British Columbia
Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly held summer drive-in gospel meetings in the hall parking lot every Sunday night for the months of July and August. A good number of contacts from the neighborhood were attending and the neighbours can listen on their radios for approximately a three-block radius around the hall. The speakers were Ross Smyth (Burnaby, BC) and other local brethren. Please pray for blessing in salvation.
Kamloops: The assembly was encouraged with the baptism on August 1 of a young boy who professed salvation several years ago in Sunday School. A nice number were along to observe.
Glenarm: Brian Crawford and Lorne Langfeld held a series of drive-in gospel meetings July 18-23. This will be the second drive-in series in the area. They advertised in the local newspaper and also with a large bulk mailing.
Mississauga: The Applewood Heights assembly is hosting their Bible Reading conference September 25-26 via Zoom due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. See the Conference listings below for more information.
Toronto: The elders at Eglinton Avenue Gospel Hall have set aside funds to support assembly gospel outreach. They appreciate that gospel outreach involves many expenses, including space and equipment rental, printing, advertising, literature, transportation and support to the commended preachers. They would be very happy to prayerfully consider covering some or all of your specific gospel outreach activities. Please contact us at
To celebrate moving back into their assembly building, the West Hill assembly is having a celebration, and open-air gospel preaching by Stephen Vance in their parking lot on Saturday, September 11, 1-3pm, D.V. (if it rains, it will be on September 18). We would value your prayers.
Sudbury: In June, the assembly held weekly online ministry meetings via Zoom. Eugene Badgley shared seven nights of ministry/teaching on the “Journeys of the Children of Israel’’ accompanied by the Egypt to Canaan chart. Practical truths were shared regarding the Christian life and the assembly testimony. There was good attendance locally and nice support from other assemblies as well. The meetings are available to watch free on the 705 Gospel Outreach YouTube channel.
McIvers: The assembly commenced Drive-In gospel meetings with Jim Jarvis and local brethren on August 8. Prayer is requested for this outreach.
Taylorside: During the month of July, a week of well-attended children’s meetings was held in a nearby town, bringing encouragement to the saints.
Phoenix: In June, the Orangewood assembly commenced a series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on the Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ to help believers prepare for worship on Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Shad Kember Jr. (June 5), Tom Baker (June 12), Paul Thiessen (June 19), Kenneth Taylor (June 25), Gene Higgins (July 10), Duncan Beckett (July 17), Shawn St. Clair (July 24), Sandy Higgins (July 31), and John Dennison (August 7).
New Lennox: The assembly at Spring Creek, with Larry Perkins and local brethren, conducted gospel meetings in a tent pitched next to the hall, beginning August 1 and running for two weeks.
Dunkerton: Frank Sona and William Skates purposed gospel meetings August 15-20 in the small town of Dewar in connection with the Dunkerton assembly.
Stout: The assembly purposed gospel meetings with Al Christopherson and Dustin Hayes (Stout, IA) at The Mill truck stop at the intersection of Hwy 14 and Hwy 20 between the cities of Parkersburg and Grundy Center. The meetings were scheduled from August 7 through August 14 and may continue as the Lord leads.
A baptism was held at the Grundy County Lake in Dike on August 1 with three being baptized, one from Stout and two in connection with Hitesville, bringing much joy to the believers. Brandon Doll and William Skates spoke at the baptism.
Waterloo/Cedar Falls: The assembly held a Seed Sowers distribution June 28-July 2 and tent meetings in Waterloo next to the Salvation Army June 27-July 14 nightly. Attendance at the tent was very encouraging and the gospel was very clearly presented by three local brethren.
Fridley: The assembly commenced gospel meetings on August 8 with Brandon Doll and Isaiah Frazier. Around 2,000 invitations were distributed around the hall. Please pray that the invitations would be blessed, and that souls would be saved for God’s glory.
New York
Belfast: The assembly held a community picnic on July 17 with a good number attending. Dale Vitale gave a clear presentation of the gospel as well as encouraging ministry to the saints over the weekend. A booth has been secured at a local town festival for August 7 to hand out gospel tracts, texts, etc. Prayer is appreciated for the seed sown.
Matoaca: The assembly purposes to have two weeks of gospel tent meetings September 12-24, D.V. They covet the prayers of the Lord’s people in these trying and difficult times.
Arlington: Due to a COVID-19 outbreak, the assembly has switched their in-person conference to online. See the Conference section below for details.
Ontario: The gospel meetings that began June 27 with John Fitzpatrick and Isaiah Frazier closed July 21.
Nuevo León
Monterrey: The assembly commenced a series of studies on the seven pillars of the local church, looking at one each Lord’s Day. For the last few weeks they have been able to hold their weekly Sunday School in the hall.
Chihuahua: On July 26, a gospel series commenced in the hall in El Porvenir, preaching Monday through Wednesday. This was due to the interest shown by several parents of the Sunday School children.
Hermosillo: A young sister, saved last summer after being quite ill with COVID-19, was recently received into the fellowship, bringing joy to the believers.
Ciudad Obregón: The assembly enjoyed a visit on July 4 from Marcus Cain who shared two messages from the Word of God after the breaking of bread.
San Luis Potosí
El Barril: Timothy Turkington and Jason Wahls shared in two weeks of gospel meetings in the hall in July. The attendance and interest were encouraging, with several unsaved men showing more interest than ever before.
State of Mexico
Nezahualcóyotl: The believers rejoiced when Norma García was baptized on July 4, having had to wait a full year due to the pandemic. Pedro Pérez continues to wait for surgery for his brain tumor, and is recovering from COVID-19 as well.
Veracruz: On July 4, Guadalupe Corona obeyed the Lord in baptism. The believers are happy to continue meeting in the hall, and are thankful for the attendance of several new people showing interest in God’s Word.
Arlington, WA
September 4, changed to online via Zoom due to a COVID-19 outbreak, and a second day may be added. Brandon Doll, David Petterson, Dan Shutt and David Vallance will be sharing in the ministry and the gospel. Please also pray with us that these meetings would lift up the saints and glorify God.
Mississauga, ON
September 25-26, online. The believers of the Applewood Heights assembly would like to extend a hearty invitation to the Lord’s people for their Bible Reading conference convened virtually by Zoom again this year, as COVID-19 restrictions are still in place. The subject will be Paul’s letter to the Colossians (all 4 chapters), the content of which is “Living in Virtue of things which are above, while dying to the Vices of things below.” Leading the discussions will be Craig Munro, Jack Hay, Shawn St. Clair and Paul Robinson (Toronto, ON). Our desire is the edification and encouragement of God’s people. Details of times and order of the sessions are available on their website,
Cape Breton, NS
October 9-10 (cancelled)
St. Thomas, ON
October 9-10 (cancelled)
Conferences Previously Published:
Hampton, IA – September 4-5
Akron, OH – September 5 (online)
Ankeny, IA – September 11-12
Hitesville, IA – September 18-19
Alpena, AR – September 25-26
Change of Address
Alex and Irene Dryburgh, Windermere on the Mount, 209 – 1486 Richmond Street, London, ON, N6G 2M3
Change of Address of Correspondent
Stout, IA: Aric Stickfort, 615 – 2nd Street, PO Box 349, Stout, IA 50673; Tel: 319-404-1809; Email:
Sylvia McCandless of Dromore, Northern Ireland, on June 7, 2021, aged 62. Raised on a farm near Kilkeel, she heard the gospel from a young age. After marrying Ivan McCandless in Dromore on June 16, 1984, Sylvia received assurance of salvation in November 1989. Afterwards, Ivan was saved in meetings with James G. Hutchinson and Albert Aiken at Mullafernaghan. They were both baptised and received into fellowship at Mullafernaghan and years later they moved to the Growell assembly. Sylvia loved the Lord and His people, taught Sunday school, and did all she could for the Lord. Over the years she fostered over 40 children while raising her two sons. Her large funeral was in the Growell Gospel Hall and the burial took place in the Banbridge New Cemetery. It was conducted by Jonathan Booth, Jonathan Bingham, Andrew Redmond and Richard Wilson. Please pray for her husband Ivan and the family.
Randy Sluiter of Hitesville, IA, on June 21, 2021, age 70. Born on February 16, 1951, God reached him as a boy of 14 through Romans 5:6. He married Eunice Guyer in 1973, and both of them were committed to assembly truth, first in the Marion assembly and then in later years in Hitesville. After months of treatment for a brain tumor, the grace of God was marvelously witnessed. His grandson Kelton, age 19, was convicted of his need and professed salvation one day before his passing, and Randy’s son Aaron accepted the finished work of Christ personally on the day of his dad’s homecall, a cause for much rejoicing amidst the sadness. Randy leaves behind his wife Eunice, two daughters Dawn (Richard) Pursell and Alyssa, son Aaron, seven grandchildren, one brother Russell and one sister Ronda. Russell Sluiter, Robert Orr and Al Christopherson shared in the funeral.
Janet Portman of Cedar Rapids, IA, on July 22, 2021, aged 79. Raised in the Garnavillo assembly, she trusted Christ through Isaiah 53:6. Janet married Joel Portman in Seattle, WA, in 1967, and they returned to Garnavillo, IA, in 1976. She helped in the assembly and reared the family while Joel began preaching in 1978. Because of strokes, they moved to Cedar Rapids, where she faithfully supported the Marion assembly. Over 10 years she assembled over 900,000 Seed Sowers texts. Strokes eventually resulted in her being in the Linn Manor Care Center for two weeks prior to passing peacefully into the Lord’s presence. John Kregel read her obituary and made comments, Tim McCalley spoke of her Seed Sower work, and Bill Lavery preached the gospel to a large number and spoke at the graveside. Her husband and children mourn her loss, but with the assurance of seeing her again.
Holly (nee McPhee) Ramsay of Hatboro, PA, on July 29, 2021, age 77. She was born on September 11, 1943, and trusted Christ while reading John 3:16 on April 7, 1953. She married Donald Ramsay on April 10, 1965, and they eventually set up their home in Wethersfield, CT. Together with her husband, she was a “servant of the church” and a host to hundreds of the Lord’s people. This selfless service to the Lord and His people continued when they relocated to Hatboro. Holly was a warm-hearted and devoted believer who will be greatly missed. She is survived by her husband, her daughters Heidi (Larry) Coleman and Kim (Bill) Gross, and five grandchildren. “A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.”