, August 7. These meetings were in connection with the Antioch assembly.

Dunkerton: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Jerry Jennings on the Lord’s Day, July 2, and appreciated his ministry Tuesday and Wednesday, July 5-6.

Parkersburg: Gospel meetings with William Skates and Andrew Steele closed July 31 with blessing in salvation.

Waterloo: Gospel tent meetings that commenced next to the Salvation Army on July 23 with Clive Barber and Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA) closed on August 5. The tent was moved to Clarksville, IA.


Fridley: The assembly commenced gospel meetings on August 7 with Brandon Doll and William Skates. Around 9,000 invitations have gone out into the communities around the hall. Please pray that they would be blessed and that souls would be saved for His glory.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The assembly held in-person gospel tent meetings July 10-24 with Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI) and Peter Ramsay. The meetings were also livestreamed.


Cleveland: The assembly was highly encouraged by the great attendance and teaching at their annual conference, July 30-31. Mike Knox presented clear and helpful teaching on “How to Read and Study God’s Word” over the two days.


Bryn Mawr: The assembly hosted a series of gospel meetings July 10-24. Local brethren, Daniel Baker and David Oliver, spoke each night on biblical prophecy related to the birth, life, death, resurrection and return of the Lord Jesus. A number of visitors returned from the recent series in February and some new contacts attended for the first time. The assembly was thankful to see clear evidence of the Lord’s working with some who attended. Please pray for the Word that was sown.


San Antonio: Over the past number of months, since the work in the gospel commenced, God has blessed in the salvation of some precious souls, and others are showing a real interest in the things of God. Shad Kember visited again in July, followed by Marcus and Alison Cain, to help in meetings while John and Rebekah Nesbitt were away visiting Veracruz, Mexico.


Marysville: Gospel tent meetings were held July 17-31 in the activity field behind the gospel hall. The gospel was simply and faithfully presented each evening by Gaius Goff and Dan Shutt. During the first week, a group of Seed Sowers from the midwest and east coast were joined by teens from the assemblies in western Washington to deliver texts and invitations to the Marysville and Arlington areas. VBS was held each morning. The attendance was good, with some professing faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Okanogan and Moses Lake: In mid-June, a tent was pitched in Okanogan, with Tony Flett, Tom Hoy and others preaching the gospel each evening as well as during VBS in the mornings. Tom Hoy continued for two weeks in early July with other young men in the tent in Moses Lake with VBS and gospel meetings. Please pray for the seed sown through the preaching and the invitations mailed out containing illustrations of the gospel message.


Blue River: Gospel meetings that commenced May 18 with Brandon Doll and Joel Portman closed on July 10 with blessing in salvation. The assembly was encouraged by one young sister being received into fellowship on July 10, by the baptism of five young people on July 17, and by a young brother also received into fellowship on July 24.

La Crosse: The assembly held gospel meetings beginning July 10 with Larry Perkins and Isaiah Frazier for the first week, and then Larry Perkins and Matthew Smith (Jackson, MI) for the second week. They had some new outside interest every night, and were encouraged. The saints also held five nights of children’s meetings August 7-11 with Paul Barnhardt. Please pray for blessing from these meetings. The assembly will not be hosting their annual conference in October this year because they were unable to secure a location.

Mount Sterling: The assembly commenced gospel meetings on August 7 in the hall with Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI) and Isaiah Frazier.


Nuevo León

Juárez (Monterrey): During the last week of June, the assembly appreciated Paul and Barb Thiessen’s visit. Paul gave beneficial teaching on the enemies of the believer. Romer and Edith Mosquera (Hermosillo) were with the assembly in July, and he helped both in the gospel and teaching, taking up various lessons from the Gospel of Luke.


Ciudad Delicias: The believers have commenced a weekly gospel meeting on Sunday afternoons.

El Vergel: The local believers are now having a weekly Sunday School as well as a Bible study.


Hermosillo: Weekly gospel meetings continue each Monday in the carport of Jesús Rochin, saved in 2020. The sustained interest of those who attend is encouraging, including Jesús’ unsaved wife Dora, for whom prayers are appreciated.

San Luis Potosí

El Barril: Ricky Sawatzky visited in July and had five nights of children’s meetings. The attendance was encouraging and the children worked hard at getting others out.


Puebla: Samuel Chesney and Timothy Stevenson continue visiting this needy city on a regular basis. In June, a house meeting was held in María’s home. Like Cornelius, she invited others in to hear the message of the gospel. It was encouraging to see the interest shown by the good questions asked after the meeting.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: Anderson Hernández visited July 12-17. The believers were very encouraged by the rich teaching he gave on this occasion. On July 17, Clive and Rachel Barber visited as well, and he gave help in the gospel and teaching.


Arlington/Marysville, WA

September 2-4, Labor Day conference in the Arlington Gospel Hall. We would like to extend a very warm welcome and invitation for all to join us for food, fellowship, encouragement, Bible studies, ministry, the gospel, and community. Friday: Prayer meeting 7pm. Stephen Grant (Scotland) and Mark Sweetnam (Ireland) will be leading the Bible study on 1 Thessalonians 4-5 Saturday and Sunday mornings. Children’s meeting will be conducted Saturday/Sunday afternoons. Accommodations gladly provided. Please contact Jim and Beverly Klein, Email: kleinklan123@hotmail.com. We look forward to seeing you soon. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Ankeny, IA

September 10-11, at the Albaugh Family Senior Community Center, 150 NW Ash Dr. on Saturday, and the Ankeny Gospel Hall, 803 SW 3rd St. on Sunday. Saturday: First session begins 10am. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am.  For more information, please contact Corr. Dan Massoth, Tel: 515-556-9470; Email: ankenygospelhall@hotmail.com.

Midland Park, NJ

September 17-18, annual conference with prayer meeting on Friday, September 16, at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Panel Discussion 3:30pm, Dinner 4:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School noon, Ministry 2pm, Panel Discussion 3:30pm, Gospel 4:30pm, Dinner 5pm. Speakers expected: Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI), Ian Jackson (UK), and Enris Nase (Albania). Website: https://midlandparkgospelhall.com. Accom: David Hamilton, Email: davidandjoyhamilton@gmail.com; Tel: 646-522-4364. Info: Henry Carmichael, Email: correspondent@midlandparkgospelhall.org.

Kirkfield, ON

October 1, in the Victoria Road Gospel Hall. Ministry is scheduled to begin at 10am and continue throughout the day, with dinner and supper served at the hall. Brethren who have the confidence of the assembly will be welcome to participate. Please plan to attend the resumption of our small rural conference; after a two-year pause, we look forward to seeing you. For more information, contact Corr: Chad Foreshew, Email: crforeshew@live.ca; Cell: 705-344-1666.

Roseisle, MB

October 1-2, with prayer meeting Friday, September 30, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall. All other meetings will be held in the St. Claude Community Centre, 58 PR-240, St. Claude, MB. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Luke 11:1-36, led by Alan Summers), Ministry 2pm and 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday School 1:15 pm, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 7pm. For information contact Aaron Dyck, Tel: 204-332-0377; Email: aaronandshannonmail@yahoo.ca.

Sussex, NB

October 8- 9, with prayer meeting on Friday, October 7, in the gospel hall. (Please note: this is the Thanksgiving Day weekend, one week later than our usual conference dates.) All other meetings will be in the Sussex High School. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2:30pm, Children’s Meeting 1pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Excellent meals are provided each day. For information, please contact Jim MacIntosh, Tel: 506-943-0101; Email: j1947m@rogers.com. To arrange for accommodations in advance, contact Trevor McClelland, Tel: 506-433-1234; Email: trevor@commercialtent.com.

L’Anse au Loup, NL

October 15-16 (tentatively), with prayer meeting at 7:30pm on Friday, October 14. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 7:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9am, Sunday School 11am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7:30pm. Accom: Francis Barney, Tel: 709-927-5696 or Ewart Linstead, Email: elinstead@nf.sympatico.ca.

Conferences Previously Published:

Akron, OH – September 3

Hampton, IA – September 3-4

Hitesville, IA – September 17-18

Alpena, AR – November 5-6