


Calgary: The West Hillhurst assembly conducted tent meetings July 8-17 with Ross Vanstone and local brethren helping that coincided with the Calgary Stampede.

British Columbia

Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly will be holding drive-in gospel meetings in their parking lot every Sunday night for the months of July and August with Ross Smyth (Burnaby, BC), along with other local brethren. The assembly will also hold their annual DVBS in the mornings at the hall August 8-12, D.V. Prayer is requested for these gospel efforts. The assembly also hosted afternoon ministry with Dave Richards and Jonathan Procopio on July 10.

Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly purposed three weeks of in-person Vacation Bible School at Norquay Park (July 18-23), Rupert Park (August 1-6), and at the hall (August 29-September 3). Gospel tent meetings were held for the month of July in Maple Ridge, a neighboring community of Vancouver with no assembly testimony. Jonathan Procopio was helped by brethren of the Victoria Drive assembly. At the time of reporting, the meetings were well attended each night.


Parson’s Pond: The assembly commenced outdoor gospel meetings at the hall with Brody Thibodeau on July 3.


Kirkfield: With the support of the Victoria Road assembly, Lorne Langfeld participated in gospel outreach at the Automotive Flea Markets in Lindsay (May 28-29), Barrie/Oro-Medonte (June 2-5) and Bonfield (June 16-19).

Orillia: Eric Fowler preached the gospel via Zoom for the Dominion assembly on June 26.

Puslinch: The Valens assembly held a two-week gospel series on Gore Road with Bob Curry (Laurel, ON) and Jim Jarvis. It was a drive-in style meeting with open air seating as well.

Prince Edward Island

Summerside: The Pope Road assembly had a week of children’s meetings June 13-17 with David Hierlihy. The Christians were very encouraged by the number of children and adults in attendance during the week.



Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on the “Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Robert Dennison (Saginaw, MI, June 11), Gene Higgins (June 18), Ken Taylor (June 25) and Brandon Basque-Albert (July 2).


Springdale: Paul Thiessen was recently with the assembly for a weekend of clear teaching in June from the Word of God.


Dike: Clive Barber and Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA) commenced gospel tent meetings in connection with the Stout assembly on June 18.

Marion: Clive Barber visited the assembly for ministry on Wednesday, June 15.

Parkersburg: Gospel meetings in connection with the Stout assembly were purposed July 10-31 at the VFW building with William Skates and Andrew Steele from Northern Ireland. Prayer would be appreciated for these meetings.

West Liberty: Prayer is requested for the ongoing work in this town, with meetings each Sunday afternoon at the West Liberty Community Center, supported by the believers in Marion. Also, a weekly gospel meeting/Bible study has started in the home of Josean and Yashira, a Puerto Rican couple who have expressed an interest in being saved. Please pray for their salvation.


Madison: The assembly was encouraged in May to witness a teenage girl obey the Lord in baptism.


Battle Creek: VRF: Support to the Lord’s people in Venezuela continues as the Lord provides. Both the production of crops in the country and shipments of food are ongoing, as well as support for medical needs. The relaxing of exchange controls on currency has enabled an influx of products of every kind from different sources. However, the extremely high cost makes it impossible for the majority of the population to be able to afford the purchase of these products. The prayers of the Lord’s people are greatly appreciated.

Jackson: The Lord gave help in preaching and was pleased to work during tent meetings held in June with Gordon Armstrong (Tampa, FL) and Bill Seale.

New Jersey

Pennsauken: The assembly enjoyed three weeks of tent meetings June 5-26 with Kory Crawford and Marvin Derksen. Support was excellent from Barrington, Olney, Bryn Mawr and Midland Park. A wide variety of unsaved heard the gospel faithfully presented, and the assembly looks to the Lord to bless the seed sown.

North Dakota

Grand Forks: The pioneer gospel effort with Jamie Brandt (Black River Falls, WI) and Jerry Jennings that commenced June 6 closed on June 17. Despite 22,000 invitations distributed, little interest was shown.


Cleveland: The assembly appreciated a week of gospel meetings June 5-10. Dale Vitale faithfully presented the gospel along with two local brethren. A number of visitors were present. Vacation Bible School meetings were also planned for the week of July 11.



Chihuahua: Six weeks of gospel meetings concluded in June. An outdoor speaker was also utilized so that neighbors could hear the messages.


Ciudad Obregón: After a long hiatus, all meetings are now held in the hall.


Matilde (Pachuca): The assembly recently recommenced their Sunday School and were encouraged to see new contacts attending.

Mexico State

Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl: The believers continue to evangelize in the areas surrounding the hall the third Saturday of each month. The response has been very encouraging, as they have seen some who were already believers attending as well as unsaved neighbors.


Oacalco: Duncan and Anna Beckett, along with the help of local believers, continue to visit the outdoor markets to give out New Testaments. Duncan also preaches the gospel in the open air.


Iguala: The assembly commenced a weekly house meeting on Friday nights in the home of a new contact. The attendance has been very encouraging.


Veracruz: On June 17, local brethren had the opportunity to preach the gospel in an orphanage. The children listened attentively to the message. Timothy Stevenson visited the assembly on June 23 and shared encouraging ministry from Philippians.

Xalapa: The assembly recently commemorated their seventh anniversary with meetings held over the weekend. Angel Baez (Veracruz), Duncan Beckett and Samuel Chesney gave appreciated help in the gospel, the Bible Study and the ministry. Over 70 people were in attendance, including a good number from the assembly in the port city of Veracruz. They also enjoyed a visit from Tom McCann (N. Ireland), along with his help in evangelization and the preaching of the gospel in this city and surrounding towns. Timothy Stevenson once again visited the nearby city of Puebla and had ample opportunity to preach the gospel in the open air. Samuel and Ruth Chesney recently arrived in Xalapa, commended to the work of the Lord from the Clonkeen assembly in Northern Ireland. They are studying the Spanish language and supporting the work alongside Timothy and Jenna Stevenson.

Quintana Roo

Cancún: The assembly had three weeks of gospel meetings. David Cadenas and Timothy Turkington were helped in the first two weeks by Shad Kember. Three believers obeyed the Lord in baptism as well.


Akron, OH

September 3, in person and online at the Akron Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road. Ministry 10am and 1:30pm, Gospel 6pm. We expect Russell Coleman, Sandy Higgins and David Petterson to be with us for these meetings. Lunch and dinner will be served. Additional details and a link to this event are available at https://akrongospelhall.com. With seating capacity limited, please email timothywebb1020@gmail.com if you plan to attend or have any questions.

Hitesville, IA

September 17-18, with prayer meeting on September 16 at 7:30pm. Bible Reading will be on Psalm 22.

Conferences Previously Published:

Hampton, IA – September 3-4

Alpena, AR – November 5-6


If you are considering use of The New Believers’ Hymn Book for your assembly, contact Jim Thompson, email: jptbooks@gmail.com for a sample copy and a list of well-known hymns that are included.

Change of Address

Jack and Ruth Gould, 114 – 5445 Roblin Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB, R3R 3W7, Canada


Merrill Klingbeil of Strongville, ON, on January 4, 2022, age 91. Born on October 18, 1930, in rural Saskatchewan, he was married for 70 years to his sweetheart, Elaine. Merrill was a CN policeman for 37 years and settled in Barrie, ON, with his wife and three children. He was an excellent jack-of-all-trades, with a keen interest in machines of all kinds. Merrill was known for his kind, friendly manner and gentle interest in all. He attended the Strongville Gospel Hall for approximately 40 years and was an active elder in all the assembly activities. Despite failing health, his heart was with the believers and his family as he bravely battled cancer in his later years. A graveside service was held on May 5, 2022, in Barrie. Merrill will be greatly missed, as he leaves behind his dear wife Elaine, two children and their spouses, six grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

Ronald James Thompson of Petrolia, ON, on March 24, 2022, age 87. Ron was saved through John 3:16 the same night as his then-girlfriend, Roseann, during a series of meetings with Hector Alves on November 16, 1952. They were later married and in assembly fellowship in Sarnia, ON, until they moved to a farm near Oil Springs, ON, where they have been in happy fellowship since the early 1980s. They have a cottage near Lion’s Head, ON, and fellowshipped during the summers with the saints in Owen Sound, ON. Ron was predeceased by his son Clayton and is survived by his wife Roseann of 68 years, five sons, one daughter, 19 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. His last words as he left this earth were: “Glorious, glorious, glorious.” The large funeral taken by Max McLean and Don Currie was a tribute to him.

Sadie Barbour of St. John’s, NL, on April 5, 2022, at the age of 98. She married Albert Barbour on November 24, 1941. They attended the first tent series held in St. John’s by brethren Herb Harris and Douglas Howard in June 1946. Albert was saved on June 26 through Acts 16:31, and Sadie was saved four days later while reading Isaiah 53:5. They were founding members of the assembly that was formed in the city in 1948. From the beginning, they committed themselves to the furtherance of the gospel and the encouragement of the Lord’s people. Together, Albert and Sadie were known for cheerful hospitality, hosting many visitors, including the Lord’s servants. Their united exercise made their home a place where many heard the way of salvation. Sadie was predeceased by her husband Albert and one son. She is greatly missed by her seven children and their families.

Robert (Bob) Barbour of Annalong, Northern Ireland, on April 15, 2022. He was one of five children and was predeceased by his wife Margaret. Married on July 16, 1957, Bob realized his need of salvation while attending meetings in Riverside Farm conducted by Tom Campbell and Harold Paisley. In 1963, while attending gospel meetings with J. Thompson and F. Shannon in a portable hall at Ballyveaghbeg, Bob was saved on September 29. A few days later his wife Margaret got saved, and both were baptised and received into the Annalong assembly, where they were greatly appreciated. The large funeral from his home to the Gospel Hall Burial Ground was taken by T. Meekin, R. Pickering, J. Bingham, S. Thompson, W. Ross, his son William, and son-in-law Adam. Bob leaves three sons, three daughters, their spouses, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and two sisters. Prayer is requested for all and any out of Christ.

Rhoda Cumming of Surrey, BC, on April 25, 2022, age 97. Saved at age 9, she dedicated her life in 1946 to serving the Lord overseas. Three months after their wedding, Bruce and Rhoda Cumming arrived in Venezuela and spent nearly 60 years sharing the gospel. A graduate of Teacher’s College, Rhoda taught children’s Bible classes in 50 different venues. The Lord graciously saved many of her students, who are now valued assembly believers and carrying on the same work with children. She developed resources and published a book in Spanish on teaching children the gospel. After her return to Canada, Rhoda wrote two more books and continued supporting the Venezuelan Christians by providing supplies and Scripture pamphlets for distribution in remote areas of the country. Jason Adams of the Fleetwood assembly spoke a clear gospel message at her funeral. Please pray for her family, some of whom are still unsaved.

Mervyn James Cottrill of Ottawa, ON, on May 11, 2022, age 84. Mervyn was born in Huntsville, ON, and was born again at the age of 14. He and his wife Marion were married for 63 years. Mervyn was a respected elder in the Ottawa assembly at North River Road for over 50 years, and he and his wife were known for their hospitality and their care for the Lord’s people. Our brother was faithful in sharing the gospel with many contacts over the years. In addition to his wife, Mervyn leaves behind his four children Brenda-Lee (Peter) Fleming, Brent (Joanne), Peggy Ann (Steve) Bell and Keri-Lyn (Mark) Halliday, as well as nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The funeral was taken by Glen Todd, Aaron Kember and Brent Cottrill, with Steve Bell speaking at the graveside.

Bonnie J. Lindaman of Grundy Center, IA, on May 14, 2022, age 80. In 1996, she and her husband Larry were attending gospel tent meetings that were being conducted in an outreach in Evansdale, IA, by Gaius Goff and Carl Payne. Larry was saved on September 17 and Bonnie at 1:40 a.m. on September 21. While first reading Romans 5:6, she agreed with the Word that she was an ungodly sinner, and then while reading Romans 10:9-13, she believed the Word that Christ died and rose again for her. Following baptism they fellowshipped with the believers in the Stout, IA, assembly. Larry went home to be with the Lord in 2003. Bonnie is survived by two daughters and their spouses, four grandchildren, five step-grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Russ Nesbit spoke at the service held in the Stout Gospel Hall.

June Gaylord of Maberly, ON, on May 17, 2022, age 92. She was saved in 1955 when Timothy Kember and Murray McLeod took the gospel to her and her family in the Arden, ON, area. June and her husband Minor Gaylord formed part of the Maberly assembly planted in 1972. Both were exercised and happy believers, attending all meetings, often traveling many miles from Arden before moving to Perth, ON. Her hospitable and cheerful testimony endeared her to many. After a lengthy illness and weakness, June passed away in Perth hospital. She will be greatly missed by all. A good number of relatives and friends attended the funeral, taken by Murray McLeod, where her life was remembered and the seed of the gospel was sown. The Lord will bless His Word. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Psa 116:15).

Dale Decker of Jackson, MI, on June 6, 2022, age 87. He was born May 16, 1935, in Deckerville, MI, to Charles and Alice (Hooper) Decker. On June 14, 1952, after an uncle was killed in a sawmill accident, Dale realized he would be lost if it had been him, and through Acts 16:31 he saw that Christ died for him and his sins were forgiven. He was faithful in his service to others, whether in worship, prayer, Bible readings, ministry or preaching the gospel, as well as giving to the work of the Lord. He and his wife had many children’s meetings in their home over the years, seeing fruit from their labors. Prayer is requested for his wife Yvonne of 66 years, his two sons, their families, and one sister, Lois Wielenga. The well-attended funeral service was taken by David Oliver, and Bill Seale spoke at the graveside.

Frank O. Procopio, Sr. of Middleton, MA, on Friday, June 10, 2022, age 92. He was born on February 28, 1930, and born again on July 13, 1944. Frank was a man who lived for God, followed his convictions, and ended his 78 years as a child of God serving many for good and in fellowship with the Christians in Byfield, MA. He leaves behind his loving wife Mary Celia (Grillo) Procopio of 68 years, his children Sherry, Cindy, Frank Procopio Jr., and Beccy (Paul) Beattie, five grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and his sister Katherine (Katie) Netti. The well-attended funeral was shared by his friend Dr. Mark Quitadamo, niece Jackie Smith, daughters Sherry Procopio and Beccy Beattie, and grandchildren Dylan, Francesca, Tanner and Justin. Son-in-law Paul Beattie and nephew Tim Procopio prayed at the service. The impact that this husband, father, grandfather and uncle had was evident in the words spoken.

Gerald Paine of Madison, ME, on June 12, 2022, age 94, peacefully in his sleep. He was born on October 21,1927, and born again February 23,1957. Gerald was first introduced to the gospel by Roger Greer and then reached and saved through John 5:24 during meetings held by Robert and Lennon McIIwaine. He was in God’s assembly 65 years and served faithfully to the end. The gospel was clearly preached by David Oliver at his funeral, and John Short Jr. spoke at the graveside. Please pray for family and friends out of Christ that heard the gospel message.